What are the reasons that business firms invest in information systems and technologies describe the business objectives of information systems?

  • School SBS Swiss Business School
  • Course Title MIS 501
  • Type

    Homework Help

  • Pages 21
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operating and transacting business on a global scale.d.List and briefly describe the six strategic business objectives of information systems.

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175-Competitive Advantagewhen you do things better than your competitors, charging less for some products, andresponding to customers and suppliers in real time this will leadto higher sales and higherprofits than your competitors.6-SurvivalInformation systems are not a luxury. In most businesses, information systems and technologyis the core to survival.e.United Parcel Service Inc. [UPS], is a global company with one of the most recognized andadmired brands in the world, using information systems, access to global resources, and anintegrated network of physical, technological, and human assets. Apply Porter‘s Five Forcesanalytical framework to UPS. Your answer should include critical elements and supportedwith evidence/ justification.Porter Five Forces Analysis is a strategic management tool to analyze industry and understandprofitability for a certain industry. Managers can use Porter Five Forces to understand how thefive competitive forces influence profitability and develop a strategy for enhancing. So byapplying this firm to one of the biggest American multinational package delivery and supplychain management company andone of the leading firms in the Air Delivery & FreightServices it will help the organizations to understand the factors affecting profitability , and can

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Even the simplest use of technology can dramatically improve your business' productivity and efficiency. Arguably, the greatest benefit of information systems is their ability to give users the information they need to carry out tasks efficiently.

Importance of information systems

IT systems can produce:

  • custom data to help with a specific task or decision-making
  • custom format [eg list, chart, etc] which can be tailored to the user's need
  • real-time data, particularly useful where fast action is needed [eg mechanical fault]
  • archived data, particularly useful for reports, analysis and business planning

Other advantages of information systems

Technology systems can also benefit a business by enabling:

  • operational efficiencies
  • cost reductions
  • supply of information to decision-makers
  • better customer service
  • continuous availability of the systems
  • growth in communication capabilities and methods

To maximise the benefits of your IT system, you have to fully utilise all its features and functions. For example, you can:

  • Use instant messaging, emails, voice and video calls, and even chatbot technology to improve communication with customers and suppliers. This could save you time, money and effort, allowing you to react quickly to new work.
  • Integrate various IT systems to reduce administrative costs. For example, you can link your online e-commerce shop front with stock control and accounting systems to streamline your processes. See how to integrate your back-office systems.
  • Use labelling products with unique numbers and scannable barcodes to boost your efficiency, and improve your stock control and supply chain management.
  • Use different solutions, such as customer relationship management systems or mobile technology, to improve levels of customer service. These may help you record, organise and plan contact with customers, access customer details on the go and view customer interactions.

It is important to weigh up benefits of new IT systems against the costs and potential challenges. One way to ensure that your new system delivers value is to align IT with your business strategy.

What are the strategic reasons that business firms invest in information systems and technologies?

Specifically, business firms invest heavily in information to achieve six strategic business objectives:.
Operational excellence..
New products, services, and business models..
Customer and supplier intimacy..
Improved decision making..
Competitive advantage..

Why do business firms invest heavily in information systems?

Business firms invest heavily in information systems to achieve six strategic business objectives: Operational excellence: Efficiency, productivity, and improved changes in business practices and management behavior.

What are the six important business objectives of information system investment?

The six important business objectives of information technology are new products, services, and business models; customer and supplier intimacy; survival; competitive advantage, operational excellence, and: improved decision making.

How do successful businesses use information systems to achieve their strategic business objectives?

Making use of an information system enables your company to analyze stocks and check on their previous performance to predict any form of disaster. The MIS can keep track of all margins and profits so that your business can have all the necessary data for anticipating and invading a crisis.

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