slender mans là gì - Nghĩa của từ slender mans

slender mans có nghĩa là

The Slender Man was created on the Something Awful forums in a thread to create paranormal images. Since then, more and more pictures have come around of him, making him an internet phenomenon. A series of Youtube videos were and are being uploaded on Marble Hornet's channel, all of them a story about people who are being followed by the Slender Man. Slender Man is depicted as being unnaturally tall, with very long limbs or tentacles that he can adjust the length of. He has the need to kidnap children, and his limbs are said to hypnotize them, making them unable to stop themselves from walking into them. When they are captured, it is unknown what happens, although it is suggested Slender Man takes them to an alternate universe. Sometimes a piece of cloth is left behind when children are taken. Slender Man blends in with trees, and usually hides in plain sight. The more you know about him, the closer he gets.


"Look over at that group of trees"
"I bet Slender Man in hiding in there" Guy #1: I keep seeing a really tall guy everywhere I go. He just stares at me.
Guy #2: It was nice knowing you.

slender mans có nghĩa là

a tall,slim,face-less man that will stalk you wherever you go untill he gets his 20$


guy 1: hey one time i saw the slender man
guy 2: what did he say?
guy 1: he said he wants three fiddy
guy 2: thats not slender man thats the loch ness monster
guy 1: oh thank god
slender man: hi guys
guys 1&2: oh shit!!!

slender mans có nghĩa là

The Slender Man is a mythological figure, who is distinguished by his lack of facial features, impeccable black suit, extreme height, and the mass of tendrils that extend from his appendages. He is also known for the ability to stretch his limbs to impossible lengths. His Modus Operandi is stealing children, usually by mesmerizing them with his gently swaying tendrils, and having them walk towards him until they are well within his grasp. What he does, exactly, with these children is unknown, whether they are killed, eaten, or simply brought to a different dimension to Slender Man's abode. The Slender Man is commonly found on the /x/ forum in 4chan, and is a prominent figure in creepypasta.


Mark: Hey, will you take care of my little sister for the night?
Sally: Yeah, no problem.
(four hours later)
Mark: Where's my sister?

slender mans có nghĩa là

The Slender Man is a mythical being that comes to those who fear him. He is unaturally tall and has 4 arms. It is said that if you see the Slender Man even once, there is no way to escape him. He usually stalks his victims and slowly drives them insane before kidnapping them.


I bet Slender Man lives in that forest over there because he can blend in with the trees!

slender mans có nghĩa là

Slender Man is a forced meme created by the users of the Something Awful forums, and makes frequent appearances in the forum GBS. Some users act like Slender Man is the most terrifyingly horrific thing ever invented by the human mind, when he is really just a creepy version of Mister Fantastic of the Fantastic Four.


Oh God not the Slender Man, he's shown up in this thread too!

slender mans có nghĩa là

A paranormal figure originating on the website Something Awful. Made famous on creepypasta, and from the game Slender, and YouTube series Marble Hornets. He is easily distinguishable by his black suit and lack of facial features. Others have said the face was too horrible to describe, yet almost all accounts agree that he has no eyes. He is incredibly tall and thin and can grow his arms to inhuman lengths. He is sometimes shown with tentacles, which he uses to hypnotize people. Anyone who has seen him even once cannot escape. It is unclear what happens to his victims (usually children). It is thought that people who see him go insane and become incredibly paranoid. Several people have committed suicide after seeing him.


"Hey who's that tall guy?" "SLENDER MAN!!!" "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

slender mans có nghĩa là

A Stalker.


Facebook: *has a picture of Slender Man* "Share this cursed picture"

slender mans có nghĩa là

The man that stands in the background of a porno and does not participate in the sex.


Kid 1: "I was watching a porno last night, and happened to notice this creepy guy just sitting in the background watching.."
Kid 2: "Oh yeah, we call those guys Slender man's Brother, I dont know what the deal is with those guys."

slender mans có nghĩa là

Some Tall pale guy that get’s pissed when you take this papers


Some slender man is gunna kill me

slender mans có nghĩa là

A strange entity created for the somethingawful forums for a photoshop contest where the original artist got different pictures and put a strange figure randomly on it. His design is a very tall and thin human like object with extremely pale skin and no face and has tentacles that can reach very far. For some odd reason, cameras can't get a good look of him because of the static he produces. Slender Man has had many games, cameos, and fan films and still scares many people to this day.


Man 1: hey have you heard of Slender Man?
Man 2: yeah he's strange though