Bài thi nói tiếng anh lớp 8 học kì 2

Tài liệu Bộ 30 Đề thi Học kì 2 Tiếng Anh lớp 8 Thông tư 22 có đáp án tổng hợp từ đề thi môn Tiếng anh 8 của các trường THCS trên cả nước đã được biên soạn đáp án chi tiết giúp học sinh ôn luyện để đạt điểm cao trong bài thi Học kì 2 Tiếng anh lớp 8. Mời các bạn cùng đón xem:

Bộ 30 Đề thi Học kì 2 Tiếng Anh lớp 8 Thông tư 22 có đáp án - Đề 1

Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo .....

Đề thi Học kì 2 Thông tư 22

Năm học 2022 - 2023

Bài thi môn: Tiếng Anh lớp 8

Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút

(không kể thời gian phát đề)

(Đề số 1)

I. Choose the letter A, B, C or D the word that has the underlined part different from others.

1. A. benefit              B. explore                  C. rescue                    D. legend 

2. A. official               B. cultural                  C. collapse                  D. cure

II. Choose the letter A, B, C or D the word that has the different stress pattern from others.

3. A. improve            B. invent                    C. language               D. typhoon

4. A. volcanic           B. eruption                C. tsunami                 D. kangaroo

III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences

5. Water pollution may result __________ the dead of marine life.

A. in                           B. on                           C. for                          D. at

6. At this time tomorrow, Bing __________ an examination.

A. will have               B. is having               C. has had                  D. will be having

7. If the storm __________ our areas, the damage will be huge.

A. strike                     B. strikes                   C. is striking              D. stroke

8. My teacher __________ me to open my bag.

A. said                        B. said that                C. told                        D. tell that

9. Robots save workers from __________ dangerous tasks.

A. making                  B. having                   C. performing           D. carrying

10. Many people believe that robots have made workers jobless __________ that is not necessarily true.

A. but                         B. and                         C. so                           D. or

11. Recent __________. developments have made robots more user-friendly and intelligent.

A. science                  B. scientist                C. scientific               D. scientifically

12. Teenagers spend most of their time playing computer games, __________ they lost their interests in daily activities. 

 A. moreover             B. so                           C. however                D. as a result

13. Science and technology have __________ the life safe, secure and comfortable.

A. transformed         B. made                      C. done                      D. changed

14. What is the ___________language of France?

A. office                    B. officially               C. official                  D. offices

15. Science is used in all corners of the world for the __________ of people.

A. interest                  B. need                       C. profits                   D. benefit

16. At the moment, my mother __________ in the kitchen.

A. is cooking             B. cook                      C. cooks                     D. has cooked

17. We couldn’t organize a video conference __________ the network signal is weak.

A. although               B. therefore               C. because                 D. despite

18. This plant should __________ as soon as possible.

A. is planted              B. plants                    C. be planted             D. planting

19. I __________ in this company for 5 years.

A. have worked        B. work                      C. am working          D. worked

20. Some examples _________ nonverbal communication are gestures, body language and facial expression.

A. in                           B. of                           C. with                       D. for

IV. Read the following passage, and answer the questions that follow

Alexander Graham Bell is widely known as inventor of the first telephone. He was born on March 3rd, 1847 in Edinburgh, Scotland. When he was 23, Bell emigrated to Canada with his parents and the next year moved to the United States to teach deaf-mute children. With his colleague Thomas Watson, Bell worked very hard on the experimentation to invent devices such as the harmonic telegraph (used to send multiple messages over a single wire) and phonautograph (used to draw the shape of the sound waves). The first telephone communication was said to have happened between Bell and Watson in 1876 while Bell was at one end of the line, and Watson worked on the telephone in other room. The first transmitted words were, ‘Mr Watson, come here. I want to see you’.

a. Decide if the statements are T or F

21. _________ Alexander Graham Bell is Scottish.

22. _________ He spent all his life in Canada.

23. _________ He worked with the deaf when he moved to the USA.

24. _________ He wanted to create a device that can transmit human voice.

25. _________ He was able to succeed right from the first experiment.

26. _________ He worked on his inventions all by himself.

b. Answer the questions

27. When was Alexander Graham Bell born?

28. Who did he move to Canada with?

29. What is Bell’s ‘phonautograph’ used to do?

30. When did the first communication over happened?

VI. Give the correct tense or form of the words in the blanket.

31. Air ____________ is not good for our health. (POLLUTE)

32. Many houses were ______________ in the hurricane last night. (DESTRUCTION)

33. If we save _____________, we won’t pay much money. (ELECTRIC)

34. Edison is known as the ___________ of the light bulb. (INVENTION)



1. B                 2. A


3. C                 4. D


5. A                 6. D                 7. B                 8. C                 9. C                 10. A

11. C               12. D               13. B               14. C               15. D               16. Q

17. C               18. C               19. A               20. B



21. T               22. F               23. T               24. T               25. F               26. F


27. He was born on March 3rd, 1847.

28. He moved to Canada with his parents.

29. It is used to draw the shape of the sound waves.  

30. In 1876.


31. pollution

32. destroyed

33. electricity

34. inventor


Bộ 30 Đề thi Học kì 2 Tiếng Anh lớp 8 Thông tư 22 có đáp án - Đề 2

Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo .....

Đề thi Học kì 2 Thông tư 22

Năm học 2022 - 2023

Bài thi môn: Tiếng Anh lớp 8

Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút

(không kể thời gian phát đề)

(Đề số 2)

I. Choose the letter A, B, C or D the word that has the underlined part different from others.

1. A. accent               B. cattle                     C. kangaroo               D. parade

2. A. haunt                B. hour                       C. help                       D. hold

II. Choose the letter A, B, C or D the word that has the different stress pattern from others.

1. A. Chinese            B. coffee                    C. trainee                   D. trustee 

2. A. jubilee              B. absentee                C. devotee                 D. referee 

III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences

1. It can’t be denied that English has become an __________ language of the world.

A. national                B. international        C. cultural                 D. multicultural

2. This book __________ to the library today.

A. has to return                                             C. has to been returned        

B. has to be returned                                    D. has is returned

3. Would you mind if I __________ a photo?

A. takes                      B. take                        C. took                       D. taken

4. Canada is made up _________ 10 provinces and 6 territories.

A. on                          B. of                           C. by                           D. with

5. My father bought this house 2 years ago.

 A. This house was bought by my father 2 years ago.

 B. This house bought by my father 2 years ago.

 C. This house were bought 2 years ago.

 D. This house 2 years ago is bought by my father.

6. Could you __________ the salt, please?

A. pass                       B. passing                  C. send                       D. passed

7. Thanks to multimedia, we can have __________ to the latest news in the world.

A. access                   B. message                C. language               D. landline

8. I don’t know how __________ the game.

A. to play                    B. play                        C. played                    D. playing

IV. Read the following passage, and answer the questions that follow

Thanksgiving is a national holiday celebrated in Canada and the United States as a day of giving thanks for the blessing of the harvest and the New Year. It is celebrated on the second Monday of October in Canada and on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States. The first Thanksgiving celebration was held in 1621. Traditional foods are turkey, sweet potatoes, fruits and vegetables. Many people have pumpkin pie for dessert at the end of the meal. It is the time for counting our blessings we have received during the year and being with our families and friends.

1. Where is Thanksgiving celebrated?

2. When is the first Thanksgiving celebrated?

3. Is turkey a traditional food?

4. What do many people have for dessert at the end of the meal?

V. Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning with the first one

1. People will melt the small glass pieces under high temperature.

The small glass pieces ____________________________________________

2. “I want to go skiing next week.” Henry said.

Henry said ______________________________________________________



1. D                 2. B


1. B                 2. A


1. B                 2. B                 3. C                 4. B                 

5. A                 6. A                 7. A                 8. A


1. It is celebrated in Canada and the USA.

2. The first Thanksgiving celebration was held in 1621.

3. Yes, it is.

4. Many people have pumpkin pie for dessert at the end of the meal.


1. The small glass pieces will be melt under high temperature.

2. Henry said that he wanted to go skiing the following week.


Bộ 30 Đề thi Học kì 2 Tiếng Anh lớp 8 Thông tư 22 có đáp án - Đề 3

Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo .....

Đề thi Học kì 2 Thông tư 22

Năm học 2022 - 2023

Bài thi môn: Tiếng Anh lớp 8

Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút

(không kể thời gian phát đề)

(Đề số 3)

I. Choose the letter A, B, C or D the word that has the underlined part different from others.

1. A. disaster             B. damage                  C. collapse                D. rage

2. A. erupt                 B. disaster                   C. scatter                   D. worker

II. Choose the letter A, B, C or D the word that has the different stress pattern from others.

1. A. forest                B. erupt                      C. rescue                    D. worker

2. A. victim               B. damage                  C. bury                       D. divide 

III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences

1. Last night’s storm caused a lot of __________ to people in that area. 

A. droughts               B. forests                   C. damages                D. volcanoes

2. When I came in, my mother __________ the dishes.

A. wash                      B. is washing             C. washed                  D. was washing

3. If we plant more trees, the environment __________.

A. will protect           B. protect                   C. are protected        D. will be protected

4. The fire was raging so fiercely that the rescue workers couldn’t put it __________.

A. down                     B. out                         C. off                          D. with

5. “Do sit down.” “That’s very kind _______you.”

A. from                      B. of                           C. with                       D. to

6. They are trying __________ residents from the flooded area.

A. evacuate               B. evacuating            C. evacuated             D. to evacuate

7. There are a lot of benefits to do __________ researches.

A. scientific              B. enormous              C. precise                  D. technical

8. __________ means not buying products which are over packed.

A. “Reducing”          B. “Recycling”          C. “Reusing”             D. “Reordering” 

IV. Read the following passage, and answer the questions that follow

An earthquake measuring 7.8 on the Richter scale hit Nepal on April 25th, 2015. It was the most powerful earthquake to strike Nepal since 1934. The earthquake occurred in central Nepal. It also affected India, Bangladesh and Tibet, China. The earthquake killed more than 8,800 people and injured over 23, 000 people. Hundreds of thousands of people were made homeless with entire villages flattened. Kathmandu Burbar Square, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, was destroyed. The earthquake also caused an avalanche on Mount Everest which killed at least 19 people. About 90% of soldiers from Nepalese Army were sent to stricken areas. Many countries and international organizations sent medical experts, emergency workers, rescue staff, and money as well as providing medical supplies, food and equipment to help Nepal.

1. What hit Nepal on April 25th, 2015?

A. a tsunami              B. a tornado              C. an earthquake      D. a forest fire

2. How many countries are affected by the earthquake?

A. two                        B. three                      C. four                        D. five

3. What is the number of people injured?

A. 8,800                     B. 23,000                   C. 88,000                   D. 2,300

4. What happened to Kathmandu Burbar Square?

A. It was safe                                                B. It was destroyed 

C. It was moved away                                  D. It wasn’t exist

V. Supply the correct form of the words in brackets.

1.  It’s _______________ to cross the avenue. (danger)

2. The country’s _______________ resources include forests, coal and oil. (nature)

3.  Paris is _______________ for the Eiffel Tower. (fame)

4. Last night, the TV program was very _______________ (interest)

VI. Write full sentences using the suggested words and phrases

1. All my suits were made in London.

I had _______________________________________________________

2. “You had better not lend Donald any money, Mary”, said Peter.

Peter advised Mary ______________________________________________

3. Eating too much fat and sugar can result in health problems.     (lead)


4.  Acid rain is dangerous. Trees’ leaves are damaged.      (Because of)




1. D                 2. A


1. B                 2. D


1. C                 2. D                 3. D                 4. B                 

5. B                 6. D                 7. A                 8. A


1. C                 2. C                 3. B                 4. B


1. dangerous

2. natural

3. famous

4. interesting


1. I had my suits made in London.

2. Peter advised Mary not to lend Donald any money.

3. Eating too much fat and sugar can lead to health problems.    

4. Trees’ leaves are damaged because of acid rain.      


Bộ 30 Đề thi Học kì 2 Tiếng Anh lớp 8 Thông tư 22 có đáp án - Đề 4

Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo .....

Đề thi Học kì 2 Thông tư 22

Năm học 2022 - 2023

Bài thi môn: Tiếng Anh lớp 8

Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút

(không kể thời gian phát đề)

(Đề số 4)

I. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.

1. A. about                B. around                   C. sound                   D. young

2. A. cover                B. oven                       C. coffee                   D. company

3. A. plates                B. cakes                     C. mates                   D. places

4. A. changed            B. learned                  C. laughed                D. arrived

II. Find the one choice that best completes the sentence:

1. A table with four chairs are ………….. of the dining room.

A. in                           B. the middle             C. in the middle        D. about

2. You ................... brush your teeth twice a day.     

A. should                   B. can                         C. will                        D. have

3. Tim is a good student. He did very well in the first semester. His mother is ................... him.

A. sorry for                B. sad                         C. proud of                D. displeased

4. The new hotel __________ next year.

A. is opened              B. will be opened     C. is opening             D. opens

5. Would you mind .................. on the light?

A. turn                        B. to turn                   C. turned                    D. turning

III. Choose the words or phrases that best fit the blank spaces.2MS

Ha Long – Bay of the Descending Dragon – is very .....(25)..... with both Vietnamese and .....(26)..... tourists. One of the .....(27)..... of Ha Long is the Bay’s .....(28)..... water and limestone mountains. The Bay’s water is clear .....(29)..... the spring and early summer. Upon arriving .....(30)..... Ha Long City, visitors will go along to Chay Beach. From the beach, visitors can hire .....(31)..... and go out to the Bay. It is here that visitors will find some of Southeast Asia’s most .....(32)..... sites. Dau Go Cave is one of the most beautiful .....(33)..... at Ha Long. It was the cave in which General Tran Hung Dao hid .....(34)..... stakes to beat the Mongols on Bach Dang River in 1288.

1.         A. familiarly               B. famous                  C. popular                    D. friendly

2.         A. nation                    B. nationality             C. international             D. national

3.         A. attractions             B. places                    C. spaces                    D. sites

4.         A. running                 B. noisy                       C. going                      D. calm

5.         A. when                     B. during                    C. as                            D. while

6.         A. in                           B. to                            C. on                           D. at

7.         A. a boat                    B. a ship                     C. a ferry                      D. a yacht

8.         A. beautiful                B. beautifully               C. beautifulness           D. beauty

9.         A. places                    B. areas                      C. caves                      D. regions

10.       A. wood                     B. wool                        C. wooden                    D. woolen

IV. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first

1. The Smiths have tidied the house for Tet.         

The house ........................................................................................................

2. The last time he met her was in 2005.

He hasn't...........................................................................................................

3. The young man said, “ I must  go to Cairo tomorrow”.                       

The young man.................................................................................................



1. D                 2. C                 3. D                 4. C


1. C                 2. A                 3. C                 4. B                 5. D


1. C                 2. C                 3. A                 4. D                 5. B

6. A                 7. A                 8. A                 9. C                 10. C


1. The house has been tidied by the Smiths for Tet.

2. He hasn’t met her since 2005.


Bộ 30 Đề thi Học kì 2 Tiếng Anh lớp 8 Thông tư 22 có đáp án - Đề 5

Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo .....

Đề thi Học kì 2 Thông tư 22

Năm học 2022 - 2023

Bài thi môn: Tiếng Anh lớp 8

Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút

(không kể thời gian phát đề)

(Đề số 5)

I. Choose the word that has pronunciation different from the others.

1. A. cyber                B. dry                         C. my                          D. study                     

2. A. pollution          B. problem                C. body                      D. solve

II. Give the correct form of the verbs in the blanket

1. I (watch) _______________ a science fiction film on TV at 9.00 tonight.

2. If the trees (be not) _______________ watered daily, they will die. 

3. He (not go) _____________ out last night. He (stay) _____________ at home.

4. After I (finish) _____________ the lesson, the light went out.

III. Rewrite the following sentences so that the second sentence has the same meaning

1. I don’t have enough time, so I can’t go on holiday this summer.

If _________________________________________________________________

2. Although the weather was bad, the football match was not canceled.

Despite ____________________________________________________________

3. The storm destroyed many houses in this village last week.

Many houses ________________________________________________________

4. “I will have my car repaired tomorrow”, Peter said.

Peter said that _______________________________________________________

5. People use a lot of vehicles. The air is polluted. 

If ____________________________________________________________

6. He hasn’t got his hair cut for two months.

It has been ______________________________________________________

7. Although Singapore is a developed country, it is not polluted by industry.

Despite ________________________________________________________

8. New Zealand and Australia are both surrounded by the sea.

Both __________________________________________________________

IV. Choose the letter A, B, C or D to complete the passage below

Water pollution happens __________ (1) toxic substances enter water bodies such as lakes, rivers, oceans and so on, getting dissolved in them, lying suspended in the water or depositing on the bed. This degrades the quality of water. Not __________ (2) does this spell disaster for aquatic ecosystems, the pollutants also seep through and reach the groundwater, which might end up in our households as contaminated water we use in our daily activities, including drinking.

Water pollution can be __________ (3) in a number of ways, one of the most polluting being city sewage and industrial waste discharge. Indirect sources __________ (4) water pollution include contaminants that enter the water supply from soils or groundwater systems and from the atmosphere via rain. 

1. A. what                  B. when                      C. why                        D. while

2. A. both                  B. only                       C. well                        D. either

3. A. cause                 B. caused                   C. causing                  D. causes 

4. A. of                       B. in                            C. at                            D. for



1. D                 2. A


1. will be watching

2. aren’t

3. didn’t go

4. stay

5. had finished


1. If I had enough time, I would go on holiday this summer.

2. despite the bad weather, the football match was not canceled. 

3. Many houses in this village were destroyed by the storm last week.

4. Peter said that he would have his car repaired the following day.

5. If people use a lot of vehicles, he air will be polluted.

6. It has been two months since he got his hair cut. 

7. Despite being a developed country, Singapore is not polluted by industry.

8. Both New Zealand and Australia are surrounded by the sea.


1. B                 2. B                 3. B                 4. A

Bộ 30 Đề thi Học kì 2 Tiếng Anh lớp 8 Thông tư 22 có đáp án - Đề 6

Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo .....

Đề thi Học kì 2

Năm học 2022 - 2023

Bài thi môn: Tiếng Anh lớp 8

Thời gian làm bài: phút

(Đề thi số 6)


Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from others.

1. A. liquefy      B. mixture

    C. line        D. install

2. A. wonder        B. connect

    C. original      D. computer

Choose the word which has the MAIN STRESS different from others.

3. A. heritage        B. advertise

    C. construction      D. benefit

4. A. perform      B. jumble

    C. upset        D. surprise


Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences.

1. You ………… brush your teeth twice a day.

   A. should

   B. can

   C. will

   D. have

2. A new hotel __________ next year.

   A. is opened

   B. will be opened

   C. is opening

   D. opens

3. Would you mind ……….. on the light?

   A. turn

   B. to turn

   C. turned

   D. turning

4. – The fridge is ………….. the corner of the kitchen.

   A. in      B. at

   C. to      D. above

5. Did the children enjoy ………… when they were on holiday?

   A. themselves

   B. ourselves

   C. himself

   D. itself

6. Carmen didn’t use to eat fish, but now she ………… .

   A. used to

   B. do

   C. does

   D. doesn’t

7. I ………. to Australia yet.

   A. went

   B. have been

   C. will go

   D. haven’t been

8. I’m ……….. of staying at home.

   A. boring

   B. bore

   C. bored

   D. being bored


Choose the letter A, B, C or D to complete the passage

   An increasing number of people are now going on (1) ________ to Egypt. Last year, for example, about one and a half million tourists visited this country. The population of Egypt is about fifty million and the (2) ________ is Cairo, a busy city of just under nine million people. Although the weather is hot and dry and most of the country is desert, the average temperature from October to March is not too high. The most (3) _______ sights are the pyramids at Giza. However, it is also pleasant to visit Alexandria, Port Said and several other places and do as much (4) ________ as possible in the time available. A trip to Luxor is an unforgettable experience. It is not difficult to go there because there are frequent (5) ________ there from Cairo.

1. A. holiday        B. visit

    C. excursion      D. trip

2. A. head        B. principal

    C. capital      D. state

3. A. requested      B. know

    C. excited        D. famous

4. A. joining      B. sightseeing

    C. looking      D. thinking

5. A. flights      B. places

    C. times        D. flies

Answer the following questions

1. How many tourists visited Egypt last year?


2. What is the population of Egypt?


3. Are the pyramids of Giza the most famous sights?


4. Why is it not difficult to go to Luxor?



Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first

1. The Smiths have tidied the house for Tet.

The house _________________________________________

2. The last time he met her was in 2005.

He hasn’t __________________________________________

3. The young man said, “I must go to Cairo tomorrow”

The young man _____________________________________

4. “Do you have any friends in this town?”, she asked me

She asked me _______________________________________

Bài thi nói tiếng anh lớp 8 học kì 2

Đáp án & Thang điểm



Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences.


Đáp án

Giải thích



Should: nên

Dịch: Bạn nên đánh răng 2 lần 1 ngày.



Câu bị động thời tương lai đơn

Dịch: Một khách sạn mới sẽ được mở vào năm tới.



Would you mind + Ving: bạn có phiền…

Dịch: Bạn có phiền bật đèn lên được không?



In the corner of: ở trong góc

Dịch: Chiếc tủ lạnh nằm trong góc nhà bếp.



Enjoy oneself: vui vẻ, hưởng thụ

Dịch: Những đứa trẻ có vui vẻ khi đi nghỉ mát không?



Dịch: Cô ấy không quen ăn cá trước đây, nhưng bây giờ thì có.



Haven’t Ved…yet: chưa từng

Dịch: Tôi chưa từng đến Úc.



Be bored of Ving: buồn chán với việc làm gì

Dịch: Tôi quá chán việc ở nhà.


Choose the letter A, B, C or D to complete the passage

Answer the following questions

1. Last year about one and a half million tourists visited this country.

2. The population of Egypt is about fifty million.

3. Yes, they are.

4. It is not difficult to go there because there are frequent flights there from Cairo.


Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first

1. The house has been tidied for Tet by the Smiths.

2. He hasn’t met her since 2005.

3. The young man said that he had to go to Cairo the next day.

4. She asked me if I had any friends in that town.


Bộ 30 Đề thi Học kì 2 Tiếng Anh lớp 8 Thông tư 22 có đáp án - Đề 7

Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo .....

Đề thi Học kì 2

Năm học 2022 - 2023

Bài thi môn: Tiếng Anh lớp 8

Thời gian làm bài: phút

(Đề thi số 7)


Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from others.

1. A. luggage      B. logging

    C. suggest      D. jogging

2. A. seaside      B. oceanic

    C. teammate      D. leader

3. A. bother      B. weather

    C. this        D. thank

4. A. communal      B. summit

    C. manual      D. refuse


Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences.

1. A table with four chairs are __________ of the dining room.

   A. in

   B. the middle

   C. in the middle

   D. about

2. You __________ brush your teeth twice a day.

   A. should      B. can

   C. will        D. have

3. Tim did very well in the first semester. His mother is __________ him.

   A. sorry for      B. sad

   C. proud of       D. displeased

4. The new hotel __________ next year.

   A. is opened

   B. will be opened

   C. is opening

   D. opens

5. Would you mind __________ on the light?

   A. turn        B. to turn

   C. turned      D. turning

6. – Where is the fridge? – It’s __________ the corner of the kitchen.

   A. in      B. at

   C. to      D. above

7. Did the children enjoy __________ when they were on holiday?

   A. themselves      B. herself

   C. himself        D. itself

8. Carmen didn’t use to eat fish, but now she __________.

   A. used to      B. do

   C. does        D. doesn’t

9. I __________ to Australia so far.

   A. went        B. have been

   C. will go      D. haven’t been

10. I’m __________. Let’s do something. How about going to a movie?

   A. boring      B. bore

   C. bored        D. being bored

11. I’m hungry __________ is for dinner this evening?

   A. Why      B. When

   C. How      D. What

12. The doctors are trying their best to __________ the victim’s pain.

   A. relieve      B. increase

   C. reuse        D. imagine


Read the following passage and answer the questions

   In the country of China, there is a wall that is 1,500 miles long. It is called the Great Wall of China. It winds uphill and down, through valleys and mountains. Every inch of this 1,500- mile wall was made by hand. The Great Wall of China is made many, many years ago. The people of China made it to keep out their enemies. There are watch towers all along the way. The Wall is made of brick and earth. It is high and wide on top. People can walk along the top as if it were a road. It is said that it took ten years to build one part of this wall. No other defense line has ever been made as long as the Great Wall of China.

1. How long is the Great Wall of China?


2. Was the Great Wall made by hand?


3. What is the Wall made of?


4. How long did it take to build one part of this wall?



Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first

1. The Smiths have tidied the house for Tet.

The house .....................................................................................................

2. The last time he met her was in 2005.

He hasn't........................................................................................................

3. The young man said, “I must go to Cairo tomorrow”.

The young man..............................................................................................

4. "Do you have any friends in this town?", she asked me.

She asked me….............................................................................................

Đáp án & Thang điểm


Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from others.


Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences.


Đáp án

Giải thích



Cụm từ in the midle of: ở giữa

Dịch: Một chiếc bàn với 4 cái ghế ở giữa phòng ăn.



Should: nên

Dịch: bạn nên đánh răng 2 lần mỗi ngày.



Be proud of sb: từ hào về ai

Dịch: Tim học khá tốt ở kỳ 1. Mẹ anh ấy tự hào vì anh ấy.



Câu bị động thời tương lai đơn.

Dịch: Một khách sạn mới sẽ được mở vào năm tới.



Would you mind Ving: bạn có phiền/ ngại… không?

Dịch: Bạn làm ơn bật đèn được không?



At the corner of: ở trong góc

Dịch: - Tủ lạnh ở đâu thế? – Nó ở trong góc nhà ăn ấy.



Enjoy oneself: vui vẻ, hài lòng

Dịch: Bọn trẻ đã chơi vui trong kỳ nghỉ chứ?



Câu chia thời hiện tại vì có (now)

Dịch: Camen không thường ăn cá, nhưng bây giờ thì có.



Câu chia thời hiện tại hoàn thành vì có “so far”

Dịch: Tôi chưa từng đi Úc trước giờ.



Be bored: chán

Dịch: Tớ chán quá. Làm gì đó đi. Xem phim thì sao?



What is for dinner? Tối nay ăn gì

Dịch: Tôi đói quá. Tối ăn có món gì vậy?



Relieve the pain: làm giảm cơn đau

Dịch: Các y bác sĩ đang cố hết sức để giảm cơn đau cho bệnh nhân.


Read the following passage and answer the questions

1. It is 1,500 miles long.

2. Yes, it was.

3. The Wall is made of brick and earth.

4. It took ten years to build one part of this wall.


Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first

1. The house has been tidied for Tet by the Smiths.

2. He hasn’t met her since 2005.

3. The young man said that he had to go to Cairo the next day.

4. She asked me if I had any friend in that town


Bộ 30 Đề thi Học kì 2 Tiếng Anh lớp 8 Thông tư 22 có đáp án - Đề 8

Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo .....

Đề thi Học kì 2

Năm học 2022 - 2023

Bài thi môn: Tiếng Anh lớp 8

Thời gian làm bài: phút

(Đề thi số 8)


Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from others.

1. A. slope          B. bother

    C. volcano      D. pottery

2. A. separate      B. shelter

    C. rescue        D. require

Choose the word which has the MAIN STRESS different from others.

3. A. bulletin        B. computer

    C. requirement      D. departure

4. A. install      B. message

    C. fiber        D. sample


Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences.

1. The weather .................. nice yesterday.

   A. is

   B. was

   C. will be

   D. has been

2. It's difficult ................ your direction.

   A. to follow

   B. following

   C. to following

   D. followed

3. Would you mind .............. in the front of the Taxi, Mark?

   A. sit

   B. to sit

   C. sitting

   D. siting

4. The boy ................. over there is my brother.

   A. stand

   B. stood

   C. standing

   D. being stood

5. I was cooking for dinner ...........................................

   A. Then the phone rang

   B. then the phone was ringing

   C. When the phone rang

   D. when the phone was ringing.

6. The leader said that ................... to award the prize to you.

   A. He is pleasing

   B. he was pleasing

   C. he is pleased

   D. he was pleased

7. At Christmas, people often ...................... their house.

   A. are decorated

   B. were decorated

   C. decorating

   D. decorate

8. He asked me ..................................

   A. Where I like coffee or not

   B. Whether I liked coffee

   C. What I liked coffee

   D. Which I liked coffee

9. What's was wrong with your printer?

   A. It didn't work

   B. It doesn't work.

   C. It hasn't work

   D. It won't work.

10. The Statue of Liberty was ................. to the USA by the French.

   A. constructed

   B. designed

   C. completed

   D. presented

11. He had his father..................... his bicycle yesterday.

   A. fixed

   B. fixing

   C. to fix

   D. fix

12. She asked me ............... a driving license

   A. if I have

   B. whether I have

   C. if I had

   D. whether I have had


Complete the passage with the suitable words in the box

relatives      top      preparations      holiday      put      are      although      bought

   Christmas is the biggest ................(1) of the year in the most of Britain. Celebrations start on 24 December, Christmas eve, ................(2) there have been several weeks of ..................(3) beforehand. The Christmas trees, presents, food, drinks and decorations have been ...............(4). Christmas cards have already been sent to friends and................(5). About a week before Christmas, people usually.............(6) up their decorations and an angel on the .................(7) of the Christmas tree. Family presents .............(8) usually put under the tree.

Your answer:

Read the following passage and answer the questions

   Viet is a student and he lives in a bed-sit in a suburb of Hanoi. It’s a part of an old house. He has one room and a kitchen and share a bathroom with three other people. In his room, there is a bed on the left hand side. There is an armchair beside the bed. The desk is opposite the bed and there is a closet on the right side of the room. Above the desk, there is a bookshelf and above the bed there is a clock. He has a TV and a hi-fi, too. In the kitchen, there is a cooker on the right hand side. The sink is near the cooker. There’s a small table and two chairs in the center. The kitchen is small, but it’s ok. Viet like his room very much.

1. Where does Viet live?


2. How many people share the bathroom with Viet?


3. What is there on the right side of the room?


4. Where is the cooker?



Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first

1. To go swimming is interesting

It's ..............................................................................................................

2. I kicked the ball into the goal yesterday.

The ball ......................................................................................................

Bài thi nói tiếng anh lớp 8 học kì 2

Đáp án & Thang điểm


Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from others.


Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences.


Đáp án

Giải thích



Câu chia thời quá khứ vì có mốc thời gian “yesterday”

Dịch: Thời tiết hôm qua rất đẹp.



Cấu trúc it’s + adj + to V: thật khó để làm gì

Dịch: Thật khó để lần theo chỉ dẫn của bạn.



Would you mind + Ving: bạn có phiền…

Dịch: Bạn có phiền ngồi ở ghế đầu taxi không Mark?



Mệnh đề quan hệ giản lược bị động

Dịch: Đứa con trai đứng đằng kia là em tớ.




Dịch: Tôi đang nấu ăn thì điện thoại reo.



Câu gián tiếp

Dịch: Đội trưởng nói rất vinh dự được trao giải cho cậu.



Câu chia thời hiện tại đơn vì có often

Dịch: Mọi người thường trang trí nhà cửa vào giáng sinh.



Whether …or not

Dịch: Anh ấy hỏi xem tôi có thích café không.



Câu hỏi thời quá khứ đơn thì vâu trả lời cũng thời quá khứ đơn/



Be presented to sb: được tặng cho ai

Dịch: Tượng nữ thần tự do được tặng cho Mỹ bởi người Pháp.



Cấu trúc have sb do sth: nhờ ai đó làm gì

Dịch: Anh ấy nhờ bố sửa xe vào hôm qua.



Câu giản tiếp dạng nghi vấn

Dịch: Cô ấy hỏi xem liệu tôi có bằng lái không?


Complete the passage with the suitable words in the box

1. holiday

2. although

3. preparations

4. bought

5. relatives

6. put

7. top

8. are

Read the following passage and answer the questions.

1. He lives in a bed-sit in a suburb of Hanoi,

2. Three other people.

3. There is a closet on the right side of the room.

4. It’s near the sink.


Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first

1. It’s interesting to go swimming.

2. The ball was kicked into the goal yesterday.


Bộ 30 Đề thi Học kì 2 Tiếng Anh lớp 8 Thông tư 22 có đáp án - Đề 9

Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo .....

Đề thi Học kì 2

Năm học 2022 - 2023

Bài thi môn: Tiếng Anh lớp 8

Thời gian làm bài: phút

(Đề thi số 9)


Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from others.

1. A. rub          B. plumber

    C. Buddha      D. dung

2. A. prison          B. limestone

    C. mankind      D. sunlight

Choose the word which has the MAIN STRESS different from others.

3. A. explain      B. mixture

    C. intend        D. confirm

4. A. deposit       B. adventure

    C. institute      D. eternal


Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences.

1. Christmas songs ___________ for people centuries ago.

   A. were performed

   C. are performed

   B. performed

   D. was performed

2. He asked me ___________ him a cup of coffee.

   A. make

   B. to make

   C. making

   D. made

3. Would you mind ___________ the windows?

   A. closed

   B. closing

   C. to closing

   D. to close

4. Two team members have to make fire in a ___________.

   A. fire-making contest

   B. contest for making fire

   C. making-fire contest

   D. contest of making fire

5. Angkor Wat is one of the most famous ___________ in the world.

   A. wonders

   B. temples

   C. churches

   D. pagodas

6. She said she ___________ a worker in a large factory.

   A. is

   B. has been

   C. was

   D. will be

7. He is able ___________ the faucets in our house.

   A. can fix

   B. to fix

   C. fixed

   D. fixing

8. Our accommodation is ___________ in the ticket price.

   A. included

   B. concluded

   C. stayed

   D. picked

Give the correct form of the verbs in the blanket

1. We (have) _______________ dinner when he knocked at the door.

2. Would you like (come) _______________ and have dinner with us?

3. Her family (go) _______________ camping tomorrow.

4. Tom usually (wash) ___________ the dishes.


Read the following passage and answer the questions

   Tet or Lunar New Year holiday is the most important celebration for Vietnamese people. Tet is a festival which happens in late January or early February. Before Tet, people usually clean and decorate their homes. They go to market to buy candy, jams or dried water melon seeds. They also get new clothes which are worn at Tet. They often buy beach blossoms and marigolds which are traditional flowers on Tet holiday. Tet is a time for family members gather and have some special meals with special food such as sticky rice cakes. People often visit relatives and close friends on the second day of the holiday.

True (T) or False (F)

1. …………Tet is the most important celebration in Vietnam.

2. ………… Tet happens in early January.

3. ………… People don’t clean and decorate their homes.

4. ………… People often visit relatives and close friends on the first day of New Year.

Answer the questions

5. What is the other name of Tet?


6. When does Tet occur?



Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first

1. They made the fire in the traditional way.

The fire..............................................................................................................

2. “I am going to see a movie this evening”, Hoa said

Hoa said............................................................................................................

Đáp án & Thang điểm



Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences.


Đáp án

Giải thích



Câu bị động thời quá khứ đơn

Dịch: Các bài hát giáng sinh được trình diễn cho mọi người vào thế kỉ trước.



Ask sb to V

Dịch: Anh ấy nhờ tôi pha một tách café.



Would you mind Ving: bạn làm ơn có thể…

Dịch: Bàn làm ơn đóng cửa sổ được không?



Fire-making contest: cuộc thi nhóm lửa

Dịch: Hai đội chơi phải nhóm lửa ở cuộc thi nhóm lửa.



Temple: đền

Dịch: Angkor Vat là một trong những ngôi đền nổi tiếng trên thế giới.



Câu giản tiếp

Dịch: Cô ấy nói mình là công nhân ở 1 nhà máy.



Cấu trúc be able to V: có khả năng làm gì

Dịch: Anh ấy có thể sửa các vòi nước trong nhà.



Be included: được bao gồm

Dịch: Chỗ ở đã được bao gồm trong giá vé.

Give the correct form of the verbs in the blanket

1. were having

2. to come

3. are going/ will go

4. washes


Read the following passage and answer the questions

5. It’s Lunar New Year.

6. It occurs in late January or early February.


Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first

1. The fire was made in the traditional way.

2. Hoa said that she was going to see a movie that evening.


Bộ 30 Đề thi Học kì 2 Tiếng Anh lớp 8 Thông tư 22 có đáp án - Đề 10

Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo .....

Đề thi Học kì 2

Năm học 2022 - 2023

Bài thi môn: Tiếng Anh lớp 8

Thời gian làm bài: phút

(Đề thi số 10)


Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from others.

1. A. sugar        B. rescue

    C. stonehenge     D. sightseeing

2. A. campus      B. access

    C. laser      D. vacuum

Choose the word which has the MAIN STRESS different from others.

3. A. monitor      B. document

    C. invention      D. skeptical

4. A. marine        B. wonder

    C. construct      D. bamboo


Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences.

1. I’m hungry. ____________ is for dinner this evening?

   A. Why      B. When

   C. How      D. What

2. The old lady sat in a corner talking to ____________

   A. himself      B. itself

   C. herself      D. themselves

3. I ____________ swimming very much.

   A. wait       B. try

   C. enjoy      D. finish

4. The teacher told the students ____________ at 8 o’clock.

   A. not to come

   B. to come

   C. coming

   D. came

5. The exam was quite ____________ we expected.

   A. more easily

   B. more easy

   C. easier than

   D. easier as

6. What’s ____________ film you’ve ever seen?

   A. good        B. the best

   C. better      D. well

7. He ____________ five gold medals since the beginning of the Sea Games.

   A. win

   B. won

   C. is winning

   D. has won

8. The students are playing ____________ in the school yard.

   A. happy

   B. happier

   C. happiest

   D. happily

Give the correct form of the verbs in the blanket

1. My friend suggested (go) __________ by bus.

2. She told me (give) __________ you this dictionary.

3. It’s too cold outside. Would you mind (close) __________ the window?

4. When passing Truong Tien Bridge, tourists often stop (take) __________ pictures.


Read the following passage and answer the questions

   Ballpoint pen is a pen that has, as its name says, ball at its point which rotates when dragged across the writing surface and leaves behind ink that comes from the reservoir of the pen. Ball at the point can be of different diameter and can be made of brass, steel, or tungsten carbide. It is today the most widespread writing instrument and has literally changed the way we write.

   Trying to invent a pen which can write on leather, a tanner John J. Loud invented the first ballpoint pen and patented it in 1888 in America. This pen had a small steel ball which was placed so it could not fall out nor fall in but it still could rotate freely. This invention was not commercially viable and could not be used for writing. Because of that patent lapsed in time.

1. Where does the ink come from?


2. What can ball at the point be made of?


3. Who invented the first ballpoint pen?


4. Was this invention commercially viable?



Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first

1. Do you mind if I go out with my friends at night?

Would you mind if __________________________.

2. “Is Ha Long Bay a wonder of the world?” Ann said to me.

Ann asked_________________________________.

3. They decorated their house for the Tet holiday last weekend.

Their house________________________________.

4. Let’s go shopping.

Why don’t we ______________________________?

Đáp án & Thang điểm



Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences.


Đáp án

Giải thích



What is for dinner? Tối nay ăn gì

Dịch: Tớ đói quá. Tối nay ăn gì thế.



Herself: chính bản thân cô ấy

Dịch: Người phụ nữ lớn tuổi ngồi trong góc nói chuyện 1 mình



Enjoy + Ving: thích làm gì

Dịch: Tôi thích bơi lắm.



Tell sb to V: bảo ai làm gì

Dịch: Cô giáo bảo học sinh đến lúc 8h.



Câu so sánh hơn

Dịch: Bài kiểm tra khá dễ hơn tôi hình dung.



Câu so sánh nhất

Dịch: Đâu là bộ phim hay nhất bạn từng xem?



Câu chia thời hiện tại hoàn thành vì có “since”

Dịch: Anh ấy đã thắng 5 huy chương vàng từ đầu SEA GAMES.



Động từ + trạng từ

Dịch: Các học sinh đang chơi đùa vui vẻ ở sân trường.

Give the correct form of the verbs in the blanket

1. going

2. to give

3. closing

4. to take


Read the following passage and answer the questions

1. It comes from the reservoir of the pen.

2. It can be made of brass, steel, or tungsten carbide.

3. John J. Loud invented the first ballpoint pen.

4. No, it wasn’t.


Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first

1. Would you mind if I went out with my friends at night?

2. Ann asked me if Ha Long Bay was a wonder of the world.

3. The house was decorated for Tet holiday last weekend.

4. Why don’t we go shopping?