Go over the top nghĩa là gì

1. “Over the top” là gì?

“Over” có nghĩa là hơn, vượt qua; “top” là đầu, đỉnh. “Over the top” có nghĩa là quá mức, quá thể, quá đỗi, thổi phồng quá đáng, quá mức cần thiết, “vung tay quá trán”…

Tùy theo ngữ cảnh bạn có thể hiệu một cách linh hoạt để thoát ý hơn.

over the top Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

over the top

Idiom[s]: over the top


having gained more than one's goal.
• Our fund-raising campaign went over the top by $3,000.
• We didn't go over the top. We didn't even get half of what we set out to collect.

over the top|over|top

adv. phr. 1. Out of the trenches and against the enemy. The plan was to spend the night in the trenches and go over the top at dawn. Johnny found that he was braver than he thought he would be when his company went over the top. 2. Over the goal. Our goal was to collect a half million dollars for the new school building, but we went over the top. Mary was asked to sell twenty tickets, and she went over the top.

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