Black is not sad black is poetic nghĩa là gì



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Miễn phí các danh sách từ và bài trắc nghiệm từ Cambridge

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At other times one misses the kind of imaginative language that might communicate the poetic experience some of the work affords.

Part of the explanation is, of course, the sheer weight of poetic simplexes appearing in this poem, which are due to the poem's heroic content.

While neighboring lands split off and the colonization of the people was never achieved, the empire triumphed in the sublime discipline of poetic language.

In this poetic expression the magic, supposed to be intrinsic to flamenco, is mentioned.

The lament is made of music and text inseparably bonded: form and expressive content are completely musico-poetic, and they are fully integrated.

History offers ample evidence for an architecture resulting from a poetic translation of its representations, rather than as a prosaic transcription of an objectified image.

Of all the critics here, he is the most attentive to poetic form as having its own, moving agency.

A spurious poetic-musical addition, indicated here in rounded brackets, is omitted in the simplified structure.

A dramatic/poetic climax is reached without complications of plot.

Less ideologically charged than affirmative and creative, this poetic resistance enabled a different kind of dialogue.

Such an optimistic outlook underlay the poetic and edifying side of most physicotheological literature.

She is controversial for challenging the male literary tradition and appropriating the ghazal, a lyrical poetic style used by men to express love.

Your love of fine words and poetic phrases has caused you to forget the subject, the location and the social standing of the characters.

The requirement that his opera text be 'poetic' in the larger sense of that word was established early in his search.

Each of them included several songs in which his musical voice was only a slight extension of his poetic one.

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