What was one reason Japan invaded Manchuria in 1931 quizlet?

World War II was fought by millions of people in all corners of the world. There were battles and military posts in surprising places. The Caribbean and Central America, Greenland, Alaska and the Aleutian Islands, Iraq, Syria, Burma and the Arctic are a few of the little known places that were involved. Every major country of the time was involved in the war.

Conflict in Asia began well before the official start of World War II. Seeking raw materials to fuel its growing industries, Japan invaded the Chinese province of Manchuria in 1931. By 1937 Japan controlled large sections of China, and war crimes against the Chinese became commonplace. In 1939, the armies of Japan and the Soviet Union clashed in the area of the Khalkin Gol river in Manchuria. This battle lasted four months and resulted in a significant defeat for the Japanese.

The United States, along with other countries, criticized Japanese aggression but shied away from any economic or military punishments. Relations between the U.S. and Japan worsened further when Japanese forces took aim at Indochina with the goal of capturing oil-rich areas of the East Indies. Responding to this threat, the United States placed an embargo on scrap metal, oil and aviation fuel heading to Japan and froze Japanese assets in the U.S. Furthermore, the U.S. demanded that the Japanese withdraw from conquered areas of China and Indochina. Japan, sensing conflict was inevitable, began planning for an attack on Pearl Harbor by April, 1941. The alliance systems of Japan, Germany and Italy were put into action by this time, but Russo-Japanese relations were cordial.

The Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 brought the United States officially into World War II. In the surprise attack, Japan sunk several ships, destroyed hundreds of planes and ended thousands of lives. The Japanese goal was to cripple the U.S. Pacific fleet, and they nearly succeeded. President Franklin Roosevelt called the attack “a day which will live in infamy,” and the American people were shocked and angered.

The ensuring war was costly. Years of fighting brought the U.S. armed forces closer and closer to Japan as they “hopped” from one island to another. The Japanese were vicious fighters, however, and every victory cost more time, material and lives. The last major battle, the fight for Okinawa, lasted almost three months and took more than 100,000 Japanese and American lives.

After President Roosevelt died on April 12, 1945, it became Harry Truman’s job to decide how to end the war. The thought of invading Japan gave Truman and his advisors pause. The war had shown that the Japanese were fighting for the Emperor who convinced them that it was better to die than surrender. Women and children had been taught how to kill with basic weapons. Japanese kamikaze pilots could turn planes into guided missiles. The cost of invasion, they knew, would be high.

Upon becoming president, Truman learned of the Manhattan Project, a secret scientific effort to create an atomic bomb. After a successful test of the weapon, Truman issued the Potsdam Declaration demanding the unconditional surrender of the Japanese government, warning of “prompt and utter destruction.” While at the Potsdam Conference, President Truman conversed with Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin in regards to “a new weapon of unusual destructive force.” The United States knew of the Soviets’ planned entry into the Pacific Theater as early as August 15th.

On August 6, 1945, having received no reply to the surrender terms, an American bomber called the Enola Gay dropped “Little Boy,” an atomic bomb, on Hiroshima, Japan. On August 8th, the Soviet Union declared war on Japan and invaded Manchuria and Sakhalin Island. The next day, another American bomber was en route to Japan only this time they were heading for Nagasaki with “Fat Man,” another atomic bomb. Both cities were leveled by the bombs, and shortly after the second bomb fell, Japan surrendered to the United States. The war was finally over.

Today, historians continue to debate the decision to use atomic weapons. To what extent did the Soviet intervention into the Pacific Theater cause Truman to use atomic weapons to end the war?

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Terms in this set (14)

Why did Japan need to invade China?

1. The Wall St Crash sent the US economy into depression.
2. To protect the US economy, the government imposed import tariffs
3. Between 1929 and 1931 the Japanese economic production fell by 30%.
4. Japan could not import enough food because they had no money

How was Japan ruled in 1931?

1. It was ruled by an emperor, who was believed to be a god.
2. The army had a huge influence over the government.
3. The army believed that Japan had deserved more from the Paris Peace Conference.

How did the army believe that Japan had been pushed around by the West?

1. The Washington Naval Agreements of 1922.
2. Japan agreed to have only 3 ships for 5 of Britain and the USA.
3. The army believed one way to get the respect they deserved was territorial conquest.

Why did Japan turn its attentions to Manchuria in China in 1931?

1. Manchuria had lots of raw materials Japan lacked, for example coal and iron ore.
2. China was weak and divided into numerous mini kingdoms.
3. It already had an army in southern Manchuria and owned the South Manchurian Railway.
4. China agreed to be in Japan's sphere of influence

What was the spark of the Manchurian Crisis?

1. Sept 1931 - an explosion on the South Manchurian Railway, near Mukden.
2. The Japanese army said it was an act of sabotage, China
denied this.
3. Japan took the opportunity to take full control of Manchuria and forced the Chinese to withdraw from the area.

What did the Japanese do once they had Manchuria in their grasp?

1. Feb 1932 - Japan set up a puppet government.
2. Manchuria was renamed Manchukuo.
3. They put the last Chinese emperor, Pu Yi, in control.

How did the League respond to the Japanese taking of Manchuria?

1. Japan said it needed to maintain order in China.
2. The League listened to the Chinese claims.

Why didn't the League condemn Japan for invading another country?

1. It needed to tread carefully:
a) China was in chaos and Japan was a permanent member of the League's Council.
b) Japan had, however, used military aggression to achieve its goals.

What did the League decide to do?

1. It instructed Japan to withdraw its troops.

How did Japan react to the League's instruction to leave Manchuria?

1. It took further control of the area.

How did the League react to Japan's refusal to leave Manchuria?

1. They set up a commission of inquiry under Lytton.
2. It was to travel to Manchuria, gather information and produce a report.
3. It was published in October 1932, a year after the initial incident.

What did Lytton's report suggest the League should do with Japan?

1. It was firmly in favour of China.
2. All the League's members, except Japan, accepted the report.
3. Japan disagreed and left the League.

What did Japan do once it had left the League in 1932?

1. It continued to invade China.

How did the League respond to Japan's further invasion of China?

1. Nothing
2. It couldn't impose sanctions as Japan's chief trading partner was the USA.
3. Britain was worried that sanctions would harm British trade in the East.

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What was one reason Japan invaded Manchuria in 1931?

Seeking raw materials to fuel its growing industries, Japan invaded the Chinese province of Manchuria in 1931. By 1937 Japan controlled large sections of China, and war crimes against the Chinese became commonplace.

Why did the Japanese invade Manchuria quizlet?

.Japanese invaded manchuria because manchuria was rich in iron and coal.

What were two reasons the Japanese wanted to invade Manchuria?

To that end, in 1931, the Japanese invaded Manchuria to protect their interests in the railroad and the Kwantung Leased Territory.

What event did the Japanese army use as a justification for its takeover of Manchuria quizlet?

In 1931, a dispute near the Chinese city of Mukden (Shenyang) precipitated events that led to the Japanese conquest of Manchuria.