Pennybee là gì

sb = /<|&#?\w+;/,
Pa = /<(?:script|object|embed|option|style)/i,
Qa = /checked\s*(?:[^=]|=\s*.checked.)/i,
tb = /\/(java|ecma)script/i,
db = /^\s* Z = {
option: [1, "\x3cselect multiple\x3d'multiple'\x3e", "\x3c/select\x3e"],
legend: [1, "\x3cfieldset\x3e", "\x3c/fieldset\x3e"],
thead: [1, "\x3ctable\x3e", "\x3c/table\x3e"],
tr: [2, "\x3ctable\x3e\x3ctbody\x3e", "\x3c/tbody\x3e\x3c/table\x3e"],
td: [3, "\x3ctable\x3e\x3ctbody\x3e\x3ctr\x3e", "\x3c/tr\x3e\x3c/tbody\x3e\x3c/table\x3e"],
col: [2, "\x3ctable\x3e\x3ctbody\x3e\x3c/tbody\x3e\x3ccolgroup\x3e", "\x3c/colgroup\x3e\x3c/table\x3e"],
area: [1, "\x3cmap\x3e", "\x3c/map\x3e"],
_default: [0, "", ""]
Z.optgroup = Z.option;
Z.tbody = Z.tfoot = Z.colgroup = Z.caption = Z.thead; =; || (Z._default = [1, "div\x3cdiv\x3e", "\x3c/div\x3e"]);
text: function(a) {
return d.isFunction(a) ? this.each(function(b) {
var c = d(this);
c.text(, b, c.text()))
}) : "object" != typeof a && a !== b ? this.empty().append((this[0] && this[0].ownerDocument || s).createTextNode(a)) : d.text(this)
wrapAll: function(a) {
if (d.isFunction(a)) return this.each(function(b) {
d(this).wrapAll(, b))
if (this[0]) {
var b = d(a, this[0].ownerDocument).eq(0).clone(!0);
this[0].parentNode && b.insertBefore(this[0]); {
for (var a = this; a.firstChild && 1 === a.firstChild.nodeType;) a = a.firstChild;
return a
return this
wrapInner: function(a) {
return d.isFunction(a) ? this.each(function(b) {
d(this).wrapInner(, b))
}) : this.each(function() {
var b = d(this),
c = b.contents();
c.length ? c.wrapAll(a) : b.append(a)
wrap: function(a) {
return this.each(function() { d(this).wrapAll(a) })
unwrap: function() {
return this.parent().each(function() {
d.nodeName(this, "body") || d(this).replaceWith(this.childNodes)
append: function() {
return this.domManip(arguments, !0, function(a) {
1 === this.nodeType && this.appendChild(a)
prepend: function() {
return this.domManip(arguments, !0, function(a) { 1 === this.nodeType && this.insertBefore(a, this.firstChild) })
before: function() {
if (this[0] && this[0].parentNode) return this.domManip(arguments, !1, function(a) {
this.parentNode.insertBefore(a, this)
if (arguments.length) {
var a = d(arguments[0]);
a.push.apply(a, this.toArray());
return this.pushStack(a, "before", arguments)
after: function() {
if (this[0] && this[0].parentNode) return this.domManip(arguments, !1, function(a) {
this.parentNode.insertBefore(a, this.nextSibling)
if (arguments.length) {
var a = this.pushStack(this, "after", arguments);
a.push.apply(a, d(arguments[0]).toArray());
return a
remove: function(a, b) {
for (var c = 0, e; null != (e = this[c]); c++)
if (!a || d.filter(a, [e]).length) !b && 1 === e.nodeType && (d.cleanData(e.getElementsByTagName("*")), d.cleanData([e])), e.parentNode && e.parentNode.removeChild(e);
return this
empty: function() {
for (var a = 0, b; null != (b = this[a]); a++)
for (1 === b.nodeType && d.cleanData(b.getElementsByTagName("*")); b.firstChild;) b.removeChild(b.firstChild);
return this
clone: function(a, b) {
a = null == a ? !1 : a;
b = null == b ? a : b;
return {
return d.clone(this, a, b)
html: function(a) {
if (a === b) return this[0] && 1 === this[0].nodeType ? this[0].innerHTML.replace(qb, "") : null;
if ("string" == typeof a && !Pa.test(a) && ( || !Ea.test(a)) && !Z[(Oa.exec(a) || ["", ""])[1].toLowerCase()]) {
a = a.replace(Na, "\x3c$1\x3e\x3c/$2\x3e");
try {
for (var c = 0, e = this.length; c < e; c++) 1 === this[c].nodeType && (d.cleanData(this[c].getElementsByTagName("*")), this[c].innerHTML = a)
} catch (f) {
} else d.isFunction(a) ? this.each(function(b) {
var c = d(this);
c.html(, b, c.html()))
}) : this.empty().append(a);
return this
replaceWith: function(a) {
if (this[0] && this[0].parentNode) {
if (d.isFunction(a)) return this.each(function(b) {
var c = d(this),
e = c.html();
c.replaceWith(, b, e))
"string" != typeof a && (a = d(a).detach());
return this.each(function() {
var b = this.nextSibling,
c = this.parentNode;
b ? d(b).before(a) : d(c).append(a)
return this.length ? this.pushStack(d(d.isFunction(a) ? a() : a), "replaceWith", a) : this
detach: function(a) {
return this.remove(a, !0)
domManip: function(a, c, e) {
var f, g, h, m = a[0],
n = [];
if (! && 3 === arguments.length && "string" == typeof m && Qa.test(m)) return this.each(function() {
d(this).domManip(a, c, e, !0)
if (d.isFunction(m)) return this.each(function(f) {
var l = d(this);
a[0] =, f, c ? l.html() : b);
l.domManip(a, c, e)
if (this[0]) {
h = m && m.parentNode; && h && 11 === h.nodeType && h.childNodes.length === this.length ? f = {
fragment: h
} : f = d.buildFragment(a, this, n);
h = f.fragment;
1 === h.childNodes.length ? g = h = h.firstChild : g = h.firstChild;
if (g) {
c = c && d.nodeName(g, "tr");
g = 0;
for (var w = this.length, v = w - 1; g < w; g++) ? d.nodeName(this[g], "table") ? this[g].getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0] || this[g].appendChild(this[g].ownerDocument.createElement("tbody")) : this[g] : this[g], f.cacheable || 1 < w && g < v ? d.clone(h, !0, !0) : h)
n.length && d.each(n, y)
return this
d.buildFragment = function(a, b, c) {
var e, f, g, h;
b && b[0] && (h = b[0].ownerDocument || b[0]);
h.createDocumentFragment || (h = s);
1 === a.length && "string" == typeof a[0] && 512 > a[0].length && h === s && "\x3c" === a[0].charAt(0) && !Pa.test(a[0]) && ( || !Qa.test(a[0])) && (f = !0, g = d.fragments[a[0]], g && 1 !== g && (e = g));
e || (e = h.createDocumentFragment(), d.clean(a, h, e, c));
f && (d.fragments[a[0]] = g ? e : 1);
return {
fragment: e,
cacheable: f
d.fragments = {};
appendTo: "append",
prependTo: "prepend",
insertBefore: "before",
insertAfter: "after",
replaceAll: "replaceWith"
}, function(a, b) {
d.fn[a] = function(c) {
var e = [];
c = d(c);
var f = 1 === this.length && this[0].parentNode;
if (f && 11 === f.nodeType && 1 === f.childNodes.length && 1 === c.length) return c[b](this[0]), this;
for (var f = 0, g = c.length; f < g; f++) {
var h = (0 < f ? this.clone(!0) : this).get();
e = e.concat(h)
return this.pushStack(e, a, c.selector)
clone: function(a, b, c) {
var e = a.cloneNode(!0),
f, g, h;
if ((! || ! && (1 === a.nodeType || 11 === a.nodeType) && !d.isXMLDoc(a)) {
G(a, e);
f = E(a);
g = E(e);
for (h = 0; f[h]; ++h) G(f[h], g[h])
if (b && (z(a, e), c)) {
f = E(a);
g = E(e);
for (h = 0; f[h]; ++h) z(f[h], g[h])
return e
clean: function(a, b, c, e) {
b = b || s;
"undefined" == typeof b.createElement && (b = b.ownerDocument || b[0] && b[0].ownerDocument || s);
for (var f = [], g, h = 0, m; null != (m = a[h]); h++)
if ("number" == typeof m && (m += ""), m) {
if ("string" == typeof m)
if (sb.test(m)) {
m = m.replace(Na, "\x3c$1\x3e\x3c/$2\x3e");
g = (Oa.exec(m) || ["", ""])[1].toLowerCase();
var n = Z[g] || Z._default,
w = n[0],
x = b.createElement("div");
for (x.innerHTML = n[1] + m + n[2]; w--;) x = x.lastChild;
if (! {
w = rb.test(m);
n = "table" === g && !w ? x.firstChild && x.firstChild.childNodes : "\x3ctable\x3e" === n[1] && !w ? x.childNodes : [];
for (g = n.length - 1; 0 <= g; --g) d.nodeName(n[g], "tbody") && !n[g].childNodes.length && n[g].parentNode.removeChild(n[g])
}! && Ea.test(m) && x.insertBefore(b.createTextNode(Ea.exec(m)[0]), x.firstChild);
m = x.childNodes
} else m = b.createTextNode(m);
var u;
if (!
if (m[0] && "number" == typeof(u = m.length))
for (g = 0; g < u; g++) A(m[g]);
else A(m);
m.nodeType ? f.push(m) : f = d.merge(f, m)
if (c) {
a = function(a) {
return !a.type || tb.test(a.type)
for (h = 0; f[h]; h++) e && d.nodeName(f[h], "script") && (!f[h].type || "text/javascript" === f[h].type.toLowerCase()) ? e.push(f[h].parentNode ? f[h].parentNode.removeChild(f[h]) : f[h]) : (1 === f[h].nodeType && (b = d.grep(f[h].getElementsByTagName("script"), a), f.splice.apply(f, [h + 1, 0].concat(b))), c.appendChild(f[h]))
return f
cleanData: function(a) {
for (var b, c, e = d.cache, f = d.expando, g = d.event.special, h =, m = 0, n; null != (n = a[m]); m++)
if (!n.nodeName || !d.noData[n.nodeName.toLowerCase()])
if (c = n[d.expando]) {
if ((b = e[c] && e[c][f]) && {
for (var w in g[w] ? d.event.remove(n, w) : d.removeEvent(n, w, b.handle);
b.handle && (b.handle.elem = null)
h ? delete n[d.expando] : n.removeAttribute && n.removeAttribute(d.expando);
delete e[c]
var Ra = /alpha\([^)]*\)/i,
ub = /opacity=([^)]*)/,
vb = /([A-Z]|^ms)/g,
Sa = /^-?\d+(?:px)?$/i,
wb = /^-?\d/,
xb = /^[+\-]=/,
yb = /[^+\-\.\de]+/g,
zb = {
position: "absolute",
visibility: "hidden",
display: "block"
bb = ["Left", "Right"],
cb = ["Top", "Bottom"],
ja, Ta, Ua;
d.fn.css = function(a, c) {
return 2 === arguments.length && c === b ? this : d.access(this, a, c, !0, function(a, c, e) {
return e !== b ?, c, e) : d.css(a, c)
cssHooks: {
opacity: {
get: function(a, b) {
if (b) {
var c = ja(a, "opacity", "opacity");
return "" === c ? "1" : c
cssNumber: {
fillOpacity: !0,
fontWeight: !0,
lineHeight: !0,
opacity: !0,
orphans: !0,
widows: !0,
zIndex: !0,
zoom: !0
cssProps: {
"float": ? "cssFloat" : "styleFloat"
style: function(a, c, e, f) {
if (a && 3 !== a.nodeType && 8 !== a.nodeType && {
var g, h = d.camelCase(c),
m =,
n = d.cssHooks[h];
c = d.cssProps[h] || h;
if (e === b) return n && "get" in n && (g = n.get(a, !1, f)) !== b ? g : m[c];
f = typeof e;
if (!("number" === f && isNaN(e) || null == e))
if ("string" === f && xb.test(e) && (e = +e.replace(yb, "") + parseFloat(d.css(a, c)), f = "number"), "number" === f && !d.cssNumber[h] && (e += "px"), !n || !("set" in n) || (e = n.set(a, e)) !== b) try {
m[c] = e
} catch (w) {}
css: function(a, c, e) {
var f, g;
c = d.camelCase(c);
g = d.cssHooks[c];
c = d.cssProps[c] || c;
"cssFloat" === c && (c = "float");
if (g && "get" in g && (f = g.get(a, !0, e)) !== b) return f;
if (ja) return ja(a, c)
swap: function(a, b, c) {
var d = {},
for (e in b) d[e] =[e],[e] = b[e];;
for (e in b)[e] = d[e]
d.curCSS = d.css;
d.each(["height", "width"], function(a, b) {
d.cssHooks[b] = {
get: function(a, c, e) {
var f;
if (c) {
if (0 !== a.offsetWidth) return C(a, b, e);
d.swap(a, zb, function() {
f = C(a, b, e)
return f
set: function(a, b) {
if (!Sa.test(b)) return b;
b = parseFloat(b);
if (0 <= b) return b + "px"
}); || (d.cssHooks.opacity = {
get: function(a, b) {
return ub.test((b && a.currentStyle ? a.currentStyle.filter : || "") ? parseFloat(RegExp.$1) / 100 + "" : b ? "1" : ""
set: function(a, b) {
var c =,
e = a.currentStyle;
c.zoom = 1;
var f = d.isNaN(b) ? "" : "alpha(opacity\x3d" + 100 * b + ")",
e = e && e.filter || c.filter || "";
c.filter = Ra.test(e) ? e.replace(Ra, f) : e + " " + f
d(function() { || (d.cssHooks.marginRight = {
get: function(a, b) {
var c;
d.swap(a, {
display: "inline-block"
}, function() {
b ? c = ja(a, "margin-right", "marginRight") : c =
return c
s.defaultView && s.defaultView.getComputedStyle && (Ta = function(a, c) {
var e, f;
c = c.replace(vb, "-$1").toLowerCase();
if (!(f = a.ownerDocument.defaultView)) return b;
if (f = f.getComputedStyle(a, null)) e = f.getPropertyValue(c), "" === e && !d.contains(a.ownerDocument.documentElement, a) && (e =, c));
return e
s.documentElement.currentStyle && (Ua = function(a, b) {
var c, d = a.currentStyle && a.currentStyle[b],
e = a.runtimeStyle && a.runtimeStyle[b],
f =;
!Sa.test(d) && wb.test(d) && (c = f.left, e && (a.runtimeStyle.left = a.currentStyle.left), f.left = "fontSize" === b ? "1em" : d || 0, d = f.pixelLeft + "px", f.left = c, e && (a.runtimeStyle.left = e));
return "" === d ? "auto" : d
ja = Ta || Ua;
d.expr && d.expr.filters && (d.expr.filters.hidden = function(a) {
var b = a.offsetHeight;
return 0 === a.offsetWidth && 0 === b || ! && "none" === ( || d.css(a, "display"))
}, d.expr.filters.visible = function(a) {
return !d.expr.filters.hidden(a)
var Ab = /%20/g,
ab = /\[\]$/,
Va = /\r?\n/g,
Bb = /#.*$/,
Cb = /^(.*?):[ \t]*([^\r\n]*)\r?$/mg,
Db = /^(?:color|date|datetime|email|hidden|month|number|password|range|search|tel|text|time|url|week)$/i,
Eb = /^(?:GET|HEAD)$/,
Fb = /^\/\//,
Wa = /\?/,
Gb = /)<[^<]*)*<\/script>/gi,
Hb = /^(?:select|textarea)/i,
Ia = /\s+/,
Ib = /([?&])_=[^&]*/,
Xa = /^([\w\+\.\-]+:)(?:\/\/([^\/?#:]*)(?::(\d+))?)?/,
Ya = d.fn.load,
za = {},
Za = {},
ga, ha;
try {
ga = Y.href
} catch (Ob) {
ga = s.createElement("a"), ga.href = "", ga = ga.href
ha = Xa.exec(ga.toLowerCase()) || [];
load: function(a, c, e) {
if ("string" != typeof a && Ya) return Ya.apply(this, arguments);
if (!this.length) return this;
var f = a.indexOf(" ");
if (0 <= f) {
var g = a.slice(f, a.length);
a = a.slice(0, f)
f = "GET";
c && (d.isFunction(c) ? (e = c, c = b) : "object" == typeof c && (c = d.param(c, d.ajaxSettings.traditional), f = "POST"));
var h = this;
url: a,
type: f,
dataType: "html",
data: c,
complete: function(a, b, c) {
c = a.responseText;
a.isResolved() && (a.done(function(a) {
c = a
}), h.html(g ? d("\x3cdiv\x3e").append(c.replace(Gb, "")).find(g) : c));
e && h.each(e, [c, b, a])
return this
serialize: function() {
return d.param(this.serializeArray())
serializeArray: function() {
return {
return this.elements ? d.makeArray(this.elements) : this
}).filter(function() {
return && !this.disabled && (this.checked || Hb.test(this.nodeName) || Db.test(this.type))
}).map(function(a, b) {
var c = d(this).val();
return null == c ? null : d.isArray(c) ?, function(a, c) {
return {
value: a.replace(Va, "\r\n")
}) : {
value: c.replace(Va, "\r\n")
d.each("ajaxStart ajaxStop ajaxComplete ajaxError ajaxSuccess ajaxSend".split(" "), function(a, b) {
d.fn[b] = function(a) {
return this.bind(b, a)
d.each(["get", "post"], function(a, c) {
d[c] = function(a, e, f, k) {
d.isFunction(e) && (k = k || f, f = e, e = b);
return d.ajax({
type: c,
url: a,
data: e,
success: f,
dataType: k
getScript: function(a, c) {
return d.get(a, b, c, "script")
getJSON: function(a, b, c) {
return d.get(a, b, c, "json")
ajaxSetup: function(a, b) {
b ? d.extend(!0, a, d.ajaxSettings, b) : (b = a, a = d.extend(!0, d.ajaxSettings, b));
for (var c in {
context: 1,
url: 1
}) c in b ? a[c] = b[c] : c in d.ajaxSettings && (a[c] = d.ajaxSettings[c]);
return a
ajaxSettings: {
url: ga,
isLocal: /^(?:about|app|app\-storage|.+\-extension|file|widget):$/.test(ha[1]),
global: !0,
type: "GET",
contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
processData: !0,
async: !0,
accepts: {
xml: "application/xml, text/xml",
html: "text/html",
text: "text/plain",
json: "application/json, text/javascript",
"*": "*/*"
contents: {
xml: /xml/,
html: /html/,
json: /json/
responseFields: {
xml: "responseXML",
text: "responseText"
converters: {
"* text": a.String,
"text html": !0,
"text json": d.parseJSON,
"text xml": d.parseXML
ajaxPrefilter: B(za),
ajaxTransport: B(Za),
ajax: function(a, c) {
function e(a, c, k, q) {
if (2 !== M) {
M = 2;
B && clearTimeout(B);
C = b;
N = q || "";
D.readyState = a ? 4 : 0;
var r, n, s;
if (k) {
q = f;
var u = D,
H = q.contents,
y = q.dataTypes,
P = q.responseFields,
z, A, E, G;
for (A in P) A in k && (u[P[A]] = k[A]);
for (;
"*" === y[0];) y.shift(), z === b && (z = q.mimeType || u.getResponseHeader("content-type"));
if (z)
for (A in H)
if (H[A] && H[A].test(z)) {
if (y[0] in k) E = y[0];
else {
for (A in k) {
if (!y[0] || q.converters[A + " " + y[0]]) {
E = A;
G || (G = A)
E = E || G
E ? (E !== y[0] && y.unshift(E), k = k[E]) : k = void 0
} else k = b;
if (200 <= a && 300 > a || 304 === a) {
if (f.ifModified) {
if (z = D.getResponseHeader("Last-Modified")) d.lastModified[v] = z;
if (z = D.getResponseHeader("Etag")) d.etag[v] = z
if (304 === a) c = "notmodified", r = !0;
else try {
z = f;
z.dataFilter && (k = z.dataFilter(k, z.dataType));
var K = z.dataTypes;
A = {};
var pa, O, Q = K.length,
L, I = K[0],
aa, fa, J, ba, ka;
for (pa = 1; pa < Q; pa++) {
if (1 === pa)
for (O in z.converters) "string" == typeof O && (A[O.toLowerCase()] = z.converters[O]);
aa = I;
I = K[pa];
if ("*" === I) I = aa;
else if ("*" !== aa && aa !== I) {
fa = aa + " " + I;
J = A[fa] || A["* " + I];
if (!J)
for (ba in ka = b, A)
if (L = ba.split(" "), L[0] === aa || "*" === L[0])
if (ka = A[L[1] + " " + I]) {
ba = A[ba];
!0 === ba ? J = ka : !0 === ka && (J = ba);
}!J && !ka && d.error("No conversion from " + fa.replace(" ", " to "));
!0 !== J && (k = J ? J(k) : ka(ba(k)))
n = k;
c = "success";
r = !0
} catch (T) {
c = "parsererror", s = T
} else if (s = c, !c || a) c = "error", 0 > a && (a = 0);
D.status = a;
D.statusText = c;
r ? m.resolveWith(g, [n, c, D]) : m.rejectWith(g, [D, c, s]);
x = b;
R && h.trigger("ajax" + (r ? "Success" : "Error"), [D, f, r ? n : s]);
w.resolveWith(g, [D, c]);
R && (h.trigger("ajaxComplete", [D, f]), || d.event.trigger("ajaxStop"))
"object" == typeof a && (c = a, a = b);
c = c || {};
var f = d.ajaxSetup({}, c),
g = f.context || f,
h = g !== f && (g.nodeType || g instanceof d) ? d(g) : d.event,
m = d.Deferred(),
w = d._Deferred(),
x = f.statusCode || {},
v, s = {},
u = {},
N, H, C, B, y, M = 0,
R, P, D = {
readyState: 0,
setRequestHeader: function(a, b) {
if (!M) {
var c = a.toLowerCase();
a = u[c] = u[c] || a;
s[a] = b
return this
getAllResponseHeaders: function() {
return 2 === M ? N : null
getResponseHeader: function(a) {
var c;
if (2 === M) {
if (!H)
for (H = {}; c = Cb.exec(N);) H[c[1].toLowerCase()] = c[2];
c = H[a.toLowerCase()]
return c === b ? null : c
overrideMimeType: function(a) {
M || (f.mimeType = a);
return this
abort: function(a) {
a = a || "abort";
C && C.abort(a);
e(0, a);
return this
D.success = D.done;
D.error =;
D.complete = w.done;
D.statusCode = function(a) {
if (a) {
var b;
if (2 > M)
for (b in a) x[b] = [x[b], a[b]];
else b = a[D.status], D.then(b, b)
return this
f.url = ((a || f.url) + "").replace(Bb, "").replace(Fb, ha[1] + "//");
f.dataTypes = d.trim(f.dataType || "*").toLowerCase().split(Ia);
null == f.crossDomain && (y = Xa.exec(f.url.toLowerCase()), f.crossDomain = !(!y || y[1] == ha[1] && y[2] == ha[2] && (y[3] || ("http:" === y[1] ? 80 : 443)) == (ha[3] || ("http:" === ha[1] ? 80 : 443)))); && f.processData && "string" != typeof && ( = d.param(, f.traditional));
n(za, f, c, D);
if (2 === M) return !1;
R =;
f.type = f.type.toUpperCase();
f.hasContent = !Eb.test(f.type);
R && 0 === && d.event.trigger("ajaxStart");
if (!f.hasContent && ( && (f.url += (Wa.test(f.url) ? "\x26" : "?") +, v = f.url, !1 === f.cache)) {
y =;
var z = f.url.replace(Ib, "$1_\x3d" + y);
f.url = z + (z === f.url ? (Wa.test(f.url) ? "\x26" : "?") + "_\x3d" + y : "")
}( && f.hasContent && !1 !== f.contentType || c.contentType) && D.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", f.contentType);
f.ifModified && (v = v || f.url, d.lastModified[v] && D.setRequestHeader("If-Modified-Since", d.lastModified[v]), d.etag[v] && D.setRequestHeader("If-None-Match", d.etag[v]));
D.setRequestHeader("Accept", f.dataTypes[0] && f.accepts[f.dataTypes[0]] ? f.accepts[f.dataTypes[0]] + ("*" !== f.dataTypes[0] ? ", */*; q\x3d0.01" : "") : f.accepts["*"]);
for (P in f.headers) D.setRequestHeader(P, f.headers[P]);
if (f.beforeSend && (!1 ===, D, f) || 2 === M)) return D.abort(), !1;
for (P in {
success: 1,
error: 1,
complete: 1
}) D[P](f[P]);
if (C = n(Za, f, c, D)) {
D.readyState = 1;
R && h.trigger("ajaxSend", [D, f]);
f.async && 0 < f.timeout && (B = setTimeout(function() {
}, f.timeout));
try {
M = 1, C.send(s, e)
} catch (A) {
2 > status ? e(-1, A) : d.error(A)
} else e(-1, "No Transport");
return D
param: function(a, c) {
var e = [],
f = function(a, b) {
b = d.isFunction(b) ? b() : b;
e[e.length] = encodeURIComponent(a) + "\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(b)
c === b && (c = d.ajaxSettings.traditional);
if (d.isArray(a) || a.dpquery && !d.isPlainObject(a)) d.each(a, function() {
f(, this.value)
for (var g in a) u(g, a[g], c, f);
return e.join("\x26").replace(Ab, "+")
active: 0,
lastModified: {},
etag: {}
var Jb =,
xa = /(\=)\?(&|$)|\?\?/i;
jsonp: "callback",
jsonpCallback: function() {
return d.expando + "_" + Jb++
d.ajaxPrefilter("json jsonp", function(b, c, e) {
c = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" === b.contentType && "string" == typeof;
if ("jsonp" === b.dataTypes[0] || !1 !== b.jsonp && (xa.test(b.url) || c && xa.test( {
var f, g = b.jsonpCallback = d.isFunction(b.jsonpCallback) ? b.jsonpCallback() : b.jsonpCallback,
h = a[g],
m = b.url,
n =,
w = "$1" + g + "$2";
!1 !== b.jsonp && (m = m.replace(xa, w), b.url === m && (c && (n = n.replace(xa, w)), === n && (m += (/\?/.test(m) ? "\x26" : "?") + b.jsonp + "\x3d" + g)));
b.url = m; = n;
a[g] = function(a) {
f = [a]
e.always(function() {
a[g] = h;
f && d.isFunction(h) && a[g](f[0])
b.converters["script json"] = function() {
f || d.error(g + " was not called");
return f[0]
b.dataTypes[0] = "json";
return "script"
accepts: {
script: "text/javascript, application/javascript, application/ecmascript, application/x-ecmascript"
contents: {
script: /javascript|ecmascript/
converters: {
"text script": function(a) {
return a
d.ajaxPrefilter("script", function(a) {
a.cache === b && (a.cache = !1);
a.crossDomain && (a.type = "GET", = !1)
d.ajaxTransport("script", function(a) {
if (a.crossDomain) {
var c, d = s.head || s.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || s.documentElement;
return {
send: function(e, f) {
c = s.createElement("script");
c.async = "async";
a.scriptCharset && (c.charset = a.scriptCharset);
c.src = a.url;
c.onload = c.onreadystatechange = function(a, e) {
if (e || !c.readyState || /loaded|complete/.test(c.readyState)) c.onload = c.onreadystatechange = null, d && c.parentNode && d.removeChild(c), c = b, e || f(200, "success")
d.insertBefore(c, d.firstChild)
abort: function() {
c && c.onload(0, 1)
var Fa = a.ActiveXObject ? function() {
for (var a in na) na[a](0, 1)
} : !1,
Kb = 0,
d.ajaxSettings.xhr = a.ActiveXObject ? function() {
var b;
if (!(b = !this.isLocal && m())) a: {
try {
b = new a.ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
break a
} catch (c) {}
b = void 0
return b
} : m;
(function(a) {
d.extend(, {
ajax: !!a,
cors: !!a && "withCredentials" in a
})(d.ajaxSettings.xhr()); && d.ajaxTransport(function(c) {
if (!c.crossDomain || {
var e;
return {
send: function(f, g) {
var h = c.xhr(),
m, n;
c.username ?, c.url, c.async, c.username, c.password) :, c.url, c.async);
if (c.xhrFields)
for (n in c.xhrFields) h[n] = c.xhrFields[n];
c.mimeType && h.overrideMimeType && h.overrideMimeType(c.mimeType);
!c.crossDomain && !f["X-Requested-With"] && (f["X-Requested-With"] = "XMLHttpRequest");
try {
for (n in f) h.setRequestHeader(n, f[n])
} catch (w) {}
h.send(c.hasContent && || null);
e = function(a, f) {
var r, n, w, x, s;
try {
if (e && (f || 4 === h.readyState))
if (e = b, m && (h.onreadystatechange = d.noop, Fa && delete na[m]), f) 4 !== h.readyState && h.abort();
else {
r = h.status;
w = h.getAllResponseHeaders();
x = {};
(s = h.responseXML) && s.documentElement && (x.xml = s);
x.text = h.responseText;
try {
n = h.statusText
} catch (u) {
n = ""
}!r && c.isLocal && !c.crossDomain ? r = x.text ? 200 : 404 : 1223 === r && (r = 204)
} catch (N) {
f || g(-1, N)
x && g(r, n, x, w)
!c.async || 4 === h.readyState ? e() : (m = ++Kb, Fa && (na || (na = {}, d(a).unload(Fa)), na[m] = e), h.onreadystatechange = e)
abort: function() {
e && e(0, 1)
var ya = {},
da, ia, Lb = /^(?:toggle|show|hide)$/,
Mb = /^([+\-]=)?([\d+.\-]+)([a-z%]*)$/i,
oa, Ha = [
["height", "marginTop", "marginBottom", "paddingTop", "paddingBottom"],
["width", "marginLeft", "marginRight", "paddingLeft", "paddingRight"],
ua, Ga = a.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || a.mozRequestAnimationFrame || a.oRequestAnimationFrame;
show: function(a, b, c) {
var g;
if (a || 0 === a) return this.animate(f("show", 3), a, b, c);
b = 0;
for (c = this.length; b < c; b++) a = this[b], && (g =, !d._data(a, "olddisplay") && "none" === g && (g = = ""), "" === g && "none" === d.css(a, "display") && d._data(a, "olddisplay", e(a.nodeName)));
for (b = 0; b < c; b++)
if (a = this[b], && (g =, "" === g || "none" === g)) = d._data(a, "olddisplay") || "";
return this
hide: function(a, b, c) {
if (a || 0 === a) return this.animate(f("hide", 3), a, b, c);
a = 0;
for (b = this.length; a < b; a++) this[a].style && (c = d.css(this[a], "display"), "none" !== c && !d._data(this[a], "olddisplay") && d._data(this[a], "olddisplay", c));
for (a = 0; a < b; a++) this[a].style && (this[a].style.display = "none");
return this
_toggle: d.fn.toggle,
toggle: function(a, b, c) {
var e = "boolean" == typeof a;
d.isFunction(a) && d.isFunction(b) ? this._toggle.apply(this, arguments) : null == a || e ? this.each(function() {
var b = e ? a : d(this).is(":hidden");
d(this)[b ? "show" : "hide"]()
}) : this.animate(f("toggle", 3), a, b, c);
return this
fadeTo: function(a, b, c, d) {
return this.filter(":hidden").css("opacity", 0).show().end().animate({
opacity: b
}, a, c, d)
animate: function(a, b, c, f) {
var g = d.speed(b, c, f);
if (d.isEmptyObject(a)) return this.each(g.complete, [!1]);
a = d.extend({}, a);
return this[!1 === g.queue ? "each" : "queue"](function() {
!1 === g.queue && d._mark(this);
var b = d.extend({}, g),
c = 1 === this.nodeType,
f = c && d(this).is(":hidden"),
h, l, q, m, n, r, w, x;
b.animatedProperties = {};
for (q in a) {
h = d.camelCase(q);
q !== h && (a[h] = a[q], delete a[q]);
l = a[h];
d.isArray(l) ? (b.animatedProperties[h] = l[1], l = a[h] = l[0]) : b.animatedProperties[h] = b.specialEasing && b.specialEasing[h] || b.easing || "swing";
if ("hide" === l && f || "show" === l && !f) return;
c && ("height" === h || "width" === h) && (b.overflow = [,,], "inline" === d.css(this, "display") && "none" === d.css(this, "float") && ( ? (m = e(this.nodeName), "inline" === m ? = "inline-block" : ( = "inline", = 1)) : = "inline-block"))
null != b.overflow && ( = "hidden");
for (q in a) c = new d.fx(this, b, q), l = a[q], Lb.test(l) ? c["toggle" === l ? f ? "show" : "hide" : l]() : (n = Mb.exec(l), r = c.cur(), n ? (w = parseFloat(n[2]), x = n[3] || (d.cssNumber[q] ? "" : "px"), "px" !== x && (, q, (w || 1) + x), r *= (w || 1) / c.cur(),, q, r + x)), n[1] && (w = ("-\x3d" === n[1] ? -1 : 1) * w + r), c.custom(r, w, x)) : c.custom(r, l, ""));
return !0
stop: function(a, b) {
a && this.queue([]);
this.each(function() {
var a = d.timers,
c = a.length;
for (b || d._unmark(!0, this); c--;) a[c].elem === this && (b && a[c](!0), a.splice(c, 1))
b || this.dequeue();
return this
slideDown: f("show", 1),
slideUp: f("hide", 1),
slideToggle: f("toggle", 1),
fadeIn: { opacity: "show" },
fadeOut: { opacity: "hide" },
fadeToggle: { opacity: "toggle" }
}, function(a, b) {
d.fn[a] = function(a, c, d) { return this.animate(b, a, c, d) }
speed: function(a, b, c) {
var e = a && "object" == typeof a ? d.extend({}, a) : {
complete: c || !c && b || d.isFunction(a) && a,
duration: a,
easing: c && b || b && !d.isFunction(b) && b
e.duration = ? 0 : "number" == typeof e.duration ? e.duration : e.duration in d.fx.speeds ? d.fx.speeds[e.duration] : d.fx.speeds._default;
e.old = e.complete;
e.complete = function(a) {
d.isFunction(e.old) &&;
!1 !== e.queue ? d.dequeue(this) : !1 !== a && d._unmark(this)
return e
easing: {
linear: function(a, b, c, d) {
return c + d * a
swing: function(a, b, c, d) {
return (-Math.cos(a * Math.PI) / 2 + 0.5) * d + c
timers: [],
fx: function(a, b, c) {
this.options = b;
this.elem = a;
this.prop = c;
b.orig = b.orig || {}
d.fx.prototype = {
update: function() {
this.options.step &&,, this);
(d.fx.step[this.prop] || d.fx.step._default)(this)
cur: function() {
if (null != this.elem[this.prop] && (! || null ==[this.prop])) return this.elem[this.prop];
var a, b = d.css(this.elem, this.prop);
return isNaN(a = parseFloat(b)) ? !b || "auto" === b ? 0 : b : a
custom: function(a, b, c) {
function e(a) {
return f.step(a)
var f = this,
g = d.fx,
this.startTime = ua || h();
this.start = a;
this.end = b;
this.unit = c || this.unit || (d.cssNumber[this.prop] ? "" : "px"); = this.start;
this.pos = this.state = 0;
e.elem = this.elem;
e() && d.timers.push(e) && !oa && (Ga ? (oa = !0, m = function() {
oa && (Ga(m), g.tick())
}, Ga(m)) : oa = setInterval(g.tick, g.interval))
show: function() {
this.options.orig[this.prop] =, this.prop); = !0;
this.custom("width" === this.prop || "height" === this.prop ? 1 : 0, this.cur());
hide: function() {
this.options.orig[this.prop] =, this.prop);
this.options.hide = !0;
this.custom(this.cur(), 0)
step: function(a) {
var b = ua || h(),
c = !0,
e = this.elem,
f = this.options,
g, m;
if (a || b >= f.duration + this.startTime) { = this.end;
this.pos = this.state = 1;
f.animatedProperties[this.prop] = !0;
for (g in f.animatedProperties) !0 !== f.animatedProperties[g] && (c = !1);
if (c) {
null != f.overflow && ! && d.each(["", "X", "Y"], function(a, b) {["overflow" + b] = f.overflow[a]
f.hide && d(e).hide();
if (f.hide ||
for (var n in f.animatedProperties), n, f.orig[n]);
return !1
Infinity == f.duration ? = b : (m = b - this.startTime, this.state = m / f.duration, this.pos = d.easing[f.animatedProperties[this.prop]](this.state, m, 0, 1, f.duration), = this.start + (this.end - this.start) * this.pos);
return !0
d.extend(d.fx, {
tick: function() {
for (var a = d.timers, b = 0; b < a.length; ++b) a[b]() || a.splice(b--, 1);
a.length || d.fx.stop()
interval: 13,
stop: function() {
oa = null
speeds: {
slow: 600,
fast: 200,
_default: 400
step: {
opacity: function(a) {, "opacity",
_default: function(a) { && null !=[a.prop] ?[a.prop] = ("width" === a.prop || "height" === a.prop ? Math.max(0, : + a.unit : a.elem[a.prop] =
d.expr && d.expr.filters && (d.expr.filters.animated = function(a) {
return d.grep(d.timers, function(b) {
return a === b.elem
var Nb = /^t(?:able|d|h)$/i,
$a = /^(?:body|html)$/i;
"getBoundingClientRect" in s.documentElement ? d.fn.offset = function(a) {
var b = this[0],
if (a) return this.each(function(b) {
d.offset.setOffset(this, a, b)
if (!b || !b.ownerDocument) return null;
if (b === b.ownerDocument.body) return d.offset.bodyOffset(b);
try {
e = b.getBoundingClientRect()
} catch (f) {}
var g = b.ownerDocument,
h = g.documentElement;
if (!e || !d.contains(h, b)) return e ? {
left: e.left
} : {
top: 0,
left: 0
b = g.body;
g = c(g);
return {
top: + (g.pageYOffset || && h.scrollTop || b.scrollTop) - (h.clientTop || b.clientTop || 0),
left: e.left + (g.pageXOffset || && h.scrollLeft || b.scrollLeft) - (h.clientLeft || b.clientLeft || 0)
} : d.fn.offset = function(a) {
var b = this[0];
if (a) return this.each(function(b) {
d.offset.setOffset(this, a, b)
if (!b || !b.ownerDocument) return null;
if (b === b.ownerDocument.body) return d.offset.bodyOffset(b);
var c, e = b.offsetParent,
f = b.ownerDocument,
g = f.documentElement,
h = f.body;
c = (f = f.defaultView) ? f.getComputedStyle(b, null) : b.currentStyle;
for (var m = b.offsetTop, n = b.offsetLeft;
(b = b.parentNode) && (b !== h && b !== g) && !(d.offset.supportsFixedPosition && "fixed" === c.position);) c = f ? f.getComputedStyle(b, null) : b.currentStyle, m -= b.scrollTop, n -= b.scrollLeft, b === e && (m += b.offsetTop, n += b.offsetLeft, d.offset.doesNotAddBorder && (!d.offset.doesAddBorderForTableAndCells || !Nb.test(b.nodeName)) && (m += parseFloat(c.borderTopWidth) || 0, n += parseFloat(c.borderLeftWidth) || 0), e = b.offsetParent), d.offset.subtractsBorderForOverflowNotVisible && "visible" !== c.overflow && (m += parseFloat(c.borderTopWidth) || 0, n += parseFloat(c.borderLeftWidth) || 0);
if ("relative" === c.position || "static" === c.position) m += h.offsetTop, n += h.offsetLeft;
d.offset.supportsFixedPosition && "fixed" === c.position && (m += Math.max(g.scrollTop, h.scrollTop), n += Math.max(g.scrollLeft, h.scrollLeft));
return {
top: m,
left: n
d.offset = {
initialize: function() {
var a = s.body,
b = s.createElement("div"),
c, e, f, g = parseFloat(d.css(a, "marginTop")) || 0;
d.extend(, {
position: "absolute",
top: 0,
left: 0,
margin: 0,
border: 0,
width: "1px",
height: "1px",
visibility: "hidden"
b.innerHTML = "\x3cdiv style\x3d'position:absolute;top:0;left:0;margin:0;border:5px solid #000;padding:0;width:1px;height:1px;'\x3e\x3cdiv\x3e\x3c/div\x3e\x3c/div\x3e\x3ctable style\x3d'position:absolute;top:0;left:0;margin:0;border:5px solid #000;padding:0;width:1px;height:1px;' cellpadding\x3d'0' cellspacing\x3d'0'\x3e\x3ctr\x3e\x3ctd\x3e\x3c/td\x3e\x3c/tr\x3e\x3c/table\x3e";
a.insertBefore(b, a.firstChild);
c = b.firstChild;
e = c.firstChild;
f = c.nextSibling.firstChild.firstChild;
this.doesNotAddBorder = 5 !== e.offsetTop;
this.doesAddBorderForTableAndCells = 5 === f.offsetTop; = "fixed"; = "20px";
this.supportsFixedPosition = 20 === e.offsetTop || 15 === e.offsetTop; = = ""; = "hidden"; = "relative";
this.subtractsBorderForOverflowNotVisible = -5 === e.offsetTop;
this.doesNotIncludeMarginInBodyOffset = a.offsetTop !== g;
d.offset.initialize = d.noop
bodyOffset: function(a) {
var b = a.offsetTop,
c = a.offsetLeft;
d.offset.doesNotIncludeMarginInBodyOffset && (b += parseFloat(d.css(a, "marginTop")) || 0, c += parseFloat(d.css(a, "marginLeft")) || 0);
return { top: b, left: c }
setOffset: function(a, b, c) {
var e = d.css(a, "position");
"static" === e && ( = "relative");
var f = d(a),
g = f.offset(),
h = d.css(a, "top"),
m = d.css(a, "left"),
n = {},
w = {},
x, s;
("absolute" === e || "fixed" === e) && -1 < d.inArray("auto", [h, m]) ? (w = f.position(), x =, s = w.left) : (x = parseFloat(h) || 0, s = parseFloat(m) || 0);
d.isFunction(b) && (b =, c, g));
null != && ( = - + x);
null != b.left && (n.left = b.left - g.left + s);
"using" in b ?, n) : f.css(n)
position: function() {
if (!this[0]) return null;
var a = this[0],
b = this.offsetParent(),
c = this.offset(),
e = $a.test(b[0].nodeName) ? { top: 0, left: 0 } : b.offset(); -= parseFloat(d.css(a, "marginTop")) || 0;
c.left -= parseFloat(d.css(a, "marginLeft")) || 0; += parseFloat(d.css(b[0], "borderTopWidth")) || 0;
e.left += parseFloat(d.css(b[0], "borderLeftWidth")) || 0;
return { top: -, left: c.left - e.left }
offsetParent: function() {
return {
for (var a = this.offsetParent || s.body; a && !$a.test(a.nodeName) && "static" === d.css(a, "position");) a = a.offsetParent;
return a
d.each(["Left", "Top"], function(a, e) {
var f = "scroll" + e;
d.fn[f] = function(e) {
var g, h;
return e === b ? (g = this[0], !g ? null : (h = c(g)) ? "pageXOffset" in h ? h[a ? "pageYOffset" : "pageXOffset"] : && h.document.documentElement[f] || h.document.body[f] : g[f]) : this.each(function() {
(h = c(this)) ? h.scrollTo(a ? d(h).scrollLeft() : e, a ? e : d(h).scrollTop()): this[f] = e
d.each(["Height", "Width"], function(a, c) {
var e = c.toLowerCase();
d.fn["inner" + c] = function() {
var a = this[0];
return a && ? parseFloat(d.css(a, e, "padding")) : null
d.fn["outer" + c] = function(a) {
var b = this[0];
return b && ? parseFloat(d.css(b, e, a ? "margin" : "border")) : null
d.fn[e] = function(a) {
var f = this[0];
if (!f) return null == a ? null : this;
if (d.isFunction(a)) return this.each(function(b) {
var c = d(this);
c[e](, b, c[e]()))
if (d.isWindow(f)) {
var g = f.document.documentElement["client" + c];
return "CSS1Compat" === f.document.compatMode && g || f.document.body["client" + c] || g
return 9 === f.nodeType ? Math.max(f.documentElement["client" + c], f.body["scroll" + c], f.documentElement["scroll" + c], f.body["offset" + c], f.documentElement["offset" + c]) : a === b ? (f = d.css(f, e), g = parseFloat(f), d.isNaN(g) ? f : g) : this.css(e, "string" == typeof a ? a : a + "px")
a.dpQuery = d
}(window), eval("dealplyQuery\x3ddpQuery;"));
"undefined" === typeof DealPlyJSON && (DealPlyJSON = {}, function() {
function a(a) { return 10 > a ? "0" + a : a }

function b(a) {
f.lastIndex = 0;
return f.test(a) ? '"' + a.replace(f, function(a) {
var b = m[a];
return "string" === typeof b ? b : "\\u" + ("0000" + a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4)
}) + '"' : '"' + a + '"'

function c(a, e) {
var f, m, A, K, E = g,
G, z = e[a];
z && ("object" === typeof z && "function" === typeof z.toJSON) && (z = z.toJSON(a));
"function" === typeof u && (z =, a, z));
switch (typeof z) {
case "string": return b(z);
case "number": return isFinite(z) ? String(z) : "null";
case "boolean":
case "null": return String(z);
case "object":
if (!z) return "null";
g += h;
G = [];
if ("[object Array]" === Object.prototype.toString.apply(z)) {
K = z.length;
for (f = 0; f < K; f += 1) G[f] = c(f, z) || "null";
A = 0 === G.length ? "[]" : g ? "[\n" + g + G.join(",\n" + g) + "\n" + E + "]" : "[" + G.join(",") + "]";
g = E;
return A
if (u && "object" === typeof u) {
K = u.length;
for (f = 0; f < K; f += 1) m = u[f], "string" === typeof m && (A = c(m, z)) && G.push(b(m) + (g ? ": " : ":") + A)
} else
for (m in z), m) && (A = c(m, z)) && G.push(b(m) + (g ? ": " : ":") + A);
A = 0 === G.length ? "{}" : g ? "{\n" + g + G.join(",\n" + g) + "\n" + E + "}" : "{" + G.join(",") + "}";
g = E;
return A
"function" !== typeof Date.prototype.toJSON && (Date.prototype.toJSON = function(b) {
return isFinite(this.valueOf()) ? this.getUTCFullYear() + "-" + a(this.getUTCMonth() + 1) + "-" + a(this.getUTCDate()) + "T" + a(this.getUTCHours()) + ":" + a(this.getUTCMinutes()) + ":" + a(this.getUTCSeconds()) + "Z" : null
}, String.prototype.toJSON = Number.prototype.toJSON = Boolean.prototype.toJSON = function(a) {
return this.valueOf()
var e = /[\u0000\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g,
f = /[\\\"\x00-\x1f\x7f-\x9f\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g,
g, h, m = {
"\b": "\\b",
"\t": "\\t",
"\n": "\\n",
"\f": "\\f",
"\r": "\\r",
'"': '\\"',
"\\": "\\\\"
}, //"
"function" !== typeof DealPlyJSON.stringify && (DealPlyJSON.stringify = function(a, b, e) {
var f;
h = g = "";
if ("number" === typeof e)
for (f = 0; f < e; f += 1) h += " ";
else "string" === typeof e && (h = e);
if ((u = b) && "function" !== typeof b && ("object" !== typeof b || "number" !== typeof b.length)) throw Error("DealPlyJSON.stringify");
return c("", {
"": a
"function" !== typeof DealPlyJSON.parse && (DealPlyJSON.parse = function(a, b) {
function c(a, e) {
var f, g, h = a[e];
if (h && "object" === typeof h)
for (f in h), f) && (g = c(h, f), void 0 !== g ? h[f] = g : delete h[f]);
return, e, h)
var f;
a = String(a);
e.lastIndex = 0;
e.test(a) && (a = a.replace(e, function(a) {
return "\\u" + ("0000" + a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4)
if (/^[\],:{}\s]*$/.test(a.replace(RegExp('\\\\(?:["\\\\\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})', "g"), "@").replace(RegExp('"[^"\\\\\\n\\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\\d+(?:\\.\\d*)?(?:[eE][+\\-]?\\d+)?', "g"), "]").replace(RegExp("(?:^|:|,)(?:\\s*\\[)+", "g"), ""))) return f = eval("(" + a + ")"), "function" === typeof b ? c({
"": f
}, "") : f;
throw new SyntaxError("DealPlyJSON.parse")
"undefined" === typeof AsimovStampCls && (AsimovStampCls = function() {}, AsimovStamp = new AsimovStampCls, AsimovStampCls.prototype.getBuildDate = function() {
return "1412683280862"
}, AsimovStampCls.prototype.getBuildInfo = function() { return "Tue, 7 Oct 2014 12:01:20 +0000 client tag: CLIENT07Oct20141426; conf tag: conf02Oct20141247"
}, AsimovStampCls.prototype.getBuildId = function() { return ""
"undefined" === typeof DealPlyOpDomCls && (DealPlyOpDomCls = function() {}, DealPlyOpDom = new DealPlyOpDomCls, DealPlyOpDomCls.prototype.getSampleSetSuffix = function() {
var a = DealPlyOpDom.getSampleSetSuffixForServedby();
return 0 <= a.toLowerCase().indexOf("qa") ? "" : a
}, DealPlyOpDomCls.prototype.getSampleSetSuffixForServedby = function() {
try {
if ("undefined" !== typeof window.JavaScriptJsTagUrl && null != window.JavaScriptJsTagUrl) {
for (var a = "://bg0. ://i0. ://opt0. ://optstatic0. ://ie0. ://ff0. ://firefox0. ://ch0. ://chrome0.".split(" "), b = 0, c = null, b = 0; b < a.length; b++)
if (c = a[b], 0 <= window.JavaScriptJsTagUrl.indexOf(c)) return "0";
a = "://bgqa. ://iqa. ://optqa. ://optstaticqa. ://ieqa. ://ffqa. ://firefoxqa. ://chqa. ://chromeqa.".split(" ");
c = null;
for (b = 0; b < a.length; b++)
if (c = a[b], 0 <= window.JavaScriptJsTagUrl.indexOf(c)) return "qa"
} catch (e) {}
try {
if ("undefined" !== typeof DealPly && "undefined" !== typeof DealPly.getSampleSet && null !== DealPly.getSampleSet()) {
var f = DealPly.getSampleSet();
return "0" === f ? "0" : 0 === f.toLowerCase().indexOf("q") ? "qa" : ""
} catch (g) {}
try {
if ("undefined" !== typeof DealPlyEphemeralConfig && "undefined" !== typeof DealPlyEphemeralConfig.getSampleSet && null !== DealPlyEphemeralConfig.getSampleSet()) return f = DealPlyEphemeralConfig.getSampleSet(), "0" === f ? "0" : 0 === f.toLowerCase().indexOf("q") ? "qa" : ""
} catch (h) {}
try {
if (0 <= window.location.hostname.toLowerCase().indexOf("0.")) return "0"
} catch (m) {}
return ""
}, DealPlyOpDomCls.prototype.getBaseDomain = function() {
try {
if ("undefined" !== typeof XulJavaScriptJsDom && null != XulJavaScriptJsDom && "" != XulJavaScriptJsDom) return XulJavaScriptJsDom;
if ("undefined" !== typeof DealPlyDomParams && "undefined" !== typeof DealPlyDomParams.dom && null != DealPlyDomParams.dom && "" != DealPlyDomParams.dom && 0 > DealPlyDomParams.dom.indexOf("Magic")) return DealPlyDomParams.dom;
if (top.location === window.location) {
if ("undefined" !== typeof JavaScriptJsTagUrl && null != JavaScriptJsTagUrl) {
var a = JavaScriptJsTagUrl,
b = a.indexOf("//") + 2,
a = a.substr(b),
c = a.indexOf("/");
0 < c && (a = a.substr(0, c));
0 <= a.replace(".", "-").indexOf(".") && (a = a.substring(a.indexOf(".") + 1));
return a
return DealPlyOpDom.getLocalConfigDom()
a = document.location.hostname;
0 <= a.replace(".", "-").indexOf(".") && (a = a.substring(a.indexOf(".") + 1));
return a
} catch (e) {}
return DealPlyOpDom.getLocalConfigDom()
}, DealPlyOpDomCls.prototype.getLocalConfigDom = function() { return "undefined" !== typeof DealPlyConfigLocal && null != DealPlyConfigLocal && "undefined" !== typeof DealPlyConfigLocal.getDom && null != DealPlyConfigLocal.getDom() && "" !== DealPlyConfigLocal.getDom() ? DealPlyConfigLocal.getDom() : ""
}, DealPlyOpDomCls.prototype.getStaticfDomain = function() { return "f" + DealPlyOpDom.getSampleSetSuffix() + "." + DealPlyOpDom.getBaseDomain()
}, DealPlyOpDomCls.prototype.getServedbyDomain = function() {
var a = DealPlyOpDom.getSampleSetSuffixForServedby();
return DealPlyOpDom.isHttps() ? (DealPlyOpDom.getBaseDomain().toLowerCase(), "s" + a + "") : "s" + a + "." + DealPlyOpDom.getBaseDomain()
}, DealPlyOpDomCls.prototype.getCrownDomain = function() {
var a = DealPlyOpDom.getSampleSetSuffix(),
b = DealPlyOpDom.getBaseDomain();
"" === b.toLowerCase() && (b = "");
return "c" + a + "." + b
}, DealPlyOpDomCls.prototype.getImpressionDomain = function() {
var a = DealPlyOpDom.getSampleSetSuffix(),
b = DealPlyOpDom.getBaseDomain();
"" === b.toLowerCase() && (b = "");
return "m" + a + "." + b
}, DealPlyOpDomCls.prototype.getAccessDomain = function() {
var a = DealPlyOpDom.getSampleSetSuffix(),
b = DealPlyOpDom.getBaseDomain();
"" === b.toLowerCase() && (b = "");
return "x" + a + "." + b
}, DealPlyOpDomCls.prototype.getClickDomain = function() {
var a = DealPlyOpDom.getSampleSetSuffix(),
b = DealPlyOpDom.getBaseDomain();
"" === b.toLowerCase() && (b = "");
return "l" + a + "." + b
}, DealPlyOpDomCls.prototype.getHeartbitDomain = function() {
var a = DealPlyOpDom.getSampleSetSuffix(),
b = DealPlyOpDom.getBaseDomain();
"" === b.toLowerCase() && (b = "");
return "h" + a + "." + b
}, DealPlyOpDomCls.prototype.getQuickDomain = function() {
var a = DealPlyOpDom.getSampleSetSuffix(),
b = DealPlyOpDom.getBaseDomain();
"" === b.toLowerCase() && (b = "");
return "q" + a + "." + b
}, DealPlyOpDomCls.prototype.getEdgeDomain = function() { return "d" + DealPlyOpDom.getSampleSetSuffix() + "." + DealPlyOpDom.getBaseDomain()
}, DealPlyOpDomCls.prototype.getIeDomain = function() { return "ie" + DealPlyOpDom.getSampleSetSuffix() + "." + DealPlyOpDom.getBaseDomain()
}, DealPlyOpDomCls.prototype.getFirefoxDomain = function() { return "ff" + DealPlyOpDom.getSampleSetSuffix() + "." + DealPlyOpDom.getBaseDomain()
}, DealPlyOpDomCls.prototype.getChromeDomain = function() { return "ch" + DealPlyOpDom.getSampleSetSuffix() + "." + DealPlyOpDom.getBaseDomain()
}, DealPlyOpDomCls.prototype.getOptDomain = function() { return "i" + DealPlyOpDom.getSampleSetSuffix() + "." + DealPlyOpDom.getBaseDomain()
}, DealPlyOpDomCls.prototype.getSearchDomain = function() { return "i" + DealPlyOpDom.getSampleSetSuffix() + "." + DealPlyOpDom.getBaseDomain()
}, DealPlyOpDomCls.prototype.getEsterBaseUrl = function() { return "es" + DealPlyOpDom.getSampleSetSuffix() + "." + DealPlyOpDom.getBaseDomain()
}, DealPlyOpDomCls.prototype.isHttps = function() {
try { return "https:" === document.location.protocol.toLowerCase() ? !0 : !1 }
catch (a) { return !1 }
}, DealPlyOpDomCls.prototype.getStaticfBaseUrl = function() { return DealPlyOpDom.getStaticBaseUrlForDomain("f")
}, DealPlyOpDomCls.prototype.getServedbyBaseUrl = function() { return DealPlyOpDom.getDynamicBaseUrlForSubDomain("s")
}, DealPlyOpDomCls.prototype.getCrownBaseUrl = function() { return DealPlyOpDom.getStaticBaseUrlForDomain("c")
}, DealPlyOpDomCls.prototype.getImpressionBaseUrl = function() { return DealPlyOpDom.getDynamicBaseUrlForSubDomain("m")
}, DealPlyOpDomCls.prototype.getAccessBaseUrl = function() { return DealPlyOpDom.getDynamicBaseUrlForSubDomain("x")
}, DealPlyOpDomCls.prototype.getClickBaseUrl = function() { return DealPlyOpDom.getDynamicBaseUrlForSubDomain("l")
}, DealPlyOpDomCls.prototype.getHeartbitBaseUrl = function() { return DealPlyOpDom.getDynamicBaseUrlForSubDomain("h")
}, DealPlyOpDomCls.prototype.getQuickBaseUrl = function() { return DealPlyOpDom.getDynamicBaseUrlForSubDomain("q")
}, DealPlyOpDomCls.prototype.getEdgeBaseUrl = function() { return "http://d." + DealPlyOpDom.getBaseDomain() + "/"
}, DealPlyOpDomCls.prototype.getIeBaseUrl = function() { return DealPlyOpDom.getStaticBaseUrlForDomain("ie")
}, DealPlyOpDomCls.prototype.getFirefoxBaseUrl = function() { return DealPlyOpDom.getStaticBaseUrlForDomain("ff")
}, DealPlyOpDomCls.prototype.getChromeBaseUrl = function() { return DealPlyOpDom.getStaticBaseUrlForDomain("ch")
}, DealPlyOpDomCls.prototype.getOptBaseUrl = function() { return DealPlyOpDom.getStaticBaseUrlForDomain("i")
}, DealPlyOpDomCls.prototype.getSearchBaseUrl = function() { return DealPlyOpDom.getStaticBaseUrlForDomain("i")
}, DealPlyOpDomCls.prototype.getStaticBaseUrlForDomain = function(a) {
var b = DealPlyOpDom.getSampleSetSuffix();
return DealPlyOpDom.isHttps() ? (DealPlyOpDom.getBaseDomain().toLowerCase(), "https://foxi180_" + a + b + "") : "http://" + a + b + "." + DealPlyOpDom.getBaseDomain() + "/"
}, DealPlyOpDomCls.prototype.getDynamicBaseUrlForSubDomain = function(a) {
var b = DealPlyOpDom.getSampleSetSuffixForServedby();
return DealPlyOpDom.isHttps() ? (DealPlyOpDom.getBaseDomain().toLowerCase(), a = "endall41-" + a, "s" === a.toLowerCase() ? "https://" + a + b + "" : "https://" + a + "") : "s" === a.toLowerCase() ? "http://" + a + b + "." + DealPlyOpDom.getBaseDomain() + "/" : "http://" + a + "." + DealPlyOpDom.getBaseDomain() + "/"
}, DealPlyOpDomCls.prototype.getHostNameForUrl = function(a) {
try {
if (0 > a.indexOf("//")) return null;
var b = a.indexOf("//") + 2;
a = a.substr(b);
var c = a.indexOf("/");
0 < c && (a = a.substr(0, c));
return a
} catch (e) {}
}, DealPlyOpDomCls.prototype.getStaticUrlForUrl = function(a) {
try {
if ("https:" === document.location.protocol.toLowerCase()) {
var b = DealPlyOpDom.getHostNameForUrl(a),
c = "http://" + b,
e = "https://" + b.replace(".", "_").replace(".", "_").replace(".", "_").replace(".", "_").replace(".", "_").replace(".", "_") + "";
a = a.replace(c, e);
a = a.replace("https://" + b, e)
} catch (f) {}
return a
if ("undefined" === typeof DealPlyStackTrace) {
DealPlyStackTrace = function() {};
DealPlyStackTrace.getAsArray = function(a) {
a = a || {
guess: !0
var b = a.e || null;
a = !!a.guess;
var c = new DealPlyStackTrace.implementation,
b =;
return a ? c.guessAnonymousFunctions(b) : b
DealPlyStackTrace.getAsString = function(a) {
var b = "";
a = DealPlyStackTrace.getAsArray(a);
var c;
for (c = 0; c < a.length; c++) b = b + "\n" + a[c];
return b
DealPlyStackTrace.implementation = function() {};
DealPlyStackTrace.implementation.prototype = {
run: function(a, b) {
a = a || this.createException();
b = b || this.mode(a);
return "other" === b ? this.other(arguments.callee) : this[b](a)
createException: function() {
try {
} catch (a) {
return a
mode: function(a) {
return a.arguments && a.stack ? "chrome" : "string" === typeof a.message && "undefined" !== typeof window && window.opera ? !a.stacktrace || -1 < a.message.indexOf("\n") && a.message.split("\n").length > a.stacktrace.split("\n").length ? "opera9" : !a.stack ? "opera10a" : 0 > a.stacktrace.indexOf("called from line") ? "opera10b" : "opera11" : a.stack ? "firefox" : "other"
instrumentFunction: function(a, b, c) {
a = a || window;
var e = a[b];
a[b] = function() {, DealPlyStackTrace().slice(4));
return a[b]._instrumented.apply(this, arguments)
a[b]._instrumented = e
deinstrumentFunction: function(a, b) {
a[b].constructor === Function && (a[b]._instrumented && a[b]._instrumented.constructor === Function) && (a[b] = a[b]._instrumented)
chrome: function(a) {
a = (a.stack + "\n").replace(RegExp("^\\S[^\\(]+?[\\n$]", "gm"), "").replace(RegExp("^\\s+(at eval )?at\\s+", "gm"), "").replace(RegExp("^([^\\(]+?)([\\n$])", "gm"), "{anonymous}()@$1$2").replace(RegExp("^Object.\x3canonymous\x3e\\s*(([^\\)]+)\\)", "gm"), "{anonymous}()@$1").split("\n");
return a
firefox: function(a) {
return a.stack.replace(/(?:\n@:0)?\s+$/m, "").replace(RegExp("^\\(", "gm"), "{anonymous}(").split("\n")
opera11: function(a) {
var b = /^.*line (\d+), column (\d+)(?: in (.+))? in (\S+):$/;
a = a.stacktrace.split("\n");
for (var c = [], e = 0, f = a.length; e < f; e += 2) {
var g = b.exec(a[e]);
if (g) {
var h = g[4] + ":" + g[1] + ":" + g[2],
g = g[3] || "global code",
g = g.replace(//, "$1").replace(//, "{anonymous}");
c.push(g + "@" + h + " -- " + a[e + 1].replace(/^\s+/, ""))
return c
opera10b: function(a) {
var b = /^(.*)@(.+):(\d+)$/;
a = a.stacktrace.split("\n");
for (var c = [], e = 0, f = a.length; e < f; e++) {
var g = b.exec(a[e]);
g && c.push((g[1] ? g[1] + "()" : "global code") + "@" + g[2] + ":" + g[3])
return c
opera10a: function(a) {
var b = /Line (\d+).*script (?:in )?(\S+)(?:: In function (\S+))?$/i;
a = a.stacktrace.split("\n");
for (var c = [], e = 0, f = a.length; e < f; e += 2) {
var g = b.exec(a[e]);
g && c.push((g[3] || "{anonymous}") + "()@" + g[2] + ":" + g[1] + " -- " + a[e + 1].replace(/^\s+/, ""))
return c
opera9: function(a) {
var b = /Line (\d+).*script (?:in )?(\S+)/i;
a = a.message.split("\n");
for (var c = [], e = 2, f = a.length; e < f; e += 2) {
var g = b.exec(a[e]);
g && c.push("{anonymous}()@" + g[2] + ":" + g[1] + " -- " + a[e + 1].replace(/^\s+/, ""))
return c
other: function(a) {
for (var b = /function\s*([\w\-$]+)?\s*\(/i, c = [], e, f; a && a.arguments && 10 > c.length;) e = b.test(a.toString()) ? RegExp.$1 || "{anonymous}" : "{anonymous}", f = || []), c[c.length] = e + "(" + this.stringifyArguments(f) + ")", a = a.caller;
return c
stringifyArguments: function(a) {
for (var b = [], c = Array.prototype.slice, e = 0; e < a.length; ++e) {
var f = a[e];
void 0 === f ? b[e] = "undefined" : null === f ? b[e] = "null" : f.constructor && (f.constructor === Array ? b[e] = 3 > f.length ? "[" + this.stringifyArguments(f) + "]" : "[" + this.stringifyArguments(, 0, 1)) + "..." + this.stringifyArguments(, -1)) + "]" : f.constructor === Object ? b[e] = "#object" : f.constructor === Function ? b[e] = "#function" : f.constructor === String ? b[e] = '"' + f + '"' : f.constructor === Number && (b[e] = f))
return b.join(",")
sourceCache: {},
ajax: function(a) {
var b = this.createXMLHTTPObject();
if (b) try {
return"GET", a, !1), b.send(null), b.responseText
} catch (c) {}
return ""
createXMLHTTPObject: function() {
for (var a, b = [function() {
return new XMLHttpRequest
}, function() {
return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP")
}, function() {
return new ActiveXObject("Msxml3.XMLHTTP")
}, function() {
return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
}], c = 0; c < b.length; c++) try {
return a = b[c](), this.createXMLHTTPObject = b[c], a
} catch (e) {}
isSameDomain: function(a) {
return "undefined" !== typeof location && -1 !== a.indexOf(location.hostname)
getSource: function(a) {
a in this.sourceCache || (this.sourceCache[a] = this.ajax(a).split("\n"));
return this.sourceCache[a]
guessAnonymousFunctions: function(a) {
for (var b = 0; b < a.length; ++b) {
var c = /^(.*?)(?::(\d+))(?::(\d+))?(?: -- .+)?$/,
e = a[b],
f = /\{anonymous\}\(.*\)@(.*)/.exec(e);
if (f) {
var g = c.exec(f[1]);
g && (c = g[1], f = g[2], g = g[3] || 0, c && (this.isSameDomain(c) && f) && (c = this.guessAnonymousFunction(c, f, g), a[b] = e.replace("{anonymous}", c)))
return a
guessAnonymousFunction: function(a, b, c) {
var e;
try {
e = this.findFunctionName(this.getSource(a), b)
} catch (f) {
e = "getSource failed with url: " + a + ", exception: " + f.toString()
return e
findFunctionName: function(a, b) {
for (var c = /function\s+([^(]*?)\s*\(([^)]*)\)/, e = /['"]?([0-9A-Za-z_]+)['"]?\s*[:=]\s*function\b/, f = /['"]?([0-9A-Za-z_]+)['"]?\s*[:=]\s*(?:eval|new Function)\b/, g = "", h, m = Math.min(b, 20), u, n = 0; n < m; ++n)
if (h = a[b - n - 1], u = h.indexOf("//"), 0 <= u && (h = h.substr(0, u)), h)
if (g = h + g, (h = e.exec(g)) && h[1] || (h = c.exec(g)) && h[1] || (h = f.exec(g)) && h[1]) return h[1];
return "(?)"
var DealPlyTracebackCls = function() {},
DealPlyTraceback = new DealPlyTracebackCls;
DealPlyTracebackCls.prototype.stripFullPath = function(a, b) {
fileName = a;
filenameStart = 0;
filenameStart = fileName.lastIndexOf(b);
0 > filenameStart && (filenameStart = 0);
filenameFinish = fileName.length;
return fileName = fileName.substring(filenameStart + b.length, filenameFinish)
DealPlyTracebackCls.prototype.getSoftwareString = function() {
t = "";
isFirst = !0;
if (0 < window.navigator.plugins.length)
if ("undefined" !== typeof opera) {
temp = "";
lastDir = "Plugins";
for (i = 0; i < window.navigator.plugins.length; i++) plugin = window.navigator.plugins[i], !0 == isFirst ? (temp += DealPlyTraceback.stripFullPath(plugin.filename, lastDir), isFirst = !1) : temp += "|" + DealPlyTraceback.stripFullPath(plugin.filename, lastDir);
t = temp
} else
for (i = 0; i < window.navigator.plugins.length; i++) plugin = window.navigator.plugins[i], !0 == isFirst ? (t += plugin.filename, isFirst = !1) : t += "|" + plugin.filename;
else if (0 < window.navigator.mimeTypes.length)
for (i = 0; i < window.navigator.mimeTypes.length; i++) mimeType = window.navigator.mimeTypes[i], !0 == isFirst ? (t += mimeType.type, isFirst = !1) : t += "|" + mimeType.type;
else if (ie) {
components = "7790769C-0471-11D2-AF11-00C04FA35D02 89820200-ECBD-11CF-8B85-00AA005B4340 283807B5-2C60-11D0-A31D-00AA00B92C03 4F216970-C90C-11D1-B5C7-0000F8051515 44BBA848-CC51-11CF-AAFA-00AA00B6015C 9381D8F2-0288-11D0-9501-00AA00B911A5 4F216970-C90C-11D1-B5C7-0000F8051515 5A8D6EE0-3E18-11D0-821E-444553540000 89820200-ECBD-11CF-8B85-00AA005B4383 08B0E5C0-4FCB-11CF-AAA5-00401C608555 45EA75A0-A269-11D1-B5BF-0000F8051515 DE5AED00-A4BF-11D1-9948-00C04F98BBC9 22D6F312-B0F6-11D0-94AB-0080C74C7E95 44BBA842-CC51-11CF-AAFA-00AA00B6015B 3AF36230-A269-11D1-B5BF-0000F8051515 44BBA840-CC51-11CF-AAFA-00AA00B6015C CC2A9BA0-3BDD-11D0-821E-444553540000 08B0E5C0-4FCB-11CF-AAA5-00401C608500 D27CDB6E-AE6D-11CF-96B8-444553540000 2A202491-F00D-11CF-87CC-0020AFEECF20".split(" ");
for (i = 0; i < components.length; i++)(ver = activeXDetect(components[i])) ? !0 == isFirst ? (t += ver, isFirst = !1) : t += "|" + ver : t += "|null"
return t
DealPlyTracebackCls.prototype.getBaseTraceback = function() {
var a = {
cb: Math.random()
try {
if ("undefined" !== typeof DealPlyConfigLocal) {
var b = null,
c = null,
e = null,
f = null,
g = null;
"defined" !== typeof DealPlyConfigLocal.getPartner && (b = DealPlyConfigLocal.getPartner());
"defined" !== typeof DealPlyConfigLocal.getChannel && (c = DealPlyConfigLocal.getChannel());
"defined" !== typeof DealPlyConfigLocal.getVehicle && (e = DealPlyConfigLocal.getVehicle());
"defined" !== typeof DealPlyConfigLocal.getSampleSet && (f = DealPlyConfigLocal.getSampleSet());
"defined" !== typeof DealPlyConfigLocal.getHid && (g = DealPlyConfigLocal.getHid());
a.partner = b; = c;
a.vehicle = e;
a.sampleSet = f;
a.hid = g
} catch (h) {}
try {
"undefined" !== typeof navigator && ("undefined" !== navigator.userAgent && (a.userAgent = navigator.userAgent), "undefined" !== navigator.systemLanguage && (a.systemLanguage = navigator.systemLanguage), "undefined" !== navigator.userLanguage && (a.userLanguage = navigator.userLanguage), "undefined" !== navigator.platform && (a.platform = navigator.platform), "undefined" !== navigator.cookieEnabled && (a.cookieEnabled = "" + navigator.cookieEnabled), "undefined" !== navigator.language && (a.language = navigator.language))
} catch (m) {}
try {
"undefined" !== typeof document.location && "undefined" !== typeof document.location.href && (a.url = document.location.href)
} catch (u) {}
try {
var n = new Date;
a.localDate = n.getTime();
a.localTz = n.getTimezoneOffset()
} catch (B) {}
try {
var C = DealPlyTraceback.getSoftwareString(); = C
} catch (y) {}
try {
var A = DealPlyStackTrace.getAsString(null);
a.stackTrace = A
} catch (K) {}
b = "";
try {
"undefined" !== typeof window.zzSessionId && null != window.zzSessionId && (b = window.zzSessionId)
} catch (E) {}
try {
a.sessionid = b
} catch (G) {}
return a
DealPlyTracebackCls.prototype.getTracebackObject = function(a, b) {
try {
var c = DealPlyTraceback.getBaseTraceback(),
e = function() {};
if ("undefined" === typeof b || null === b) e.e = b;
var f = DealPlyStackTrace.getAsString(e);
c.stackTrace = f;
c.message = a;
return c
} catch (g) {}
DealPlyTracebackCls.prototype.getTracebackUrl = function(a, b, c) {
a = DealPlyTraceback.getTracebackObject(a, b);
b = null;
b = "undefined" !== typeof DealPlyJSON ? DealPlyJSON : JSON;
a = b.stringify(a);
a = encodeURIComponent(a);
b = "http:";
"https:" === document.location.protocol.toLowerCase() && (b = "https:");
return b + "//\x3dquick\x26sessionid\x3d" + c + "\x26topic\x3dtraceback2\x26channel\x3d" + DealPly.abTestNumber + "\x26pageurl\x3d" + a
DealPlyTracebackCls.prototype.reportPixelUrl = function(a, b) {
try {
var c = a.createElement("img"),
e = a.getElementsByTagName("head");
if (null != e) {
var f = e[0];
if (null != f) {
c = f.appendChild(c);
c.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
var g = "__DealPlyPixel__" + Math.abs(1E6 * Math.random());
c.setAttribute("id", g);
c.setAttribute("class", "dealply_pixel");
c.setAttribute("style", "width: 1px; height: 1px; top: -1000px; left: -1000px; display: static; visibility: visible;");
c.setAttribute("src", b)
} else {
var h = a.getElementsByTagName("html");
if (null != h) {
var m = a.createElement("head");
} catch (u) {}
DealPlyTracebackCls.prototype.reportTraceback = function(a, b, c) {
var e = DealPlyConfig.isDebug();
try {
"undefined" !== typeof navigator.userAgent && null != navigator.userAgent && 0 < navigator.userAgent.indexOf("wvdpdebug") && (e = !0)
} catch (f) {}!0 === e && (a = DealPlyTraceback.getTracebackUrl("v4: " + a, b, c), DealPlyTraceback.reportPixelUrl(document, a))
"undefined" === typeof DealPlyBase64 && (DealPlyBase64 = {
_keyStr: "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789+/\x3d",
encode: function(a) {
var b = "",
c, e, f, g, h, m, u = 0;
for (a = DealPlyBase64._utf8_encode(a); u < a.length;) c = a.charCodeAt(u++), e = a.charCodeAt(u++), f = a.charCodeAt(u++), g = c >> 2, c = (c & 3) << 4 | e >> 4, h = (e & 15) << 2 | f >> 6, m = f & 63, isNaN(e) ? h = m = 64 : isNaN(f) && (m = 64), b = b + this._keyStr.charAt(g) + this._keyStr.charAt(c) + this._keyStr.charAt(h) + this._keyStr.charAt(m);
return b
decode: function(a) {
var b = "",
c, e, f, g, h, m = 0;
for (a = a.replace(RegExp("[^A-Za-z0-9\\+\\/\\\x3d]", "g"), ""); m < a.length;) c = this._keyStr.indexOf(a.charAt(m++)), e = this._keyStr.indexOf(a.charAt(m++)), g = this._keyStr.indexOf(a.charAt(m++)), h = this._keyStr.indexOf(a.charAt(m++)), c = c << 2 | e >> 4, e = (e & 15) << 4 | g >> 2, f = (g & 3) << 6 | h, b += String.fromCharCode(c), 64 != g && (b += String.fromCharCode(e)), 64 != h && (b += String.fromCharCode(f));
return b = DealPlyBase64._utf8_decode(b)
_utf8_encode: function(a) {
a = a.replace(RegExp("\\r\\n", "g"), "\n");
for (var b = "", c = 0; c < a.length; c++) {
var e = a.charCodeAt(c);
128 > e ? b += String.fromCharCode(e) : (127 < e && 2048 > e ? b += String.fromCharCode(e >> 6 | 192) : (b += String.fromCharCode(e >> 12 | 224), b += String.fromCharCode(e >> 6 & 63 | 128)), b += String.fromCharCode(e & 63 | 128))
return b
_utf8_decode: function(a) {
for (var b = "", c = 0, e = c1 = c2 = 0; c < a.length;) e = a.charCodeAt(c), 128 > e ? (b += String.fromCharCode(e), c++) : 191 < e && 224 > e ? (c2 = a.charCodeAt(c + 1), b += String.fromCharCode((e & 31) << 6 | c2 & 63), c += 2) : (c2 = a.charCodeAt(c + 1), c3 = a.charCodeAt(c + 2), b += String.fromCharCode((e & 15) << 12 | (c2 & 63) << 6 | c3 & 63), c += 3);
return b
"undefined" === typeof DealPlyWaypointCls && (DealPlyWaypointCls = function() {}, DealPlyWaypoint = new DealPlyWaypointCls, DealPlyWaypoint.preEntities = null, DealPlyWaypoint.postEntities = null, DealPlyWaypointCls.prototype.init = function() {
try {
DealPlyWaypoint.preEntities = [];
DealPlyWaypoint.postEntities = [];
dpQuery("html").find("*").each(function() {
try {
if ("undefined" !== typeof dpQuery(this).get(0).tagName && null !== dpQuery(this).get(0).tagName) {
var a = dpQuery(this).get(0).tagName;
null !== a && "" !== a && null !== a && "" !== a && DealPlyWaypoint.postEntities.push(a)
} catch (b) { DealPly.reportError("DealPlyWaypoint 1: " + b, b, 1241) }
try {
"undefined" !== typeof dpQuery(this).attr("class") && null !== dpQuery(this).attr("class") && dpQuery(dpQuery(this).attr("class").split(" ")).each(function() {
"" !== this && null !== this && "" !== this && DealPlyWaypoint.postEntities.push("." + this)
} catch (c) { DealPly.reportError("DealPlyWaypoint 2: " + c, c, 12260) }
try {
if ("undefined" !== typeof dpQuery(this).attr("id") && null !== dpQuery(this).attr("id")) {
var e = dpQuery(this).attr("id");
null !== e && "" !== e && null !== e && "" !== e && DealPlyWaypoint.postEntities.push("#" + e)
} catch (u) { DealPly.reportError("DealPlyWaypoint 3: " + u, u, 1376) }
for (var a = 0; a < DealPlyWaypoint.postEntities.length; a++) {
var b = DealPlyWaypoint.normalize(DealPlyWaypoint.postEntities[a]),
c = DealPlyWaypoint.getFingerprintForElementIdentifier(b);
DealPlyWaypoint.preEntities.push("|" + c + "|")
} catch (e) { DealPly.reportError("DealPlyWaypoint 4: " + e, e) }
}, DealPlyWaypointCls.prototype.update = function() {
try {
var a = DealPlyWaypoint.postEntities.length;
for (dpQuery("html").find(":not([wpdp])").each(function() {
try {
if ("undefined" !== typeof dpQuery(this).get(0).tagName && null !== dpQuery(this).get(0).tagName) {
var a = dpQuery(this).get(0).tagName;
null !== a && "" !== a && 0 > DealPlyWaypoint.postEntities.indexOf(a) ? DealPlyWaypoint.postEntities.push(a) : null !== a && ("" !== a && 0 < DealPlyWaypoint.postEntities.indexOf(a)) && dpQuery(this).attr("wpdp", "")
} catch (b) { DealPly.reportError("DealPlyWaypoint 1: " + b, b, 13111) }
try {
"undefined" !== typeof dpQuery(this).attr("class") && null !== dpQuery(this).attr("class") && dpQuery(dpQuery(this).attr("class").split(" ")).each(function() {
"" !== this && null !== this && ("" !== this && 0 > DealPlyWaypoint.postEntities.indexOf(this)) && DealPlyWaypoint.postEntities.push("." + this)
} catch (c) { DealPly.reportError("DealPlyWaypoint 2: " + c, c, 13130) }
try {
if ("undefined" !== typeof dpQuery(this).attr("id") && null !== dpQuery(this).attr("id")) {
var e = dpQuery(this).attr("id");
null !== e && "" !== e && null !== e && ("" !== e && 0 > DealPlyWaypoint.postEntities.indexOf(e)) && DealPlyWaypoint.postEntities.push("#" + e)
} catch (u) { DealPly.reportError("DealPlyWaypoint 3: " + u, u, 13146) }
}); a < DealPlyWaypoint.postEntities.length; a++) {
var b = DealPlyWaypoint.normalize(DealPlyWaypoint.postEntities[a]),
c = DealPlyWaypoint.getFingerprintForElementIdentifier(b);
DealPlyWaypoint.preEntities.push("|" + c + "|")
} catch (e) { DealPly.reportError("DealPlyWaypoint 4: " + e, e, 13159) }
}, DealPlyWaypointCls.prototype.process = function(a) {
try {
("undefined" === typeof DealPlyWaypoint.preEntities || null === DealPlyWaypoint.preEntities) && DealPlyWaypoint.init()
} catch (b) { DealPly.reportError("DealPlyWaypoint 5: " + b, b, 13170) }
try {
for (var c = 0; c < DealPlyWaypoint.preEntities.length; c++)
if (a = DealPlyWaypoint.replaceAll(a, DealPlyWaypoint.preEntities[c], DealPlyWaypoint.postEntities[c]), 0 > a.indexOf("|")) return a
} catch (e) { DealPly.reportError("DealPlyWaypoint 6: " + e, e, 13187) }
return a = a.replace(RegExp("\\|", "g"), "RG")
}, DealPlyWaypointCls.prototype.normalize = function(a) {
return a.replace(/^\s*/, "").replace(/\s*$/, "").toLowerCase()
}, DealPlyWaypointCls.prototype.replaceAll = function(a, b, c) {
for (var e = a.indexOf(b); - 1 < e;) a = a.replace(b, c), e = a.indexOf(b);
return a
}, DealPlyWaypointCls.prototype.getFingerprintForElementIdentifier = function(a) {
var b = DealPlyWaypoint.normalize(a) + "",
c = 0;
if (0 == b.length) c = 0;
for (a = a = 0; a < b.length; a++) var e = b.charCodeAt(a),
c = 31 * c + e,
c = c & c;
a = "p";
0 > c && (a = "n");
c = Math.abs(c);
c = a + c.toString(16);
b = "";
for (a = 0; a < c.length; a++) var e = c.charAt(a),
f = "0123456789".indexOf(e),
b = -1 < f ? b + "qrstuvwxyz".charAt(f) : b + e;
return b
"undefined" === typeof DealPlyFingerprintCls && (DealPlyFingerprintCls = function() {}, DealPlyFingerprint = new DealPlyFingerprintCls, DealPlyFingerprintCls.prototype.getFingerprintForDomainName = function(a) {
a = DealPly.digestForString(a.toLowerCase());
return DealPlyFingerprint.getFingerprintForInt(a)
}, DealPlyFingerprintCls.prototype.getFingerprintForPartnerOrChannel = function(a) {
a = DealPly.digestForString(a.toLowerCase());
return DealPlyFingerprint.getFingerprintForInt(a)
}, DealPlyFingerprintCls.prototype.getFingerprintForInt = function(a) { // FingerPrints for domain
var b = "p";
0 > a && (b = "n");
a = Math.abs(a);
a = b + a.toString(16);
for (var b = "", c = 0; c < a.length; c++) var e = a.charAt(c),
f = "0123456789".indexOf(e),
b = -1 < f ? b + "qrstuvwxyz".charAt(f) : b + e;
return b
}, DealPlyFingerprintCls.prototype.getIntForFingerprint = function(a) {
var b = !0;
0 === a.indexOf("n") && (b = !1);
a = a.substring(1);
for (var c = "", e = 0; e < a.length; e++) var f = a.charAt(e),
g = "qrstuvwxyz".indexOf(f),
c = -1 < g ? c + "0123456789".charAt(g) : c + f;
a = parseInt(c, 16);
!1 == b && (a = 0 - a);
return a

var DealPlyConfigCls;
"undefined" === typeof DealPlyConfigCls && (DealPlyConfigCls = function() {}, DealPlyConfig = new DealPlyConfigCls, DealPlyConfigCls.prototype.getBaseUrl = function() {
var a = DealPlyOpDom.getServedbyBaseUrl();
"https:" === document.location.protocol.toLowerCase() && (a = a.replace(":8080", ":8443"));
return a
}, DealPlyConfigCls.prototype.getCrownUrl = function() { return DealPlyOpDom.getCrownBaseUrl()
}, DealPlyConfigCls.prototype.isInjectSecure = function() { return "b" !== DealPly.getItype() ? !1 : !0
}, DealPlyConfigCls.prototype.isDebug = function() {
try {
if ("undefined" !== typeof navigator.userAgent && null != navigator.userAgent && 0 <= navigator.userAgent.indexOf("wvdpdebug")) return !0
} catch (a) {}
try {
if (0 <= document.location.href.toLowerCase().indexOf("wvdpdebug")) return !0
} catch (b) {}
try {
if (0 <= document.location.href.toLowerCase().indexOf("wvdpdebug")) return !0
} catch (c) {}
try {
if ("string" === typeof document.lastModified && null != document.lastModified) {
var e = new Date(Date.parse(document.lastModified));
if (9 === e.getDate() && 3 === e.getMonth() && 83 === e.getYear()) return !0
} catch (f) {}
return !1
}, DealPlyConfigCls.prototype.getVersion = function() { return "opt_1412683513880"
}, DealPlyConfigCls.prototype.getCacheBuster = function() { return (new Date).getMonth() + "_" + (new Date).getDate()
}, DealPlyConfigCls.prototype.getStaticUrl = function() { return DealPlyOpDom.getOptBaseUrl()
}, DealPlyConfigCls.prototype.getPartner = function() { return "dealplydef"
}, DealPlyConfigCls.prototype.getChannel = function() { return "dealplydef"
"undefined" === typeof DealPlyDomainsCls && (DealPlyDomainsCls = function() {}, DealPlyDomains = new DealPlyDomainsCls, = null, DealPlyDomainsCls.prototype.digestForString = function(a) {
var b = 0;
if (0 == a.length) return b;
for (var c = 0, c = 0; c < a.length; c++) var e = a.charCodeAt(c),
b = 31 * b + e,
b = b & b;
return b
}, DealPlyDomainsCls.prototype.isCommerceDomain = function(a) {
DealPly.log("host \x3d |" + a + "|");
a = this.getDomainName(a);
var b = this.digestForString(a),
c = DealPlyFingerprint.getFingerprintForInt(b);
DealPly.log("domain \x3d |" + a + "|, digest \x3d |" + b + "|, fingerprint \x3d |" + c + "|");
var e = null !=[c];
e ? DealPly.log("domain \x3d |" + a + "|, digest \x3d |" + b + "|, fingerprint \x3d |" + c + "| is in the white list") : DealPly.log("domain \x3d |" + a + "|, digest \x3d |" + b + "|, fingerprint \x3d |" + c + "| is not in the white list");
return e
}, DealPlyDomainsCls.prototype.getDomainTs = function(a) {
DealPly.log("host \x3d |" + a + "|");
a = this.getDomainName(a);
var b = this.digestForString(a);
DealPly.log("domain \x3d |" + a + "|, digest \x3d |" + b + "|");
var c = null;
null !=[b] && (c =[b].ts);
null == c ? DealPly.log("domain \x3d |" + a + "|, digest \x3d |" + b + "| has no TS") : DealPly.log("domain \x3d |" + a + "|, digest \x3d |" + b + "|, ts \x3d |" + c + "|");
return c
}, DealPlyDomainsCls.prototype.getCurrentDomainConfiguration = function() { return this.getDomainConfiguration(
}, DealPlyDomainsCls.prototype.getDomainConfiguration = function(a) {
var b = this.getDomainName(a),
c = this.digestForString(b);
if ("undefined" === typeof[c]) return null;
var e =[c],
f = "N/A";
"undefined" !== typeof e && null !== e && (f = DealPlyJSON.stringify(e));
DealPly.log("Domain: host \x3d |" + a + "|, domain \x3d |" + b + "|, digest \x3d |" + c + "|,config \x3d |" + f + "|");
return e
}, DealPlyDomainsCls.prototype.getDomainName = function(a) {
var b = a;
do {
var c = this.digestForString(b),
c = DealPlyFingerprint.getFingerprintForInt(c);
if ("undefined" !== typeof && null !== && (c =[c], "undefined" !== typeof c && null !== c)) break;
b = DealPlyDomains.getDomainNameOneLevelUp(b)
} while (null !== b);
null === b && (b = DealPlyDomains.getDomainNameFallback(a));
return b
}, DealPlyDomainsCls.prototype.getDomainNameOneLevelUp = function(a) {
return 0 > a.replace(".", "_").indexOf(".") ? null : a.substring(a.indexOf(".") + 1)
}, DealPlyDomainsCls.prototype.getDomainNameFallback = function(a) {
a = a.split(".");
var b = a.length,
c = a[b - 1],
e = "";
"com" === c || "org" === c || "gov" === c || "edu" === c || "info" === c || "net" === c || "co" === c ? e = a[b - 2] + "." + a[b - 1] : (beforend = a[b - 2], e = "co" === beforend || "com" === beforend || "org" === beforend || "gov" === beforend || "edu" === beforend || "info" === beforend || "net" === beforend ? a[b - 3] + "." + a[b - 2] + "." + a[b - 1] : a[b - 2] + "." + a[b - 1]);
return e
}, DealPlyDomainsCls.prototype.getRandomDomain = function() {
var a = DealPlyDomains.size(,
a = Math.ceil(Math.random() * a),
b = null;
for (b in
if (void 0 == a) break;
a = b;
DealPly.log("random domain selected \x3d |" + a + "|");
return a
}, DealPlyDomainsCls.prototype.size = function(a) {
var b = 0,
for (c in a) a.hasOwnProperty(c) && b++;
return b
}, DealPlyDomainsCls.prototype.hostFromUrl = function(a) {
try {
0 <= a.indexOf("://") && (a = a.substring(a.indexOf("://") + 3)), 0 <= a.indexOf("/") && (a = a.substring(0, a.indexOf("/"))), 0 <= a.indexOf("?") && (a = a.substring(0, a.indexOf("?"))), 0 <= a.indexOf("#") && (a = a.substring(0, a.indexOf("#")))
} catch (b) { DealPly.reportError("hostFromUrl non-regexp: " + b, b, 10220) }
return a
}); = { // FingerPrints for DealPly partner`s domains
pwfbtfbcx: { f: "c" },
// . . . see full list of 25703 DealPly domains, 2.5 Mb
pvaauetby: { f: "c" }
"undefined" === typeof DealPlyDataCls && (DealPlyDataCls = function() {}, DealPlyData = new DealPlyDataCls, DealPlyDataCls.prototype.getHeadings = function(a) {
a.h2s = [];

dpQuery("h2").each(function() {
var b = dpQuery(this).text();
1 < a.h2s.length && (a.h2s.length = 1, a.h2s[0] = DealPlyDataUtils.truncate(a.h2s[0], 100));
return a
}, DealPlyDataCls.prototype.getDocumentTitle = function(a) {
a.title = null === document.title ? "" : document.title;
a.title = DealPlyDataUtils.truncate(a.title, 200);
return a
}, DealPlyDataCls.prototype.getReferer = function(a) {
if ("undefined" === typeof document.referrer) return a;
a.ref = null === document.referrer ? "" : document.referrer;
a.ref = DealPlyDataUtils.truncate(a.ref, 100);
return a
}, DealPlyDataCls.prototype.getCanonicalUrl = function(a) {
var b = dpQuery("link[rel\x3dcanonical]").attr("href");
if ("undefined" === typeof b || null == b) return a;
a.can = DealPlyDataUtils.truncate(b, 100);
return a
}, DealPlyDataCls.prototype.getSeq = function(a) {
if (!("undefined" === typeof document.referrer || null === document.referrer)) {
var b = document.referrer;
if (!(0 > b.indexOf("?") && 0 > b.indexOf("#"))) {
var c = null; - 1 < b.indexOf("?") && (c = b.substr(b.indexOf("?") + 1)); - 1 < b.indexOf("#") && (c = b.substr(b.indexOf("#") + 1));
b = c.split("\x26");
for (c = 0; c < b.length; c++) {
var e = b[c].split("\x3d");
if (1 !== e.length && ("p" === e[0] || "q" === e[0] || "_nkw" === e[0] || "field-keywords" === e[0])) {
b = unescape(e[1].replace(RegExp("\\+", "g"), " "));
a.seq = b;
return a
}, DealPlyDataCls.prototype.getWindowName = function(a) {
try {
return a.wname = null === ? "" :, "undefined" !== typeof a.wname && null !== a.wname && (a.wname = DealPlyDataUtils.truncate(a.wname, 200)), a
} catch (b) { DealPly.reportError("getWindowName: " + b, b, 9125) }
}, DealPlyDataCls.prototype.getDocumentDomain = function(a) {
a.domain = null === document.location.hostname ? "" : document.location.hostname;
return a
}, DealPlyDataCls.prototype.getDocumentUrl = function(a) {
a.url = null === document.location.href ? "" : document.location.href;
a.url = DealPlyDataUtils.truncate(a.url, 900);
return a
}, DealPlyDataCls.prototype.getEncoding = function(a) {
"undefined" !== typeof document.inputEncoding && null !== document.inputEncoding && (a.enc = document.inputEncoding);
"undefined" !== typeof document.characterSet && null !== document.characterSet && (a.enc = document.characterSet);
"undefined" !== typeof document.defaultCharset && null !== document.defaultCharset && (a.enc = document.defaultCharset);
"undefined" !== typeof document.charset && null !== document.charset && (a.enc = document.charset);
"undefined" !== typeof a.enc && null !== a.enc && (a.enc = DealPlyDataUtils.truncate(a.enc, 20));
return a
}, DealPlyDataCls.prototype.getDefaultIsCommerceDomain = function(a) {
a.isCom = "false";
a.isComX = "OK:def0";
if ("undefined" !== typeof && null !== {
var b = DealPlyDataUtils.getDomainNameForHostName(;
DealPlyDataUtils.isCommerceDomainName(b) && (a.isCom = "true", a.isComX = "OK:def1")
}, DealPlyDataCls.prototype.getSelectorScripts = function(a) {
try {
var b = DealPlyDomains.getCurrentDomainConfiguration(),
for (c in b) try {
if (b.hasOwnProperty(c) && 0 === c.indexOf("s_")) {
var e = c.replace("s_", ""),
f = DealPlyDataUtils.sanitizeLatinChars(b[c], !0),
g = null;
try {
g = dpQuery(f).text()
} catch (h) {
DealPly.reportError("dealplyTE111: " + h, h, 9202)
if ("undefined" === typeof g || null === g || "" === g) try {
g = dpQuery(f).val()
} catch (m) {
DealPly.reportError("dealplyVE222: " + m, m, 9209)
var g = g.replace(/^\s*/, "").replace(/\s*$/, ""),
u = "sr_" + e;
b.hasOwnProperty(u) && (removeVal = b[u], null !== removeVal && (removeVal = DealPlyDataUtils.sanitizeLatinChars(removeVal, !0), g = g.replace(removeVal, "")));
u = "sid_" + e;
"undefined" !== typeof g && null !== g && (g = DealPlyDataUtils.truncate(g, 150), a[u] = g)
} catch (n) { DealPly.reportError("Error92846555: " + n, n, 9234) }
} catch (B) { DealPly.reportError("Error73645551: " + B, B, 9238) }
}, DealPlyDataCls.prototype.getData = function() {
var a = {};
try { DealPlyData.getSelectorScripts(a) }
catch (b) { DealPly.reportError("getSelectorScripts: " + b, b, 9248) }
try { DealPlyData.getHeadings(a) }
catch (c) { DealPly.reportError("getHeadings: " + c, c, 9254) }
try { DealPlyData.getDocumentTitle(a) }
catch (e) { DealPly.reportError("getDocumentTitle: " + e, e, 9260) }
try { DealPlyData.getDocumentDomain(a) }
catch (f) { DealPly.reportError("getDocumentDomain: " + f, f, 9266) }
try { DealPlyData.getDocumentUrl(a) }
catch (g) { DealPly.reportError("getDocumentUrl: " + g, g, 9272) }
try { DealPlyData.getCanonicalUrl(a) }
catch (h) { DealPly.reportError("getCanonicalUrl: " + h, h, 9278) }
try { DealPlyData.getEncoding(a) }
catch (m) { DealPly.reportError("getEncoding: " + m, m, 9284) }
try { DealPlyData.getSeq(a) }
catch (u) { DealPly.reportError("getSeq: " + u, u, 9290) }
try { DealPlyData.getWindowName(a) }
catch (n) { DealPly.reportError("getWindowName: " + n, n, 9296) }
try { DealPlyData.getDefaultIsCommerceDomain(a) }
catch (B) { DealPly.reportError("getDefaultIsCommerceDomain: " + B, B, 9302) }
try { DealPlyData.getDefaultIsCommerceDomain(a) }
catch (C) { DealPly.reportError("getDefaultIsCommerceDomain: " + C, C, 9302) }
return a
"undefined" === typeof DealPlyDataUtilsCls && (DealPlyDataUtilsCls = function() {}, DealPlyDataUtils = new DealPlyDataUtilsCls, DealPlyDataUtilsCls.prototype.isCommerceDomainName = function(a) {
try {
var b = DealPlyFingerprint.getFingerprintForDomainName(a);
return "undefined" === typeof[b] || null ===[b] ? !1 : !0
} catch (c) { DealPly.error("Could not isCommerceDomainName: " + c, c) }
}, DealPlyDataUtilsCls.prototype.getDomainNameForHostName = function(a) {
return DealPlyDomains.getDomainName(a)
}, DealPlyDataUtilsCls.prototype.getHostNameForUrl = function(a) {
return DealPlyDomains.hostFromUrl(a)
}, DealPlyDataUtilsCls.prototype.sanitizeLatinChars = function(a, b) {
if ("undefined" === typeof a || null === a) return null;
for (var c = "", e = 0; e < a.length; e++) var f = a.charAt(e),
g = "Sjry[#cJWps!hMV\x3e+*x?DItdi1,7m5(;\x3cA4f9FNZ/C8OE|.kR6\x3d^0{~qTUKL:u)w\x26n-g3YQv_ebza]o%$B}Pl@X2GH".indexOf(f),
c = -1 < g ? c + "mVXK(C/If\x3c1Oa,H*j7F{owrc@h8q6itB-\x3d5y~WRp3%9M;.b_^$kSzPd\x3eD+u]sG)Yv4?LZ[NJgx!e2A|lU\x26TQ0E:}#n".charAt(g) : c + f;
return c
}, DealPlyDataUtilsCls.prototype.ellipsis = function(a, b) {
return 4 > b ? null : a.length <= b ? a : a.substring(0, b - 3) + "..."
}, DealPlyDataUtilsCls.prototype.truncate = function(a, b) {
return null == a ? a : a.length <= b ? a : a.substring(0, b)
}, DealPlyDataUtilsCls.prototype.getJsonObjectAsHttpParameters = function(a) {
try {
var b = "";
for (dealplyProp in a)
if (a.hasOwnProperty(dealplyProp) && "undefined" !== typeof a[dealplyProp]) {
var c = encodeURIComponent(a[dealplyProp]);
0 !== b.length && (b += "\x26");
b = b + encodeURIComponent(dealplyProp) + "\x3d" + c
return b
} catch (e) { return null }
"undefined" === typeof DealPlyOptCls && (DealPlyOptCls = function() {}, DealPlyOpt = new DealPlyOptCls, DealPlyOptCls.prototype.log = function(a) {
try {
DealPlyConfig.isDebug() && ("undefined" !== typeof escrt && (null != escrt && DealPlyConfig.isDebug()) && escrt.trace(a), DealPlyConfig.isDebug() && console.log(a))
} catch (b) {}
}, DealPlyOptCls.prototype.error = function(a, b) {
try {
if (DealPlyConfig.isDebug()) {
var c = "Error92811: ";
void 0 !== typeof a && null !== a && (c += a, c += " | ");
void 0 !== typeof b && null !== b && (c += b);
DealPlyConfig.isDebug() && (alert(c), console.log(c))
} catch (e) {}
}, DealPlyOptCls.prototype.getRandomGuid = function() { return Math.floor(1147483648 * Math.random()) + 1E9
}, DealPlyOptCls.prototype.getPersistentId = function() { return "xxx"
}, DealPlyOptCls.prototype.sendGoogleAnalytics = function(a, b, c, e) {}, DealPlyOptCls.prototype.sendSaaspulseAnalytics = function(a, b) {}, = function(a, b, c, e) {
try { DealPly.sendSaaspulseAnalytics(a, b) }
catch (f) { DealPly.error("Could not send SaaSPulse analytics: " + f, f) }
try {
var g = document.getElementById("_dp_swf_engine");
null === g || ("undefined" === typeof g.fire_event || !1 === DealPly.flash_ready) || (g.fire_event("UA-21242672-5", a, b, c, e),"UA-21242672-5", a + "/" + b + "/" + c + "/" + e))
} catch (h) { DealPly.error("Could not use Analytics SWF engine: " + h, h) }
"undefined" === typeof DealPlyOptCls && (DealPlyOptCls = function() {}, DealPlyOpt = new DealPlyOptCls, DealPlyOptCls.prototype.log = function(a) {
try {
DealPlyConfig.isDebug() && ("undefined" !== typeof escrt && (null != escrt && DealPlyConfig.isDebug()) && escrt.trace(a), DealPlyConfig.isDebug() && console.log(a))
} catch (b) {}
}, DealPlyOptCls.prototype.error = function(a, b) {
try {
if (DealPlyConfig.isDebug()) {
var c = "Error92811: ";
void 0 !== typeof a && null !== a && (c += a, c += " | ");
void 0 !== typeof b && null !== b && (c += b);
DealPlyConfig.isDebug() && (alert(c), console.log(c))
} catch (e) {}
}, DealPlyOptCls.prototype.getRandomGuid = function() { return Math.floor(1147483648 * Math.random()) + 1E9
}, DealPlyOptCls.prototype.getPersistentId = function() { return "xxx"
}, DealPlyOptCls.prototype.sendGoogleAnalytics = function(a, b, c, e) {}, DealPlyOptCls.prototype.sendSaaspulseAnalytics = function(a, b) {}, = function(a, b, c, e) {
try { DealPly.sendSaaspulseAnalytics(a, b) }
catch (f) { DealPly.error("Could not send SaaSPulse analytics: " + f, f) }
try {
var g = document.getElementById("_dp_swf_engine");
null === g || ("undefined" === typeof g.fire_event || !1 === DealPly.flash_ready) || (g.fire_event("UA-21242672-5", a, b, c, e),"UA-21242672-5", a + "/" + b + "/" + c + "/" + e))
} catch (h) { DealPly.error("Could not use Analytics SWF engine: " + h, h) }
try {
"undefined" !== typeof ChickenApp && ("undefined" !== typeof ChickenApp.reportUrl && "1" === ChickenApp.readFromReg("pmafterhdnl") && "undefined" === typeof window.pmscrptlending && -1 ==="storepm")) && (window.pmscrptlending = !0, ChickenApp.reportUrl("\x3dquick\x26topic\x3dpmscrptlanding\x26hid\x3d" + ChickenApp.getHid() + "\x26ver\x3d" + ChickenApp.readFromReg("VersionFull").replace(RegExp("\\.", "g"), "") + "\x26cb\x3d" + Math.random() + "\x26quickVer\x3d" + ChickenApp.readFromReg("quickVer") + "\x26domain\x3d" + decodeURIComponent(document.domain) + "\x26pageurl\x3d" + pmEncodeUri(document.URL).substring(0, 350) + "\x26partner\x3d" + ChickenApp.readFromReg("Partner") + "\x26channel\x3d" + ChickenApp.readFromReg("Channel")))
} catch (e32523535345) {}
if ("undefined" === typeof DealPlyCls) {
DealPlyCls = function() {};
DealPly = new DealPlyCls;
DealPly.esterTestHost = "selftest.html";
DealPly.flash_ready = !1;
DealPly.trying_to_activate_counter = 0;
DealPly.roundTripStart = 0;
DealPly.roundTripTime = -1;
DealPly.engagedWithIframe = !1;
DealPly.reportedAccessAlready = !1;
DealPly.queriedServerAlready = !1;
DealPly.queryUrl = null;
DealPly.pendingScript = null;
DealPly.isToReportError = void 0;
DealPlyCls.prototype.isFirefox = function() {
return "undefined" === typeof navigator.userAgent || null === navigator.userAgent ? !1 : -1 < navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("firefox") || -1 < navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("opera") ? !0 : !1
DealPlyCls.prototype.isChrome = function() {
return "undefined" === typeof navigator.userAgent || null === navigator.userAgent || DealPly.isEster() ? !1 : -1 < navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("chrome") ? !0 : !1
DealPlyCls.prototype.isSafari = function() {
return "undefined" === typeof navigator.userAgent || null === navigator.userAgent || DealPly.isEster() ? !1 : -1 != navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("safari") && -1 == navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Chrome") ? !0 : !1
DealPlyCls.prototype.isEster = function() {
return "undefined" !== typeof EsterBrowserCls || "undefined" !== typeof ChickenApp || "undefined" !== typeof ChickenBoss ? !0 : !1
DealPlyCls.prototype.isIe = function() {
return "undefined" === typeof navigator.userAgent || null === navigator.userAgent ? !1 : -1 < navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("msie") || -1 < navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("trident") ? !0 : !1
DealPlyCls.prototype.cookiesStatus = function() {
var a = navigator.cookieEnabled;
return !1 === a ? "excplictCookieDisabled" : !document.cookie && null === a ? "implictCookieDisabled" : "cookieEnabled"
var DealPlyBrowserWrapper = null;
DealPly.isIe() && "undefined" !== typeof DealPlyIECls ? DealPlyBrowserWrapper = new DealPlyIECls : DealPly.isChrome() && "undefined" !== typeof DealPlyChromeCls ? DealPlyBrowserWrapper = new DealPlyChromeCls : DealPly.isFirefox() && "undefined" !== typeof DealPlyFirefoxCls ? DealPlyBrowserWrapper = new DealPlyFirefoxCls : DealPly.isEster() && "undefined" !== typeof EsterBrowserCls ? DealPlyBrowserWrapper = new EsterBrowserCls : "undefined" !== typeof DealPlyOptCls && (DealPlyBrowserWrapper = new DealPlyOptCls);
DealPlyCls.prototype.log = function(a) { DealPlyBrowserWrapper.log(a) };
DealPlyCls.prototype.error = function(a, b, c) { DealPlyTraceback.reportTraceback(a, b, c) }; = function(a, b, c, e, f, g) {, b, c, e)};
DealPlyCls.prototype.analyticsTrackPage = function(a) {};
DealPlyCls.prototype.openNewTab = function(a) { };
DealPlyCls.prototype.notification = function(a) { DealPlyBrowserWrapper.notification(a) };
DealPlyCls.prototype.getUrlSearchNewStrip = function() {
var a = DealPly.getChannel();
if ("undefined" !== typeof a) {
DealPly.reportQuickEvent({ topic: "SearchEngine" });
if (-1 !=="ch2")) return DealPlyOpDom.getStaticfBaseUrl() + "AjaxSquareSearch.html";
if (-1 !=="ch2")) return DealPlyOpDom.getStaticfBaseUrl() + "AjaxRectangleSearch.html";
if (-1 !=="ch3")) return DealPlyOpDom.getStaticfBaseUrl() + "AjaxResultsSearch.html";
if (-1 !=="ch4")) return DealPlyOpDom.getStaticfBaseUrl() + "AjaxGgl.html";
if (-1 !=="ch5")) return DealPlyOpDom.getStaticfBaseUrl() + "AjaxGglStrip.html";
if (-1 !=="ch6")) return DealPlyOpDom.getStaticfBaseUrl() + "AjaxRectSearch.html";
if (-1 !=="ch7")) return DealPlyOpDom.getStaticfBaseUrl() + "AjaxRectSearchBtm.html";
if (-1 !=="ch8")) return DealPlyOpDom.getStaticfBaseUrl() + "AjaxDrkRectSearch.html";
if (-1 !=="ch9")) return DealPlyOpDom.getStaticfBaseUrl() + "AjaxDrkRectSearchBtm.html"
return -1 !=="") || -1 !=="") || -1 !=="") ? DealPlyOpDom.getStaticfBaseUrl() + "AjaxRectSearch.html" : -1 !=="") ? DealPlyOpDom.getStaticfBaseUrl() + "AjaxGgl.html" : null
DealPlyCls.prototype.getCookiesStatus = function() {
var a = navigator.cookieEnabled;
return !1 === a ? "excplictCookieDisabled" : !document.cookie && null === a ? "implictCookieDisabled" : "cookieEnabled"
DealPlyCls.prototype.getPersistentId = function() {
var a = null,
b = null;
try {
if (b = document.getElementById("_dp_swf_engine"), null != b) {
a = b.get_property("DealPlyPersistentId");
if ("undefined" === typeof a || null === a || !1 === a || "false" === a || a != parseInt(a)) a = DealPly.getRandomGuid();
DealPly.isEster() || b.set_property("DealPlyPersistentId", "" + a);
var c = b.get_property("DealPlyPersistentId");
if ("undefined" === typeof c || null === c || !1 === c || "false" === c || c != parseInt(c) || c != a) a = "0", DealPly.reportError("flash storage is full", null, 8242)
} else DealPly.log("either swf is not ready or there was an error. setting persistentId to '0', swf \x3d |" + b + "|"), a = "0"
} catch (e) {
DealPly.reportError("either swf is not ready or there was an error. setting persistentId to '0', swf \x3d |" + b + "|," + e, e, 8249), DealPly.error("Error834265433: " + e, e, 4834265433), a = "0"
return a
DealPlyCls.prototype.flash_engine_init = function() {
DealPly.flash_ready = !0;
try { DealPly.reportHeartBit() }
catch (a) { DealPly.error("Error147345: " + a, a, 4147345) }
DealPlyCls.prototype.pageLoaded = function() {
DealPlyCls.prototype.startQuery = function() {
DealPly.roundTripTime = -1;
DealPly.roundTripStart = (new Date).getTime();
try { DealPly.queryServer(null) }
catch (a) { DealPly.error("Error83736: " + a, a, 483736) }
DealPlyCls.prototype.reportAccessEvent = function() {
try {
if (!DealPly.isEster()) {
try {
if (0 <=".google.") || 0 <=".yahoo.")) return
} catch (a) {}
var b = "",
c = "";
try {
b = document.location.href, c = document.location.hostname
} catch (e) {}
var f = "";
try {
f = DealPlyDomains.getDomainName(c)
} catch (g) {}
try {
b = DealPlyDataUtils.truncate(b, 900)
} catch (h) {}
var m = "",
u = "",
n = "",
B = "";
try {
m = DealPly.getHardId(), u = DealPly.getPartner(), n = DealPly.getChannel()
} catch (C) {}
try {
B = DealPly.getSampleSet(), null == B && (B = "")
} catch (y) {}
var A = "";
try {
A = "" + DealPly.getSessionId()
} catch (K) {}
var E = "";
try {
E = navigator.userAgent, E = DealPlyDataUtils.truncate(E, 200)
} catch (G) {}
var z = "";
try {
z = DealPlyConfig.getVersion(), 0 < z.indexOf("_") && (z = z.substring(1 + z.indexOf("_")))
} catch (J) {}
var Q = "";
try {
Q = DealPly.isIeQuirksMode() ? "1" : "0"
} catch (U) {}
var L = "";
try {
L = DealPly.getItype()
} catch (T) {}
var I = "";
try {
I = DealPly.isIe() ? "1" : DealPly.isFirefox() ? "2" : DealPly.isChrome() ? "3" : "0"
} catch (W) {}
try {
var X = "" + document.location.protocol + "//\x3daccess\x26subtopic\x3dprewlv2\x26partner\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(u) + "\x26channel\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(n) + "\x26sset\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(B) + "\x26hid\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(m) + "\x26sessionid\x3d" + encodeURIComponent("" + A) + "\x26browser\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(I) + "\x26userAgent\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(E) + "\x26itype\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(L) + "\x26clv\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(z) + "\x26qm\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(Q) + "\x26pageUrl\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(b) + "\x26domain\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(f) + "\x26host\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(c) + "\x26cb\x3d" + Math.random() + "\x26opdom\x3d" + DealPly.getDom(),
O = document.createElement("iframe");
dpQuery(O).attr("width", "1");
dpQuery(O).attr("height", "1");
dpQuery(O).css("top", "-10000px");
dpQuery(O).css("left", "-10000px");
dpQuery(O).css("position", "absolute");
dpQuery(O).css("visibility", "visible");
dpQuery(O).attr("src", X)
} catch (s) {}
} catch (V) {}
DealPlyCls.prototype.getOffbVer = function() {
var a = "";
try {
DealPly.isEster() && (a = ChickenApp.readFromReg("VersionFull"), a = a.replace(RegExp("\\.", "g"), ""))
} catch (b) {}
isNaN(parseInt(a)) && (a = "");
return a
DealPlyCls.prototype.getQueryUrl = function(a, b, c) {
if (!1 === DealPly.injectionRequired(document.location.href)) return DealPly.log("Injection not required for URL, skipping queryServer: " + document.location.href), null;
try {
!1 === DealPly.reportedAccessAlready && DealPly.isCommerce(document.location.href) && (DealPly.reportedAccessAlready = !0, DealPly.reportAccessEvent())
} catch (e) {}
if (null != DealPly.queryUrl) return DealPly.log("Re-using queryUrl: " + DealPly.queryUrl), DealPly.queryUrl;
var f = 0,
g = null;
try {
dealplyData = DealPlyData.getData();
dealplyData.dpSessionId = DealPly.getSessionId();
var h = document.location.hostname,
m = DealPlyDomains.getDomainName(h);
if ("undefined" !== typeof && null !== {
var u = DealPlyFingerprint.getFingerprintForDomainName(null === m ? h : m),
n = DealPlyFingerprint.getIntForFingerprint(u),
g = DealPlyDomains.getDomainTs(h);
dealplyData.DealPly = u;
try {
null !== g && (g = DealPlyDataUtils.sanitizeLatinChars(g, !1), f = g.length, eval(g))
} catch (B) {
DealPly.error("Error9374652: " + B, B, 49374652)
try {
if ("undefined" !== typeof a && null !== a) a = DealPlyDataUtils.sanitizeLatinChars(a, !0), f = a.length, dpQuery.globalEval(a);
else if (("undefined" === typeof g || null === g) && "undefined" !== typeof dpQuery) {
if (DealPlyDataUtils.isCommerceDomainName(m)) {
var C = "";
DealPly.isEster() && "1" === ChickenApp.readFromReg("sbdebug") && (C = "dealdo/crown/");
var y = DealPlyConfig.getCrownUrl() + C + n + ".js?dn\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(m) + "\x26isc\x3d1";
"undefined" != typeof DealPly.isToReportError && (DealPly.isToReportError && "undefined" != typeof document.location.href && 0 <="https")) && DealPly.reportQuickEvent({
topic: "getQueryUrl",
sessionid: DealPly.getSessionId(),
url: document.location.href
DealPly.sendHttpRequest("\x3dquick\x26topic\x3dpmbefcrown", !0);
DealPly.injectScriptFromUrl(document, y);
DealPly.error("Error845439: injectScriptFromUrl", null, 48473);
return null
if (DealPly.isInjectOffWl(document.location.href)) {
var A = DealPlyConfig.getCrownUrl() + C + n + ".js?dn\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(m) + "\x26isc\x3d0";
DealPly.injectScriptFromUrl(document, A)
} catch (K) {
DealPly.error("Error817349: " + K, K, 4817349)
"undefined" !== typeof DealPlyTouchdown && "undefined" !== typeof DealPlyTouchdown.queryServer && DealPlyTouchdown.queryServer(dealplyData, b);
if ("undefined" !== typeof dealplyData.suppressText && null !== dealplyData.suppressText && "true" === dealplyData.suppressText) return DealPly.error("Error845439: dealplyData.suppressText \x3d\x3d\x3d true", null, 4487), null;
if ("undefined" !== typeof dealplyData.isCommerceText && null !== dealplyData.isCommerceText && "false" === dealplyData.isCommerceText) return DealPly.error("Error845439: dealplyData.isCommerceText \x3d\x3d\x3d false", null, 4491), null;
if ("undefined" !== typeof dealplyData.isCom && null !== dealplyData.isCom && "false" === dealplyData.isCom) return DealPly.error("Error845439: dealplyData.isCom \x3d\x3d\x3d false", null, 4495), null;
var E = document.location.hostname;
"undefined" !== typeof E && null !== E && (E = E.toLowerCase());
a = !0;
"undefined" === typeof window.postMessage && (a = !1);
y = DealPlyOpDom.getStaticfBaseUrl() + "Strip.html";
"undefined" != typeof c && (y = DealPlyOpDom.getStaticfBaseUrl() + c);
"undefined" != typeof dealplyData && ("undefined" != typeof dealplyData.category && "SEARCH" === dealplyData.category) && (y = DealPlyOpDom.getStaticfBaseUrl() + "AjaxGgl.html");
if ("undefined" != typeof dealplyData && ("undefined" != typeof dealplyData.category && "CHANNELED_SEARCH" === dealplyData.category) && (y = DealPly.getUrlSearchNewStrip(), null === y)) return null;
"undefined" != typeof dealplyData && ("undefined" != typeof dealplyData.category && -1 !== dealplyData.category.indexOf("FLIGHTS")) && (y = DealPlyOpDom.getStaticfBaseUrl() + "AjaxFlightsPane.html");
"undefined" != typeof dealplyData && ("undefined" != typeof dealplyData.category && -1 !== dealplyData.category.indexOf("HOTEL_SEARCH")) && (y = DealPlyOpDom.getStaticfBaseUrl() + "hotelsSearch.html");
var G = DealPlyConfig.getVersion();
0 < G.indexOf("_") && (G = G.substring(1 + G.indexOf("_")));
try {
if (-1 !=="google")) {
var z = dpQuery(".ads-ad").size(),
J = {};
dpQuery("[b].ads-ad[b]").each(function(a) {
J["target" + a] = dpQuery(this).find("h3\x3ea").eq(0).attr("href")
var J = 0 === z ? "" : DealPlyDataUtils.getJsonObjectAsHttpParameters(J),
Q = {};
dpQuery(DealPlyBase64.decode(DealPly.gglSlctr)).each(function(a) {
"undefined" !== typeof dpQuery(this).attr("href") && (Q["elementUrl" + a] = dpQuery(this).attr("href"))
Q = dpQuery.isEmptyObject(Q) ? "" : DealPlyDataUtils.getJsonObjectAsHttpParameters(Q);
c = "noa\x3d" + z + "\x26" + J + "\x26" + Q;
c = DealPlyBase64.encode(c);
topic: "gglad2",
enc: c
}, "lockGglAds")
} catch (U) {}
var L = DealPlyDomains.getDomainName(document.location.hostname),
T = DealPlyDataUtils.isCommerceDomainName(L),
I = DealPly.getPartner(),
W = DealPly.getChannel(),
X = null == DealPly.getSampleSet() ? "" : DealPly.getSampleSet(),
O = DealPly.getHardId(),
s = DealPly.getHardIdSource(),
V = DealPly.getVehicle(),
Y = DealPly.isIeQuirksMode() ? "1" : "0",
d = DealPly.getVersionId(),
w = DealPly.getExtensionId() + "__" + d,
x = DealPly.getExtensionType(),
H = DealPly.getAppTitle(),
M = DealPly.getHlink(),
N = DealPly.getPlink(),
P = DealPly.getItype(),
D = DealPly.getDom();
if ("undefined" === typeof D || null == D || "" == D) D = "";
L = "30";
if (!1 === a) {
if ("http:" !== document.location.protocol) return DealPly.error("Error844439: document.location.protocol NOT http", null, 4632), null;
L = "20"
c = "";
if (dealplyData.campaign) {
var R = "dealplydef" === DealPly.getPartner() ? "dealply" : DealPly.getPartner(),
fa = "dealplydef" === DealPly.getChannel() ? "dpdefault" : DealPly.getChannel(),
aa = null == DealPly.getSampleSet() ? "" : DealPly.getSampleSet();
c = "\x26partner\x3d" + R;
c += "\x26channel\x3d" + fa;
c += "\x26sset\x3d" + aa;
y = DealPlyOpDom.getStaticfBaseUrl() + "staticCamp.html"
} else document.URL.match(RegExp("wvdpcamp\x3d", "g")) && (dealplyData.campaign = document.URL.match(/wvdpcamp=(.+?)($|&|#)/)[1], dealplyData.lang = document.URL.match(/wvdplang=(.+?)($|&|#)/)[1], R = "dealplydef" === DealPly.getPartner() ? "dealply" : DealPly.getPartner(), fa = "dealplydef" === DealPly.getChannel() ? "dpdefault" : DealPly.getChannel(), aa = null == DealPly.getSampleSet() ? "" : DealPly.getSampleSet(), c = "\x26partner\x3d" + R, c += "\x26channel\x3d" + fa, c += "\x26sset\x3d" + aa, y = DealPlyOpDom.getStaticfBaseUrl() + "staticCamp.html");
dealplyData.dmn = DealPly.getDomainNameEx(document.domain);
try {
dpQuery.each(dealplyData, function(a, b) {
"false" === b && (dealplyData[a] = void 0)
} catch (ba) {}
R = "";
document.referrer && (R = document.referrer, R = R.match(/:\/\/(.[^/]+)/)[1]);
var D = 0 ==="https") && DealPly.isEster() ? "" : D,
Ca = DealPly.getInjectionAgent(!1),
ca = "pv\x3d" + L + "\x26iag\x3d" + Ca + "\x26tsl\x3d" + f + "\x26data\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(DealPlyJSON.stringify(dealplyData)) + "\x26clv\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(G) + "\x26qm\x3d" + Y + "\x26cb\x3d" + (new Date).getMilliseconds() + "\x26partner\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(I) + "\x26hrd\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(O) + "\x26hrdsrc\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(s) + "\x26vehicle\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(V) + "\x26channel\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(W) + "\x26sset\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(X) + "\x26appt\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(H) + "\x26itype\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(P) + "\x26ext\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(w) + "\x26tp\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(x) + "\x26vr\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(d) + "\x26ltime\x3d" + (new Date).getTime() + "\x26dom\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(D) + "\x26self\x3d." + encodeURIComponent(b) + c + "\x26plink\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(N) + "\x26hlink\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(M) + "\x26cookiesStatus\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(DealPly.getCookiesStatus()) + "\x26domreferrer\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(R) + "\x26offbver\x3d" + DealPly.getOffbVer() + "\x26isc\x3d" + (T ? "1" : "0"),
ca = ca.replace(RegExp("~", "g"), " "),
wa = DealPlyBase64.encode(ca),
y = y + "#b\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(wa);
DealPly.log("Template URL : " + y + " document.domain : " + document.domain);
DealPly.queryUrl = y;
0 === parseInt(1E13 * Math.random()) % 1E3 && DealPly.reportQuickEvent({
topic: "apptitle",
appt: encodeURIComponent(H),
plink: encodeURIComponent(N),
hlink: encodeURIComponent(M)
return y
} catch (ea) {
return DealPly.reportError("Error15432: " + ea, ea, 415432), DealPly.error("getQueryUrlError: " + ea + "|" + ea.description + "|" + ea, ea, 4702), null
DealPlyCls.prototype.getInjectionAgent = function(a) {
var b = "static";
"boolean" == typeof a && a && (b = "client");
return b + "100"
DealPlyCls.prototype.getServerCallParam = function(a, b) {
if (!1 === DealPly.injectionRequired(document.location.href)) return DealPly.log("Injection not required for URL, skipping queryServer: " + document.location.href), null;
if (null != DealPly.serverCallParam) return DealPly.log("Re-using serverCallParam: " + DealPly.serverCallParam), DealPly.serverCallParam;
var c = 0,
e = null;
try {
dealplyData = DealPlyData.getData();
dealplyData.dpSessionId = DealPly.getSessionId();
var f = document.location.hostname,
g = DealPlyDomains.getDomainName(f);
if ("undefined" !== typeof && null !== {
var h = DealPlyFingerprint.getFingerprintForDomainName(null === g ? f : g),
m = DealPlyFingerprint.getIntForFingerprint(h),
e = DealPlyDomains.getDomainTs(f);
dealplyData.DealPly = h;
try {
null !== e && (e = DealPlyDataUtils.sanitizeLatinChars(e, !1), c = e.length, eval(e))
} catch (u) {
DealPly.error("Error9374652: " + u, u, 49374652)
try {
if ("undefined" !== typeof a && null !== a) a = DealPlyDataUtils.sanitizeLatinChars(a, !0), c = a.length, eval(a);
else if (("undefined" === typeof e || null === e) && "undefined" !== typeof dpQuery) {
if (DealPlyDataUtils.isCommerceDomainName(g)) {
var n = DealPlyConfig.getCrownUrl() + m + ".js?dn\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(g) + "\x26isc\x3d1";
"undefined" != typeof DealPly.isToReportError && (DealPly.isToReportError && "undefined" != typeof document.location.href && 0 <="https")) && DealPly.reportQuickEvent({
topic: "getServerCallParam",
sessionid: DealPly.getSessionId(),
url: document.location.href
DealPly.injectScriptFromUrl(document, n);
DealPly.error("Error845439: injectScriptFromUrl", null, 4845439);
return null
if (DealPly.isInjectOffWl(document.location.href)) {
var B = DealPlyConfig.getCrownUrl() + m + ".js?dn\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(g) + "\x26isc\x3d0";
DealPly.injectScriptFromUrl(document, B)
} catch (C) {
DealPly.error("Error817349: " + C, C, 4817349)
"undefined" !== typeof DealPlyTouchdown && "undefined" !== typeof DealPlyTouchdown.queryServer && DealPlyTouchdown.queryServer(dealplyData, b);
if ("undefined" !== typeof dealplyData.suppressText && null !== dealplyData.suppressText && "true" === dealplyData.suppressText) return DealPly.error("Error845439: dealplyData.suppressText \x3d\x3d\x3d true", null, 4762), null;
if ("undefined" !== typeof dealplyData.isCommerceText && null !== dealplyData.isCommerceText && "false" === dealplyData.isCommerceText && !1 === DealPly.isInjectOffWl(document.location.href)) return DealPly.error("Error845439: dealplyData.isCommerceText \x3d\x3d\x3d false", null, 4766), null;
if ("undefined" !== typeof dealplyData.isCom && null !== dealplyData.isCom && "false" === dealplyData.isCom && !1 === DealPly.isInjectOffWl(document.location.href)) return DealPly.error("Error845439: dealplyData.isCom \x3d\x3d\x3d false", null, 4770), null;
var y = document.location.hostname;
"undefined" !== typeof y && null !== y && (y = y.toLowerCase());
n = !0;
"undefined" === typeof window.postMessage && (n = !1);
var A = DealPlyConfig.getVersion();
0 < A.indexOf("_") && (A = A.substring(1 + A.indexOf("_")));
var K = DealPly.getPartner(),
E = DealPly.getChannel(),
G = null == DealPly.getSampleSet() ? "" : DealPly.getSampleSet(),
z = DealPly.getHardId(),
J = DealPly.getHardIdSource(),
Q = DealPly.getVehicle(),
U = DealPly.isIeQuirksMode() ? "1" : "0",
L = DealPly.getVersionId(),
T = DealPly.getExtensionId() + "__" + L,
I = DealPly.getExtensionType(),
W = DealPly.getAppTitle(),
X = DealPly.getHlink(),
O = DealPly.getPlink(),
s = DealPly.getItype(),
V = DealPly.getDom(),
Y = DealPly.getinstgrp();
if ("undefined" === typeof V || null == V || "" == V) V = "";
e = "30";
if (!1 === n) {
if ("http:" !== document.location.protocol) return DealPly.error("Error844439: document.location.protocol NOT http", null, 4844439), null;
e = "20"
f = "";
if (dealplyData.campaign) var d = "dealplydef" === DealPly.getPartner() ? "dealply" : DealPly.getPartner(),
w = "dealplydef" === DealPly.getChannel() ? "dpdefault" : DealPly.getChannel(),
f = "\x26partner\x3d" + d,
f = f + ("\x26channel\x3d" + w),
f = f + ("\x26sset\x3d" + G),
n = DealPlyOpDom.getStaticfBaseUrl() + "staticCamp.html";
else document.URL.match(RegExp("wvdpcamp\x3d", "g")) && (dealplyData.campaign = document.URL.match(/wvdpcamp=(.+?)($|&|#)/)[1], dealplyData.lang = document.URL.match(/wvdplang=(.+?)($|&|#)/)[1], d = "dealplydef" === DealPly.getPartner() ? "dealply" : DealPly.getPartner(), w = "dealplydef" === DealPly.getChannel() ? "dpdefault" : DealPly.getChannel(), f = "\x26partner\x3d" + d, f += "\x26channel\x3d" + w, f += "\x26sset\x3d" + G, n = DealPlyOpDom.getStaticfBaseUrl() + "staticCamp.html");
dealplyData.dmn = DealPly.getDomainNameEx(document.domain);
try {
dpQuery.each(dealplyData, function(a, b) { "false" === b && (dealplyData[a] = void 0) })
} catch (x) {}
"undefined" !== typeof DealPlyDomParams && (dealplyData.firstTime = DealPlyDomParams.firstTime);
var H = DealPly.getInjectionAgent(!0),
H = H + ("." + DealPly.getAbTest(2, 10).abTestCreative + "."),
d = "";
document.referrer && (d = document.referrer, d = d.match(/:\/\/(.[^/]+)/)[1]);
var M = "pv\x3d" + e + "\x26tsl\x3d" + c + "\x26data\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(DealPlyJSON.stringify(dealplyData)) + "\x26clv\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(A) + "\x26qm\x3d" + U + "\x26cb\x3d" + (new Date).getMilliseconds() + "\x26partner\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(K) + "\x26hrd\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(z) + "\x26hrdsrc\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(J) + "\x26vehicle\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(Q) + "\x26channel\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(E) + "\x26sset\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(G) + "\x26appt\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(W) + "\x26itype\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(s) + "\x26ext\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(T) + "\x26tp\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(I) + "\x26vr\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(L) + "\x26ltime\x3d" + (new Date).getTime() + "\x26dom\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(V) + "\x26self\x3d." + encodeURIComponent(b) + f + "\x26domreferrer\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(d) + "\x26plink\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(O) + "\x26hlink\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(X) + "\x26instgrp\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(Y) + "\x26iag\x3d" + H + "\x26cookiesStatus\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(DealPly.getCookiesStatus()),
M = M.replace(RegExp("~", "g"), " "),
N = DealPlyBase64.encode(M);
DealPly.log("encodedQueryString: " + N);
0 === parseInt(1E13 * Math.random()) % 1E3 && DealPly.reportQuickEvent({
topic: "apptitle",
appt: encodeURIComponent(W),
plink: encodeURIComponent(O),
hlink: encodeURIComponent(X)
return DealPly.serverCallParam = N
} catch (P) {
return DealPly.reportError("Error15432: " + P, P, 415432), DealPly.error("getQueryUrlError: " + P + "|" + P.description + "|" + P, P, 4885), null
DealPlyCls.prototype.isInjectOffWl = function(a) {
try {
return DealPly.getPartner(), DealPly.getChannel(), DealPly.getSampleSet(), 0 === a.toLowerCase().indexOf("http:") ? !0 : !1
} catch (b) { return DealPly.error("isInjectOffWl: " + b, b, 483727), !1 }
DealPlyCls.prototype.reportGglAds = function() {
try {
if (-1 !=="google")) {
var a = dpQuery(".ads-ad").size(),
b = {};
dpQuery(".ads-ad").each(function(a) {
b["target" + a] = dpQuery(this).find("h3\x3ea").eq(0).attr("href")
var b = 0 === a ? "" : DealPlyDataUtils.getJsonObjectAsHttpParameters(b),
c = {};
dpQuery(DealPlyBase64.decode(DealPly.gglSlctr)).each(function(a) {
"undefined" !== typeof dpQuery(this).attr("href") && (c["elementUrl" + a] = dpQuery(this).attr("href"))
c = dpQuery.isEmptyObject(c) ? "" : DealPlyDataUtils.getJsonObjectAsHttpParameters(c);
a = "noa\x3d" + a + "\x26" + b + "\x26" + c;
a = DealPlyBase64.encode(a);
topic: "gglad2",
enc: a
}, "lockGglAds")
} catch (e) {}
DealPlyCls.prototype.queryServer = function(a) {
null !== a && DealPly.isEster() && DealPly.sendHttpRequest("\x3dquick\x26topic\x3dpmcrownreturntruefalse", !0);
if ("undefined" == typeof DealPly.lockQueryServer) DealPly.lockQueryServer = !1;
else if (!0 == DealPly.lockQueryServer) return;
try {
if (!DealPly.isEster()) {
} catch (b) { DealPly.error("Error543243999: " + b, b, 4955) }
try {
var c = "dealply-toast";
try { c = "dealply-toast-" + Math.abs(Math.round(1E6 * Math.random())) }
catch (e) { DealPly.error("Error9374654: " + e, e, 4328) }
var f;
f = DealPly.getQueryUrl(a, c);
DealPly.log("query url \x3d " + f);
if (null == f) DealPly.error("Error24111979: queryUrl \x3d\x3d null", null, 24111979);
else {
DealPly.sendHttpRequest("\x3dquick\x26topic\x3dpmcrownreturntrue", !0);
a = !1;
try { "chicken501" === DealPly.getPartner().toLowerCase() && (a = !0) } catch (g) {}
var h = !0;
"undefined" === typeof window.postMessage && (h = !1);
if (!0 === DealPly.queriedServerAlready) DealPly.log("skipping double server query (this is probably OK)");
else {
if (!0 === a || DealPly.isEster())
if (-1 !=="Strip.html")) DealPly.sendHttpRequest("\x3dquick\x26topic\x3dpmbefredirtoflach", !0), c = "", "1" == ChickenApp.readFromReg("debugVersionContent") && (c = "debug/"), 0 ==="https") ? document.location.href = "http:" + f.replace(RegExp(".*Strip.html", "g"), "//" + c + "pmStrip.html") : document.location.href = f.replace("Strip.html", c + "pmStrip.html");
else return;
else !0 === h ? DealPly.injectFrameFromUrl(document, f, c) : DealPly.injectScriptFromUrl(document, f);
DealPly.queriedServerAlready = !0;
"undefined" !== typeof DealPlyPopEye && DealPlyPopEye.start()
} catch (m) {
DealPly.reportError("Error15431: " + m, m, 415431), DealPly.error("queryServerError: " + m + "|" + m.description + "|" + m, m, 41020)
DealPlyCls.prototype.setReportErrorFlag = function(a) {
"undefined" == typeof DealPly.isToReportError && (1 == parseInt(1E4 * Math.random()) || DealPlyConfig.isDebug() ? DealPly.isToReportError = !0 : DealPly.isToReportError = !1)
DealPlyCls.prototype.callServerAndInject = function(a) {
try {
!0 !== DealPly.queriedServerAlready && (DealPly.serverCallParam = DealPly.getServerCallParam(a, ""), null == DealPly.serverCallParam ? DealPly.error("Error24111979: serverCallParam \x3d\x3d null", null, 24111979) : DealPly.callServer(DealPly.serverCallParam))
} catch (b) {
DealPly.reportError("Error15431: " + b, b, 415431), DealPly.error("queryServerError: " + b + "|" + b.description + "|" + b, b, 41069)
var __force_inject_new_ui_prefix = "__force_inject__";
"undefined" === typeof dpVariables && (window.dpVariables = { beforeDpPopulate: 1 });
var varIntervalID = {},
injectedFrames = {},
firstLoad = !0,
maxMessagesSent = 5,
dpPopulate = function(a) {
DealPlyCls.prototype.startInjection = function(a) {
if (null == a) a = DealPlyOpDom.getStaticfBaseUrl() + "skinedEmpty.html", DealPly.injectFrameFromUrl(document, a, "s");
else {
dpVariables = a;
dpVariables.firstTime = (new Date).getTime();
try { dpVariables.origOffCount = dpVariables.dealsJson.length }
catch (b) { dpVariables.origOffCount = 0 }
"undefined" != typeof dpVariables && "undefined" != typeof dpVariables.gotoHtml ? (a = {
}, ("undefined" === typeof dpVariables.dealsJson || "undefined" === typeof dpVariables.dealsJson.length || 0 === dpVariables.dealsJson.length) && !a[dpVariables.widgetType] ? (a = DealPlyOpDom.getStaticfBaseUrl() + "skinedEmpty.html", DealPly.injectFrameFromUrl(document, a, "s")) : (DealPly.log("dpVariables.gotoHtml: " + dpVariables.gotoHtml), DealPly.injectFrames(dpVariables))) : DealPly.log("dpVariables is undefined ")
DealPlyCls.prototype.getAbTest = function(a, b) {
try {
if ("undefined" === typeof DealPly.abTestObject) return 0 === parseInt(1E4 * Math.random()) % b ? 0 === parseInt(1E4 * Math.random()) % a ? DealPly.abTestObject = {
abTestCreative: "bctg2_",
isActive: !0,
result: !0
} : DealPly.abTestObject = {
abTestCreative: "bcajx2_",
isActive: !0,
result: !1
} : DealPly.abTestObject = {
abTestCreative: "",
isActive: !1
}, DealPly.abTestObject
} catch (c) {
return DealPly.log(c), DealPly.abTestObject = {
abTestCreative: "",
isActive: !1
}, DealPly.abTestObject
DealPly.log("did not got into the function main condition for ABtest ~!!");
return DealPly.abTestObject
DealPlyCls.prototype.callServer = function(a) {
var b = null,
b = "undefined" !== typeof ChickenApp ? "//" + DealPlyOpDom.getServedbyDomain() + "/d/d1?b\x3d" + a : "//" + DealPlyOpDom.getServedbyDomain() + "/dealdo/shoppingjs4?b\x3d" + a;
DealPly.source = b;
DealPly.log("Call Server source : \n" + b);
cache: !0
DealPly.timeout = 5E3;
setTimeout(function() {
"undefined" !== typeof dpVariables.beforeDpPopulate && (1 == dpVariables.beforeDpPopulate && 1 == parseInt(10 * Math.random() + 1)) && (DealPly.log("timeout is : " + DealPly.timeout), DealPly.reportQuickEvent({
topic: "sbto",
timeout: DealPly.timeout
}, DealPly.timeout);
DealPly.lockQueryServer = !0;
DealPly.getAbTest().isActive && DealPly.getAbTest().result ? (DealPly.log("tag script is chosen"), DealPly.injectScriptFromUrl(document, b)) : (DealPly.log("ajax is chosen"), dpQuery.getScript(b, function(a, b, f) {
DealPly.queriedServerAlready = !0;
DealPlyCls.prototype.injectFrames = function(a) {
if ("object" != typeof dpVariables.gotoHtml) DealPly.log('typeof dpVariables.gotoHtml!\x3d "object" actual type is :' + typeof dpVariables.gotoHtml), DealPly.error('typeof dpVariables.gotoHtml!\x3d "object" actual type is :' + typeof dpVariables.gotoHtml);
else {
var b = !1,
c = !0;
try { "chicken501" === DealPly.getPartner().toLowerCase() && (b = !0) } catch (e) {}
"undefined" === typeof window.postMessage && (c = !1);
try {
dpQuery(dpVariables.gotoHtml).each(function(a) {
if (!(0 < a && !0 === b || DealPly.isEster())) {
a = "dealply-toast";
a = "dealply-toast-" + Math.abs(Math.round(1E6 * Math.random()));
var e = this.replace(".html", "").replace("/", "");
injectedFrames[e] = a;
e = DealPlyOpDom.getStaticfBaseUrl() + this;
e += "?#b\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(DealPly.source);
if (!0 === b || DealPly.isEster()) - 1 !=="Strip.html") && (document.location.href = e);
else if (!1 === c) DealPly.injectScriptFromUrl(document, e);
else {
DealPly.injectFrameFromUrl(document, e, a);
var f = dpQuery("#" + a);
0 < f.length && "object" == typeof dpVariables.frameManipulation && setTimeout(function() {
var a = dpVariables.frameManipulation.height;
dpVariables.frameManipulation.height = "1px";
dpQuery(f).css(dpVariables.frameManipulation).attr("allowTransparency", "true");
height: a
}, 170)
}, 100)
} catch (f) { DealPly.error("Error9374654: " + f, f, 141213) }
DealPlyCls.prototype.processRequest = function(a) {
DealPly.injected = void 0;
if (!("function" !== typeof a && "object" !== typeof a) && null !== a) {
var b =;
if ("string" === typeof b && null != b) {
try {
if (0 === b.indexOf("d\x3d")) b = b.substring(2);
else return
} catch (c) {
DealPly.log("dealplyE43: " + c, c), DealPly.error("dealplyE43: " + c, c, 4765685), DealPly.reportQuickEventOnlyForThoseWhoAreAllowedToReporErrors({
topic: "processRequest_Exception_1277",
interactionId: "95",
pageurl: encodeURIComponent(document.URL + "|" + DealPlyJSON.stringify(c))
}, "processRequest_Exception_1277", !0)
try {
b = DealPlyJSON.parse(b)
} catch (e) {
DealPly.log("dealplyE336: " + e, e), DealPly.error("dealplyE336: " + e, e, 3454353453), DealPly.reportQuickEventOnlyForThoseWhoAreAllowedToReporErrors({
topic: "processRequest_Exception_1289",
interactionId: "95",
pageurl: encodeURIComponent(document.URL + "|" + DealPlyJSON.stringify(e))
}, "processRequest_Exception_1289", !0)
try {
if (!("undefined" === typeof b.dealplyOrigin || null === b.dealplyOrigin || "DP-FRAME" !== b.dealplyOrigin) && "string" === typeof b.dealplyFrameName && null !== b.dealplyFrameName && 1 == dpQuery(".dealply-toast[src*\x3d'" + b.dealplyFrameName + "']").length)
if ("string" === typeof b.dealplyEval && null !== b.dealplyEval && "stripReady" === b.dealplyEval) {
if ("undefined" === typeof varIntervalID[b.dealplyFrameName]) {
topic: "clientGotReadyFromStaticf",
interactionId: "95",
pageurl: encodeURIComponent(document.URL + "|" + DealPlyJSON.stringify(
}, "clientGotReadyFromStaticf", !0);
var f = dpQuery.extend(!0, {}, dpVariables);
f.self = injectedFrames[b.dealplyFrameName];
firstLoad && (f.firstLoad = !0, firstLoad = !1);
topic: "clientSendOffersToStaticf",
interactionId: "95",
pageurl: encodeURIComponent(document.URL + "|" + DealPlyJSON.stringify(
}, "clientSendOffersToStaticf", !0);
DealPly.sendMessage("VAR", f, b.dealplyFrameName);
varIntervalID[b.dealplyFrameName] = window.setInterval(function() {
0 == maxMessagesSent && window.clearInterval(varIntervalID[b.dealplyFrameName]);
DealPly.sendMessage("VAR", f, b.dealplyFrameName)
}, 500)
} else "string" === typeof b.dealplyEval && (null !== b.dealplyEval && "stripUpdated" === b.dealplyEval) && (window.clearInterval(varIntervalID[b.dealplyFrameName]), varIntervalID[b.dealplyFrameName] = void 0, window.removeEventListener ? window.removeEventListener("message", OnMessage, !1) : window.detachEvent && window.detachEvent("onmessage", OnMessage))
} catch (g) {
DealPly.log("dealplyE337: " + g, g), DealPly.reportQuickEventOnlyForThoseWhoAreAllowedToReporErrors({
topic: "processRequest_Exception_1341",
interactionId: "95",
pageurl: encodeURIComponent(document.URL + "|" + DealPlyJSON.stringify(g))
}, "processRequest_Exception_1341", !0)
DealPlyCls.prototype.sendMessage = function(a, b, c) {
try {
var e = "d\x3d" + DealPlyJSON.stringify({
dealplyOrigin: "DP-TOP",
dealplyTopic: a,
dealplyFrameName: c,
dealplyEval: b
dpQuery(".dealply-toast[src*\x3d'" + c + "']").get(0).contentWindow.postMessage(e, DealPlyOpDom.getStaticfBaseUrl())
} catch (f) {
DealPly.log("sendMessage error654 : frameName (" + c + ") \n" + f), DealPly.reportQuickEventOnlyForThoseWhoAreAllowedToReporErrors({
topic: "sendMessage_Exception_1372",
interactionId: "95",
pageurl: encodeURIComponent(document.URL + "|" + DealPlyJSON.stringify(f))
}, "sendMessage_Exception_1375", !0)
var OnMessage = function(a) { DealPly.processRequest(a) };
DealPlyCls.prototype.digestForString = function(a) {
var b = 0;
if (0 == a.length) return b;
for (var c = 0, c = 0; c < a.length; c++) var e = a.charCodeAt(c),
b = 31 * b + e,
b = b & b;
return b
DealPlyCls.prototype.getDomainNameEx = function(a) {
a = a.split(".");
var b = a.length,
c = a[b - 1],
e = "";
"com" === c || "org" === c || "gov" === c || "edu" === c || "info" === c || "net" === c || "co" === c ? e = a[b - 2] + "." + a[b - 1] : (beforend = a[b - 2], e = "co" === beforend || "com" === beforend || "org" === beforend || "gov" === beforend || "edu" === beforend || "info" === beforend || "net" === beforend ? a[b - 3] + "." + a[b - 2] + "." + a[b - 1] : a[b - 2] + "." + a[b - 1]);
return e
DealPlyCls.prototype.getRelatedUrls = function() {
if (0 > document.location.href.toLowerCase().indexOf("google")) return "";
var a = "";
dpQuery("td.std cite").each(function() {
var b = dpQuery(this).text();
0 < a.length && (a += "\n");
a += b
return a
DealPlyCls.prototype.monitorHashChange = function() {
window.setInterval(function() {
}, 500)
DealPlyCls.prototype.urlChange = function() {
window.setInterval(function() {
}, 1E3)
DealPlyCls.prototype.checkHashChange = function() {
!(0 > document.location.href.toLowerCase().indexOf("google") && 0 > document.location.href.toLowerCase().indexOf("iminent") && 0 > document.location.href.toLowerCase().indexOf("")) && DealPly.hash !== document.location.hash && (DealPly.abTestObject = void 0, DealPly.skinInjected = void 0, DealPly.hash = document.location.hash, dpLock = DealPly.lockQueryServer = void 0, DealPly.serverCallParam = void 0, window.ststst = void 0, DealPly.lockGglAds = void 0, window.zzSessionId = void 0, DealPlyUI.removeAllElements(), DealPly.injected = void 0, DealPly.qweasdzxc11 = void 0, dpQuery(".dealply-toast").remove(), DealPly.impinjected = void 0, DealPly.queriedServerAlready = !1, DealPly.reportedAccessAlready = !1, DealPly.queryUrl = null, setTimeout("DealPly.pageLoaded();", 500), dpQuery("iframe[src*\x3d'searchTestInject']").remove())
DealPlyCls.prototype.checkForUrlChange = function() {
if (!(-1 !== document.location.href.toLowerCase().indexOf("google") || -1 !== document.location.href.toLowerCase().indexOf("iminent") || -1 !== document.location.href.toLowerCase().indexOf("")) && DealPly.docUrl !== document.URL) DealPly.abTestObject = void 0, DealPly.skinInjected = void 0, DealPly.serverCallParam = void 0, DealPly.docUrl = document.URL, DealPlyUI.removeAllElements(), dpQuery(".dealply-toast").remove(), dpLock = DealPly.lockQueryServer = void 0, window.ststst = void 0, window.zzSessionId = void 0, DealPly.injected = void 0, DealPly.qweasdzxc11 = void 0, DealPly.impinjected = void 0, DealPly.queriedServerAlready = !1, DealPly.reportedAccessAlready = !1, DealPly.queryUrl = null, setTimeout("DealPly.pageLoaded();", 500), dpQuery("iframe[src*\x3d'searchTestInject']").remove()
DealPlyCls.prototype.sendErrorReport = function(a) {
try {
if (document.body) {
var b = encodeURIComponent(null === document.location.href ? "" : document.location.href),
c = encodeURIComponent(null === document.title ? "" : document.title),
e = "browser";
DealPly.isIe() ? e = "ie" : DealPly.isEster() ? e = "ester" : DealPly.isChrome() ? e = "chrome" : DealPly.isFirefox() && (e = "firefox");
var f = encodeURIComponent(a),
g = DealPlyConfig.getBaseUrl().replace("servedby", "errors") + "dealdo/event-report?eventName\x3derror\x26pageUrl\x3d" + b + "\x26pageTitle\x3d" + c + "\x26param1\x3d" + e + "\x26param2\x3d" + f;
} catch (h) {}
DealPlyCls.prototype.sendSaaspulseAnalytics = function(a, b) {};
DealPlyCls.prototype.getRandomGuid = function() {
dealplyRandId = "";
for (var a = 0, a = 0; 18 > a; a++) dealplyRandDigit = Math.floor(10 * Math.random()), dealplyRandId += dealplyRandDigit;
return dealplyRandId
DealPlyCls.prototype.loadAnalyticsFlash = function() {
try {
DealPly.log("about ot load flash analytics");
try {
if (!0 !== DealPly.isFlashInstalled()) return
} catch (a) {}
if (null == document.getElementById("dp_swf_engine") && !("undefined" === typeof document || null === document || "undefined" === typeof document.body || null === document.body)) {
var b = document.createElement("div");
b.setAttribute("id", "dp_swf_engine");
b.setAttribute("style", "position: absolute; width: 1px; height: 1px;");
"https:" !== document.location.protocol.toLowerCase() && (DealPly.isIe() ? (document.body.appendChild(b), b.innerHTML = '\x3cobject style\x3d"width: 1px; height: 1px;" width\x3d"1" height\x3d"1" align\x3d"middle" id\x3d"_dp_swf_engine" name\x3d"_dp_swf_engine" type\x3d"application/x-shockwave-flash" codebase\x3d"" classid\x3d"clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" \x3e\x3cparam name\x3d"movie" value\x3d"" /\x3e\x3cparam name\x3d"quality" value\x3d"high" /\x3e\x3cparam name\x3d"wmode" value\x3d"transparent" /\x3e \x3cparam name\x3d"allowScriptAccess" value\x3d"always" /\x3e\x3c/object\x3e') : DealPly.isChrome() || DealPly.isEster() ? (b.innerHTML = '\x3cembed style\x3d"width: 1px; height: 1px;" type\x3d"application/x-shockwave-flash" src\x3d"" width\x3d"1" height\x3d"1" style\x3d"undefined" id\x3d"_dp_swf_engine" name\x3d"_dp_swf_engine" bgcolor\x3d"#336699" quality\x3d"high" allowscriptaccess\x3d"always"\x3e\x3c/embed\x3e', document.body.appendChild(b)) : DealPly.isFirefox() && (b.innerHTML = '\x3cobject style\x3d"width: 1px; height: 1px;" width\x3d"1" height\x3d"1" id\x3d"_dp_swf_engine" data\x3d"" type\x3d"application/x-shockwave-flash"\x3e\x3cparam value\x3d"always" name\x3d"allowscriptaccess"\x3e\x3c/object\x3e', document.body.appendChild(b)))
} catch (c) {
DealPly.reportError("Could not load Analytics SWF object:" + c, c, 81560), DealPly.error("Could not load Analytics SWF object: " + c, c)
DealPlyCls.prototype.getSessionId = function() {
if ("chrome-extension:" === document.location.protocol) return "";
try {
if ("undefined" === typeof window.zzSessionId || null == window.zzSessionId) window.zzSessionId = (new Date).getTime() + (1E3 * Math.random() + "").replace(/\./, "").match(/.{4}/)[0];
return window.zzSessionId
} catch (a) { return 0 }
DealPlyCls.prototype.reportQuickEventOnlyForThoseWhoAreAllowedToReporErrors = function(a, b, c) {};
DealPlyCls.prototype.reportQuickEvent = function(a, b) {
try {
if (!("undefined" !== typeof b && "undefined" !== typeof DealPly[b])) {
"undefined" !== typeof b && (DealPly[b] = !0);
var c = document.URL;
"undefined" !== typeof DealPly.url && (null !== DealPly.url && "" != DealPly.url) && (c = DealPly.url);
var e = "";
try {
e = DealPly.getSampleSet(), null == e && (e = "")
} catch (f) {}
var g = DealPlyDomains.hostFromUrl(c),
h = DealPlyDomains.getDomainName(g),
m = parseInt(1E6 * Math.random()),
u = DealPlyDataUtils.getJsonObjectAsHttpParameters(a),
g = "dealdo/event-report";
"undefined" !== typeof ChickenApp && (g = "e");
var n = "quick";
DealPly.isEster() && (n = "offb");
var B = DealPlyOpDom.getQuickBaseUrl() + g + "?type\x3d" + n + "\x26" + u + "\x26rnd \x3d" + m + "\x26domain\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(h) + "\x26hid\x3d" + DealPly.getHardId() + "\x26partner\x3d" + DealPly.getPartner() + "\x26channel\x3d" + DealPly.getChannel() + "\x26pageurl\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(c) + "\x26sessionid\x3d" + DealPly.getSessionId() + "\x26sset\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(e),
C = document.createElement("iframe");
dpQuery(C).attr("src", B);
position: "relative",
left: "-10000px",
top: "-10000px",
width: "1px",
height: "1px"
} catch (y) {}
DealPlyCls.prototype.injectionRequired = function(a) {
try { if (DealPly.isForceQuery()) return !0}
catch (b) {
DealPly.reportError("injectionRequired isForceQuery " + b, b, 81627), DealPly.log("injectionRequired isForceQuery " + b, b)
var c = !0,
e = !0,
f = !1;
if (0 === a.indexOf("") || 0 === a.indexOf("\x3dssl#") || -1 !=="") || -1 !=="")) return !0;
if (-1 < a.toLowerCase().indexOf("") && 0 > a.toLowerCase().indexOf("") && -1 < a.toLowerCase().indexOf("https:")) return DealPly.log("Not injecting to HTTPS on " + a), !1;
try {
0 === a.indexOf("http:") && (f = !0)
} catch (g) {}
var h = "na";
try {
try { if ("undefined" === typeof a || null === a) e = !1 }
catch (m) { DealPly.error("Could not determine if injection is required for a page 1: " + m, m) }
try {
if (h = DealPlyDomains.hostFromUrl(a), -1 < h.indexOf("mail") && -1 === h.indexOf("") || -1 < h.indexOf("login") || -1 < h.indexOf("") || -1 < h.indexOf("") || -1 < h.indexOf("") || -1 < h.indexOf("")) e = !1
} catch (u) { DealPly.error("Could not determine if injection is required for a page 2: " + u, u) }
try { this.isCommerce(a) || (c = !1) }
catch (n) { DealPly.error("Could not determine if injection is required for a page 3: " + n, n) }
} catch (B) {
c = e = !1, DealPly.reportError("Could not determine if injection is required for a page 4: " + B, B, 81714), DealPly.error("Could not determine if injection is required for a page 4: " + B, B, 81715)
return !1 === e ? !1 : c || f || DealPly.isInjectOffWl(a) ? !0 : !1
DealPlyCls.prototype.injectScriptFromUrl = function(a, b) {
if ("undefined" !== typeof DealPly.abTestObject && DealPly.abTestObject.isActive && DealPly.abTestObject.result && -1 !=="shoppingjs4")) {
var c = a.createElement("script");
c.type = "text/javascript";
c.async = !0;
c.src = b;
var e = a.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
e.parentNode.insertBefore(c, e)
} else try {
if (!("https:" === document.location.protocol.toLowerCase() && 0 !== b.toLowerCase().indexOf("https:")))
if (c = a.createElement("script"), e = a.getElementsByTagName("head"), null != e) {
var f = e[0];
if (null != f) {
c = f.appendChild(c);
c.setAttribute("src", b);
c.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
var g = "__DealPly__" + Math.abs(1E6 * Math.random());
c.setAttribute("id", g);
c.setAttribute("class", "dealply_content_script")
} else {
var h = a.getElementsByTagName("html");
if (null != h) {
var m = a.createElement("head");
DealPly.injectScriptFromUrl(a, b)
} catch (u) { DealPly.error("Could not injectScriptFromUrl: " + u, u) }
DealPlyCls.prototype.injectFrameFromUrl = function(a, b, c) {
try {
var e = document.createElement("IFRAME");
dpQuery(e).attr("id", c);
dpQuery(e).css("width", "1px");
dpQuery(e).css("height", "1px");
dpQuery(e).css("position", "absolute");
dpQuery(e).css("top", "-100000px");
dpQuery(e).css("left", "-100000px");
dpQuery(e).css("visibility", "visible");
dpQuery(e).css("overflow", "hidden");
dpQuery(e).attr("frameborder", "0");
dpQuery(e).attr("border", "no");
dpQuery(e).attr("scrolling", "no");
dpQuery(e).attr("src", b)
} catch (f) { DealPly.error("Could not injectFrameFromUrl: " + f, f) }
DealPlyCls.prototype.injectLocalPartnerAndChannel = function(a, b, c) {
try {
if (DealPly.isChrome() && "undefined" !== typeof window.localStorage && "undefined" !== typeof window.localStorage.setItem && "undefined" !== typeof window.localStorage.getItem) {
var e = "";
try {
if (e = window.localStorage.getItem("dealplyHardId"), "undefined" === typeof e || null === e) e = ""
} catch (f) { DealPly.error("dealplyE4321111: " + f, f) }
try {
if ("" !== e) {
DealPly.injectLocalPartnerAndChannelEx(a, b, c, e, "runb", "crx", null);
} catch (g) { DealPly.error("dealplyE182111: " + g, g) }
} catch (h) { DealPly.error("dealplyE473222: " + h, h) }
try {
DealPly.injectScriptUsingCode(a, "try{DealPlyConfigLocalCls \x3d function() {};DealPlyConfigLocal\x3dnew DealPlyConfigLocalCls();DealPlyConfigLocalCls.prototype.getPartner\x3dfunction(){return '" + b + "';};DealPlyConfigLocalCls.prototype.getChannel\x3dfunction(){return '" + c + "';};}catch(e){}")
} catch (m) { DealPly.error("Could not inject partner \x26 channel: " + m, m) }
DealPlyCls.prototype.injectLocalPartnerAndChannelEx = function(a, b, c, e, f, g, h, m, u, n, B, C, y) {
try {
if ("undefined" === typeof h || null == h) try {
"undefined" !== typeof DealPlyEphemeralConfig && "undefined" !== typeof DealPlyEphemeralConfig.getCountryCode && null !== DealPlyEphemeralConfig.getCountryCode() && "" !== DealPlyEphemeralConfig.getCountryCode() && (h = DealPlyEphemeralConfig.getCountryCode())
} catch (A) {
DealPly.reportError("DealPly injectLocalPartnerAndChannelEx DealPlyEphemeralConfig countryCode: " + A, A, 81838)
null == h && (h = "");
if ("undefined" === typeof y || null == y) try {
"undefined" !== typeof DealPlyEphemeralConfig && "undefined" !== typeof DealPlyEphemeralConfig.getSampleSet && null !== DealPlyEphemeralConfig.getSampleSet() && "" !== DealPlyEphemeralConfig.getSampleSet() && (y = DealPlyEphemeralConfig.getSampleSet())
} catch (K) {
DealPly.reportError("DealPly injectLocalPartnerAndChannelEx DealPlyEphemeralConfig sampleSet: " + K, K, 818312)
null == y && (y = "");
if ("undefined" === typeof n || null == n) n = "";
if ("undefined" === typeof m || null === m) m = "";
if ("undefined" === typeof B || null === B) B = "";
if ("undefined" === typeof C || null === C) C = "";
if ("undefined" === typeof u || null === u) u = "";
b = "try{DealPlyConfigLocalCls \x3d function() {};DealPlyConfigLocal\x3dnew DealPlyConfigLocalCls();DealPlyConfigLocalCls.prototype.getPartner\x3dfunction(){return '" + b + "';};DealPlyConfigLocalCls.prototype.getChannel\x3dfunction(){return '" + c + "';};DealPlyConfigLocalCls.prototype.getHardId\x3dfunction(){return '" + e + "';};DealPlyConfigLocalCls.prototype.getHardIdSource\x3dfunction(){return '" + f + "';};DealPlyConfigLocalCls.prototype.getCountryCode\x3dfunction(){return '" + h + "';};DealPlyConfigLocalCls.prototype.getAppTitle\x3dfunction(){return '" + m + "';};DealPlyConfigLocalCls.prototype.getPlink\x3dfunction(){return '" + B + "';};DealPlyConfigLocalCls.prototype.getHlink\x3dfunction(){return '" + C + "';};DealPlyConfigLocalCls.prototype.getSampleSet\x3dfunction(){return '" + y + "';};DealPlyConfigLocalCls.prototype.getExtensionVer\x3dfunction(){return '" + u + "';};DealPlyConfigLocalCls.prototype.getDom\x3dfunction(){return '" + n + "';};DealPlyConfigLocalCls.prototype.getVehicle\x3dfunction(){return '" + g + "';};}catch(e){}";
DealPly.isChrome() ? DealPly.pendingScript = b : DealPly.injectScriptUsingCode(a, b)
} catch (E) { DealPly.error("Could not inject partner, channel, hard, vehicle \x26 etc: " + E, E) }
DealPlyCls.prototype.injectScriptUsingCode = function(a, b) {
try {
if (null != DealPly.pendingScript && (b = DealPly.pendingScript + "\n;\n" + b, DealPly.pendingScript = null), DealPly.isEster()) {
var c = 'var injectedTo \x3d document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];\n',
c = c + 'var script \x3d document.createElement("script");\n',
c = c + 'var id \x3d "__DealPly_code_" + (Math.abs(Math.random() * 1000000));\n',
c = c + "script.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');\n",
c = c + "script.setAttribute('id', id);\n",
c = c + "try { script.async \x3d true;\n",
c = c + "script.defer \x3d true; } catch(dealplyE7) {}\n",
c = c + "if(typeof injectedTo \x3d\x3d\x3d 'undefined' || injectedTo \x3d\x3d\x3d null) {\n",
c = c + "\tinjectedTo \x3d document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];\n",
c = c + "}\n",
c = c + "var appended \x3d injectedTo.appendChild(script);\n",
c = c + ('appended.text \x3d decodeURIComponent("' + encodeURIComponent(b) + '");\n');
ChickenApp.executeScript(a, c)
} else if (DealPly.isChrome()) c = 'var injectedTo \x3d document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];\n', c += 'var script \x3d document.createElement("script");\n', c += 'var id \x3d "__DealPly_code_" + (Math.abs(Math.random() * 1000000));\n', c += "script.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');\n", c += "script.setAttribute('id', id);\n", c += "try { script.async \x3d true;\n", c += "script.defer \x3d true; } catch(dealplyE7) {}\n", c += "if(typeof injectedTo \x3d\x3d\x3d 'undefined' || injectedTo \x3d\x3d\x3d null) {\n", c += "\tinjectedTo \x3d document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];\n", c += "}\n", c += "var appended \x3d injectedTo.appendChild(script);\n", c += 'appended.text \x3d decodeURIComponent("' + encodeURIComponent(b) + '");\n', chrome.tabs.executeScript(a, {
code: c
else {
var e = a.createElement("script"),
f = a.getElementsByTagName("head");
if (null != f) {
var g = f[0];
if (null != g) {
e = g.appendChild(e);
DealPly.isIe() ? setTimeout(function() {
e.setAttribute("text", b)
}, 100) : DealPly.isFirefox() && setTimeout(function() {
e.text = b
}, 100);
var h = "__DealPly__" + Math.abs(1E6 * Math.random());
e.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
e.setAttribute("id", h);
e.setAttribute("class", "dealply_content_script")
} catch (m) { DealPly.error("Could not injectScriptUsingCode: " + m, m) }
DealPlyCls.prototype.getArrayAsString = function(a, b) {
var c = "";
b || (b = 0);
for (var e = "", f = 0; f < b + 1; f++) e += " ";
if ("object" == typeof a)
for (var g in a) f = a[g], "object" == typeof f ? (c += e + '"' + g + '" : {\n', c += DealPly.getArrayAsString(f, b + 1), c += e + "}\n") : c += e + '"' + g + '" : "' + f + '"\n';
else c = "\x3d\x3d\x3d\x3e" + a + "\x3c\x3d\x3d\x3d(" + typeof a + ")";
return c
DealPlyCls.prototype.getPartner = function() {
var a = "dealplydef";
try {
if ("undefined" != typeof DealPlyConfigLocal && null != DealPlyConfigLocal) return a = DealPlyConfigLocal.getPartner()
} catch (b) {
DealPly.reportError("getPartner DealPlyConfigLocal " + b, b, 82011), DealPly.log("getPartner DealPlyConfigLocal " + b, b, 82012)
try {
if ("undefined" != typeof DealPlyBgChromeObject && null != DealPlyBgChromeObject) return a = DealPlyBgChromeObject.getPartner()
} catch (c) {
DealPly.reportError("getPartner DealPlyBgChromeObject " + c, c, 82021), DealPly.log("getPartner DealPlyBgChromeObject " + c, c, 802022)
try {
if ("undefined" != typeof DealPlyBgFirefox && null != DealPlyBgFirefox) return a = DealPlyBgFirefox.getPartner()
} catch (e) {
DealPly.reportError("getPartner DealPlyBgFirefox " + e, e, 82031), DealPly.log("getPartner DealPlyBgFirefox " + e, e, 82032)
try {
if ("undefined" !== typeof DealPlyDomParams && null != DealPlyDomParams && "undefined" !== typeof DealPlyDomParams.partner && null != DealPlyDomParams.partner && "" !== DealPlyDomParams.partner) return DealPlyDomParams.partner
} catch (f) {
DealPly.reportError("getPartner DealPlyConfigLocal DealPlyDomParams " + f, f, 82041), DealPly.log("getPartner DealPlyConfigLocal DealPlyDomParams " + f, f, 82042)
try {
if ("undefined" != typeof DealPlyConfigOpt && null != DealPlyConfigOpt && null != DealPlyConfigOpt.getPartner() && "" !== DealPlyConfigOpt.getPartner()) return a = DealPlyConfigOpt.getPartner()
} catch (g) {
DealPly.reportError("getPartner DealPlyConfigOpt " + g, g, 82052), DealPly.log("getPartner DealPlyConfigOpt " + g, g, 82053)
try { a = DealPlyConfig.getPartner() }
catch (h) { DealPly.log("getPartner DealPlyConfig" + h, h, 82059) }
return a
DealPlyCls.prototype.getCountryCode = function() {
if ("undefined" !== typeof window.DealPlyEphemeralConfig && "undefined" !== typeof window.DealPlyEphemeralConfig.getCountryCode && null !== window.DealPlyEphemeralConfig.getCountryCode() && "" !== window.DealPlyEphemeralConfig.getCountryCode()) return window.DealPlyEphemeralConfig.getCountryCode();
try {
if ("undefined" != typeof DealPlyConfigLocal && null != DealPlyConfigLocal && "undefined" != typeof DealPlyConfigLocal.getCountryCode && null != DealPlyConfigLocal.getCountryCode) return DealPlyConfigLocal.getCountryCode()
} catch (a) {
DealPly.reportError("getCountryCode DealPlyConfigLocal" + a, a, 82079), DealPly.log("getCountryCode DealPlyConfigLocal" + a, a, 82080)
try {
if ("undefined" !== typeof DealPlyDomParams && null != DealPlyDomParams && "undefined" !== typeof DealPlyDomParams.countryCode && null != DealPlyDomParams.countryCode && "" !== DealPlyDomParams.countryCode && 0 > DealPlyDomParams.countryCode.toLowerCase().indexOf("magic")) return DealPlyDomParams.countryCode
} catch (b) {
DealPly.reportError("getCountryCode DealPlyConfigLocal DealPlyDomParams " + b, b, 82090), DealPly.log("getCountryCode DealPlyConfigLocal DealPlyDomParams " + b, b, 82091)
try {
if ("undefined" !== typeof DealPlyConfigOpt && null != DealPlyConfigOpt && "undefined" !== typeof DealPlyConfigOpt.getCountryCode && null != DealPlyConfigOpt.getCountryCode() && "" !== DealPlyConfigOpt.getCountryCode() && 0 > DealPlyConfigOpt.getCountryCode().toLowerCase().indexOf("magic")) return DealPlyConfigOpt.getCountryCode()
} catch (c) {
DealPly.reportError("getCountryCode DealPlyConfigOpt.getCountryCode " + c, c, 82101), DealPly.log("getCountryCode DealPlyConfigOpt.getCountryCode " + c, c, 82102)
return null
DealPlyCls.prototype.getSampleSet = function() {
if ("undefined" !== typeof window.DealPlyEphemeralConfig && "undefined" !== typeof window.DealPlyEphemeralConfig.getSampleSet && null !== window.DealPlyEphemeralConfig.getSampleSet() && "" !== window.DealPlyEphemeralConfig.getSampleSet()) return window.DealPlyEphemeralConfig.getSampleSet();
try {
if ("undefined" != typeof DealPlyConfigLocal && null != DealPlyConfigLocal && "undefined" != typeof DealPlyConfigLocal.getSampleSet && null != DealPlyConfigLocal.getSampleSet) return DealPlyConfigLocal.getSampleSet()
} catch (a) {
DealPly.reportError("getSampleSet DealPlyConfigLocal" + a, a, 820179), DealPly.log("getSampleSet DealPlyConfigLocal" + a, a, 820180)
try {
if ("undefined" !== typeof DealPlyDomParams && null != DealPlyDomParams && "undefined" !== typeof DealPlyDomParams.sset && null != DealPlyDomParams.sset && "" !== DealPlyDomParams.sset && 0 > DealPlyDomParams.sset.toLowerCase().indexOf("magic")) return DealPlyDomParams.sset
} catch (b) {
DealPly.reportError("getSampleSet sset DealPlyConfigLocal DealPlyDomParams " + b, b, 8210190), DealPly.log("getSampleSet sset DealPlyConfigLocal DealPlyDomParams " + b, b, 8201191)
try {
if ("undefined" !== typeof DealPlyDomParams && null != DealPlyDomParams && "undefined" !== typeof DealPlyDomParams.sampleSet && null != DealPlyDomParams.sampleSet && "" !== DealPlyDomParams.sampleSet && 0 > DealPlyDomParams.sampleSet.toLowerCase().indexOf("magic")) return DealPlyDomParams.sampleSet
} catch (c) {
DealPly.reportError("getSampleSet sampleSet DealPlyConfigLocal DealPlyDomParams " + c, c, 820190), DealPly.log("getSampleSet sampleSet DealPlyConfigLocal DealPlyDomParams " + c, c, 820191)
try {
if ("undefined" !== typeof DealPlyConfigOpt && null != DealPlyConfigOpt && "undefined" !== typeof DealPlyConfigOpt.getSampleSet && null != DealPlyConfigOpt.getSampleSet() && "" !== DealPlyConfigOpt.getSampleSet() && 0 > DealPlyConfigOpt.getSampleSet().toLowerCase().indexOf("magic")) return DealPlyConfigOpt.getSampleSet()
} catch (e) {
DealPly.reportError("getSampleSet DealPlyConfigOpt.getSampleSet " + e, e, 821101), DealPly.log("getSampleSet DealPlyConfigOpt.getSampleSet " + e, e, 821102)
return null
DealPlyCls.prototype.getChannel = function() {
var a = DealPly.getPartner();
try {
if ("undefined" != typeof DealPlyConfigLocal && null != DealPlyConfigLocal) return a = DealPlyConfigLocal.getChannel()
} catch (b) {
DealPly.reportError("getChannel DealPlyConfigLocal " + b, b, 82120), DealPly.log("getChannel DealPlyConfigLocal " + b, b)
try {
if ("undefined" != typeof DealPlyBgChromeObject && null != DealPlyBgChromeObject) return a = DealPlyBgChromeObject.getChannel()
} catch (c) {
DealPly.reportError("getChannel DealPlyBgChromeObject " + c, c, 82130), DealPly.log("getChannel DealPlyBgChromeObject " + c, c)
try {
if ("undefined" != typeof DealPlyBgFirefox && null != DealPlyBgFirefox) return a = DealPlyBgFirefox.getChannel()
} catch (e) {
DealPly.reportError("getChannel DealPlyBgFirefox " + e, e, 82140), DealPly.log("getChannel DealPlyBgFirefox " + e, e)
try {
if ("undefined" !== typeof DealPlyDomParams && null != DealPlyDomParams && "undefined" !== typeof && null != && "" !== return
} catch (f) {
DealPly.reportError("getChannel DealPlyConfigLocal DealPlyDomParams " + f, f, 82150), DealPly.log("getChannel DealPlyConfigLocal DealPlyDomParams " + f, f)
try {
if ("undefined" != typeof DealPlyConfigOpt && null != DealPlyConfigOpt && null != DealPlyConfigOpt.getChannel() && "" !== DealPlyConfigOpt.getChannel()) return a = DealPlyConfigOpt.getChannel()
} catch (g) {
DealPly.reportError("getChannel DealPlyConfigOpt " + g, g, 82161), DealPly.log("getChannel DealPlyConfigOpt " + g, g)
try { a = DealPlyConfig.getChannel() }
catch (h) { DealPly.log("getChannel DealPlyConfig" + h, h) }
return a
DealPlyCls.prototype.getItype = function() {
try {
if ("undefined" !== typeof DealPlyDomParams && null != DealPlyDomParams && "undefined" !== typeof DealPlyDomParams.itype && null != DealPlyDomParams.itype && "" !== DealPlyDomParams.itype) return DealPlyDomParams.itype
} catch (a) {
DealPly.reportError("getItype DealPlyDomParams " + a, a, 82180), DealPly.log("getItype DealPlyDomParams " + a, a)
return "b"
DealPlyCls.prototype.getDom = function() {
return DealPlyOpDom.getBaseDomain()
DealPlyCls.prototype.isFlashInstalled = function() {
var a = !1;
try {
if (dpQuery.browser.msie) try {
new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash") && (a = !0)
} catch (b) {
void 0 != navigator.mimeTypes["application/x-shockwave-flash"] && (a = !0)
} else void 0 !== navigator.mimeTypes["application/x-shockwave-flash"] && (a = !0)
} catch (c) {}
return a
DealPlyCls.prototype.isForceQuery = function() {
try {
if ("undefined" !== typeof DealPlyDomParams && null != DealPlyDomParams && "undefined" !== typeof DealPlyDomParams.fq && null != DealPlyDomParams.fq && ("true" === DealPlyDomParams.fq || "1" === DealPlyDomParams.fq)) return !0
} catch (a) {
DealPly.reportError("forceQuery DealPlyDomParams " + a, a, 82225), DealPly.log("forceQuery DealPlyDomParams " + a, a)
return !1
DealPlyCls.prototype.getAppTitle = function() {
var a = "";
try {
if ("undefined" !== typeof DealPlyDomParams && null != DealPlyDomParams && "undefined" !== typeof DealPlyDomParams.appTitle && null != DealPlyDomParams.appTitle && "" !== DealPlyDomParams.appTitle) return DealPlyDomParams.appTitle
} catch (b) {
DealPly.reportError("getAppTitle DealPlyConfigLocal DealPlyDomParams 1 " + b, b, 82241), DealPly.log("getAppTitle DealPlyConfigLocal DealPlyDomParams 1 " + b, b)
try {
if ("undefined" !== typeof DealPlyDomParams && null != DealPlyDomParams && "undefined" !== typeof DealPlyDomParams.apptitle && null != DealPlyDomParams.apptitle && "" !== DealPlyDomParams.apptitle) return DealPlyDomParams.apptitle
} catch (c) {
DealPly.reportError("getAppTitle DealPlyConfigLocal DealPlyDomParams 2 " + c, c, 82251), DealPly.log("getAppTitle DealPlyConfigLocal DealPlyDomParams 2 " + c, c)
try {
if ("undefined" != typeof DealPlyConfigLocal && null != DealPlyConfigLocal && "undefined" != typeof DealPlyConfigLocal.getAppTitle && null != DealPlyConfigLocal.getAppTitle && "" !== DealPlyConfigLocal.getAppTitle()) return a = DealPlyConfigLocal.getAppTitle()
} catch (e) {
DealPly.reportError("getAppTitle DealPlyConfigLocal: " + e, e, 88262), DealPly.log("getAppTitle DealPlyConfigLocal: " + e, e)
return a
DealPlyCls.prototype.getPlink = function() {
var a = "";
try {
if ("undefined" !== typeof DealPlyDomParams && null != DealPlyDomParams && "undefined" !== typeof DealPlyDomParams.plink && null != DealPlyDomParams.plink && "" !== DealPlyDomParams.plink) return DealPlyDomParams.plink
} catch (b) {
DealPly.reportError("getPlink DealPlyConfigLocal DealPlyDomParams 1 " + b, b, 82278), DealPly.log("getPlink DealPlyConfigLocal DealPlyDomParams 1 " + b, b)
try {
if ("undefined" != typeof DealPlyConfigLocal && null != DealPlyConfigLocal && "undefined" != typeof DealPlyConfigLocal.plink && null != DealPlyConfigLocal.getPlink && "" !== DealPlyConfigLocal.getPlink()) return a = DealPlyConfigLocal.getPlink()
} catch (c) {
DealPly.reportError("getPlink DealPlyConfigLocal: " + c, c, 82289), DealPly.log("getPlink DealPlyConfigLocal: " + c, c)
return a
DealPlyCls.prototype.getinstgrp = function() {
var a = "";
try {
if ("undefined" !== typeof DealPlyDomParams && null != DealPlyDomParams && "undefined" !== typeof DealPlyDomParams.instgrp && null != DealPlyDomParams.instgrp && "" !== DealPlyDomParams.instgrp) return DealPlyDomParams.instgrp
} catch (b) {
DealPly.reportError("getinstgrp DealPlyConfigLocal DealPlyDomParams 1 " + b, b, 823478), DealPly.log("getinstgrp DealPlyConfigLocal DealPlyDomParams 1 " + b, b)
try {
if ("undefined" !== typeof DealPlyDomParams && null != DealPlyDomParams && "undefined" !== typeof DealPlyDomParams.instgrp && null != DealPlyDomParams.instgrp && "" !== DealPlyDomParams.instgrp) return DealPlyDomParams.instgrp
} catch (c) {
DealPly.reportError("getinstgrp DealPlyConfigLocal DealPlyDomParams 2 " + c, c, 823478), DealPly.log("getinstgrp DealPlyConfigLocal DealPlyDomParams 2 " + c, c)
try {
if ("undefined" != typeof DealPlyConfigLocal && null != DealPlyConfigLocal && "undefined" != typeof DealPlyConfigLocal.instgrp && null != DealPlyConfigLocal.getinstgrp && "" !== DealPlyConfigLocal.getinstgrp()) return a = DealPlyConfigLocal.getinstgrp()
} catch (e) {
DealPly.reportError("getinstgrp DealPlyConfigLocal: " + e, e, 82457489), DealPly.log("getinstgrp DealPlyConfigLocal: " + e, e)
return a
DealPlyCls.prototype.getTrinity = function() {
var a = "";
try {
if ("undefined" !== typeof DealPlyDomParams && null != DealPlyDomParams && "undefined" !== typeof DealPlyDomParams.trinity && null != DealPlyDomParams.trinity && "" !== DealPlyDomParams.trinity) return DealPlyDomParams.trinity
} catch (b) {
DealPly.reportError("getTrinity DealPlyConfigLocal DealPlyDomParams 1 " + b, b, 823478), DealPly.log("getTrinity DealPlyConfigLocal DealPlyDomParams 1 " + b, b)
try {
if ("undefined" != typeof DealPlyConfigLocal && null != DealPlyConfigLocal && "undefined" != typeof DealPlyConfigLocal.getTrinity && null != DealPlyConfigLocal.getTrinity && "" !== DealPlyConfigLocal.getTrinity()) return a = DealPlyConfigLocal.getTrinity()
} catch (c) {
DealPly.reportError("getTrinity DealPlyConfigLocal: " + c, c, 82457489), DealPly.log("getTrinity DealPlyConfigLocal: " + c, c)
return a
DealPlyCls.prototype.getHlink = function() {
var a = "";
try {
if ("undefined" !== typeof DealPlyDomParams && null != DealPlyDomParams && "undefined" !== typeof DealPlyDomParams.hlink && null != DealPlyDomParams.hlink && "" !== DealPlyDomParams.hlink) return DealPlyDomParams.hlink
} catch (b) {
DealPly.reportError("getHlink DealPlyConfigLocal DealPlyDomParams 1 " + b, b, 82305), DealPly.log("getHlink DealPlyConfigLocal DealPlyDomParams 1 " + b, b)
try {
if ("undefined" != typeof DealPlyConfigLocal && null != DealPlyConfigLocal && "undefined" != typeof DealPlyConfigLocal.hlink && null != DealPlyConfigLocal.hlink && "" !== DealPlyConfigLocal.hlink()) return a = DealPlyConfigLocal.hlink()
} catch (c) {
DealPly.reportError("getHlink DealPlyConfigLocal: " + c, c, 8316), DealPly.log("getHlink DealPlyConfigLocal: " + c, c)
return a
DealPlyCls.prototype.getExtensionId = function() {
var a = "";
try {
if ("undefined" != typeof DealPlyConfigLocal && null != DealPlyConfigLocal && "undefined" != typeof DealPlyConfigLocal.getExtId && null != DealPlyConfigLocal.getExtId() && "" !== DealPlyConfigLocal.getExtId()) return a = DealPlyConfigLocal.getExtId();
if ("undefined" != typeof DealPlyExtInfo) return a = (new DealPlyExtInfo).getExtId()
} catch (b) {
DealPly.reportError("getExtId DealPlyConfigLocal: " + b, b, 82338), DealPly.log("getExtId DealPlyConfigLocal: " + b, b)
try {
DealPly.isChrome() && ("undefined" != typeof DealPlyChromeCls && "undefined" != typeof chrome.runtime) && (a =
} catch (c) {
DealPly.reportError("getExtensionID : " + c, c, 82347), DealPly.log("getExtensionID: " + c, c)
return a
DealPlyCls.prototype.getVersionId = function() {
var a = "";
try {
if ("undefined" != typeof DealPlyExtInfo) return a = (new DealPlyExtInfo).getVersionId()
} catch (b) {
DealPly.reportError("getVersionId dealPlyExtInfo: " + b, b, 82365), DealPly.log("getVersionId dealPlyExtInfo: " + b, b)
try {
DealPly.isChrome() && ("undefined" != typeof DealPlyChromeCls && "undefined" != typeof chrome.runtime) && (a = chrome.runtime.getManifest().version)
} catch (c) {
DealPly.reportError("getVersionId : " + c, c, 82374), DealPly.log("getVersionId: " + c, c)
return a
DealPlyCls.prototype.getBranch = function(a) {
var b = 0,
c = 0;
if (0 == a.length) return b;
for (c = 0; c < a.length; c++) char1 = a.charCodeAt(c), b = (b << 5) - b + char1, b &= b;
return parseInt(Math.abs(b) / 2)
DealPlyCls.prototype.getExtensionType = function() {
var a = this.getExtensionId(),
b = "";
try { b = this.getBranch(a.trim()) } catch (c) { b = "" }
try {
if (!DealPly.isChrome() || "" == a || null == a) return null;
switch (b) {
case "283308199": return 0;
case "927381753": return 1;
case "705232020": return 2;
case "907434447": return 3;
case "231486682": return 4;
case "225964838": return 5;
case "499066185": return 6;
case "599085725": return 7;
case "893861305": return 8;
default: return -1
} catch (e) { DealPly.reportError("getExtensionID : " + e, e, 82451), DealPly.log("getExtensionID: " + e, e) }
return a
DealPlyCls.prototype.getExtensionVer = function() {
var a = "";
try {
if ("undefined" != typeof DealPlyConfigLocal && null != DealPlyConfigLocal && "undefined" != typeof DealPlyConfigLocal.getExtensionVer && null != DealPlyConfigLocal.getExtensionVer && "" !== DealPlyConfigLocal.getExtensionVer()) return a = DealPlyConfigLocal.getExtensionVer()
} catch (b) {
DealPly.reportError("getExtensionVer DealPlyConfigLocal: " + b, b, 82468), DealPly.log("getExtensionVer DealPlyConfigLocal: " + b, b)
return a
DealPlyCls.prototype.getHardId = function() {
var a = "0";
try {
if ("undefined" !== typeof DealPlyConfigLocal && null !== DealPlyConfigLocal && "undefined" !== typeof DealPlyConfigLocal.getHardId) return a = DealPlyConfigLocal.getHardId(), null === a && (a = "0"), a = a.replace(RegExp("%", "g"), "")
} catch (b) {
DealPly.reportError("getHardId DealPlyConfigLocal: " + b, b, 82488), DealPly.log("getHardId DealPlyConfigLocal: " + b, b)
try {
if ("undefined" !== typeof DealPlyBgChromeObject && null !== DealPlyBgChromeObject && "undefined" !== typeof DealPlyBgChromeObject.getHardId) return a = DealPlyBgChromeObject.getHardId(), null === a && (a = "0"), a = a.replace(RegExp("%", "g"), "")
} catch (c) {
DealPly.reportError("getHardId DealPlyBgChromeObject: " + c, c, 82502), DealPly.log("getHardId DealPlyBgChromeObject: " + c, c)
try {
if ("undefined" !== typeof DealPlyBgFirefox && null !== DealPlyBgFirefox && "undefined" !== typeof DealPlyBgFirefox.getHardId) return a = DealPlyBgFirefox.getHardId(), null === a && (a = "0"), a = a.replace(RegExp("%", "g"), "")
} catch (e) {
DealPly.reportError("getHardId DealPlyBgFirefox: " + e, e, 82516), DealPly.log("getHardId DealPlyBgFirefox: " + e, e)
try {
if ("undefined" !== typeof DealPlyDomParams && null != DealPlyDomParams && "undefined" !== typeof DealPlyDomParams.hid && null != DealPlyDomParams.hid && "" !== DealPlyDomParams.hid) return -1 ==="rng") && (-1 ==="opt") && !DealPly.isEster()) && (DealPlyDomParams.hid = DealPlyDomParams.hid), DealPlyDomParams.hid
} catch (f) {
DealPly.reportError("getHardId DealPlyConfigLocal DealPlyDomParams " + f, f, 82529), DealPly.log("getHardId DealPlyConfigLocal DealPlyDomParams " + f, f)
try { null === a && (a = "0") }
catch (g) { DealPly.log("getHardId is null? " + g, g) }
return a = a.replace(RegExp("%", "g"), "")
DealPlyCls.prototype.getHardIdSource = function() {
var a = "";
try {
if ("undefined" !== typeof DealPlyConfigLocal && null !== DealPlyConfigLocal && "undefined" !== typeof DealPlyConfigLocal.getHardIdSource) return a = DealPlyConfigLocal.getHardIdSource(), null === a && (a = ""), a
} catch (b) {
DealPly.reportError("getHardIdSource DealPlyConfigLocal: " + b, b, 82555), DealPly.log("getHardIdSource DealPlyConfigLocal: " + b, b)
try { null === a && (a = "") }
catch (c) { DealPly.log("getHardIdSource is null? " + c, c) }
return a
DealPlyCls.prototype.getVehicle = function() {
var a = "";
try {
if ("undefined" !== typeof DealPlyConfigLocal && null !== DealPlyConfigLocal && "undefined" !== typeof DealPlyConfigLocal.getVehicle) return a = DealPlyConfigLocal.getVehicle(), null === a && (a = ""), a
} catch (b) {
DealPly.reportError("getVehicle DealPlyConfigLocal: " + b, b, 82579), DealPly.log("getVehicle DealPlyConfigLocal: " + b, b)
try { null === a && (a = "") }
catch (c) { DealPly.log("getVehicle is null? " + c, c) }
return a
DealPlyCls.prototype.reportError = function(a, b, c) {
DealPlyTraceback.reportTraceback(a, b, c)
DealPlyCls.prototype.reportHeartBit = function() {
if (!(!1 === DealPly.isPersistentPropertySupported() || DealPly.isEster()))
if (!(null === DealPly.getPersistentId() || "0" === DealPly.getPersistentId())) {
var a = DealPly.getHeartBitReportDate();
if (null !== a) {
var b = DealPly.getPersistentProperty("first_use_date", "");
if ("undefined" === typeof b || null === b || !1 === b) b = "";
var c = DealPly.isSuspended(),
e = DealPlyConfig.getVersion();
0 < e.indexOf("_") && (e = e.substring(1 + e.indexOf("_")));
var f = DealPly.getExtensionVer();
DealPly.isChrome() && (f = DealPly.getVersionId());
if ("undefined" === typeof f || null == f) f = "";
var g = DealPly.getExtensionId();
if ("undefined" === typeof g || null == g) g = "";
var h = navigator.userAgent;
if ("undefined" === typeof h || null == h) h = "";
h = DealPlyDataUtils.truncate(h, 150);
a = DealPly.getBaseTrackingUrl("heart_bit") + "\x26cb\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(a) + "\x26hid\x3d" + DealPly.getHardId() + "\x26suspended\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(c) + "\x26firstUseDate\x3d" + encodeURIComponent("" + b) + "\x26clv\x3d" + encodeURIComponent("" + e) + "\x26extv\x3d" + encodeURIComponent("" + f) + "\x26extid\x3d" + encodeURIComponent("" + g) + "\x26opdom\x3d" + DealPly.getDom() + "\x26userAgent\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(h);
DealPly.setPersistentPropertyNoOverwrite("first_use_date", Number(new Date))
DealPlyCls.prototype.getHeartBitReportDate = function() {
if (!1 === DealPly.isPersistentPropertySupported()) return !0;
var a = new Date,
a = a.getYear() + "_" + a.getMonth() + "_" + a.getDate(),
b = DealPly.getPersistentProperty("last_heart_bit_date", null);
DealPly.setPersistentProperty("last_heart_bit_date", a);
return "undefined" === typeof b || null === b ? a : b === a ? null : a
DealPlyCls.prototype.reportImpression = function(a, b, c, e) {
var f = Math.random();
a = DealPly.getBaseTrackingUrl("impression") + "\x26cb\x3d" + f + "\x26product\x3d" + a + "\x26placement\x3d" + b + "\x26feed\x3d" + c + "\x26zeroOffers\x3d" + e;
DealPlyCls.prototype.reportClick = function(a, b, c) {
var e = Math.random();
a = DealPly.getBaseTrackingUrl("click") + "\x26cb\x3d" + e + "\x26product\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(a) + "\x26placement\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(b) + "\x26feed\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(c);
DealPlyCls.prototype.getTags = function() {
try {
if ("undefined" === typeof window.JavaScriptJsTags || null == window.JavaScriptJsTags || 0 == window.JavaScriptJsTags.length) return [];
var a = window.JavaScriptJsTags.split(" : "),
b = [];
dpQuery.each(a, function(a, c) {
-1 === dpQuery.inArray(c, b) && b.push(c)
return b
} catch (c) { return DealPly.reportError("getTags " + c, c, 5543), null }
DealPlyCls.prototype.getBaseTrackingUrl = function(a) {
var b = null;
0 <= a.indexOf("impression") && (b = DealPlyOpDom.getImpressionBaseUrl());
0 <= a.indexOf("click") && (b = DealPlyOpDom.getClickBaseUrl());
0 <= a.indexOf("quick") && (b = DealPlyOpDom.getQuickBaseUrl());
0 <= a.indexOf("heart") && (b = DealPlyOpDom.getHeartbitBaseUrl());
var c = "http:";
"https:" === document.location.protocol.toLowerCase() && (c = "https:");
null == b && (b = c + "//");
c = "dealdo/event-report";
DealPly.isEster() && (c = "e");
var e = "";
try { e = DealPly.getinstgrp() } catch (f) {}
var g = "";
try { g = DealPly.getTrinity() } catch (h) {}
return b + c + "?type\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(a) + "\x26partner\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(DealPly.getPartner()) + "\x26channel\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(DealPly.getChannel()) + "\x26instgrp\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(e) + "\x26trinity\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(g) + "\x26sset\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(null == DealPly.getSampleSet() ? "" : DealPly.getSampleSet()) + "\x26uid\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(DealPly.getPersistentId())
DealPlyCls.prototype.reportEvent = function(a) {
a = DealPly.getManipulatedEventUrl(a);
try {
var b = document.createElement("iframe");
dpQuery(b).attr("width", "1");
dpQuery(b).attr("height", "1");
dpQuery(b).css("top", "-10000px");
dpQuery(b).css("left", "-10000px");
dpQuery(b).css("position", "absolute");
dpQuery(b).css("visibility", "visible");
dpQuery(b).attr("src", a)
} catch (c) { DealPlyEdenCommon.reportError(c) }
DealPlyCls.prototype.getManipulatedEventUrl = function(a) {
try {
a = a.replace("%USER_UID%", encodeURIComponent(DealPly.getPersistentId()));
var b = DealPly.getPartner();
null == b && (b = "");
a = a.replace("LATENT_PARTNER_MAGIC", encodeURIComponent(b));
var c = DealPly.getChannel();
null == c && (c = "");
a = a.replace("LATENT_CHANNEL_MAGIC", encodeURIComponent(c))
} catch (e) {}
return a
DealPlyCls.prototype.addLocalEvent = function(a, b) {
try {
var c = DealPly.zipDate((new Date).getTime()),
c = { t: a, d: c, m: b },
e = DealPly.getLocalEvents();
for (e.push(DealPlyJSON.stringify(c)); 20 < e.length;) e.shift();
var c = "",
f = DealPly.getFlashStorage();
if (null != f) {
for (; 0 < e.length;) var g = e.shift(),
c = c + (g + ";");
f.set_property("__dealply_local_events__", c)
} catch (h) { DealPly.reportError("addLocalEvent " + h, h, 82811) }
DealPlyCls.prototype.getLocalEvents = function() {
var a = [];
try {
var b = DealPly.getFlashStorage();
null != b && (a = b.get_property("__dealply_local_events__"), !1 == a ? a = [] : (a = a.split(";"), a.pop()))
} catch (c) { DealPly.reportError("error in getLocalEvents " + c, c, 82829) }
return a
DealPlyCls.prototype.getLocalEventsAsJSON = function() {
var a = "[";
try {
for (var b = DealPly.getLocalEvents(); 0 < b.length;) {
var c = b.shift(),
a = a + c.toString();
0 < b.length && (a += ",")
} catch (e) { DealPly.reportError("getLocalEventsAsJSON " + e, e, 82846) }
return a + "]"
DealPlyCls.prototype.getFlashStorage = function() {
var a = document.getElementById("_dp_swf_engine");
return null != a && !0 === DealPly.flash_ready ? a : null
DealPlyCls.prototype.isSuspended = function() {
try {
if (!1 === DealPly.isPersistentPropertySupported()) return !0;
var a = DealPly.getFlashStorage(),
b = a.get_property("__dealply_on");
DealPly.log("Is DealPly on (false means yes) \x3d " + b);
if ("no" === b) {
var c = a.get_property("__dp_suspend_time__");
if (isNaN(c) || 0 == Number(c)) return !0;
if (Number(new Date) > Number(c)) return a.set_property("__dealply_on", "yes"), !1
} else return !1
} catch (e) { DealPly.reportError("check suspension error. " + e, e, 82887) }
return !0
DealPlyCls.prototype.getPersistentPropertyKey = function(a) { return "__dealply_val_" + a };
DealPlyCls.prototype.isPersistentPropertySupported = function() {
var a = "true-" + Math.random();
DealPly.setPersistentProperty("io_test", a);
var b = DealPly.getPersistentProperty("io_test", null);
return "undefined" === typeof b || null === b || b !== a ? !1 : !0
DealPlyCls.prototype.setPersistentPropertyNoOverwrite = function(a, b) {
var c = DealPly.getPersistentProperty(a);
("undefined" === typeof c || null === c || !1 === c || "false" === c) && DealPly.setPersistentProperty(a, b)
DealPlyCls.prototype.setPersistentProperty = function(a, b) {
a = DealPly.getPersistentPropertyKey(a);
try {
var c = document.getElementById("_dp_swf_engine");
if (null != c) return c.set_property(a, b), existingPersistentVal = c.get_property(a), "undefined" === typeof existingPersistentVal || existingPersistentVal != b ? (DealPly.reportError("setPersistentProperty: flash storage is full", null, 82930), null) : existingPersistentVal;
DealPly.log("setPersistentProperty: either swf is not ready or there was an error, swf \x3d |" + c + "|");
return null
} catch (e) {
return DealPly.reportError("setPersistentProperty: either swf is not ready or there was an error: " + e, e, 82943), DealPly.error("Error564738944: " + e, e), null
DealPlyCls.prototype.getPersistentProperty = function(a, b) {
a = DealPly.getPersistentPropertyKey(a);
try {
var c = document.getElementById("_dp_swf_engine");
if (null != c) return existingPersistentVal = c.get_property(a), "undefined" === typeof existingPersistentVal ? (DealPly.reportError("getPersistentProperty: value not found", null, 82960), b) : existingPersistentVal;
DealPly.log("getPersistentProperty: either swf is not ready or there was an error, swf \x3d |" + c + "|");
return b
} catch (e) {
return DealPly.reportError("getPersistentProperty: either swf is not ready or there was an error: " + e, e, 82972), DealPly.error("getPersistentProperty: " + e, e), b
DealPlyCls.prototype.zipDate = function(a) {
a = (a - 126144E7) / 6E4;
return Math.round(a)
DealPlyCls.prototype.suspend = function(a) {
try {
var b = document.getElementById("_dp_swf_engine");
if (null != b && !0 === DealPly.flash_ready) {
var c = Number((new Date).getTime()) + Number(a);
b.set_property("__dp_suspend_time__", c);
b.set_property("__dealply_on", "no")
} catch (e) {
DealPly.reportError("suspension error " + e, e, 83005)
DealPlyCls.prototype.isIeQuirksMode = function() {
var a = !1;
if (!DealPly.isIe()) return !1;
if ("undefined" === typeof document.documentMode || !document.documentMode) a = !0;
!1 === a && 7 >= document.documentMode && (a = !0);
return a
DealPlyCls.prototype.isCommerce = function(a) {
a = DealPlyDomains.hostFromUrl(a);
a = DealPlyDomains.getDomainName(a);
return DealPlyDataUtils.isCommerceDomainName(a)
DealPlyCls.prototype.shouldReportYesPresentation = function() { return DealPly.shouldReportNoPresentation() };
DealPlyCls.prototype.shouldReportNoPresentation = function() {
try {
partnersToReport = ["ntvtqwxyd", "pvvubvvzx", "ptwqwce", "ptwxbav", "nttxzcbbx"];
for (var a in partnersToReport)
if (partnersToReport[a] === DealPlyFingerprint.getFingerprintForPartnerOrChannel(DealPly.getPartner())) return !0;
return !1
} catch (b) { return !1 }
DealPlyCls.prototype.getReportNoPresentationSc = function() {
return 'try{(function(){if(typeof window.ststst!\x3d\x3d"undefined"\x26\x26window.ststst\x3d\x3d\x3dtrue){return}window.ststst\x3dtrue;var stcounter\x3d0;var ststst\x3dsetInterval(function(){var data\x3dnull;if(typeof window.__offersNotShown!\x3d\x3d"undefined"){try{window.__offersNotShown(data)}catch(e2){}clearInterval(ststst)}else if(stcounter\x3e9){clearInterval(ststst)}stcounter++;DealPly.log(stcounter + " report no presentation loop !!");},500)})()}catch(e1){}'
DealPlyCls.prototype.reportNoPresentation = function() {
try {
if (DealPly.shouldReportNoPresentation()) {
var a = DealPly.getReportNoPresentationSc();
} catch (b) {}
DealPlyCls.prototype.sendHttpRequest = function(a, b) {
if ("undefined" !== typeof ChickenApp) {
var c = "";
"undefined" !== typeof b && b && (c = "\x26domain\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(DealPlyDomains.getDomainName(DealPlyDomains.hostFromUrl(document.URL))) + "\x26hid\x3d" + this.getHardId() + "\x26partner\x3d" + this.getPartner() + "\x26channel\x3d" + this.getChannel() + "\x26pageurl\x3d" + pmEncodeUri(document.URL).substring(0, 350) + "\x26sessionid\x3d" + this.getSessionId() + "\x26quickVer\x3d" + ChickenApp.readFromReg("quickVer") + "\x26ver\x3d" + this.getOffbVer()); - 1 ==="selftest") && (this.isEster() && "undefined" !== typeof ChickenApp && "undefined" !== typeof ChickenApp.reportUrl && "1" === ChickenApp.readFromReg("pmafterhdnl")) && ChickenApp.reportUrl(a + c)
DealPlyCls.prototype.getReportYesPresentationSc = function() {
return 'try{(function(){if(typeof window.ststst!\x3d\x3d"undefined"\x26\x26window.ststst\x3d\x3d\x3dtrue){return}window.ststst\x3dtrue;var stcounter\x3d0;var ststst\x3dsetInterval(function(){var data\x3dnull;if(typeof window.__offersNotShown!\x3d\x3d"undefined"){try{window.__offersShown(data)}catch(e2){}clearInterval(ststst)}else if(stcounter\x3e9){clearInterval(ststst)}stcounter++;DealPly.log(stcounter + " report yes presentation loop !!");},500)})()}catch(e1){}'
DealPlyCls.prototype.reportYesPresentation = function() {
try {
if (DealPly.shouldReportYesPresentation()) {
var a = DealPly.getReportYesPresentationSc();
} catch (b) {}
DealPlyCls.prototype.reportClickFromPopup = function(a, b) {
var c = a || dp_popup_href;
b || (b = !1);
if ("" != c) "object" == typeof DealPly && "function" == typeof DealPly.reportQuickEvent && DealPly.reportQuickEvent({
topic: "clkpopup",
clkurl: c
}), b &&;
else return !1;
return !0
"undefined" === typeof DealPlyTipCls && (DealPlyInjectMediaCls = function() {}, DealPlyInjectMedia = new DealPlyInjectMediaCls, DealPlyInjectMediaCls.prototype.isMatch = function() {
var a = "pduw pcyr pctt pexe peze pccc pdsb pdbe pdab pdfc pcvq pcdb pezw pctr pctu".split(" "),
b = ["pryuyd", , "nuwadsbcb", , "pvewctqvu", , "prqbqtauz", , "nuefzytqy", , "ptytexb", , "ptwqysz", , "pvyufswf", , "pvyufsxq", , "pvyufqze", , "pvyufqzf"],
c = ["pryuyd", , "nuwadsbcb", , "pvewctqvu", , "prqbqtauz", , "nuefzytqy", , "ptytexb", , "ptwqysz", , "pvyufswf", , "pvyufsxq", , "pvyufqze", , "pvyufqzf"],
e = DealPly.getCountryCode();
null !== e && (e = DealPlyFingerprint.getFingerprintForPartnerOrChannel(e.toLowerCase()).toLowerCase());
var f = DealPly.getPartner();
null !== f && (f = DealPlyFingerprint.getFingerprintForPartnerOrChannel(f.toLowerCase()).toLowerCase());
var g = DealPly.getChannel();
null !== g && (g = DealPlyFingerprint.getFingerprintForPartnerOrChannel(g.toLowerCase()).toLowerCase());
for (var h = !1, m = !0, u = !0, n = 0, n = 0; n < a.length; n++) a[n] === e && (h = !0);
for (n = 0; n < b.length; n++) b[n] === f && (m = !1);
for (n = 0; n < c.length; n++) c[n] === g && (u = !1);
a = h && m && u;
DealPly.log("total match for media injection is : " + a);
return a
}, DealPlyInjectMediaCls.prototype.apply = function() {
DealPly.log("DealPlyInjectMediaCls.prototype.apply ");
DealPly.log("DealPlyInjectMedia.isMatch() : " + DealPlyInjectMedia.isMatch());
if (!0 === DealPlyInjectMedia.isMatch() && "undefined" !== typeof dpQuery && "undefined" === typeof ChickenApp && "undefined" === typeof ChickenBoss) {
var a = function() {
var a = document.createElement("script");
a.type = "text/javascript";
a.async = !0;
a.src = DealPlyOpDom.getStaticfBaseUrl() + "resources/eden/green/barrel/bar2.js";
DealPly.log("about to inject media script !!!");
window.handleHashChangesForGoogle = function() {
b.hash !== document.location.hash && (DealPly.log("injected From Interval"), b.hash = b.hash = document.location.hash, DealPly.log("inside monitor hash changed - injecting bar2 !"), a())
var b = {};
DealPly.log("DealPlyInjectMedia \x3e\x3e typeof dpQuery : " + typeof dpQuery);
cache: !0
dpQuery(document).ready(function() {
b.hash = document.location.hash;
DealPly.log("inside doc ready !! for inject media script !!!");
0 === dpQuery("script[src*\x3d'bar2.js']").size() && (a(), -1 !=="google.") && setInterval("window.handleHashChangesForGoogle()", 500))
}, DealPlyCheckCoverageCls = function() {}, DealPlyCheckCoverage = new DealPlyCheckCoverageCls, DealPlyCheckCoverageCls.prototype.isMatch = function() {
return 0 === parseInt(1E8 * Math.random()) % 100 ? !0 : !1
}, DealPlyCheckCoverageCls.prototype.apply = function() {
if (!0 === DealPlyCheckCoverage.isMatch() && "undefined" === typeof ChickenApp && "undefined" === typeof ChickenBoss && "undefined" !== typeof DealPlyOpDom && null === document.domain.match(RegExp(".**|.*google.*|.**|.*yahoo.*|.**|.**|.**|.**|.**|.*taobao.*|.**|.**|.**"))) try {
var a = DealPlyOpDom.getQuickBaseUrl() + "dealdo/event-report?type\x3dquick\x26topic\x3dcc\x26pageurl\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(document.URL).substring(0, 200) + "\x26domain\x3d" + document.domain + "\x26rnd\x3d" + Math.random(),
b = document.createElement("iframe");
dpQuery(b).attr("width", "1");
dpQuery(b).attr("height", "1");
dpQuery(b).css("top", "-10000px");
dpQuery(b).css("left", "-10000px");
dpQuery(b).css("position", "absolute");
dpQuery(b).css("visibility", "visible");
dpQuery(b).attr("src", a)
} catch (c) { DealPly.log(c) }
}, DealPlyTipDagCls = function() {}, DealPlyTipDag = new DealPlyTipDagCls, DealPlyTipDagCls.prototype.isMatch = function() {
try {
return "qa" == DealPly.getSampleSet() || -1 ==="") && -1 ==="") && "b" == DealPly.getItype() && "US" != DealPly.getCountryCode() && "IL" != DealPly.getCountryCode() && "IN" != DealPly.getCountryCode() && "RU" != DealPly.getCountryCode() ? !0 : !1
} catch (a) { return !1 }
}, DealPlyTipDagCls.prototype.apply = function(a) {
var b = {
"": ["tip_dp", "DealPly"],
"": ["tip_bd", "Bonanza%20Deals"],
"": ["tip_bd", "Bonanza%20Deals"],
"": ["tip_bd", "Bonanza%20Deals"],
"": ["tip_ss", "SaveSense"],
"": ["tip_pme", "PriceMeter%20Express"],
"": ["tip_dp", "DealPly"],
"": ["tip_ss", "SaveSense"],
"": ["tip_pm", "PriceMeter"],
"": ["tip_spm", "PriceMeter"],
"": ["tip_pm", "PriceMeter"],
"": ["tip_wb", "WalletBee"],
"": ["tip_wb", "WalletBee"],
"": ["tip_pb", "PennyBee"],
"": ["tip_pb", "PennyBee"],
"": ["tip_pb", "PennyBee"],
"": ["tip_ob", "OfferBlvd"],
"": ["tip_pf", "PriceFountain"]
try {
!0 === DealPlyTipDag.isMatch() && (dpQuery.ajaxSetup({
cache: !0
}), dpQuery(document).ready(function() {
var c = document.location.protocol + "//\x3dlpqaopo",
f = DealPlyOpDom.getBaseDomain(),
g = "\x26CTID\x3dtip_dp\x26partnername\x3dSuperfish";
f && b[f] && (g = "\x26CTID\x3d" + b[f][0] + "\x26partnername\x3d" + b[f][1]);
c += g;
f = document.createElement("script");
f.type = "text/javascript";
f.src = null != a ? a : c;
} catch (c) {}
}, DealPlyTipCls = function() {}, DealPlyTip = new DealPlyTipCls, DealPlyTipCls.prototype.apply = function() {
}, DealPlyTipCls.prototype.isMatch = function() {
var a = DealPlyCheckCoverage.isMatch(),
b = DealPlyInjectMedia.isMatch();
return a || b
"undefined" === typeof DealPlyInteropOuterCls && (function(a) {
var b, c, e = 1,
f, g = this,
h = g.postMessage && !a.browser.opera;
a.postMessage = function(b, c, f) {
c && (b = "string" === typeof b ? b : a.param(b), f = f || parent, h ? f.postMessage(b, c.replace(/([^:]+:\/\/[^\/]+).*/, "$1")) : c && (f.location = c.replace(/#.*$/, "") + "#" + +new Date + e++ +"\x26" + b))
a.receiveMessage = function(e, u, n) {
if (h)
if (e && (f = function(b) {
if ("string" === typeof u && b.origin !== u || a.isFunction(u) && !1 === u(b.origin)) return !1;
}), g.addEventListener) g[e ? "addEventListener" : "removeEventListener"]("message", f, !1);
else g[e ? "attachEvent" : "detachEvent"]("onmessage", f);
else b && clearInterval(b), b = null, e && (b = setInterval(function() {
var a = document.location.hash,
b = /^#?\d+&/;
a !== c && b.test(a) && (c = a, e({
data: a.replace(b, "")
}, "number" === typeof u ? u : "number" === typeof n ? n : 100))
}(dpQuery), DealPlyInteropOuterCls = function() {}, DealPlyInteropOuter = new DealPlyInteropOuterCls, DealPlyInteropOuterCls.prototype.sendCommand = function(a) {
try {
dealplyOrigin: "NDOuter",
dealplyEval: a
}, "*")
} catch (b) { DealPly.reportError("DealPlyInteropOuter 1: " + b, b, 1196) }
}, DealPlyInteropOuterCls.prototype.sendCommands = function(a) {
try { for (var b = 0; b < a.length; b++) DealPlyInteropOuter.sendCommand(a[b]) }
catch (c) { DealPly.reportError("DealPlyInteropOuter 2: " + c, c, 11107) }
}, DealPlyInteropOuterCls.prototype.getBaseInteropUrl = function() {
try { return DealPlyConfig.getBaseUrl().substring(0, DealPlyConfig.getBaseUrl().length - 1) }
catch (a) { DealPly.reportError("DealPlyInteropOuter 3: " + a, a, 11117) }
}, DealPlyInteropOuterCls.prototype.setupInterop = function() {
try {
var a = [],
b = DealPlyInteropOuter.getBaseInteropUrl();
if (0 <= b.indexOf("://servedby.")) {
var c = b.replace("://servedby.", "://eye.");
0 <= b.indexOf("://s.") && (c = b.replace("://s.", "://p."), a.push(c));
if (0 <= b.indexOf("://s.")) {
var e = b.replace("://s.", "://ts.");
a.push(DealPlyOpDom.getStaticfBaseUrl().replace(/\/$/, ""));
for (b = b = 0; b < a.length; b++) dpQuery.receiveMessage(function(a) {
if (!("function" !== typeof a && "object" !== typeof a) && null !== a) {
a =;
if ("string" === typeof a && null != a) {
try {
if (0 === a.indexOf("d\x3d")) return;
0 === a.indexOf("b\x3d") && (a = a.substring(2), a = DealPlyBase64.decode(a))
} catch (b) {
DealPly.reportError("DealPlyInteropOuter 8: " + b, b, 11176), DealPly.reportQuickEventOnlyForThoseWhoAreAllowedToReporErrors({
topic: "setupInterop_Exception_180",
interactionId: "95",
pageurl: encodeURIComponent(document.URL + "|" + DealPlyJSON.stringify(b))
}, "setupInterop_Exception_180", !0)
try { a = DealPlyJSON.parse(a) }
catch (c) {
DealPly.reportError("DealPlyInteropOuter 4: " + c, c, 11182), DealPly.reportQuickEventOnlyForThoseWhoAreAllowedToReporErrors({
topic: "setupInterop_Exception_190",
interactionId: "95",
pageurl: encodeURIComponent(document.URL + "|" + DealPlyJSON.stringify(c))
}, "setupInterop_Exception_190", !0), "string" == typeof a.dealplyEval && 0 <"impinjected") && DealPly.reportQuickEvent({
topic: "impressionError",
interactionId: "75",
pageurl: encodeURIComponent(document.URL + "|" + DealPlyJSON.stringify(e))
if (!("undefined" === typeof a.dealplyOrigin || null === a.dealplyOrigin || "NDInner" !== a.dealplyOrigin) && "string" === typeof a.dealplyEval && null !== a.dealplyEval) try {
} catch (e) {
DealPly.reportError("DealPlyInteropOuter 6: " + e, e, 11194), DealPly.reportQuickEventOnlyForThoseWhoAreAllowedToReporErrors({
topic: "setupInterop_Exception_209",
interactionId: "95",
pageurl: encodeURIComponent(document.URL + "|" + DealPlyJSON.stringify(e))
}, void 0, !0), "string" == typeof a.dealplyEval && 0 <"impinjected") && DealPly.reportQuickEvent({
topic: "impressionError",
interactionId: "65",
pageurl: encodeURIComponent(document.URL + "|" + DealPlyJSON.stringify(e))
}, a[b])
} catch (f) {
DealPly.reportError("DealPlyInteropOuter 5: " + f, f, 11202), DealPly.reportQuickEventOnlyForThoseWhoAreAllowedToReporErrors({
topic: "setupInterop_Exception_220",
interactionId: "95",
pageurl: encodeURIComponent(document.URL + "|" + DealPlyJSON.stringify(f))
}, "setupInterop_Exception_220", !0)
if ("undefined" === typeof DealPlyUICls) {
DealPlyUICls = function() {};
DealPlyUI = new DealPlyUICls;
DealPlyUI.widgets = []; = [];
DealPlyUICls.prototype.addWidget = function(a) {
try { DealPlyUI.widgets.push(a), a.injectWidget() }
catch (b) { DealPly.error("Could not add widget: " + a, b) }
DealPlyUICls.prototype.removeAllElements = function() {
try {
for (var a = 0; a < DealPlyUI.widgets.length; a++) DealPlyUI.widgets[a].removeKeyElements()
} catch (b) { DealPly.error("Could not removeAllElements", b) }
DealPlyUICls.prototype.insertDeal = function(a, b) {
if ("undefined" === typeof b || null === b) b =;, 0, a);
DealPlyUICls.prototype.injectWidgets = function() { for (var a = 0; a < DealPlyUI.widgets.length; a++) DealPlyUI.widgets[a].injectWidget() };
DealPlyUICls.prototype.getDeals = function() { return };
DealPlyUICls.prototype.removeAllDeals = function() { = []
DealPlyUICls.prototype.handleServerHtmlResponse = function(a) {
DealPly.log("handle server html reposne");
DealPlyUICls.prototype.htmlspecialchars = function(a) {
"string" == typeof a && (a = a.replace(RegExp("\x26", "g"), "\x26amp;"), a = a.replace(RegExp('"', "g"), "\x26quot;"), a = a.replace(RegExp("'", "g"), "\x26#039;"), a = a.replace(RegExp("\x3c", "g"), "\x26lt;"), a = a.replace(RegExp("\x3e", "g"), "\x26gt;"));
return a
DealPlyUICls.prototype.isIeQuirksMode = function() {
var a = !1;
if (!DealPly.isIe()) return !1;
if ("undefined" === typeof document.documentMode || !document.documentMode) a = !0;
!1 === a && 7 >= document.documentMode && (a = !0);
return a
var isToProceed = !0,
returnValue, pitchy = function() {
var a = "".split(" "),
b = ".name,[title]:not([title\x3d'']),[_title]:not([_title\x3d'']):not([_title^\x3d'http']),[class*\x3dtitle],[class*\x3dTitle],[class*\x3dprodutoTit],[class*\x3dinfo],[class*\x3dInfo]",
c = "a[href]:not([href\x3d'']):not([href^\x3d'javascript']):not([href$\x3d'jpg'])",
e = "[class][class*\x3d'Price'],[class][class*\x3d'price'],[class][class*\x3d'prc'],[class][class*\x3d'preco'],[class][class*\x3d'newp'],:not(script) :contains($),[data-live-price]",
f = !0,
g = 0,
h = 0,
m = null,
u = 0,
n = 0,
B = "interactionId",
C = 0,
y, A = {
getKeyByValue: function(a) {
for (var b in this)
if (this.hasOwnProperty(b) && this[b] === a) return b
K = function() {
var a = {
"": "2",
"": "2",
"": "5",
"": "5",
"": "4",
"": "4",
"": "2",
"": "3",
"": "3",
"": "2",
"": "2",
"": "2",
"": "6",
"": "2",
"": "9",
"": "6",
"": "2",
"": "5",
"": "3",
"": "6",
"": "5",
"": "4",
"": "7",
"": "4",
"": "7",
"": "4",
"": "11",
"": "6",
"": "11",
"": "11",
"busca.shoptime.com_br": "6",
"": "2",
"": "2",
"": "3",
"": "3",
"": "4",
"": "3",
"": "3",
"": "2",
"": "4",
"": "3",
"": "3",
"": "3",
"": "3"
b = 0,
for (c in a) - 1 !== document.location.href.indexOf(c) && (b = Math.max(b, parseInt(a[c])));
return b
E = function() {
y = dpQuery("#dpContainer").attr("class");
DealPly.log("hidePopeye, divElementId.class : " + y);
if (!("undefined" != typeof y && 0 <= y.indexOf("hover")) && (DealPly.log("hidePopeye, popEyeElement.length: " + dpQuery(m).length), y = dpQuery(m).filter(".pop-img").add(dpQuery(m).find(".pop-img")).attr("class"), DealPly.log("hidePopeye, popEyeElement.class : " + y), !("undefined" != typeof y && 0 <= y.indexOf("hover")))) {
DealPly.log("hiding Popeye ! ! !");
var a = (new Date).getTime() / 1E3 - u;
u = 0;
0 < dpQuery("#Alt-popeye").length && DealPly.reportQuickEvent({
topic: "popClose",
closeOption: "mouseout",
seconds: a,
interactionId: B
m = null
G = function() {
try {
var a = ".dpImg[e\x3d" + A.getKeyByValue(m) + "] img.pop-badge";
if (O(dpQuery(a).get(0))) {
var b = {},
c = dpQuery(m).filter(".pop-title").add(dpQuery(m).find(".pop-title")).get(0),
d = dpQuery(c).attr("title");
if ("undefined" == typeof d || 0 == d.length)
if (d = dpQuery(c).attr("_title"), "undefined" == typeof d || 0 == d.length)
if (d = dpQuery(c).attr("alt"), "undefined" == typeof d || 0 == d.length) d = dpQuery(c).text(), "undefined" !== typeof d && (d = d.replace(/\s{2,}/g, " ").trim());
var e = dpQuery(m).filter(".pop-url").add(dpQuery(m).find(".pop-url")).get(0);
b.uri = dpQuery(e).prop("href");
b.title = d;
DealPly.log("dealplyData.uri :" + b.uri);
DealPly.log("dealplyData.title : " + b.title);
var f = document.createElement("DIV"),
f = dpQuery("body").get(0).appendChild(f);
dpQuery(f).attr("id", "dpContainer");
var c = 257,
d = 253,
h = '\x3cdiv id\x3d"dpHeader"\x3e\x3cimg src\x3d"' + DealPlyOpDom.getStaticfBaseUrl() + 'resources/eden/green/popeye/Cartoon/high/deals.png"alt\x3d""\x3e\x3cdiv\x3e\x3cdiv class\x3d"sideControls" id\x3d"dealplySettings"\x3e\x3c/div\x3e\x3ca class\x3d"sideControls" id\x3d"dealplyFaqLink" target\x3d"_blank" href\x3d""\x3e\x3cdiv id\x3d"dealplyFaqButton" title\x3d"FAQ"\x3e\x3c/div\x3e\x3c/a\x3e\x3cdiv class\x3d"sideControls" id\x3d"dealplyCloseButton"\x3e\x3c/div\x3e\x3c/div\x3e\x3c/div\x3e\x3cdiv class\x3d"legal"\x3e\x3c/div\x3e\x3cimg src\x3d"' + DealPlyOpDom.getStaticfBaseUrl() + 'resources/eden/green/popeye/Cartoon/high/loading18.gif" class\x3d"loading" alt\x3d""\x3e';
h = void 0;
e = h = 0;
c = 255;
d = 354;
h = dpQuery(a).offset().top - 129;
e = dpQuery(a).offset().left + 116;
dpQuery(f).css("top", h + "px").css("left", e + "px");
dpQuery(f).width(c).height(d).mouseenter(function(a) {
}).mouseleave(function(a) {
a = 1;
0 < dpQuery("#dpContainer").filter("[pop-loaded][pop-loaded\x3d'true']").length && (a = 3E3);
g = window.setTimeout(E, a)
u = (new Date).getTime() / 1E3;
topic: "popLoading"
b.category = "POP-EYE";
b.interactionId = "interactionId";
try {
if ("undefined" === typeof window.zzSessionId || null == window.zzSessionId) window.zzSessionId = (new Date).getTime() + (1E3 * Math.random() + "").replace(/\./, "").match(/.{4}/)[0];
b.dpSessionId = window.zzSessionId
} catch (n) {}
a = !0;
"undefined" === typeof window.postMessage && (a = !1);
var s = DealPlyOpDom.getStaticfBaseUrl() + "PopEye.html",
f = 12;
h = null;
h = DealPlyDomains.getDomainTs(document.location.hostname);
b.DealPly = dealplyDomainFingerprint;
try {
null !== h && (h = DealPlyDataUtils.sanitizeLatinChars(h, !1), f = h.length, eval(h))
} catch (y) {
DealPly.error("Error9374652: " + y, y)
var z = DealPlyConfig.getVersion();
0 < z.indexOf("_") && (z = z.substring(1 + z.indexOf("_")));
var B = DealPly.getPartner(),
C = DealPly.getChannel(),
G = DealPly.getHardId(),
I = DealPly.getHardIdSource(),
J = DealPly.getVehicle(),
K = DealPly.getSampleSet(),
L = DealPly.isIeQuirksMode() ? "1" : "0",
T = DealPly.getAppTitle(),
X = DealPly.getHlink(),
V = DealPly.getPlink(),
W = DealPly.getItype(),
U = DealPly.getDom();
if ("undefined" === typeof U || null == U || "" == U) U = "";
var Y = "pv\x3d30\x26tsl\x3d" + f + "\x26data\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(DealPlyJSON.stringify(b)) + "\x26clv\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(z) + "\x26qm\x3d" + L + "\x26cb\x3d" + (new Date).getMilliseconds() + "\x26partner\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(B) + "\x26hrd\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(G) + "\x26hrdsrc\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(I) + "\x26vehicle\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(J) + "\x26sset\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(K) + "\x26channel\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(C) + "\x26appt\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(T) + NaN + encodeURIComponent(V) + "\x26hlink\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(X) + "\x26itype\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(W) + "\x26ltime\x3d" + (new Date).getTime() + "\x26dom\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(U) + "\x26self\x3d." + encodeURIComponent("Alt-popeye") + "",
Y = Y.replace(RegExp("~", "g"), " "),
ma = DealPlyBase64.encode(Y);
url = s + "?test\x3d" + encodeURIComponent("cartoonHigh") + "#b\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(ma);
DealPly.log("url: ");
!0 == a && DealPly.injectFrameFromUrl(document, url, "Alt-popeye");
0 < dpQuery("#Alt-popeye").length && dpQuery("#Alt-popeye").attr("name", "Alt-popeye").appendTo("div#dpContainer").width(255).height(149);
window.addEventListener ? window.addEventListener("message", Q, !1) : window.attachEvent && window.attachEvent("onmessage", Q);
DealPly.queriedServerAlready = !0
} else DealPly.log("pop-eye badge is NOT visible !")
} catch (ta) { DealPly.log(ta.message) }
z = function() {
var a = 5,
b = 0,
b = window.setInterval(function() {
if (0 == a || "undefined" != typeof returnValue)
if (window.clearInterval(b), "undefined" !== typeof DealPlyEphemeralConfig && "us" !== DealPlyEphemeralConfig.getCountryCode().toLowerCase() && !returnValue && "undefined" != typeof DealPly.getPartner() && ("batel" == DealPly.getPartner() || "vita" == DealPly.getPartner() || "iron" == DealPly.getPartner())) {
f = !1;
dpQuery(window).scroll(function() {
f = !1;
dpQuery("img").load(function() {
f = !1;
var c = dpQuery(".dpImg").length;
if ("undefined" === typeof c || isNaN(c)) c = 0;
topic: "popBadge",
number: c
}, "lockPopBadge")
}, 300)
J = function(a) {
var b = "";
switch (a) {
case "A":
b = "\n#dpContainer {background-image:url(" + DealPlyOpDom.getStaticfBaseUrl() + "resources/eden/green/popeye/loading18.gif);border: 1px solid rgb(73, 73, 73);position: absolute;background-color: white;margin: 5px 0px 0px 15px;z-index: 9000;width: 257px;height: 253px;background-position: 50% 50%;background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat;}#dpHeader {font-size: 12px;font-family: arial;font-weight: bold;height: 17px;background-color: #494949;color: white;}#dpHeader img{position: absolute;top: -6px; left: -15px;}#dpHeader div#header_txt{\tpadding: 2px 18px 0;font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; font-family: arial;}";
case "B":
b = "\n#dpContainer {\nposition: absolute;\nmargin: 0px;\nz-index: 9000;\nwidth: inherit;\nheight: inherit;\nbackground-image:url(" + DealPlyOpDom.getStaticfBaseUrl() + "resources/eden/green/popeye/Cartoon/high/bg.png);\nbackground-position: 0px 13px;\nbackground-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat;\nmargin: 0px;\nz-index: 9000;\nwidth: inherit;\nheight: inherit;\nbackground-image:url(" + DealPlyOpDom.getStaticfBaseUrl() + "resources/eden/green/popeye/Cartoon/high/bg.png);\nbackground-position: 0px 13px;\n}\n\n#dpHeader img {position: absolute;\ntop: 3px;\nleft: 36px;\n}\n\n.sideControls {display: block;\nz-index: 200;\nwidth: 19px;\nheight: 19px;\nposition: absolute;\n}\ndiv#dealplySettings {background-image:url(" + DealPlyOpDom.getStaticfBaseUrl() + "/resources/eden/green/popeye/Cartoon/high/s.png);\nright: 57px;\ntop: 2px;\n}\na#dealplyFaqLink {right: 37px;\ntop: 2px;\nbackground-image:\turl(" + DealPlyOpDom.getStaticfBaseUrl() + "/resources/eden/green/popeye/Cartoon/high/q.png);\n}\ndiv#dealplyCloseButton {background-image:\turl(" + DealPlyOpDom.getStaticfBaseUrl() + "/resources/eden/green/popeye/Cartoon/high/x.png);\nright: 16px;\ntop: 2px;\n}\ {position: absolute;\nbottom: 2px;\nleft: 50px;\nheight: 30px;\nwidth: 174px;\nbackground-image:url(" + DealPlyOpDom.getStaticfBaseUrl() + "resources/eden/green/popeye/Cartoon/high/legal.png);\nbackground-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat;\n}\nimg.loading {position: absolute;\ntop: 122px;\nleft: 100px;\nheight: 60px;\n}\n";
case "C":
b = "#dpContainer {\nposition: absolute;\n margin: 0px;\n z-index: 9000;\n width: inherit;\n height: inherit;\n background-image: url(" + DealPlyOpDom.getStaticfBaseUrl() + "resources/eden/green/popeye/Cartoon/wide/bg.png); \nbackground-position: 0px 11px; \nbackground-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat;\n}\n#dpHeader img {\n\tposition: absolute;\n top: 4px;\n left: 38px;\n}\n.sideControls {\ndisplay: block;\nz-index: 200;\nwidth: 19px;\nheight: 19px;\nposition: absolute;\n}\ndiv#dealplySettings {\nbackground-image: url(" + DealPlyOpDom.getStaticfBaseUrl() + "/resources/eden/green/popeye/Cartoon/wide/s.png);\nright: 76px;\ntop: 3px;\n}\na#dealplyFaqLink {\n\tright: 56px;\n top: 3px;\n background-image: url(" + DealPlyOpDom.getStaticfBaseUrl() + "/resources/eden/green/popeye/Cartoon/wide/q.png);\n}\ndiv#dealplyCloseButton {\n\tbackground-image: url(" + DealPlyOpDom.getStaticfBaseUrl() + "/resources/eden/green/popeye/Cartoon/wide/x.png);\n right: 35px;\n top: 3px;\n}\ {\n\tposition: absolute;\n bottom: -2px;\n left: 114px;\n height: 35px;\n width: 180px;\n background-image: url(" + DealPlyOpDom.getStaticfBaseUrl() + "resources/eden/green/popeye/Cartoon/wide/legal.png);\n background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat;\n}\n\nimg.loading {\nposition: absolute;\n top: 72px;\n left: 175px;\n height: 60px;\n}\n";
a = document.createElement("style");
a.type = "text/css";
a.innerHTML = b;
return ""
Q = function(a) {
if (!("function" !== typeof a && "object" !== typeof a) && null !== a) {
a =;
if ("string" === typeof a && null != a) {
try {
if (0 === a.indexOf("d\x3d")) a = a.substring(2), a = DealPlyBase64.decode(a);
else return
} catch (b) { DealPly.log("DealPlyInteropOuter 8: " + b, b) }
try { a = DealPlyJSON.parse(a) }
catch (c) { DealPly.log("DealPlyInteropOuter 4: " + c, c) }
if (!("undefined" === typeof a.dealplyOrigin || null === a.dealplyOrigin || "POPEYE" !== a.dealplyOrigin))
if (DealPly.log("OnMessage - " + a.dealplyEval), "string" === typeof a.dealplyEval && null !== a.dealplyEval && "popeyeReady" === a.dealplyEval) {
var d = 274, e = 279;
dpQuery("#dpContainer").css("background", "none").css("border", "none").css("margin", "0").attr("pop-loaded", "true");
d = 255;
e = 353;
"number" == typeof a.dealplyNumber && 1 == a.dealplyNumber ? (e = 165, dpQuery("#dpContainer").animate({
top: "+\x3d32"
}, 1E3).height("166px")) : "number" == typeof a.dealplyNumber && 2 == a.dealplyNumber && (e = 262, dpQuery("#dpContainer").animate({
top: "+\x3d21"
}, 1E3).height("262px"));
dpQuery("#Alt-popeye").attr("ii", n).attr("style", "width: " + d + "px; height: " + e + "px; position: static; top: auto; left: auto; visibility: visible; overflow: hidden;background: none;");
B = a.dealplyInteractionId;
U("OK", "Alt-popeye")
} else "string" === typeof a.dealplyEval && (null !== a.dealplyEval && "SUSPEND-REQUEST" === a.dealplyEval) && (dpQuery(".dpImg").remove(), dpQuery(".pop-product").find(".pop-img").unbind("mouseenter", s), dpQuery(".pop-product").unbind("mouseleave", V), U("SUSPEND-OK", "Alt-popeye"))
U = function(a, b) {
try {
var c = DealPlyJSON.stringify({
dealplyOrigin: "POPEYE-TOP",
dealplyEval: a
d = "d\x3d" + DealPlyBase64.encode(c);
document.getElementById(b).contentWindow.postMessage(d, DealPlyOpDom.getStaticfBaseUrl())
} catch (e) { DealPly.log("pop error : " + e) }
L = function(a) {
a = this.getBoundingClientRect();
if (112 < a.width && 50 < a.height && 280 > a.width && 280 > a.height && 0 == dpQuery(this).parents("[id^\x3d'logo'],[id$\x3d'logo'],[class^\x3d'logo'],[class$\x3d'logo'],[id*\x3d'header'],[class*\x3d'header'],[id*\x3drecentActivity]").length && "none" !== dpQuery(this).css("display") && "true" !== dpQuery(this).attr("aria-hidden")) return dpQuery(this).addClass("anchor-pop"), !0;
if ("none" === dpQuery(this).css("display")) return !1;
f && dpQuery(this).addClass("not-pop")
T = function() {
var a = !1,
d = dpQuery(this).parents().filter(":lt(" + K() + ")").filter(function() {
if (!a) {
if (!(0 < dpQuery(this).filter(c).add(dpQuery(this).find(c)).length) || !(0 < dpQuery(this).filter(e).add(dpQuery(this).find(e)).length)) return !1;
var d = dpQuery(this).is(b) || "undefined" !== typeof this.textContent && 0 < this.textContent.trim().length;
(d = d || 0 < dpQuery(this).find("*").filter(function() {
return dpQuery(this).is(b) || "undefined" !== typeof this.textContent && 0 < this.textContent.trim().length
}).length) && (a = !0);
return d
"undefined" !== typeof d ? 0 == dpQuery(d).filter(".pop-product").add(dpQuery(d).find(".pop-product")).add(dpQuery(d).parents(".pop-product")).length && 0 == dpQuery(d).filter(".pop-img").add(dpQuery(d).find(".pop-img")).length ? (dpQuery(d).addClass("pop-product"), dpQuery(this).addClass("pop-img"), 0 < dpQuery(d).find(".name").length ? dpQuery(dpQuery(d).find(".name").get(0)).addClass("pop-title") : dpQuery(dpQuery(this).filter(function() {
return dpQuery(this).is(b) || "undefined" !== typeof this.textContent && 0 < this.textContent.trim().length
}).add(dpQuery(d).filter(function() {
return dpQuery(this).is(b) || "undefined" !== typeof this.textContent && 0 < this.textContent.trim().length
})).add(dpQuery(this).find("*").filter(function() {
return dpQuery(this).is(b) || "undefined" !== typeof this.textContent && 0 < this.textContent.trim().length
})).sort(function(a, b) {
var c = dpQuery(a).parentsUntil().length,
d = dpQuery(b).parentsUntil().length;
return c > d ? -1 : c < d ? 1 : 0
}).get(0)).addClass("pop-title"), dpQuery(dpQuery(d).filter(c).add(dpQuery(d).find(c)).get(0)).addClass("pop-url"), dpQuery(d).is(":not(:has('.dpImg'))") && I(d)) : (DealPly.log("product already has .pop-product or .pop-img"), dpQuery(this).addClass("not-pop")) : (DealPly.log("typeof product is undefined"), f && dpQuery(this).addClass("not-pop"))
I = function(a) {
var b = dpQuery(a).find(".pop-img").get(0),
c = document.createElement("div"),
c = (dpQuery(b).is(".anchor-pop") || 1 > dpQuery(b).parentsUntil(dpQuery(b).offsetParent()).length) && 0 > document.domain.indexOf("walmart") && 0 > document.domain.indexOf("dafiti") ? dpQuery(b).parent().get(0).appendChild(c) : dpQuery(b).parent().parent().get(0).appendChild(c);
offsetTop = dpQuery(b).position().top + 1;
offsetLeft = dpQuery(b).position().left + dpQuery(b).outerWidth() - 30;
dpQuery(c).attr("class", "dpImg").attr("e", C);
A[C] = a;
a = new Image;
var d;
d = DealPlyOpDom.getStaticfBaseUrl() + "resources/eden/green/popeye/Cartoon/high/btn.png";
a.src = d;
dpQuery(c).html("\x3cimg src\x3d'" + a.src + "' class\x3d'pop-badge'\x3e");
dpQuery(c).attr("style", "height: 0px;width: 0px;position:static");
a = "28";
d = "29";
a = "112";
d = "24";
offsetTop = dpQuery(b).position().top + dpQuery(b).outerHeight() - 16;
offsetLeft = dpQuery(b).position().left + dpQuery(b).outerWidth() / 2 - 56;
dpQuery("\x3e img", c).attr("style", "position: absolute;top:" + offsetTop + "px;left: " + offsetLeft + "px;z-index: 90;height: " + d + "px;width: " + a + "px;background: none;border:none;max-height: " + d + "px;max-width: " + a + "px;vertical-align: initial;box-shadow: 0 0 0;").mouseenter(function(a) {
eIndex = dpQuery(this).parent().attr("e");
tempElement = A[eIndex];
!("undefined" !== typeof tempElement && tempElement == m && 0 < dpQuery("#Alt-popeye").length) && "undefined" !== typeof tempElement && (m = tempElement, DealPly.log("dpImg enter - add class hover to : " + dpQuery(m).attr("class")), dpQuery(m).find(".pop-img").addClass("hover"), h = setTimeout(G, 100), dpQuery(this).css("z-index", "15"))
}).mouseleave(function(a) {
DealPly.log("dpImg out");
a = 1;
0 < dpQuery("#dpContainer").filter("[pop-loaded][pop-loaded\x3d'true']").length && (a = 1500);
DealPly.log("mouseout time to wait: " + a);
g = window.setTimeout(E, a)
W = function() {
try {
var a = dpQuery("a img:not('a\x3eimg'):not('.pop-img'):not('.dpImg img'):not('.not-pop'):not([class*\x3dlogo]):not([id*\x3dlogo]):not([id*\x3dlogo])").filter(L),
b = dpQuery("a\x3eimg:not('.pop-img'):not('.dpImg img'):not('.not-pop'):not([class*\x3dlogo]):not([id*\x3dlogo]):not([src*\x3dlogo])").filter(L),
c = dpQuery("div img:not('.pop-img'):not('.dpImg img'):not('.not-pop'):not([class*\x3dlogo]):not([id*\x3dlogo]):not([src*\x3dlogo])").filter(function(a) {
return 0 < dpQuery(this).parents("a").length || !dpQuery(this).parents("div").is(".productInfos,.productCell,.listingbox[data-id-navigation\x3d'listing']") ? !1 : L(a)
dpQuery(".dpImg").each(function() {
var a = parseInt(dpQuery(this).attr("e"));
"undefined" !== typeof a && (C = a > C ? a : C)
dpQuery(a).add(b).add(c).sort(function(a, b) {
var c = dpQuery(a).parentsUntil().length,
d = dpQuery(b).parentsUntil().length;
return c > d ? -1 : c < d ? 1 : 0
dpQuery(".pop-product").each(function() {
var a = dpQuery(this).find(".dpImg"),
b = dpQuery(this).find(".pop-img"),
c = dpQuery("\x3eimg", a).offset();
if (0 <= document.domain.indexOf("dafiti")) a = dpQuery(this).position().left - dpQuery(this).parent().get(0).scrollLeft + dpQuery(this).parent().get(0).clientWidth - 30, dpQuery(this).find(".dpImg img").css("left", a + "px");
else {
var d = dpQuery(b).offset().left + dpQuery(b).width() - 30,
d = dpQuery(b).offset().left + dpQuery(b).outerWidth() / 2 - 56;
c.left != d && dpQuery("\x3e img", a).animate({
left: "+\x3d" + (d - c.left)
}, 0)
dpQuery(".pop-product").filter("[title]:not([title\x3d''])").add(dpQuery(".pop-product").find("[title]:not([title\x3d''])")).each(function() {
ttl = dpQuery(this).attr("title");
dpQuery(this).attr("title", "");
dpQuery(this).attr("_title", ttl)
} catch (d) { DealPly.log("err: " + d) }
X = function() {
if (!("undefined" == typeof dealplyPitchyData || "undefined" == typeof {
var a = null,
for (d in
if ( {
"string" != typeof d && parseInt(d);
var f = d % 7,
g = DealPlyWaypoint.process([d]);
switch (f) {
case 1: a = g; break;
case 2: e = g; break;
case 3: productElementSelector = g; break;
case 4: b = g; break;
case 5: c = g
a = dpQuery(a).filter(function(a) {
a = this.getBoundingClientRect();
if (50 < a.width && 50 < a.height && 280 > a.width && 280 > a.height && "none" !== dpQuery(this).css("display") && "true" !== dpQuery(this).attr("aria-hidden")) return !0;
if ("none" === dpQuery(this).css("display")) return !1
dpQuery(a).sort(function(a, b) {
var c = dpQuery(a).parentsUntil().length,
d = dpQuery(b).parentsUntil().length;
return c > d ? -1 : c < d ? 1 : 0
}).each(function(a) {
var d = !1;
a = dpQuery(this).parents(productElementSelector).filter(function() {
if (!d) {
var a = !1,
f = !1,
g = !1;
dpQuery(this).find("*").add(dpQuery(this)).each(function() {
dpQuery(this).is(c) && (a = !0);
dpQuery(this).is(e) && (f = !0);
dpQuery(this).is(b) && (g = !0)
return !a || !f || !g ? (DealPly.log("hasHref: " + a + "\thasPrice: " + f + "\thasTitle: " + g), !1) : d = !0
"undefined" !== typeof a && (0 == dpQuery(a).filter(".debug-product").add(dpQuery(a).find(".debug-product")).add(dpQuery(a).parents(".debug-product")).length && 0 == dpQuery(a).filter(".debug-img").add(dpQuery(a).find(".debug-img")).length ? (dpQuery(a).addClass("debug-product"), dpQuery(this).addClass("debug-img"), dpQuery(a).find("*").add(dpQuery(a)).each(function() {
dpQuery(this).is(c) && dpQuery(this).addClass("debug-url");
dpQuery(this).is(b) && dpQuery(this).addClass("debug-title")
})) : DealPly.log("product already has .debug-product or .debug-img"))
dpQuery(".debug-product").each(function() {
var a, b = dpQuery(this).filter(".debug-title").add(dpQuery(this).find(".debug-title")).get(0);
a = dpQuery(b).attr("title");
if ("undefined" == typeof a || 0 == a.length)
if (a = dpQuery(b).attr("_title"), "undefined" == typeof a || 0 == a.length)
if (a = dpQuery(b).attr("alt"), "undefined" == typeof a || 0 == a.length) a = dpQuery(b).text(), "undefined" !== typeof a && (a = a.replace(/\s{2,}/g, " ").trim());
b = dpQuery(this).filter(".debug-url").add(dpQuery(this).find(".debug-url")).get(0);
var b = document.createElement("DIV"),
c = dpQuery(this).find(".debug-img").get(0),
b = dpQuery(c).parent().get(0).appendChild(b),
d = c.getBoundingClientRect(),
e = d.width - 25,
d = 7 * d.height / 10,
f = dpQuery(c).position().top,
g = dpQuery(c).position().left - 1;
dpQuery(c).css("border", "7px solid greenyellow");
dpQuery(b).addClass("debug-pop").attr("style", "border: 1px solid black;position: absolute;background-color: rgb(88, 88, 88);margin: 0px;color: white;top: 0px;left: -1px;z-index: 900000;padding: 28px 15px 15px 15px;font-size: 9px;").css("top", f + "px").css("left", g + "px").css("z-index", "9000").width(e).height(d).text(a.substring(0, 100))
O = function(a) {
try {
var b = window,
c = document,
d, e, f;
if (!a || a && 1 !== a.nodeType || !a.getClientRects || !c.elementFromPoint || !c.querySelector || !a.contains || 0 === a.offsetWidth || 0 === a.offsetHeight) return !1;
d = b.innerHeight ? b.innerHeight : c.documentElement.clientHeight;
e = a.getClientRects();
f = function(a, b) {
var d = c.elementFromPoint((a.left + a.right) / 2, ( + a.bottom) / 2);
return d === b || b.contains(d)
for (var b = 0, g = e.length; b < g; b++) {
var h = e[b];
if ((0 < ? <= d : 0 < h.bottom && h.bottom <= d) && f(h, a)) return !0
return !1
} catch (m) {}
s = function() {
DealPly.log("popEyeImageMOHandler:" + dpQuery(this).attr("class"));
tempElement = dpQuery(this).parents(".pop-product").get(0);
"undefined" == typeof tempElement && dpQuery(this).is(".pop-product") && (tempElement = this);
tempElement == m && 0 < dpQuery("#Alt-popeye").length || (m = tempElement, h = setTimeout(G, 200), dpQuery(this).css("z-index", "15"))
V = function() {
var a = 1;
0 < dpQuery("#dpContainer").filter("[pop-loaded][pop-loaded\x3d'true']").length && (a = 1500);
g = window.setTimeout(E, a)
Y = function(a) {
dpQuery(".pop-img").each(function() {
O(this) ? (dpQuery(this).unbind("mouseenter", s), dpQuery(this).parents(".pop-product").unbind("mouseenter", s), dpQuery(this).mouseenter(s)) : (dpQuery(this).unbind("mouseenter", s), dpQuery(this).parents(".pop-product").unbind("mouseenter", s), dpQuery(this).parents(".pop-product").mouseenter(s))
dpQuery(".pop-product").unbind("mouseleave", V);
d = function() {
try {
var a = !0;
"undefined" === typeof window.postMessage && (a = !1);
var b = DealPlyOpDom.getStaticfBaseUrl() + "checkSuspend.html",
c = null,
c = DealPlyDomains.getDomainTs(document.location.hostname);
dealplyData.DealPly = dealplyDomainFingerprint;
try {
null !== c && (c = DealPlyDataUtils.sanitizeLatinChars(c, !1), eval(c))
} catch (d) {
DealPly.error("Error9374652: " + d, d)
var e = DealPlyConfig.getVersion();
0 < e.indexOf("_") && (e = e.substring(1 + e.indexOf("_")));
!0 == a && (DealPly.log("isSuspendOnCookies - injectFrameFromUrl"), DealPly.injectFrameFromUrl(document, b, "dpSuspend"));
0 < dpQuery("#dpSuspend").length && dpQuery("#dpSuspend").attr("name", "dpSuspend").appendTo(dpQuery("body").get(0));
a = function(a) {
try {
if (!("function" !== typeof a && "object" !== typeof a) && null !== a) {
var b =;
if ("string" === typeof b && null != b) {
try {
if (0 === b.indexOf("d\x3d")) b = b.substring(2), b = DealPlyBase64.decode(b);
else return
} catch (c) { DealPly.log("DealPlyInteropOuter 8: " + c, c) }
try { b = DealPlyJSON.parse(b) }
catch (d) { DealPly.log("DealPlyInteropOuter 4: " + d, d) }
if (!("undefined" === typeof b.dealplyOrigin || null === b.dealplyOrigin || "SUSPEND" !== b.dealplyOrigin) && "boolean" === typeof b.dealplyEval && null !== b.dealplyEval) 0 < dpQuery("#dpSuspend").length && U("OK", "dpSuspend"), returnValue = b.dealplyEval
} catch (e) { DealPly.log(e.message) }
finally { dpQuery("#dpSuspend").remove() }
window.addEventListener ? window.addEventListener("message", a, !1) : window.attachEvent && window.attachEvent("onmessage", a)
} catch (f) { DealPly.log(f.message) }
return {
start: function() { return z() },
debug: function() { return X() },
getImpressionInjected: function() { return n },
isSupportedSite: function() {
var b;
a: {
for (b in a)
if (-1 !== document.location.href.indexOf(a[b])) {
b = !0;
break a
b = !1
return b
reportClose: function() {
var a = (new Date).getTime() / 1E3 - u;
u = 0;
topic: "popClose",
closeOption: "click",
seconds: a,
interactionId: B
DealPlyUICls.prototype.isPopUpWindow = function() {
try { if (700 > dpQuery(window).width()) return !0 }
catch (a) { DealPly.reportError("isPopUpWindow: " + a, a, 121532) }
return !1
DealPlyCls.prototype.pitchyDebug = function() { "undefined" != typeof pitchy && pitchy.debug() };
DealPlyCls.prototype.getNetwork = function(a) {
var b = 0,
c = 0;
if (0 == a.length) return b;
for (c = 0; c < a.length; c++) char1 = a.charCodeAt(c), b = (b << 5) - b + char1, b &= b;
return parseInt(Math.abs(b) / 2)
DealPlyCls.prototype.isNetwork = function() {
for (var a in window) {
var b = DealPly.getNetwork(a);
if (166160330 <= b && 166160353 > b) return !1
return !0
DealPlyUICls.prototype.docReady = function() {
try {
!0 === DealPlyUI.isPopUpWindow() ? DealPly.error("docReadyError: the current window is a popup window - not injecting") : window != top ? DealPly.log("docReadyError: not top frame") : (DealPly.pageLoaded(), DealPly.hash = document.location.hash, DealPly.docUrl = document.URL, DealPly.monitorHashChange(), DealPly.urlChange(), DealPlyUI.injectWidgets(), "undefined" !== typeof DealPlyTip && DealPlyTip.apply())
} catch (a) { DealPly.error("docReadyError: " + a, a) }
var host = DealPlyDomains.hostFromUrl(document.location.href),
domainx = DealPlyDomains.getDomainName(host);
if ("undefined" !== typeof && null !== {
var dealplyDomain = null === domainx ? host : domainx,
dealplyDomainFingerprint = DealPlyFingerprint.getFingerprintForDomainName(dealplyDomain),
dealplyDomainDigest = DealPlyFingerprint.getIntForFingerprint(dealplyDomainFingerprint),
dealplyDomainDigestAbs = Math.abs(dealplyDomainDigest);
try {
window["dpQuery" + dealplyDomainDigestAbs] = function(a) { DealPly.queryServer(a) }
} catch (e$$242) { DealPly.error("Error473288833: " + e$$242, e$$242) }
dpQuery(document).ready(function() {
-1 ==="storepm") && DealPly.sendHttpRequest("\x3dquick\x26topic\x3dpmdocready", !0);
DealPly.isCommerce(document.URL) || DealPly.reportNoPresentation();
if (-1 ===".google.") || -1 !=="/hotel") || -1 !=="/flight")) DealPlyUI.docReady();
else var a = 0,
b = 0,
b = setInterval(function() {
DealPly.log("inside interval !");
0 < dpQuery("#ires").length || 50 < a ? (DealPlyUI.docReady(), clearInterval(b)) : (a++, DealPly.log("did not find google element in DOM - Still waiting , counter :" + a))
}, 100)
DealPly.log("Ended loading content script (a)")
} else "undefined" !== typeof DealPly && "undefined" !== typeof DealPly.log && DealPly.log("Loading of DealPlyUI content script aborted to avoid double injection");
"undefined" === typeof dpQuery && "undefined" !== typeof jQuery && (dpQuery = jQuery);
"undefined" === typeof DealPlyTcasCls && (DealPlyTcasCls = function() {}, DealPlyTcas = new DealPlyTcasCls, "undefined" === typeof DealPlyTcas.count && (DealPlyTcas.count = 0), DealPlyTcasCls.prototype.reportEvent = function(a) {
try {
var b = document.createElement("iframe");
dpQuery(b).attr("width", "1");
dpQuery(b).attr("height", "1");
dpQuery(b).css("top", "-10000px");
dpQuery(b).css("left", "-10000px");
dpQuery(b).css("position", "absolute");
dpQuery(b).css("visibility", "visible");
dpQuery(b).attr("src", a)
} catch (c) {}
}, = function() {
var a = "",
b = 0;
try {
"undefined" !== typeof window[DealPlyTcas.escape("x:V2jlPr")] && (b = 1 + b, a = a + "tag" + b + "\x3d00\x26");
0 < dpQuery(DealPlyTcas.escape("#dzFVlw:Pwa:00lz4aF0z-jl")).length && (b = 1 + b, a = a + "tag" + b + "\x3d02\x26");
"undefined" !== typeof window[DealPlyTcas.escape("42dlz0F47")] && (b = 1 + b, a = a + "tag" + b + "\x3d03\x26");
"undefined" !== typeof window[DealPlyTcas.escape("Gl-ubu/")] && (b = 1 + b, a = a + "tag" + b + "\x3d06\x26");
"undefined" !== typeof window[DealPlyTcas.escape("$dwaP-jl4d-Vl")] && (b = 1 + b, a = a + "tag" + b + "\x3d44\x26");
0 < dpQuery(DealPlyTcas.escape("F0z-jl[4zV*\x3d'r/dl\x3dFjdzl44F:P")).length && (b = 1 + b, a = a + "tag" + b + "\x3d40\x26");
0 < dpQuery(DealPlyTcas.escape(".xl-udu/qr:-4r")).length && (b = 1 + b, a = a + "tag" + b + "\x3d20\x26");
try {
var c = 100 < parseInt(dpQuery(DealPlyTcas.escape(".xl-udu/qr:-4r")).css("width")),
e = 100 < parseInt(dpQuery(DealPlyTcas.escape(".xl-udu/qr:-4r")).css("height")),
f = "block" === dpQuery(DealPlyTcas.escape(".xl-udu/qr:-4r")).css("display"),
g = "visible" === dpQuery(DealPlyTcas.escape(".xl-udu/qr:-4r")).css("visibility");
c && (e && f && g) && (b = 1 + b, a = a + "tag" + b + "\x3d21\x26")
} catch (h) {}
eval(DealPlyTcas.escape("xdC2lz/(\"4VzFdr[4zV*\x3d'0:.jFP.k4']\").4Fel() \x3e 5")) && (b = 1 + b, a = a + "tag" + b + "\x3d41\x26");
if (0 < dpQuery(DealPlyTcas.escape(".0:4[4r/ul*\x3d'6F4FWul']")).length || 0 < dpQuery(DealPlyTcas.escape("Fjw[4zV*\x3d'M-MwW47M']")).size()) b = 1 + b, a = a + "tag" + b + "\x3d42\x26";
0 < dpQuery(DealPlyTcas.escape("*[4zV*\x3d'24lzG-r-.k4d?xu']")).length && (b = 1 + b, a = a + "tag" + b + "\x3d43\x26");
try {
0 < dpQuery(".__similarproducts").length && (b = 1 + b, a = a + "tag" + b + "\x3d37\x26")
} catch (m) {}
try {
0 < dpQuery(".similarproducts_full_ui").length && (b = 1 + b, a = a + "tag" + b + "\x3d38\x26")
} catch (u) {}
try {
0 < dpQuery(".similarproducts_inimg").length && (b = 1 + b, a = a + "tag" + b + "\x3d39\x26")
} catch (n) {}
try {
eval(DealPlyTcas.escape("r/dl:0 xl-udu/G-r- !\x3d\x3d '2Pxl0FPlx' \x26\x26 xl-udu/G-r-.F4E:j \x3d\x3d\x3d 'rz2l'")) && (b = 1 + b, a = a + "tag" + b + "\x3d45\x26")
} catch (B) {}
try {
eval(DealPlyTcas.escape("(02PVrF:P(){0:z(6-z F FP xl-udu/G-r-){F0(F !\x3d\x3d 'F4E:j' \x26\x26 xl-udu/G-r-[F] \x3d\x3d\x3d 'rz2l' ){ zlr2zP rz2l;} }zlr2zP 0-u4l;})()")) && (b = 1 + b, a = a + "tag" + b + "\x3d46\x26")
} catch (C) {}
try {
0 < dpQuery(DealPlyTcas.escape(".W0:4[4r/ul*\x3d'6F4FWul']")).length && (b = 1 + b, a = a + "tag" + b + "\x3d47\x26")
} catch (y) {}
0 < a.length && (a = a.substring(0, a.length - 1))
} catch (A) { a = a + "tag" + (1 + b) + "\x3d99" }
b = "\x26goog\x3d0";
try {
0 <=".google.") && (b = "\x26goog\x3d1")
} catch (K) {}
e = c = "";
try {
c = "\x26pageUrl\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(document.location.href), e = "\x26domain\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(document.location.hostname)
} catch (E) {}
b = b + c + e;
g = f = e = c = "";
try { c = DealPly.getHardId(), e = DealPly.getPartner(), f = DealPly.getChannel() }
catch (G) {}
try { g = DealPly.getSampleSet() } catch (z) {}
var J = "";
try {
"undefined" !== typeof window.zzSessionId && null != window.zzSessionId && (J = window.zzSessionId)
} catch (Q) {}
try {
var U = "//\x3dquick\x26topic\x3dtcas\x26batch\x3d4\x26partner\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(e) + "\x26channel\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(f) + "\x26sset\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(g) + "\x26hid\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(c) + "\x26sessionid\x3d" + encodeURIComponent("" + J) + "\x26" + a + "\x26count\x3d" + encodeURIComponent("" + DealPlyTcas.count) + "\x26delay\x3d20000" + b;
} catch (L) {}
try {
var T = DealPlyTcas.getDTagsUrls(),
I = "//\x3dquick\x26topic\x3ddtag\x26batch\x3d1\x26partner\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(e) + "\x26channel\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(f) + "\x26sset\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(g) + "\x26hid\x3d" + encodeURIComponent(c) + "\x26sessionid\x3d" + encodeURIComponent("" + J) + "\x26dtagc\x3d" + T.length;
dpQuery.each(T, function(a, b) {
DealPlyTcas.reportEvent(I + "\x26dtagn\x3d" + (1 + a) + "\x26dtag\x3d" + b)
} catch (W) {}
}, DealPlyTcasCls.prototype.getDTagsUrls = function() {
try {
if ("undefined" === typeof window.JavaScriptJsTags || null == window.JavaScriptJsTags || 0 == window.JavaScriptJsTags.length) return [];
var a = window.JavaScriptJsTags.split(" : "),
b = [];
dpQuery.each(a, function(a, c) {
-1 === dpQuery.inArray(c, b) && b.push(c)
return b
} catch (c) {}
}, DealPlyTcasCls.prototype.escape = function(a) {
for (var b = "", c = 0; c < a.length; c++) var e = a.charAt(c),
f = "LTAZktn53wvhacIey0iWXPFsfq8Rl2Y9GzDQ_Cr7JExUHNS4g/M-bKpu6:omdBO1Vj".indexOf(e),
b = -1 < f ? b + "AHSGjK30UgXL_8kzWf1bZni2J-OEeuq7DrBTVQthxCdI:Yws5y/aPRNlvo94pMF6cm".charAt(f) : b + e;
return b
}, DealPlyTcasCls.prototype.start = function() {
try {
var a = "kl",
b = "9y";
"undefined" !== typeof navigator && (a = "nr", b = "g1");
DealPly.log("window._jq" + a + "ecck" + b + "0q_ma_s \x3d {};");
eval("window._jq" + a + "ecck" + b + "0q_ma_s \x3d {};")
} catch (c) {}
try { DealPlyTcas.count = 1 + DealPlyTcas.count } catch (e) {}
a = !0;
try { !1 === DealPly.injectionRequired(document.location.href) && (a = !1) } catch (f) {}
try { 1 !== parseInt(500 * Math.random()) && (a = !1) } catch (g) {}
try {
"undefined" !== typeof DealPly && 0 < (DealPly.getPartner() + ":" + DealPly.getChannel()).indexOf("wvdpdebug") && (a = !0)
} catch (h) {}
try { 0 < document.location.href.indexOf("wvdpdebug") && (a = !0) } catch (m) {}
try {
"undefined" !== typeof navigator.userAgent && null != navigator.userAgent && 0 < navigator.userAgent.indexOf("wvdpdebug") && (a = !0)
} catch (u) {}
try {
!0 === a && -1 ==="https") && dpQuery("body").ready(function() {
setTimeout(, 5E3)
} catch (n) {}
// X-HAProxy-Expires: Tue, 7 Oct 2004 12:09:24 +0000

Browser`s plugin/script/locks: DealPly, Bonanza deals, PennyBee,PriceMeter,OfferBLVD, WalletBee, type: Advertise -> application for online shopping, search goods with lowest price

◦ Affiliated domains/IP [9]:,,,,,,,,

Application for online-shopping creates pop-up window with advertising your good having lower price or advertising another online store. These pop-up banners can contain advertising of websites with bargains, sales and coupons.

As well, Dealply collects information about ads of Google Adsense on the pages having Google search and uses tracker


* See http://www./ for details.
* Copyright (C) 2014 . All rights reserved.
(function() {
try {
var tagUrl = "\x3dopt_1412683513880&countryCode=GB&sset=6&"; // Your IP here
if (typeof window.JavaScriptJsTagUrl === 'undefined' || window.JavaScriptJsTagUrl == null) {
window.JavaScriptJsTagUrl = tagUrl
} catch (e) {}
try {
if (typeof window.JavaScriptJsTags === 'undefined' || window.JavaScriptJsTags == null) {
window.JavaScriptJsTags = ""
if (window.JavaScriptJsTags.length > 0) {
window.JavaScriptJsTags = window.JavaScriptJsTags + " : "
window.JavaScriptJsTags = window.JavaScriptJsTags + tagUrl
} catch (e2) {}

"undefined" === typeof $ && ($ = "a");
"undefined" === typeof dpQuery && (function(a, b) {
function c(k) {
return d.isWindow(k) ? k : 9 === k.nodeType ? k.defaultView || k.parentWindow : !1

function e(k) {
if (!ya[k]) {
var a = s.body,
b = d("\x3c" + k + "\x3e").appendTo(a),
c = b.css("display");
if ("none" === c || "" === c) {
da || (da = s.createElement("iframe"), da.frameBorder = da.width = da.height = 0);
if (!ia || !da.createElement) ia = (da.contentWindow || da.contentDocument).document, ia.write(("CSS1Compat" === s.compatMode ? "\x3c!doctype html\x3e" : "") + "\x3chtml\x3e\x3cbody\x3e"), ia.close();
b = ia.createElement(k);
c = d.css(b, "display");
ya[k] = c
return ya[k]

function f(k, a) {
var b = {};
d.each(Ha.concat.apply([], Ha.slice(0, a)), function() { b[this] = k });
return b

function g() { ua = b }

function h() {
setTimeout(g, 0);
return ua =

function m() {
try { return new a.XMLHttpRequest }
catch (k) {}

function u(k, a, b, c) {
if (d.isArray(a)) d.each(a, function(a, q) {
b || ab.test(k) ? c(k, q) : u(k + "[" + ("object" == typeof q || d.isArray(q) ? a : "") + "]", q, b, c)
else if (!b && null != a && "object" == typeof a)
for (var p in a) u(k + "[" + p + "]", a[p], b, c);
else c(k, a)

function n(a, q, d, c, p, S) {
p = p || q.dataTypes[0];
S = S || {};
S[p] = !0;
p = a[p];
for (var e = 0, f = p ? p.length : 0, g = a === za, v; e < f && (g || !v); e++) v = p[e](q, d, c), "string" == typeof v && (!g || S[v] ? v = b : (q.dataTypes.unshift(v), v = n(a, q, d, c, v, S)));
(g || !v) && !S["*"] && (v = n(a, q, d, c, "*", S));
return v

function B(a) {
return function(b, r) {
"string" != typeof b && (r = b, b = "*");
if (d.isFunction(r))
for (var c = b.toLowerCase().split(Ia), p = 0, e = c.length, F, f; p < e; p++) F = c[p], (f = /^\+/.test(F)) && (F = F.substr(1) || "*"), F = a[F] = a[F] || [], F[f ? "unshift" : "push"](r)

function C(a, b, r) {
var c = "width" === b ? a.offsetWidth : a.offsetHeight,
p = "width" === b ? bb : cb;
if (0 < c) return "border" !== r && d.each(p, function() {
r || (c -= parseFloat(d.css(a, "padding" + this)) || 0);
"margin" === r ? c += parseFloat(d.css(a, r + this)) || 0 : c -= parseFloat(d.css(a, "border" + this + "Width")) || 0
}), c + "px";
c = ja(a, b, b);
if (0 > c || null == c) c =[b] || 0;
c = parseFloat(c) || 0;
r && d.each(p, function() {
c += parseFloat(d.css(a, "padding" + this)) || 0;
"padding" !== r && (c += parseFloat(d.css(a, "border" + this + "Width")) || 0);
"margin" === r && (c += parseFloat(d.css(a, r + this)) || 0)
return c + "px"

function y(a, b) {
b.src ? d.ajax({
url: b.src,
async: !1,
dataType: "script"
}) : d.globalEval((b.text || b.textContent || b.innerHTML || "").replace(db, "/*$0*/"));
b.parentNode && b.parentNode.removeChild(b)

function A(a) { d.nodeName(a, "input") ? K(a) : "getElementsByTagName" in a && d.grep(a.getElementsByTagName("input"), K) }

function K(a) { if ("checkbox" === a.type || "radio" === a.type) a.defaultChecked = a.checked }

function E(a) {
return "getElementsByTagName" in a ? a.getElementsByTagName("*") : "querySelectorAll" in a ? a.querySelectorAll("*") : []

function G(a, b) {
var c;
if (1 === b.nodeType) {
b.clearAttributes && b.clearAttributes();
b.mergeAttributes && b.mergeAttributes(a);
c = b.nodeName.toLowerCase();
if ("object" === c) b.outerHTML = a.outerHTML;
else if ("input" !== c || "checkbox" !== a.type && "radio" !== a.type)
if ("option" === c) b.selected = a.defaultSelected;
else {
if ("input" === c || "textarea" === c) b.defaultValue = a.defaultValue
} else a.checked && (b.defaultChecked = b.checked = a.checked), b.value !== a.value && (b.value = a.value);

function z(a, b) {
if (1 === b.nodeType && d.hasData(a)) {
var c = d.expando,
l =,
p =, l);
if (l = l[c]) {
var e =,
p = p[c] = d.extend({}, l);
if (e) {
delete p.handle; = {};
for (var F in e) {
c = 0;
for (l = e[F].length; c < l; c++) d.event.add(b, F + (e[F][c].namespace ? "." : "") + e[F][c].namespace, e[F][c], e[F][c].data)

function J(a, b, c) {
b = b || 0;
if (d.isFunction(b)) return d.grep(a, function(a, k) {
return !!, k, a) === c
if (b.nodeType) return d.grep(a, function(a, k) {
return a === b === c
if ("string" == typeof b) {
var l = d.grep(a, function(a) {
return 1 === a.nodeType
if (eb.test(b)) return d.filter(b, l, !c);
b = d.filter(b, l)
return d.grep(a, function(a, k) {
return 0 <= d.inArray(a, b) === c

function Q(a, b) { return (a && "*" !== a ? a + "." : "") + b.replace(fb, "`").replace(gb, "\x26") }

function U(a) {
var b, c, l, p, e, F, f, g, v, h, m, w = [];
p = [];
e = d._data(this, "events");
if (!(a.liveFired === this || !e || ! || || a.button && "click" === a.type)) {
a.namespace && (m = RegExp("(^|\\.)" + a.namespace.split(".").join("\\.(?:.*\\.)?") + "(\\.|$)"));
a.liveFired = this;
var n =;
for (f = 0; f < n.length; f++) e = n[f], e.origType.replace(ea, "") === a.type ? p.push(e.selector) : n.splice(f--, 1);
p = d(, a.currentTarget);
g = 0;
for (v = p.length; g < v; g++) {
h = p[g];
for (f = 0; f < n.length; f++)
if (e = n[f], h.selector === e.selector && (!m || m.test(e.namespace)) && !h.elem.disabled) {
F = h.elem;
l = null;
if ("mouseenter" === e.preType || "mouseleave" === e.preType) a.type = e.preType, (l = d(a.relatedTarget).closest(e.selector)[0]) && d.contains(F, l) && (l = F);
(!l || l !== F) && w.push({
elem: F,
handleObj: e,
level: h.level
g = 0;
for (v = w.length; g < v; g++) {
p = w[g];
if (c && p.level > c) break;
a.currentTarget = p.elem; =;
a.handleObj = p.handleObj;
m = p.handleObj.origHandler.apply(p.elem, arguments);
if (!1 === m || a.isPropagationStopped())
if (c = p.level, !1 === m && (b = !1), a.isImmediatePropagationStopped()) break
return b

function L(a, q, c) {
var l = d.extend({}, c[0]);
l.type = a;
l.originalEvent = {};
l.liveFired = b;, l);
l.isDefaultPrevented() && c[0].preventDefault()

function T() { return !0 }

function I() { return !1 }

function W(a, q, c) {
var l = q + "defer",
p = q + "queue",
e = q + "mark",
F =, l, b, !0);
F && ("queue" === c || !, p, b, !0)) && ("mark" === c || !, e, b, !0)) && setTimeout(function() {
!, p, b, !0) && !, e, b, !0) && (d.removeData(a, l, !0), F.resolve())
}, 0)

function X(a) {
for (var b in a)
if ("toJSON" !== b) return !1;
return !0

function O(a, q, c) {
if (c === b && 1 === a.nodeType)
if (c = "data-" + q.replace(M, "$1-$2").toLowerCase(), c = a.getAttribute(c), "string" == typeof c) {
try {
c = "true" === c ? !0 : "false" === c ? !1 : "null" === c ? null : d.isNaN(c) ? H.test(c) ? d.parseJSON(c) : c : parseFloat(c)
} catch (l) {}, q, c)
} else c = b;
return c
var s = a.document,
V = a.navigator,
Y = a.location,
d = function() {
function k() {
if (!q.isReady) {
try {
} catch (a) {
setTimeout(k, 1);
var q = function(a, k) { return new q.fn.init(a, k, p) },
d = a.dpQuery,
c = a.$,
p, e = /^(?:[^<]*(<[\w\W]+>)[^>]*$|#([\w\-]*)$)/,
F = /\S/,
f = /^\s+/,
g = /\s+$/,
v = /\d/,
h = /^<(\w+)\s*\/?>(?:<\/\1>)?$/,
m = /^[\],:{}\s]*$/,
w = /\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})/g,
n = /"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g,
u = /(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g,
x = /(webkit)[ \/]([\w.]+)/,
N = /(opera)(?:.*version)?[ \/]([\w.]+)/,
y = /(msie) ([\w.]+)/,
B = /(mozilla)(?:.*? rv:([\w.]+))?/,
qa = /-([a-z])/ig,
hb = function(a, k) { return k.toUpperCase() },
ra = V.userAgent,
va, la, ib = Object.prototype.toString,
Aa = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
Ba = Array.prototype.push,
H = Array.prototype.slice,
C = String.prototype.trim,
M = Array.prototype.indexOf,
R = {};
q.fn = q.prototype = {
constructor: q,
init: function(a, k, d) {
var c, r;
if (!a) return this;
if (a.nodeType) return this.context = this[0] = a, this.length = 1, this;
if ("body" === a && !k && s.body) return this.context = s, this[0] = s.body, this.selector = a, this.length = 1, this;
if ("string" == typeof a) {
"\x3c" !== a.charAt(0) || "\x3e" !== a.charAt(a.length - 1) || 3 > a.length ? c = e.exec(a) : c = [null, a, null];
if (c && (c[1] || !k)) {
if (c[1]) return r = (k = k instanceof q ? k[0] : k) ? k.ownerDocument || k : s, (d = h.exec(a)) ? q.isPlainObject(k) ? (a = [s.createElement(d[1])],, k, !0)) : a = [r.createElement(d[1])] : (d = q.buildFragment([c[1]], [r]), a = (d.cacheable ? q.clone(d.fragment) : d.fragment).childNodes), q.merge(this, a);
if ((k = s.getElementById(c[2])) && k.parentNode) {
if ( !== c[2]) return d.find(a);
this.length = 1;
this[0] = k
this.context = s;
this.selector = a;
return this
return !k || k.dpquery ? (k || d).find(a) : this.constructor(k).find(a)
if (q.isFunction(a)) return d.ready(a);
a.selector !== b && (this.selector = a.selector, this.context = a.context);
return q.makeArray(a, this)
selector: "",
dpquery: "1.6.2",
length: 0,
size: function() { return this.length },
toArray: function() { return, 0) },
get: function(a) { return null == a ? this.toArray() : 0 > a ? this[this.length + a] : this[a] },
pushStack: function(a, k, b) {
var d = this.constructor();
q.isArray(a) ? Ba.apply(d, a) : q.merge(d, a);
d.prevObject = this;
d.context = this.context;
"find" === k ? d.selector = this.selector + (this.selector ? " " : "") + b : k && (d.selector = this.selector + "." + k + "(" + b + ")");
return d
each: function(a, k) { return q.each(this, a, k) },
ready: function(a) {
return this
eq: function(a) { return -1 === a ? this.slice(a) : this.slice(a, +a + 1) },
first: function() { return this.eq(0) },
last: function() { return this.eq(-1) },
slice: function() { return this.pushStack(H.apply(this, arguments), "slice",",")) },
map: function(a) {
return this.pushStack(, function(k, b) { return, b, k) }))
end: function() { return this.prevObject || this.constructor(null) },
push: Ba,
sort: [].sort,
splice: [].splice
q.fn.init.prototype = q.fn;
q.extend = q.fn.extend = function() {
var a, k, d, c, r, l, p = arguments[0] || {},
e = 1,
S = arguments.length,
qa = !1;
"boolean" == typeof p && (qa = p, p = arguments[1] || {}, e = 2);
"object" != typeof p && !q.isFunction(p) && (p = {});
for (S === e && (p = this, --e); e < S; e++)
if (null != (a = arguments[e]))
for (k in a) d = p[k], c = a[k], p !== c && (qa && c && (q.isPlainObject(c) || (r = q.isArray(c))) ? (r ? (r = !1, l = d && q.isArray(d) ? d : []) : l = d && q.isPlainObject(d) ? d : {}, p[k] = q.extend(qa, l, c)) : c !== b && (p[k] = c));
return p
noConflict: function(k) {
a.$ === q && (a.$ = c);
k && a.dpQuery === q && (a.dpQuery = d);
return q
isReady: !1,
readyWait: 1,
holdReady: function(a) { a ? q.readyWait++ : q.ready(!0) },
ready: function(a) {
if (!0 === a && !--q.readyWait || !0 !== a && !q.isReady) {
if (!s.body) return setTimeout(q.ready, 1);
q.isReady = !0;
!0 !== a && 0 < --q.readyWait || (va.resolveWith(s, [q]), q.fn.trigger && q(s).trigger("ready").unbind("ready"))
bindReady: function() {
if (!va) {
va = q._Deferred();
if ("complete" === s.readyState) return setTimeout(q.ready, 1);
if (s.addEventListener) s.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", la, !1), a.addEventListener("load", q.ready, !1);
else if (s.attachEvent) {
s.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", la);
a.attachEvent("onload", q.ready);
var b = !1;
try {
b = null == a.frameElement
} catch (d) {}
s.documentElement.doScroll && b && k()
isFunction: function(a) { return "function" === q.type(a) },
isArray: Array.isArray || function(a) { return "array" === q.type(a) },
isWindow: function(a) { return a && "object" == typeof a && "setInterval" in a },
isNaN: function(a) { return null == a || !v.test(a) || isNaN(a) },
type: function(a) { return null == a ? String(a) : R[] || "object" },
isPlainObject: function(a) {
if (!a || ("object" !== q.type(a) || a.nodeType || q.isWindow(a)) || a.constructor && !, "constructor") && !, "isPrototypeOf")) return !1;
for (var k in a);
return k === b ||, k)
isEmptyObject: function(a) {
for (var k in a) return !1;
return !0
error: function(a) { throw a },
parseJSON: function(k) {
if ("string" != typeof k || !k) return null;
k = q.trim(k);
if (a.JSON && a.JSON.parse) return a.JSON.parse(k);
if (m.test(k.replace(w, "@").replace(n, "]").replace(u, ""))) return (new Function("return " + k))();
q.error("Invalid JSON: " + k)
parseXML: function(k, b, d) {
a.DOMParser ? (d = new DOMParser, b = d.parseFromString(k, "text/xml")) : (b = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"), b.async = "false", b.loadXML(k));
d = b.documentElement;
(!d || !d.nodeName || "parsererror" === d.nodeName) && q.error("Invalid XML: " + k);
return b
noop: function() {},
globalEval: function(k) {
k && F.test(k) && (a.execScript || function(k) {, k)
camelCase: function(a) { return a.replace(qa, hb) },
nodeName: function(a, k) { return a.nodeName && a.nodeName.toUpperCase() === k.toUpperCase() },
each: function(a, k, d) {
var c, r = 0,
l = a.length,
p = l === b || q.isFunction(a);
if (d)
if (p)
for (c in a) {
if (!1 === k.apply(a[c], d)) break
} else
for (; r < l && !1 !== k.apply(a[r++], d););
else if (p)
for (c in a) {
if (!1 ===[c], c, a[c])) break
} else
for (; r < l && !1 !==[r], r, a[r++]););
return a
trim: C ? function(a) { return null == a ? "" : }
: function(a) { return null == a ? "" : (a + "").replace(f, "").replace(g, "") },
makeArray: function(a, k) {
var b = k || [];
if (null != a) {
var d = q.type(a);
null == a.length || "string" === d || "function" === d || "regexp" === d || q.isWindow(a) ?, a) : q.merge(b, a)
return b
inArray: function(a, k) {
if (M) return, a);
for (var b = 0, q = k.length; b < q; b++)
if (k[b] === a) return b;
return -1
merge: function(a, k) {
var q = a.length,
d = 0;
if ("number" == typeof k.length)
for (var c = k.length; d < c; d++) a[q++] = k[d];
for (; k[d] !== b;) a[q++] = k[d++];
a.length = q;
return a
grep: function(a, k, b) {
var q = [],
b = !!b;
for (var c = 0, r = a.length; c < r; c++) d = !!k(a[c], c), b !== d && q.push(a[c]);
return q
map: function(a, k, d) {
var c, r, l = [],
p = 0,
e = a.length;
if (a instanceof q || e !== b && "number" == typeof e && (0 < e && a[0] && a[e - 1] || 0 === e || q.isArray(a)))
for (; p < e; p++) c = k(a[p], p, d), null != c && (l[l.length] = c);
for (r in a) c = k(a[r], r, d), null != c && (l[l.length] = c);
return l.concat.apply([], l)
guid: 1,
proxy: function(a, k) {
if ("string" == typeof k) {
var d = a[k];
k = a;
a = d
if (!q.isFunction(a)) return b;
var c =, 2),
d = function() {
return a.apply(k, c.concat(

d.guid = a.guid = a.guid || d.guid || q.guid++;
return d
access: function(a, k, d, c, r, l) {
var p = a.length;
if ("object" == typeof k) {
for (var e in k) q.access(a, e, k[e], c, r, d);
return a
if (d !== b) {
c = !l && c && q.isFunction(d);
for (e = 0; e < p; e++) r(a[e], k, c ?[e], e, r(a[e], k)) : d, l);
return a
return p ? r(a[0], k) : b
now: function() {
return (new Date).getTime()
uaMatch: function(a) {
a = a.toLowerCase();
a = x.exec(a) || N.exec(a) || y.exec(a) || 0 > a.indexOf("compatible") && B.exec(a) || [];
return {
browser: a[1] || "",
version: a[2] || "0"
sub: function() {
function a(k, b) { return new a.fn.init(k, b) }
q.extend(!0, a, this);
a.superclass = this;
a.fn = a.prototype = this();
a.fn.constructor = a;
a.sub = this.sub;
a.fn.init = function(b, d) {
d && d instanceof q && !(d instanceof a) && (d = a(d));
return, b, d, k)
a.fn.init.prototype = a.fn;
var k = a(s);
return a
browser: {}
q.each("Boolean Number String Function Array Date RegExp Object".split(" "), function(a, k) {
R["[object " + k + "]"] = k.toLowerCase()
ra = q.uaMatch(ra);
ra.browser && (q.browser[ra.browser] = !0, q.browser.version = ra.version);
q.browser.webkit && (q.browser.safari = !0);
F.test(" ") && (f = /^[\s\xA0]+/, g = /[\s\xA0]+$/);
p = q(s);
s.addEventListener ? la = function() {
s.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", la, !1);
} : s.attachEvent && (la = function() {
"complete" === s.readyState && (s.detachEvent("onreadystatechange", la), q.ready())
return q
w = "done fail isResolved isRejected promise then always pipe".split(" "),
x = [].slice;
_Deferred: function() {
var a = [],
b, c, l, p = {
done: function() {
if (!l) {
var c = arguments,
r, e, f, g, h;
b && (h = b, b = 0);
r = 0;
for (e = c.length; r < e; r++) f = c[r], g = d.type(f), "array" === g ? p.done.apply(p, f) : "function" === g && a.push(f);
h && p.resolveWith(h[0], h[1])
return this
resolveWith: function(d, p) {
if (!l && !b && !c) {
p = p || [];
c = 1;
try {
for (; a[0];) a.shift().apply(d, p)
} finally {
b = [d, p], c = 0
return this
resolve: function() {
p.resolveWith(this, arguments);
return this
isResolved: function() { return !!c || !!b },
cancel: function() {
l = 1;
a = [];
return this
return p
Deferred: function(a) {
var b = d._Deferred(),
c = d._Deferred(),
d.extend(b, {
then: function(a, k) {
return this
always: function() { return b.done.apply(b, arguments).fail.apply(this, arguments) },
fail: c.done,
rejectWith: c.resolveWith,
reject: c.resolve,
isRejected: c.isResolved,
pipe: function(a, k) {
return d.Deferred(function(c) {
done: [a, "resolve"],
fail: [k, "reject"]
}, function(a, k) {
var r = k[0],
l = k[1],
d.isFunction(r) ? b[a](function() {
(p = r.apply(this, arguments)) && d.isFunction(p.promise) ? p.promise().then(c.resolve, c.reject) : c[l](p)
}) : b[a](c[l])
promise: function(a) {
if (null == a) {
if (l) return l;
l = a = {}
for (var k = w.length; k--;) a[w[k]] = b[w[k]];
return a
delete b.cancel;
a &&, b);
return b
when: function(a) {
function b(a) {
return function(k) {
c[a] = 1 < arguments.length ?, 0) : k;
--e || f.resolveWith(f,, 0))
var c = arguments,
l = 0,
p = c.length,
e = p,
f = 1 >= p && a && d.isFunction(a.promise) ? a : d.Deferred();
if (1 < p) {
for (; l < p; l++) c[l] && d.isFunction(c[l].promise) ? c[l].promise().then(b(l), f.reject) : --e;
e || f.resolveWith(f, c)
} else f !== a && f.resolveWith(f, p ? [a] : []);
return f.promise()
}); = function() {
var a = s.createElement("div"),
b = s.documentElement,
c, l, p, e, f, g, h;
a.setAttribute("className", "t");
a.innerHTML = " \x3clink/\x3e\x3ctable\x3e\x3c/table\x3e\x3ca href\x3d'/a' style\x3d'top:1px;float:left;opacity:.55;'\x3ea\x3c/a\x3e\x3cinput type\x3d'checkbox'/\x3e";
c = a.getElementsByTagName("*");
l = a.getElementsByTagName("a")[0];
if (!c || !c.length || !l) return {};
p = s.createElement("select");
e = p.appendChild(s.createElement("option"));
c = a.getElementsByTagName("input")[0];
g = {
leadingWhitespace: 3 === a.firstChild.nodeType,
tbody: !a.getElementsByTagName("tbody").length,
htmlSerialize: !!a.getElementsByTagName("link").length,
style: /top/.test(l.getAttribute("style")),
hrefNormalized: "/a" === l.getAttribute("href"),
opacity: /^0.55$/.test(,
cssFloat: !!,
checkOn: "on" === c.value,
optSelected: e.selected,
getSetAttribute: "t" !== a.className,
submitBubbles: !0,
changeBubbles: !0,
focusinBubbles: !1,
deleteExpando: !0,
noCloneEvent: !0,
inlineBlockNeedsLayout: !1,
shrinkWrapBlocks: !1,
reliableMarginRight: !0
c.checked = !0;
g.noCloneChecked = c.cloneNode(!0).checked;
p.disabled = !0;
g.optDisabled = !e.disabled;
try {
delete a.test
} catch (v) {
g.deleteExpando = !1
}!a.addEventListener && a.attachEvent && a.fireEvent && (a.attachEvent("onclick", function() {
g.noCloneEvent = !1
}), a.cloneNode(!0).fireEvent("onclick"));
c = s.createElement("input");
c.value = "t";
c.setAttribute("type", "radio");
g.radioValue = "t" === c.value;
c.setAttribute("checked", "checked");
l = s.createDocumentFragment();
g.checkClone = l.cloneNode(!0).cloneNode(!0).lastChild.checked;
a.innerHTML = ""; = = "1px";
p = s.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
l = s.createElement(p ? "div" : "body");
e = {
visibility: "hidden",
width: 0,
height: 0,
border: 0,
margin: 0
p && d.extend(e, {
position: "absolute",
left: -1E3,
top: -1E3
for (h in e)[h] = e[h];
b = p || b;
b.insertBefore(l, b.firstChild);
g.appendChecked = c.checked;
g.boxModel = 2 === a.offsetWidth;
"zoom" in && ( = "inline", = 1, g.inlineBlockNeedsLayout = 2 === a.offsetWidth, = "", a.innerHTML = "\x3cdiv style\x3d'width:4px;'\x3e\x3c/div\x3e", g.shrinkWrapBlocks = 2 !== a.offsetWidth);
a.innerHTML = "\x3ctable\x3e\x3ctr\x3e\x3ctd style\x3d'padding:0;border:0;display:none'\x3e\x3c/td\x3e\x3ctd\x3et\x3c/td\x3e\x3c/tr\x3e\x3c/table\x3e";
p = a.getElementsByTagName("td");
c = 0 === p[0].offsetHeight;
p[0].style.display = "";
p[1].style.display = "none";
g.reliableHiddenOffsets = c && 0 === p[0].offsetHeight;
a.innerHTML = "";
s.defaultView && s.defaultView.getComputedStyle && (f = s.createElement("div"), = "0", = "0", a.appendChild(f), g.reliableMarginRight = 0 === (parseInt((s.defaultView.getComputedStyle(f, null) || {
marginRight: 0
}).marginRight, 10) || 0));
l.innerHTML = "";
if (a.attachEvent)
for (h in {
submit: 1,
change: 1,
focusin: 1
}) f = "on" + h, (c = f in a) || (a.setAttribute(f, "return;"), c = "function" == typeof a[f]), g[h + "Bubbles"] = c;
l = l = p = e = p = f = a = c = null;
return g
d.boxModel =;
var H = /^(?:\{.*\}|\[.*\])$/,
M = /([a-z])([A-Z])/g;
cache: {},
uuid: 0,
expando: "dpQuery" + (d.fn.dpquery + Math.random()).replace(/\D/g, ""),
noData: {
embed: !0,
object: "clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000",
applet: !0
hasData: function(a) {
a = a.nodeType ? d.cache[a[d.expando]] : a[d.expando];
return !!a && !X(a)
data: function(a, c, r, l) {
if (d.acceptData(a)) {
var p = d.expando,
e = "string" == typeof c,
f = a.nodeType,
g = f ? d.cache : a,
h = f ? a[d.expando] : a[d.expando] && d.expando;
if (h && (!l || !h || g[h][p]) || !(e && r === b)) {
h || (f ? a[d.expando] = h = ++d.uuid : h = d.expando);
g[h] || (g[h] = {}, f || (g[h].toJSON = d.noop));
if ("object" == typeof c || "function" == typeof c) l ? g[h][p] = d.extend(g[h][p], c) : g[h] = d.extend(g[h], c);
a = g[h];
l && (a[p] || (a[p] = {}), a = a[p]);
r !== b && (a[d.camelCase(c)] = r);
return "events" === c && !a[c] ? a[p] && a[p].events : e ? a[d.camelCase(c)] || a[c] : a
removeData: function(k, b, c) {
if (d.acceptData(k)) {
var l = d.expando,
p = k.nodeType,
e = p ? d.cache : k,
f = p ? k[d.expando] : d.expando;
if (e[f]) {
if (b) {
var g = c ? e[f][l] : e[f];
if (g && (delete g[b], !X(g))) return
if (c && (delete e[f][l], !X(e[f]))) return;
b = e[f][l]; || e != a ? delete e[f] : e[f] = null;
b ? (e[f] = {}, p || (e[f].toJSON = d.noop), e[f][l] = b) : p && ( ? delete k[d.expando] : k.removeAttribute ? k.removeAttribute(d.expando) : k[d.expando] = null)
_data: function(a, b, c) { return, b, c, !0) },
acceptData: function(a) {
if (a.nodeName) {
var b = d.noData[a.nodeName.toLowerCase()];
if (b) return !0 !== b && a.getAttribute("classid") === b
return !0
data: function(a, c) {
var r = null;
if ("undefined" == typeof a) {
if (this.length && (r =[0]), 1 === this[0].nodeType))
for (var l = this[0].attributes, p, e = 0, f = l.length; e < f; e++) p = l[e].name, 0 === p.indexOf("data-") && (p = d.camelCase(p.substring(5)), O(this[0], p, r[p]));
return r
if ("object" == typeof a) return this.each(function() {, a)
var g = a.split(".");
g[1] = g[1] ? "." + g[1] : "";
return c === b ? (r = this.triggerHandler("getData" + g[1] + "!", [g[0]]), r === b && this.length && (r =[0], a), r = O(this[0], a, r)), r === b && g[1] ?[0]) : r) : this.each(function() {
var b = d(this),
r = [g[0], c];
b.triggerHandler("setData" + g[1] + "!", r);, a, c);
b.triggerHandler("changeData" + g[1] + "!", r)
removeData: function(a) {
return this.each(function() {
d.removeData(this, a)
_mark: function(a, c) {
a && (c = (c || "fx") + "mark",, c, (, c, b, !0) || 0) + 1, !0))
_unmark: function(a, c, r) {
!0 !== a && (r = c, c = a, a = !1);
if (c) {
r = r || "fx";
var l = r + "mark";
(a = a ? 0 : (, l, b, !0) || 1) - 1) ?, l, a, !0): (d.removeData(c, l, !0), W(c, r, "mark"))
queue: function(a, c, r) {
if (a) {
c = (c || "fx") + "queue";
var l =, c, b, !0);
r && (!l || d.isArray(r) ? l =, c, d.makeArray(r), !0) : l.push(r));
return l || []
dequeue: function(a, b) {
b = b || "fx";
var c = d.queue(a, b),
l = c.shift();
"inprogress" === l && (l = c.shift());
l && ("fx" === b && c.unshift("inprogress"),, function() {
d.dequeue(a, b)
c.length || (d.removeData(a, b + "queue", !0), W(a, b, "queue"))
queue: function(a, c) {
"string" != typeof a && (c = a, a = "fx");
return c === b ? d.queue(this[0], a) : this.each(function() {
var b = d.queue(this, a, c);
"fx" === a && "inprogress" !== b[0] && d.dequeue(this, a)
dequeue: function(a) {
return this.each(function() { d.dequeue(this, a) })
delay: function(a, b) {
a = d.fx ? d.fx.speeds[a] || a : a;
b = b || "fx";
return this.queue(b, function() {
var c = this;
setTimeout(function() {
d.dequeue(c, b)
}, a)
clearQueue: function(a) { return this.queue(a || "fx", []) },
promise: function(a, c) {
function r() { --f || l.resolveWith(p, [p]) }
"string" != typeof a && (a = b);
a = a || "fx";
for (var l = d.Deferred(), p = this, e = p.length, f = 1, g = a + "defer", h = a + "queue", v = a + "mark", m; e--;)
if (m =[e], g, b, !0) || ([e], h, b, !0) ||[e], v, b, !0)) &&[e], g, d._Deferred(), !0)) f++, m.done(r);
return l.promise()
var N = /[\n\t\r]/g,
P = /\s+/,
D = /\r/g,
R = /^(?:button|input)$/i,
fa = /^(?:button|input|object|select|textarea)$/i,
aa = /^a(?:rea)?$/i,
ba = /^(?:autofocus|autoplay|async|checked|controls|defer|disabled|hidden|loop|multiple|open|readonly|required|scoped|selected)$/i,
Ca = /\:|^on/,
ca, wa;
attr: function(a, b) { return d.access(this, a, b, !0, d.attr) },
removeAttr: function(a) { return this.each(function() { d.removeAttr(this, a) }) },
prop: function(a, b) { return d.access(this, a, b, !0, d.prop) },
removeProp: function(a) {
a = d.propFix[a] || a;
return this.each(function() {
try { this[a] = b, delete this[a] }
catch (c) {}
addClass: function(a) {
var b, c, l, e, f, g, h;
if (d.isFunction(a)) return this.each(function(b) {
d(this).addClass(, b, this.className))
if (a && "string" == typeof a) {
b = a.split(P);
c = 0;
for (l = this.length; c < l; c++)
if (e = this[c], 1 === e.nodeType)
if (!e.className && 1 === b.length) e.className = a;
else {
f = " " + e.className + " ";
g = 0;
for (h = b.length; g < h; g++) ~f.indexOf(" " + b[g] + " ") || (f += b[g] + " ");
e.className = d.trim(f)
return this
removeClass: function(a) {
var c, r, l, e, f, g, h;
if (d.isFunction(a)) return this.each(function(b) {
d(this).removeClass(, b, this.className))
if (a && "string" == typeof a || a === b) {
c = (a || "").split(P);
r = 0;
for (l = this.length; r < l; r++)
if (e = this[r], 1 === e.nodeType && e.className)
if (a) {
f = (" " + e.className + " ").replace(N, " ");
g = 0;
for (h = c.length; g < h; g++) f = f.replace(" " + c[g] + " ", " ");
e.className = d.trim(f)
} else e.className = ""
return this
toggleClass: function(a, b) {
var c = typeof a,
l = "boolean" == typeof b;
return d.isFunction(a) ? this.each(function(c) {
d(this).toggleClass(, c, this.className, b), b)
}) : this.each(function() {
if ("string" === c)
for (var e, f = 0, g = d(this), h = b, m = a.split(P); e = m[f++];) h = l ? h : !g.hasClass(e), g[h ? "addClass" : "removeClass"](e);
else if ("undefined" === c || "boolean" === c) this.className && d._data(this, "__className__", this.className), this.className = this.className || !1 === a ? "" : d._data(this, "__className__") || ""
hasClass: function(a) {
a = " " + a + " ";
for (var b = 0, c = this.length; b < c; b++)
if (-1 < (" " + this[b].className + " ").replace(N, " ").indexOf(a)) return !0;
return !1
val: function(a) {
var c, r, l = this[0];
if (!arguments.length) {
if (l) {
if ((c = d.valHooks[l.nodeName.toLowerCase()] || d.valHooks[l.type]) && "get" in c && (r = c.get(l, "value")) !== b) return r;
r = l.value;
return "string" == typeof r ? r.replace(D, "") : null == r ? "" : r
return b
var e = d.isFunction(a);
return this.each(function(r) {
var l = d(this),
if (1 === this.nodeType && (e ? f =, r, l.val()) : f = a, null == f ? f = "" : "number" == typeof f ? f += "" : d.isArray(f) && (f =, function(a) {
return null == a ? "" : a + ""
})), c = d.valHooks[this.nodeName.toLowerCase()] || d.valHooks[this.type], !c || !("set" in c) || c.set(this, f, "value") === b)) this.value = f
valHooks: {
option: {
get: function(a) {
var b = a.attributes.value;
return !b || b.specified ? a.value : a.text
select: {
get: function(a) {
var b, c = a.selectedIndex,
l = [],
e = a.options;
a = "select-one" === a.type;
if (0 > c) return null;
for (var f = a ? c : 0, g = a ? c + 1 : e.length; f < g; f++)
if (b = e[f], b.selected && ( ? !b.disabled : null === b.getAttribute("disabled")) && (!b.parentNode.disabled || !d.nodeName(b.parentNode, "optgroup"))) {
b = d(b).val();
if (a) return b;
return a && !l.length && e.length ? d(e[c]).val() : l
set: function(a, b) {
var c = d.makeArray(b);
d(a).find("option").each(function() {
this.selected = 0 <= d.inArray(d(this).val(), c)
c.length || (a.selectedIndex = -1);
return c
attrFn: {
val: !0,
css: !0,
html: !0,
text: !0,
data: !0,
width: !0,
height: !0,
offset: !0
attrFix: {
tabindex: "tabIndex"
attr: function(a, c, r, l) {
var e = a.nodeType;
if (!a || 3 === e || 8 === e || 2 === e) return b;
if (l && c in d.attrFn) return d(a)[c](r);
if (!("getAttribute" in a)) return d.prop(a, c, r);
var f, g;
(l = 1 !== e || !d.isXMLDoc(a)) && (c = d.attrFix[c] || c, g = d.attrHooks[c], g || (ba.test(c) ? g = wa : ca && "className" !== c && (d.nodeName(a, "form") || Ca.test(c)) && (g = ca)));
if (r !== b) {
if (null === r) return d.removeAttr(a, c), b;
if (g && "set" in g && l && (f = g.set(a, r, c)) !== b) return f;
a.setAttribute(c, "" + r);
return r
if (g && "get" in g && l && null !== (f = g.get(a, c))) return f;
f = a.getAttribute(c);
return null === f ? b : f
removeAttr: function(a, b) {
var c;
1 === a.nodeType && (b = d.attrFix[b] || b, ? a.removeAttribute(b) : (d.attr(a, b, ""), a.removeAttributeNode(a.getAttributeNode(b))), ba.test(b) && (c = d.propFix[b] || b) in a && (a[c] = !1))
attrHooks: {
type: {
set: function(a, b) {
if (R.test(a.nodeName) && a.parentNode) d.error("type property can't be changed");
else if (! && "radio" === b && d.nodeName(a, "input")) {
var c = a.value;
a.setAttribute("type", b);
c && (a.value = c);
return b
tabIndex: {
get: function(a) {
var c = a.getAttributeNode("tabIndex");
return c && c.specified ? parseInt(c.value, 10) : fa.test(a.nodeName) || aa.test(a.nodeName) && a.href ? 0 : b
value: {
get: function(a, b) {
return ca && d.nodeName(a, "button") ? ca.get(a, b) : b in a ? a.value : null
set: function(a, b, c) {
if (ca && d.nodeName(a, "button")) return ca.set(a, b, c);
a.value = b
propFix: {
tabindex: "tabIndex",
readonly: "readOnly",
"for": "htmlFor",
"class": "className",
maxlength: "maxLength",
cellspacing: "cellSpacing",
cellpadding: "cellPadding",
rowspan: "rowSpan",
colspan: "colSpan",
usemap: "useMap",
frameborder: "frameBorder",
contenteditable: "contentEditable"
prop: function(a, c, r) {
var l = a.nodeType;
if (!a || 3 === l || 8 === l || 2 === l) return b;
var e, f;
(1 !== l || !d.isXMLDoc(a)) && (c = d.propFix[c] || c, f = d.propHooks[c]);
return r !== b ? f && "set" in f && (e = f.set(a, r, c)) !== b ? e : a[c] = r : f && "get" in f && (e = f.get(a, c)) !== b ? e : a[c]
propHooks: {}
wa = {
get: function(a, c) {
return d.prop(a, c) ? c.toLowerCase() : b
set: function(a, b, c) {
var l;
!1 === b ? d.removeAttr(a, c) : (l = d.propFix[c] || c, l in a && (a[l] = !0), a.setAttribute(c, c.toLowerCase()));
return c
}; || (d.attrFix = d.propFix, ca = = d.attrHooks.title = d.valHooks.button = {
get: function(a, c) {
var d;
return (d = a.getAttributeNode(c)) && "" !== d.nodeValue ? d.nodeValue : b
set: function(a, b, c) {
if (a = a.getAttributeNode(c)) return a.nodeValue = b
}, d.each(["width", "height"], function(a, b) {
d.attrHooks[b] = d.extend(d.attrHooks[b], {
set: function(a, c) {
if ("" === c) return a.setAttribute(b, "auto"), c
})); || d.each(["href", "src", "width", "height"], function(a, c) {
d.attrHooks[c] = d.extend(d.attrHooks[c], {
get: function(a) {
a = a.getAttribute(c, 2);
return null === a ? b : a
}); || ( = {
get: function(a) { return || b },
set: function(a, b) { return = "" + b }
}); || (d.propHooks.selected = d.extend(d.propHooks.selected, {
get: function(a) {
a = a.parentNode;
a && (a.selectedIndex, a.parentNode && a.parentNode.selectedIndex)
})); || d.each(["radio", "checkbox"], function() {
d.valHooks[this] = {
get: function(a) { return null === a.getAttribute("value") ? "on" : a.value }
d.each(["radio", "checkbox"], function() {
d.valHooks[this] = d.extend(d.valHooks[this], {
set: function(a, b) {
if (d.isArray(b)) return a.checked = 0 <= d.inArray(d(a).val(), b)
var ea = /\.(.*)$/,
Da = /^(?:textarea|input|select)$/i,
fb = /\./g,
gb = / /g,
jb = /[^\w\s.|`]/g,
kb = function(a) {
return a.replace(jb, "\\$\x26")
d.event = {
add: function(a, c, r, l) {
if (3 !== a.nodeType && 8 !== a.nodeType) {
if (!1 === r) r = I;
else if (!r) return;
var e, f;
r.handler && (e = r, r = e.handler);
r.guid || (r.guid = d.guid++);
if (f = d._data(a)) {
var g =,
h = f.handle;
g || ( = g = {});
h || (f.handle = h = function(a) {
return "undefined" != typeof d && (!a || d.event.triggered !== a.type) ? d.event.handle.apply(h.elem, arguments) : b
h.elem = a;
c = c.split(" ");
for (var m, v = 0, w; m = c[v++];) {
f = e ? d.extend({}, e) : {
handler: r,
data: l
}; - 1 < m.indexOf(".") ? (w = m.split("."), m = w.shift(), f.namespace = w.slice(0).sort().join(".")) : (w = [], f.namespace = "");
f.type = m;
f.guid || (f.guid = r.guid);
var n = g[m],
s = d.event.special[m] || {};
if (!n && (n = g[m] = [], !s.setup || !1 ===, l, w, h))) a.addEventListener ? a.addEventListener(m, h, !1) : a.attachEvent && a.attachEvent("on" + m, h);
s.add && (, f), f.handler.guid || (f.handler.guid = r.guid));
n.push(f);[m] = !0
a = null
global: {},
remove: function(a, c, e, l) {
if (3 !== a.nodeType && 8 !== a.nodeType) {
!1 === e && (e = I);
var p, f, g = 0,
h, m, v, w, n, s, u = d.hasData(a) && d._data(a),
x = u &&;
if (u && x)
if (c && c.type && (e = c.handler, c = c.type), !c || "string" == typeof c && "." === c.charAt(0))
for (p in c = c || "", x) d.event.remove(a, p + c);
else {
for (c = c.split(" "); p = c[g++];)
if (w = p, h = 0 > p.indexOf("."), m = [], h || (m = p.split("."), p = m.shift(), v = RegExp("(^|\\.)" +, kb).join("\\.(?:.*\\.)?") + "(\\.|$)")), n = x[p])
if (e) {
w = d.event.special[p] || {};
for (f = l || 0; f < n.length; f++)
if (s = n[f], e.guid === s.guid) {
if (h || v.test(s.namespace)) null == l && n.splice(f--, 1), w.remove &&, s);
if (null != l) break
if (0 === n.length || null != l && 1 === n.length)(!w.teardown || !1 ===, m)) && d.removeEvent(a, p, u.handle), delete x[p]
} else
for (f = 0; f < n.length; f++)
if (s = n[f], h || v.test(s.namespace)) d.event.remove(a, w, s.handler, f), n.splice(f--, 1);
d.isEmptyObject(x) && ((c = u.handle) && (c.elem = null), delete, delete u.handle, d.isEmptyObject(u) && d.removeData(a, b, !0))
customEvent: {
getData: !0,
setData: !0,
changeData: !0
trigger: function(c, q, e, l) {
var p = c.type || c,
f = [],
0 <= p.indexOf("!") && (p = p.slice(0, -1), g = !0);
0 <= p.indexOf(".") && (f = p.split("."), p = f.shift(), f.sort());
if (e && !d.event.customEvent[p] ||[p]) {
c = "object" == typeof c ? c[d.expando] ? c : new d.Event(p, c) : new d.Event(p);
c.type = p;
c.exclusive = g;
c.namespace = f.join(".");
c.namespace_re = RegExp("(^|\\.)" + f.join("\\.(?:.*\\.)?") + "(\\.|$)");
if (l || !e) c.preventDefault(), c.stopPropagation();
if (e) {
if (!(3 === e.nodeType || 8 === e.nodeType)) {
c.result = b; = e;
q = null != q ? d.makeArray(q) : [];
f = e;
l = 0 > p.indexOf(":") ? "on" + p : "";
do g = d._data(f, "handle"), c.currentTarget = f, g && g.apply(f, q), l && d.acceptData(f) && f[l] && !1 === f[l].apply(f, q) && (c.result = !1, c.preventDefault()), f = f.parentNode || f.ownerDocument || f === && a; while (f && !c.isPropagationStopped());
if (!c.isDefaultPrevented()) {
var h, f = d.event.special[p] || {};
if ((!f._default || !1 ===, c)) && ("click" !== p || !d.nodeName(e, "a")) && d.acceptData(e)) {
try {
l && e[p] && (h = e[l], h && (e[l] = null), d.event.triggered = p, e[p]())
} catch (m) {}
h && (e[l] = h);
d.event.triggered = b
return c.result
} else d.each(d.cache, function() {
var a = this[d.expando];
a && &&[p] && d.event.trigger(c, q, a.handle.elem)
handle: function(c) {
c = d.event.fix(c || a.event);
var q = ((d._data(this, "events") || {})[c.type] || []).slice(0),
e = !c.exclusive && !c.namespace,
l =, 0);
l[0] = c;
c.currentTarget = this;
for (var p = 0, f = q.length; p < f; p++) {
var g = q[p];
if (e || c.namespace_re.test(g.namespace))
if (c.handler = g.handler, =, c.handleObj = g, g = g.handler.apply(this, l), g !== b && (c.result = g, !1 === g && (c.preventDefault(), c.stopPropagation())), c.isImmediatePropagationStopped()) break
return c.result
props: "altKey attrChange attrName bubbles button cancelable charCode clientX clientY ctrlKey currentTarget data detail eventPhase fromElement handler keyCode layerX layerY metaKey newValue offsetX offsetY pageX pageY prevValue relatedNode relatedTarget screenX screenY shiftKey srcElement target toElement view wheelDelta which".split(" "),
fix: function(a) {
if (a[d.expando]) return a;
var c = a;
a = d.Event(c);
for (var e = this.props.length, l; e;) l = this.props[--e], a[l] = c[l]; || ( = a.srcElement || s);
3 === && ( =;
!a.relatedTarget && a.fromElement && (a.relatedTarget = a.fromElement === ? a.toElement : a.fromElement);
null == a.pageX && null != a.clientX && (e = || s, c = e.documentElement, e = e.body, a.pageX = a.clientX + (c && c.scrollLeft || e && e.scrollLeft || 0) - (c && c.clientLeft || e && e.clientLeft || 0), a.pageY = a.clientY + (c && c.scrollTop || e && e.scrollTop || 0) - (c && c.clientTop || e && e.clientTop || 0));
null == a.which && (null != a.charCode || null != a.keyCode) && (a.which = null != a.charCode ? a.charCode : a.keyCode);
!a.metaKey && a.ctrlKey && (a.metaKey = a.ctrlKey);
!a.which && a.button !== b && (a.which = a.button & 1 ? 1 : a.button & 2 ? 3 : a.button & 4 ? 2 : 0);
return a
guid: 1E8,
proxy: d.proxy,
special: {
ready: {
setup: d.bindReady,
teardown: d.noop
live: {
add: function(a) {
d.event.add(this, Q(a.origType, a.selector), d.extend({}, a, {
handler: U,
guid: a.handler.guid
remove: function(a) { d.event.remove(this, Q(a.origType, a.selector), a) }
beforeunload: {
setup: function(a, b, c) { d.isWindow(this) && (this.onbeforeunload = c) },
teardown: function(a, b) { this.onbeforeunload === b && (this.onbeforeunload = null) }
d.removeEvent = s.removeEventListener ? function(a, b, c) {
a.removeEventListener && a.removeEventListener(b, c, !1)
} : function(a, b, c) {
a.detachEvent && a.detachEvent("on" + b, c)
d.Event = function(a, b) {
if (!this.preventDefault) return new d.Event(a, b);
a && a.type ? (this.originalEvent = a, this.type = a.type, this.isDefaultPrevented = a.defaultPrevented || !1 === a.returnValue || a.getPreventDefault && a.getPreventDefault() ? T : I) : this.type = a;
b && d.extend(this, b);
this.timeStamp =;
this[d.expando] = !0
d.Event.prototype = {
preventDefault: function() {
this.isDefaultPrevented = T;
var a = this.originalEvent;
!a || (a.preventDefault ? a.preventDefault() : a.returnValue = !1)
stopPropagation: function() {
this.isPropagationStopped = T;
var a = this.originalEvent;
!a || (a.stopPropagation && a.stopPropagation(), a.cancelBubble = !0)
stopImmediatePropagation: function() {
this.isImmediatePropagationStopped = T;
isDefaultPrevented: I,
isPropagationStopped: I,
isImmediatePropagationStopped: I
var Ja = function(a) {
var b = a.relatedTarget,
c = !1,
e = a.type;
a.type =;
b !== this && (b && (c = d.contains(this, b)), c || (d.event.handle.apply(this, arguments), a.type = e))
Ka = function(a) {
a.type =;
d.event.handle.apply(this, arguments)
mouseenter: "mouseover",
mouseleave: "mouseout"
}, function(a, b) {
d.event.special[a] = {
setup: function(c) { d.event.add(this, b, c && c.selector ? Ka : Ja, a) },
teardown: function(a) { d.event.remove(this, b, a && a.selector ? Ka : Ja) }
}); || (d.event.special.submit = {
setup: function(a, b) {
if (d.nodeName(this, "form")) return !1;
d.event.add(this, "click.specialSubmit", function(a) {
var b =,
c = b.type;
("submit" === c || "image" === c) && d(b).closest("form").length && L("submit", this, arguments)
d.event.add(this, "keypress.specialSubmit", function(a) {
var b =,
c = b.type;
("text" === c || "password" === c) && d(b).closest("form").length && 13 === a.keyCode && L("submit", this, arguments)
teardown: function(a) { d.event.remove(this, ".specialSubmit") }
if (! {
var sa, La = function(a) {
var b = a.type,
c = a.value;
"radio" === b || "checkbox" === b ? c = a.checked : "select-multiple" === b ? c = -1 < a.selectedIndex ?, function(a) {
return a.selected
}).join("-") : "" : d.nodeName(a, "select") && (c = a.selectedIndex);
return c
ma = function(a, c) {
var e =,
l, p;
if (Da.test(e.nodeName) && !e.readOnly && (l = d._data(e, "_change_data"), p = La(e), ("focusout" !== a.type || "radio" !== e.type) && d._data(e, "_change_data", p), !(l === b || p === l)))
if (null != l || p) a.type = "change", a.liveFired = b, d.event.trigger(a, c, e)
d.event.special.change = {
filters: {
focusout: ma,
beforedeactivate: ma,
click: function(a) {
var b =,
c = d.nodeName(b, "input") ? b.type : "";
("radio" === c || "checkbox" === c || d.nodeName(b, "select")) &&, a)
keydown: function(a) {
var b =,
c = d.nodeName(b, "input") ? b.type : "";
(13 === a.keyCode && !d.nodeName(b, "textarea") || 32 === a.keyCode && ("checkbox" === c || "radio" === c) || "select-multiple" === c) &&, a)
beforeactivate: function(a) {
a =;
d._data(a, "_change_data", La(a))
setup: function(a, b) {
if ("file" === this.type) return !1;
for (var c in sa) d.event.add(this, c + ".specialChange", sa[c]);
return Da.test(this.nodeName)
teardown: function(a) {
d.event.remove(this, ".specialChange");
return Da.test(this.nodeName)
sa = d.event.special.change.filters;
sa.focus = sa.beforeactivate
} || d.each({
focus: "focusin",
blur: "focusout"
}, function(a, b) {
function c(a) {
var k = d.event.fix(a);
k.type = b;
k.originalEvent = {};
d.event.trigger(k, null,;
k.isDefaultPrevented() && a.preventDefault()
var e = 0;
d.event.special[b] = {
setup: function() { 0 === e++ && s.addEventListener(a, c, !0) },
teardown: function() { 0 === --e && s.removeEventListener(a, c, !0) }
d.each(["bind", "one"], function(a, c) {
d.fn[c] = function(a, k, e) {
var f;
if ("object" == typeof a) {
for (var g in a) this[c](g, k, a[g], e);
return this
if (2 === arguments.length || !1 === k) e = k, k = b;
"one" === c ? (f = function(a) {
d(this).unbind(a, f);
return e.apply(this, arguments)
}, f.guid = e.guid || d.guid++) : f = e;
if ("unload" === a && "one" !== c), k, e);
else {
g = 0;
for (var h = this.length; g < h; g++) d.event.add(this[g], a, f, k)
return this
unbind: function(a, b) {
if ("object" == typeof a && !a.preventDefault)
for (var c in a) this.unbind(c, a[c]);
else {
c = 0;
for (var e = this.length; c < e; c++) d.event.remove(this[c], a, b)
return this
delegate: function(a, b, c, d) { return, c, d, a) },
undelegate: function(a, b, c) { return 0 === arguments.length ? this.unbind("live") : this.die(b, null, c, a) },
trigger: function(a, b) {
return this.each(function() { d.event.trigger(a, b, this) })
triggerHandler: function(a, b) { if (this[0]) return d.event.trigger(a, b, this[0], !0) },
toggle: function(a) {
var b = arguments,
c = a.guid || d.guid++,
e = 0,
f = function(c) {
var f = (, "lastToggle" + a.guid) || 0) % e;, "lastToggle" + a.guid, f + 1);
return b[f].apply(this, arguments) || !1
for (f.guid = c; e < b.length;) b[e++].guid = c;
hover: function(a, b) { return this.mouseenter(a).mouseleave(b || a) }
var ta = {
focus: "focusin",
blur: "focusout",
mouseenter: "mouseover",
mouseleave: "mouseout"
d.each(["live", "die"], function(a, c) {
d.fn[c] = function(a, k, e, f) {
var g = 0,
h, m, w = f || this.selector,
n = f ? this : d(this.context);
if ("object" == typeof a && !a.preventDefault) {
for (h in a) n[c](h, k, a[h], w);
return this
if ("die" === c && !a && f && "." === f.charAt(0)) return n.unbind(f), this;
if (!1 === k || d.isFunction(k)) e = k || I, k = b;
for (a = (a || "").split(" "); null != (f = a[g++]);)
if (h = ea.exec(f), m = "", h && (m = h[0], f = f.replace(ea, "")), "hover" === f) a.push("mouseenter" + m, "mouseleave" + m);
else if (h = f, ta[f] ? (a.push(ta[f] + m), f += m) : f = (ta[f] || f) + m, "live" === c) {
m = 0;
for (var s = n.length; m < s; m++) d.event.add(n[m], "live." + Q(f, w), {
data: k,
selector: w,
handler: e,
origType: f,
origHandler: e,
preType: h
} else n.unbind("live." + Q(f, w), e);
return this
d.each("blur focus focusin focusout load resize scroll unload click dblclick mousedown mouseup mousemove mouseover mouseout mouseenter mouseleave change select submit keydown keypress keyup error".split(" "), function(a, b) {
d.fn[b] = function(a, c) {
null == c && (c = a, a = null);
return 0 < arguments.length ? this.bind(b, a, c) : this.trigger(b)
d.attrFn && (d.attrFn[b] = !0)
(function() {
function a(b, c, d, k, e, l) {
e = 0;
for (var q = k.length; e < q; e++) {
var f = k[e];
if (f) {
for (var p = !1, f = f[b]; f;) {
if (f.sizcache === d) {
p = k[f.sizset];
if (1 === f.nodeType)
if (l || (f.sizcache = d, f.sizset = e), "string" != typeof c) {
if (f === c) {
p = !0;
} else if (0 < v.filter(c, [f]).length) {
p = f;
f = f[b]
k[e] = p

function c(a, b, d, k, e, l) {
e = 0;
for (var q = k.length; e < q; e++) {
var f = k[e];
if (f) {
for (var p = !1, f = f[a]; f;) {
if (f.sizcache === d) {
p = k[f.sizset];
1 === f.nodeType && !l && (f.sizcache = d, f.sizset = e);
if (f.nodeName.toLowerCase() === b) {
p = f;
f = f[a]
k[e] = p
var e = /((?:\((?:\([^()]+\)|[^()]+)+\)|\[(?:\[[^\[\]]*\]|['"][^'"]*['"]|[^\[\]'"]+)+\]|\\.|[^ >+~,(\[\\]+)+|[>+~])(\s*,\s*)?((?:.|\r|\n)*)/g, // '
l = 0,
f = Object.prototype.toString,
g = !1,
h = !0,
m = /\\/g,
w = /\W/;
[0, 0].sort(function() {
h = !1;
return 0
var v = function(a, b, c, d) {
c = c || [];
var k = b = b || s;
if (1 !== b.nodeType && 9 !== b.nodeType) return [];
if (!a || "string" != typeof a) return c;
var l, q, g, h, m, S, F = !0,
w = v.isXML(b),
x = [],
N = a;
if (e.exec(""), l = e.exec(N))
if (N = l[3], x.push(l[1]), l[2]) {
h = l[3];
while (l);
if (1 < x.length && u.exec(a))
if (2 === x.length && n.relative[x[0]]) q = M(x[0] + x[1], b);
for (q = n.relative[x[0]] ? [b] : v(x.shift(), b); x.length;) a = x.shift(), n.relative[a] && (a += x.shift()), q = M(a, q);
else if (!d && 1 < x.length && 9 === b.nodeType && !w && n.match.ID.test(x[0]) && !n.match.ID.test(x[x.length - 1]) && (m = v.find(x.shift(), b, w), b = m.expr ? v.filter(m.expr, m.set)[0] : m.set[0]), b) {
m = d ? {
expr: x.pop(),
set: H(d)
} : v.find(x.pop(), 1 === x.length && ("~" === x[0] || "+" === x[0]) && b.parentNode ? b.parentNode : b, w);
q = m.expr ? v.filter(m.expr, m.set) : m.set;
for (0 < x.length ? g = H(q) : F = !1; x.length;) l = S = x.pop(), n.relative[S] ? l = x.pop() : S = "", null == l && (l = b), n.relative[S](g, l, w)
} else g = [];
g || (g = q);
g || v.error(S || a);
if ("[object Array]" ===
if (F)
if (b && 1 === b.nodeType)
for (a = 0; null != g[a]; a++) g[a] && (!0 === g[a] || 1 === g[a].nodeType && v.contains(b, g[a])) && c.push(q[a]);
for (a = 0; null != g[a]; a++) g[a] && 1 === g[a].nodeType && c.push(q[a]);
else c.push.apply(c, g);
else H(g, c);
h && (v(h, k, c, d), v.uniqueSort(c));
return c
v.uniqueSort = function(a) {
if (B && (g = h, a.sort(B), g))
for (var b = 1; b < a.length; b++) a[b] === a[b - 1] && a.splice(b--, 1);
return a
v.matches = function(a, b) {
return v(a, null, null, b)
v.matchesSelector = function(a, b) {
return 0 < v(b, null, null, [a]).length
v.find = function(a, b, c) {
var d;
if (!a) return [];
for (var k = 0, e = n.order.length; k < e; k++) {
var l, q = n.order[k];
if (l = n.leftMatch[q].exec(a)) {
var f = l[1];
l.splice(1, 1);
if ("\\" !== f.substr(f.length - 1) && (l[1] = (l[1] || "").replace(m, ""), d = n.find[q](l, b, c), null != d)) {
a = a.replace(n.match[q], "");
d || (d = "undefined" != typeof b.getElementsByTagName ? b.getElementsByTagName("*") : []);
return {
set: d,
expr: a
v.filter = function(a, c, d, k) {
for (var e, l, q = a, f = [], p = c, r = c && c[0] && v.isXML(c[0]); a && c.length;) {
for (var g in n.filter)
if (null != (e = n.leftMatch[g].exec(a)) && e[2]) {
var h, m, S = n.filter[g];
m = e[1];
l = !1;
e.splice(1, 1);
if ("\\" !== m.substr(m.length - 1)) {
p === f && (f = []);
if (n.preFilter[g])
if (e = n.preFilter[g](e, p, d, f, k, r)) {
if (!0 === e) continue
} else l = h = !0;
if (e)
for (var F = 0; null != (m = p[F]); F++)
if (m) {
h = S(m, e, F, p);
var w = k ^ !!h;
d && null != h ? w ? l = !0 : p[F] = !1 : w && (f.push(m), l = !0)
if (h !== b) {
d || (p = f);
a = a.replace(n.match[g], "");
if (!l) return [];
if (a === q)
if (null == l) v.error(a);
else break;
q = a
return p
v.error = function(a) { throw "Syntax error, unrecognized expression: " + a };
var n = v.selectors = {
order: ["ID", "NAME", "TAG"],
match: {
ID: /#((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\-]|\\.)+)/,
CLASS: /\.((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\-]|\\.)+)/,
NAME: /\[name=['"]*((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\-]|\\.)+)['"]*\]/,
ATTR: /\[\s*((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\-]|\\.)+)\s*(?:(\S?=)\s*(?:(['"])(.*?)\3|(#?(?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\-]|\\.)*)|)|)\s*\]/,
TAG: /^((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\*\-]|\\.)+)/,
CHILD: /:(only|nth|last|first)-child(?:\(\s*(even|odd|(?:[+\-]?\d+|(?:[+\-]?\d*)?n\s*(?:[+\-]\s*\d+)?))\s*\))?/,
POS: /:(nth|eq|gt|lt|first|last|even|odd)(?:\((\d*)\))?(?=[^\-]|$)/,
PSEUDO: /:((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\-]|\\.)+)(?:\((['"]?)((?:\([^\)]+\)|[^\(\)]*)+)\2\))?/
}, //'
leftMatch: {},
attrMap: {
"class": "className",
"for": "htmlFor"
attrHandle: {
href: function(a) { return a.getAttribute("href") },
type: function(a) { return a.getAttribute("type") }
relative: {
"+": function(a, b) {
var c = "string" == typeof b,
d = c && !w.test(b),
c = c && !d;
d && (b = b.toLowerCase());
for (var d = 0, k = a.length, e; d < k; d++)
if (e = a[d]) {
for (;
(e = e.previousSibling) && 1 !== e.nodeType;);
a[d] = c || e && e.nodeName.toLowerCase() === b ? e || !1 : e === b
c && v.filter(b, a, !0)
"\x3e": function(a, b) {
var c, d = "string" == typeof b,
k = 0,
e = a.length;
if (d && !w.test(b))
for (b = b.toLowerCase(); k < e; k++) {
if (c = a[k]) c = c.parentNode, a[k] = c.nodeName.toLowerCase() === b ? c : !1
} else {
for (; k < e; k++)(c = a[k]) && (a[k] = d ? c.parentNode : c.parentNode === b);
d && v.filter(b, a, !0)
"": function(b, d, e) {
var f, p = l++,
r = a;
"string" == typeof d && !w.test(d) && (d = d.toLowerCase(), f = d, r = c);
r("parentNode", d, p, b, f, e)
"~": function(b, d, e) {
var f, p = l++,
r = a;
"string" == typeof d && !w.test(d) && (d = d.toLowerCase(), f = d, r = c);
r("previousSibling", d, p, b, f, e)
find: {
ID: function(a, b, c) {
if ("undefined" != typeof b.getElementById && !c) return (a = b.getElementById(a[1])) && a.parentNode ? [a] : []
NAME: function(a, b) {
if ("undefined" != typeof b.getElementsByName) {
for (var c = [], d = b.getElementsByName(a[1]), k = 0, e = d.length; k < e; k++) d[k].getAttribute("name") === a[1] && c.push(d[k]);
return 0 === c.length ? null : c
TAG: function(a, b) {
if ("undefined" != typeof b.getElementsByTagName) return b.getElementsByTagName(a[1])
preFilter: {
CLASS: function(a, b, c, d, k, e) {
a = " " + a[1].replace(m, "") + " ";
if (e) return a;
e = 0;
for (var l; null != (l = b[e]); e++) l && (k ^ (l.className && 0 <= (" " + l.className + " ").replace(/[\t\n\r]/g, " ").indexOf(a)) ? c || d.push(l) : c && (b[e] = !1));
return !1
ID: function(a) { return a[1].replace(m, "") },
TAG: function(a, b) { return a[1].replace(m, "").toLowerCase() },
CHILD: function(a) {
if ("nth" === a[1]) {
a[2] || v.error(a[0]);
a[2] = a[2].replace(/^\+|\s*/g, "");
var b = /(-?)(\d*)(?:n([+\-]?\d*))?/.exec("even" === a[2] && "2n" || "odd" === a[2] && "2n+1" || !/\D/.test(a[2]) && "0n+" + a[2] || a[2]);
a[2] = b[1] + (b[2] || 1) - 0;
a[3] = b[3] - 0
} else a[2] && v.error(a[0]);
a[0] = l++;
return a
ATTR: function(a, b, c, d, k, e) {
b = a[1] = a[1].replace(m, "");
!e && n.attrMap[b] && (a[1] = n.attrMap[b]);
a[4] = (a[4] || a[5] || "").replace(m, "");
"~\x3d" === a[2] && (a[4] = " " + a[4] + " ");
return a
PSEUDO: function(a, b, c, d, k) {
if ("not" === a[1])
if (1 < (e.exec(a[3]) || "").length || /^\w/.test(a[3])) a[3] = v(a[3], null, null, b);
else return a = v.filter(a[3], b, c, 1 ^ k), c || d.push.apply(d, a), !1;
else if (n.match.POS.test(a[0]) || n.match.CHILD.test(a[0])) return !0;
return a
POS: function(a) {
return a
filters: {
enabled: function(a) { return !1 === a.disabled && "hidden" !== a.type },
disabled: function(a) { return !0 === a.disabled },
checked: function(a) { return !0 === a.checked },
selected: function(a) {
a.parentNode && a.parentNode.selectedIndex;
return !0 === a.selected
parent: function(a) { return !!a.firstChild },
empty: function(a) { return !a.firstChild },
has: function(a, b, c) { return !!v(c[3], a).length },
header: function(a) { return /h\d/i.test(a.nodeName) },
text: function(a) {
var b = a.getAttribute("type"),
c = a.type;
return "input" === a.nodeName.toLowerCase() && "text" === c && (b === c || null === b)
radio: function(a) { return "input" === a.nodeName.toLowerCase() && "radio" === a.type },
checkbox: function(a) { return "input" === a.nodeName.toLowerCase() && "checkbox" === a.type },
file: function(a) { return "input" === a.nodeName.toLowerCase() && "file" === a.type },
password: function(a) { return "input" === a.nodeName.toLowerCase() && "password" === a.type },

submit: function(a) {
var b = a.nodeName.toLowerCase();
return ("input" === b || "button" === b) && "submit" === a.type
image: function(a) { return "input" === a.nodeName.toLowerCase() && "image" === a.type },
reset: function(a) {
var b = a.nodeName.toLowerCase();
return ("input" === b || "button" === b) && "reset" === a.type
button: function(a) {
var b = a.nodeName.toLowerCase();
return "input" === b && "button" === a.type || "button" === b
input: function(a) { return /input|select|textarea|button/i.test(a.nodeName) },
focus: function(a) { return a === a.ownerDocument.activeElement }
setFilters: {
first: function(a, b) { return 0 === b },
last: function(a, b, c, d) { return b === d.length - 1 },
even: function(a, b) { return 0 === b % 2 },
odd: function(a, b) { return 1 === b % 2 },
lt: function(a, b, c) { return b < c[3] - 0 },
gt: function(a, b, c) { return b > c[3] - 0 },
nth: function(a, b, c) { return c[3] - 0 === b },
eq: function(a, b, c) { return c[3] - 0 === b }
filter: {
PSEUDO: function(a, b, c, d) {
var k = b[1],
e = n.filters[k];
if (e) return e(a, c, b, d);
if ("contains" === k) return 0 <= (a.textContent || a.innerText || v.getText([a]) || "").indexOf(b[3]);
if ("not" === k) {
b = b[3];
c = 0;
for (d = b.length; c < d; c++)
if (b[c] === a) return !1;
return !0
CHILD: function(a, b) {
var c = b[1],
d = a;
switch (c) {
case "only":
case "first":
for (; d = d.previousSibling;)
if (1 === d.nodeType) return !1;
if ("first" === c) return !0;
d = a;
case "last":
for (; d = d.nextSibling;)
if (1 === d.nodeType) return !1;
return !0;
case "nth":
var c = b[2],
k = b[3];
if (1 === c && 0 === k) return !0;
var e = b[0],
l = a.parentNode;
if (l && (l.sizcache !== e || !a.nodeIndex)) {
for (var f = 0, d = l.firstChild; d; d = d.nextSibling) 1 === d.nodeType && (d.nodeIndex = ++f);
l.sizcache = e
d = a.nodeIndex - k;
return 0 === c ? 0 === d : 0 === d % c && 0 <= d / c
ID: function(a, b) { return 1 === a.nodeType && a.getAttribute("id") === b },
TAG: function(a, b) { return "*" === b && 1 === a.nodeType || a.nodeName.toLowerCase() === b },
CLASS: function(a, b) { return -1 < (" " + (a.className || a.getAttribute("class")) + " ").indexOf(b) },
ATTR: function(a, b) {
var c = b[1],
c = n.attrHandle[c] ? n.attrHandle[c](a) : null != a[c] ? a[c] : a.getAttribute(c),
d = c + "",
k = b[2],
e = b[4];
return null == c ? "!\x3d" === k : "\x3d" === k ? d === e : "*\x3d" === k ? 0 <= d.indexOf(e) : "~\x3d" === k ? 0 <= (" " + d + " ").indexOf(e) : e ? "!\x3d" === k ? d !== e : "^\x3d" === k ? 0 === d.indexOf(e) : "$\x3d" === k ? d.substr(d.length - e.length) === e : "|\x3d" === k ? d === e || d.substr(0, e.length + 1) === e + "-" : !1 : d && !1 !== c
POS: function(a, b, c, d) {
var k = n.setFilters[b[2]];
if (k) return k(a, c, b, d)
u = n.match.POS,
x = function(a, b) { return "\\" + (b - 0 + 1) },
for (N in n.match) n.match[N] = RegExp(n.match[N].source + /(?![^\[]*\])(?![^\(]*\))/.source), n.leftMatch[N] = RegExp(/(^(?:.|\r|\n)*?)/.source + n.match[N].source.replace(/\\(\d+)/g, x));
var H = function(a, b) {
a =, 0);
return b ? (b.push.apply(b, a), b) : a
try {, 0)[0].nodeType
} catch (y) {
H = function(a, b) {
var c = 0,
d = b || [];
if ("[object Array]" === Array.prototype.push.apply(d, a);
else if ("number" == typeof a.length)
for (var k = a.length; c < k; c++) d.push(a[c]);
for (; a[c]; c++) d.push(a[c]);
return d
var B, C;
s.documentElement.compareDocumentPosition ? B = function(a, b) {
return a === b ? (g = !0, 0) : !a.compareDocumentPosition || !b.compareDocumentPosition ? a.compareDocumentPosition ? -1 : 1 : a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 4 ? -1 : 1
} : (B = function(a, b) {
if (a === b) return g = !0, 0;
if (a.sourceIndex && b.sourceIndex) return a.sourceIndex - b.sourceIndex;
var c, d, k = [],
e = [];
c = a.parentNode;
d = b.parentNode;
var l = c;
if (c === d) return C(a, b);
if (!c) return -1;
if (!d) return 1;
for (; l;) k.unshift(l), l = l.parentNode;
for (l = d; l;) e.unshift(l), l = l.parentNode;
c = k.length;
d = e.length;
for (l = 0; l < c && l < d; l++)
if (k[l] !== e[l]) return C(k[l], e[l]);
return l === c ? C(a, e[l], -1) : C(k[l], b, 1)
}, C = function(a, b, c) {
if (a === b) return c;
for (a = a.nextSibling; a;) {
if (a === b) return -1;
a = a.nextSibling
return 1
v.getText = function(a) {
for (var b = "", c, d = 0; a[d]; d++) c = a[d], 3 === c.nodeType || 4 === c.nodeType ? b += c.nodeValue : 8 !== c.nodeType && (b += v.getText(c.childNodes));
return b
(function() {
var a = s.createElement("div"),
c = "script" + (new Date).getTime(),
d = s.documentElement;
a.innerHTML = "\x3ca name\x3d'" + c + "'/\x3e";
d.insertBefore(a, d.firstChild);
s.getElementById(c) && (n.find.ID = function(a, c, d) {
if ("undefined" != typeof c.getElementById && !d) return (c = c.getElementById(a[1])) ? === a[1] || "undefined" != typeof c.getAttributeNode && c.getAttributeNode("id").nodeValue === a[1] ? [c] : b : []
}, n.filter.ID = function(a, b) {
var c = "undefined" != typeof a.getAttributeNode && a.getAttributeNode("id");
return 1 === a.nodeType && c && c.nodeValue === b
d = a = null
(function() {
var a = s.createElement("div");
0 < a.getElementsByTagName("*").length && (n.find.TAG = function(a, b) {
var c = b.getElementsByTagName(a[1]);
if ("*" === a[1]) {
for (var d = [], k = 0; c[k]; k++) 1 === c[k].nodeType && d.push(c[k]);
c = d
return c
a.innerHTML = "\x3ca href\x3d'#'\x3e\x3c/a\x3e";
a.firstChild && "undefined" != typeof a.firstChild.getAttribute && "#" !== a.firstChild.getAttribute("href") && (n.attrHandle.href = function(a) {
return a.getAttribute("href", 2)
a = null
s.querySelectorAll && function() {
var a = v,
b = s.createElement("div");
b.innerHTML = "\x3cp class\x3d'TEST'\x3e\x3c/p\x3e";
if (!b.querySelectorAll || 0 !== b.querySelectorAll(".TEST").length) {
v = function(b, c, d, k) {
c = c || s;
if (!k && !v.isXML(c)) {
var e = /^(\w+$)|^\.([\w\-]+$)|^#([\w\-]+$)/.exec(b);
if (e && (1 === c.nodeType || 9 === c.nodeType)) {
if (e[1]) return H(c.getElementsByTagName(b), d);
if (e[2] && n.find.CLASS && c.getElementsByClassName) return H(c.getElementsByClassName(e[2]), d)
if (9 === c.nodeType) {
if ("body" === b && c.body) return H([c.body], d);
if (e && e[3]) {
var l = c.getElementById(e[3]);
if (!l || !l.parentNode) return H([], d);
if ( === e[3]) return H([l], d)
try {
return H(c.querySelectorAll(b), d)
} catch (f) {}
} else if (1 === c.nodeType && "object" !== c.nodeName.toLowerCase()) {
var e = c,
q = (l = c.getAttribute("id")) || "__sizzle__",
p = c.parentNode,
r = /^\s*[+~]/.test(b);
l ? q = q.replace(/'/g, "\\$\x26") : c.setAttribute("id", q);
r && p && (c = c.parentNode);
try {
if (!r || p) return H(c.querySelectorAll("[id\x3d'" + q + "'] " + b), d)
} catch (g) {} finally {
l || e.removeAttribute("id")
return a(b, c, d, k)
for (var c in a) v[c] = a[c];
b = null
(function() {
var a = s.documentElement,
b = a.matchesSelector || a.mozMatchesSelector || a.webkitMatchesSelector || a.msMatchesSelector;
if (b) {
var c = !"div"), "div"),
d = !1;
try {, "[test!\x3d'']:sizzle")
} catch (k) {
d = !0
v.matchesSelector = function(a, k) {
k = k.replace(/\=\s*([^'"\]]*)\s*\]/g, "\x3d'$1']");
if (!v.isXML(a)) try {
if (d || !n.match.PSEUDO.test(k) && !/!=/.test(k)) {
var e =, k);
if (e || !c || a.document && 11 !== a.document.nodeType) return e
} catch (l) {}
return 0 < v(k, null, null, [a]).length
(function() {
var a = s.createElement("div");
a.innerHTML = "\x3cdiv class\x3d'test e'\x3e\x3c/div\x3e\x3cdiv class\x3d'test'\x3e\x3c/div\x3e";
a.getElementsByClassName && 0 !== a.getElementsByClassName("e").length && (a.lastChild.className = "e", 1 !== a.getElementsByClassName("e").length && (n.order.splice(1, 0, "CLASS"), n.find.CLASS = function(a, b, c) {
if ("undefined" != typeof b.getElementsByClassName && !c) return b.getElementsByClassName(a[1])
}, a = null))
s.documentElement.contains ? v.contains = function(a, b) {
return a !== b && (a.contains ? a.contains(b) : !0)
} : s.documentElement.compareDocumentPosition ? v.contains = function(a, b) {
return !!(a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 16)
} : v.contains = function() {
return !1
v.isXML = function(a) {
return (a = (a ? a.ownerDocument || a : 0).documentElement) ? "HTML" !== a.nodeName : !1
var M = function(a, b) {
for (var c, d = [], k = "", e = b.nodeType ? [b] : b; c = n.match.PSEUDO.exec(a);) k += c[0], a = a.replace(n.match.PSEUDO, "");
a = n.relative[a] ? a + "*" : a;
c = 0;
for (var l = e.length; c < l; c++) v(a, e[c], d);
return v.filter(k, d)
d.find = v;
d.expr = v.selectors;
d.expr[":"] = d.expr.filters;
d.unique = v.uniqueSort;
d.text = v.getText;
d.isXMLDoc = v.isXML;
d.contains = v.contains
var lb = /Until$/,
mb = /^(?:parents|prevUntil|prevAll)/,
nb = /,/,
eb = /^.[^:#\[\.,]*$/,
ob = Array.prototype.slice,
Ma = d.expr.match.POS,
pb = {
children: !0,
contents: !0,
next: !0,
prev: !0
find: function(a) {
var b = this,
c, e;
if ("string" != typeof a) return d(a).filter(function() {
c = 0;
for (e = b.length; c < e; c++)
if (d.contains(b[c], this)) return !0
var f = this.pushStack("", "find", a),
g, h, m;
c = 0;
for (e = this.length; c < e; c++)
if (g = f.length, d.find(a, this[c], f), 0 < c)
for (h = g; h < f.length; h++)
for (m = 0; m < g; m++)
if (f[m] === f[h]) {
f.splice(h--, 1);
return f
has: function(a) {
var b = d(a);
return this.filter(function() {
for (var a = 0, c = b.length; a < c; a++)
if (d.contains(this, b[a])) return !0
not: function(a) { return this.pushStack(J(this, a, !1), "not", a) },
filter: function(a) { return this.pushStack(J(this, a, !0), "filter", a) },
is: function(a) { return !!a && ("string" == typeof a ? 0 < d.filter(a, this).length : 0 < this.filter(a).length) },
closest: function(a, b) {
var c = [],
e, f, g = this[0];
if (d.isArray(a)) {
var h, m = {},
n = 1;
if (g && a.length) {
e = 0;
for (f = a.length; e < f; e++) h = a[e], m[h] || (m[h] = Ma.test(h) ? d(h, b || this.context) : h);
for (; g && g.ownerDocument && g !== b;) {
for (h in m) e = m[h], (e.dpquery ? -1 < e.index(g) : d(g).is(e)) && c.push({
selector: h,
elem: g,
level: n
g = g.parentNode;
return c
h = Ma.test(a) || "string" != typeof a ? d(a, b || this.context) : 0;
e = 0;
for (f = this.length; e < f; e++)
for (g = this[e]; g;) {
if (h ? -1 < h.index(g) : d.find.matchesSelector(g, a)) {
g = g.parentNode;
if (!g || !g.ownerDocument || g === b || 11 === g.nodeType) break
c = 1 < c.length ? d.unique(c) : c;
return this.pushStack(c, "closest", a)
index: function(a) {
return !a || "string" == typeof a ? d.inArray(this[0], a ? d(a) : this.parent().children()) : d.inArray(a.dpquery ? a[0] : a, this)
add: function(a, b) {
var c = "string" == typeof a ? d(a, b) : d.makeArray(a && a.nodeType ? [a] : a),
e = d.merge(this.get(), c);
return this.pushStack(!c[0] || !c[0].parentNode || 11 === c[0].parentNode.nodeType || !e[0] || !e[0].parentNode || 11 === e[0].parentNode.nodeType ? e : d.unique(e))
andSelf: function() {
return this.add(this.prevObject)
parent: function(a) { return (a = a.parentNode) && 11 !== a.nodeType ? a : null },
parents: function(a) { return d.dir(a, "parentNode") },
parentsUntil: function(a, b, c) { return d.dir(a, "parentNode", c) },
next: function(a) { return d.nth(a, 2, "nextSibling") },
prev: function(a) { return d.nth(a, 2, "previousSibling") },
nextAll: function(a) { return d.dir(a, "nextSibling") },
prevAll: function(a) { return d.dir(a, "previousSibling") },
nextUntil: function(a, b, c) { return d.dir(a, "nextSibling", c) },
prevUntil: function(a, b, c) { return d.dir(a, "previousSibling", c) },
siblings: function(a) { return d.sibling(a.parentNode.firstChild, a) },
children: function(a) { return d.sibling(a.firstChild) },
contents: function(a) { return d.nodeName(a, "iframe") ? a.contentDocument || a.contentWindow.document : d.makeArray(a.childNodes) }
}, function(a, b) {
d.fn[a] = function(c, e) {
var f =, b, c),
g =;
lb.test(a) || (e = c);
e && "string" == typeof e && (f = d.filter(e, f));
f = 1 < this.length && !pb[a] ? d.unique(f) : f;
(1 < this.length || nb.test(e)) && mb.test(a) && (f = f.reverse());
return this.pushStack(f, a, g.join(","))
filter: function(a, b, c) {
c && (a = ":not(" + a + ")");
return 1 === b.length ? d.find.matchesSelector(b[0], a) ? [b[0]] : [] : d.find.matches(a, b)
dir: function(a, c, e) {
var f = [];
for (a = a[c]; a && 9 !== a.nodeType && (e === b || 1 !== a.nodeType || !d(a).is(e));) 1 === a.nodeType && f.push(a), a = a[c];
return f
nth: function(a, b, c, d) {
b = b || 1;
for (d = 0; a && !(1 === a.nodeType && ++d === b); a = a[c]);
return a
sibling: function(a, b) {
for (var c = []; a; a = a.nextSibling) 1 === a.nodeType && a !== b && c.push(a);
return c
var qb = / dpQuery\d+="(?:\d+|null)"/g,
Ea = /^\s+/,
Na = /<(?!area|br|col|embed|hr|img|input|link|meta|param)(([\w:]+)[^>]*)\/>/ig,
Oa = /<([\w:]+)/,
rb = /