How to write a critical film review

20 April 2021 1474 Views

How to Write a Critical Analysis of a Movie

by James Murphy

How to write a critical film review

Students have to write a great variety of academic papers. Some of them are boring or bring delight, complex and easy, etc. A critical analysis may seem to be hard to complete because it requires great dedication, advanced analytical skills, and real interest. However, it doesnt seem to be complex if you are to analyze a movie. If youre a movie lover, this task will be fun and easy.

Lauren Bradshaw, a professional academic writer from a custom essay writing service CustomWritings has in-depth knowledge in various academic assignments. She has an interesting opinion about movie analysis as well. If you write a critical analysis of a movie you are lucky! It is pretty easy because you surely have great experience in watching all sorts of movies. You only have to follow the rules, and the success is guaranteed. We agree with Lauren. Students can understand the main features of every movie, but they should know certain rules. Our useful guide will cast more light on the most important rules.

Watch the Movie

The first thing we advise is to watch the movie you are to analyze. Do it two times if you have time to make sure youve spotted the necessary details. Many students tend to carry out in-depth research on this task before they watch what they should. It is a good tendency when you write scientifically-based papers. Nevertheless, it should be limited to a definite extent in the case of a movie critique. Why is it so?

Well, many students begin to read reviews of other people. It is especially common and dangerous if you have never seen the piece before. It creates a risk of agreeing with others without using your own critical thinking. Therefore, its better to read a couple of the best reviews and end with them. Give yourself a chance to judge without somebodys opinion. Afterward, you may read many reviews to simply match your opinion with the opinion of other people.

How to write a critical film review

You should likewise know that research isnt focused only on reviews of others. There are things youll surely need to make your analysis complete. When you read about a certain movie, make sure to check the next facts:

  • Story of creation;
  • Pre- and post-production;
  • Possible hardships;
  • Selection of the cast;
  • Some historical events;
  • Relations to other movies, etc.

All these peculiarities may benefit your final version of critical analysis. They may clarify definite things or may simply be useful to reveal the story to the fullest.

Pay Attention to Detail

How to write a critical film review

The second thing you should do is to take notes. Of course, you may rely on your memory. Nonetheless, there is always a risk of forgetting something essential. That is why instant notetaking is a reasonable strategy. Give heed to the following details:

  • Plot;
  • Actors;
  • Directing;
  • Editing;
  • Visual effects;
  • Sound supervision;
  • Themes and tones;
  • Dialogues;
  • Costumes, etc.

All these features are crucial. They help to include all the elements of making a movie. Thus, your readers will realize that you are a real pro and clearly understand how to analyze any movie.

Things to Clarify

There are certain points you are obliged to describe and clarify in your critical analysis of a movie. We have already mentioned the most important elements to check. Now its time to understand what you are supposed to do with that information.

  • Mention your impression. Undoubtedly, your teacher and other possible readers expect to learn your opinion about the piece youve seen. Although most of your analysis must be objective, you should summarize everything using your opinion. When you write why you like or dislike the film, provide evidence and explain it. If your initial opinion differs from the one, you had in the beginning, mention it as well.
  • Make memorable details specific. There should be some things that catch the attention of the viewers. Even if you dont like them, you are to describe them. Make sure they step out of the crowd, and you clearly describe them in your text.
  • Support your arguments. No essay, critical analysis, or any other academic project can do without supporting facts. You cannot simply write something like I like this, and I hate that. Your arguments must be supported with clear evidence. Justify your choice and use the examples that illustrate it.
  • Reveal a conflict. Every film has certain conflicts. They play a vital role in clarifying everything to viewers. Reveal all the opposite opinions and explain why they are relevant to the plot development. For example, the film you analyze opposes good vs. evil, honesty vs. lies, courage vs. cowardice, etc.
  • Add remarks. Its likewise vital to provide remarks about the main elements of the film. These are plot development, actors play, music supervision, etc.

It may be necessary to reveal the time and place where the story takes place. Some inexperienced people may not understand the course of events right because they do not know the time and place. If other details may cast some light on the entire story, make sure to mention them as well.

How to write a critical film review

Smart Tips to Consider

We would like to finish our guide with a few tips. They are universal and will suit any topic you may analyze in your review. They are as follows:

  • Divide your critical analysis into three main parts introduction, main body, and conclusion.
  • Be logical and make smooth transitions between paragraphs.
  • Never try to cram several points in one paragraph.
  • Avoid repetitions, clichés, stereotypes, jargon, etc.
  • Interpret the results of your critical analysis.
  • Proofread your text several times using various methods.

As you can see, there is nothing really complex about writing a critical review for a movie. Simply choose the right piece and follow the main guidelines on writing. Keep in mind our tips to never go astray. Thus, you will surely receive the highest grade!