How to wear sleeveless tops with fat arms năm 2024

One summer day, I spent 40 minutes struggling to get dressed. It took me one minute to choose the perfect maxi dress, and 39 minutes to find a cardigan that would cover my arms without making me melt in the summer heat. Turns out, there is no such thing.

Sitting on the subway, I caught a reflection of myself in the window. Everyone around me was wearing shorts, tanks, and sundresses, and there I was looking like I was waiting for snow to fall.

I pushed the sleeves of my cardigan up to my elbows for some relief, and as I moved my arms, I noticed something. Even though I was wearing a stifling hot cardigan to cover up my arm fat, I could still see my “bat wings” jiggle inside the fabric. Growing up as a big girl, I’ve tried to cover my body with everything from baggy clothes to tight shapewear, and then there’s the plus-size cardigan trick.


I realized that even if I bought a short-sleeved shrug of some sort, my arm fat disguises weren’t fooling anyone. They might be covered in fabric, but every time I moved, my arms were waving “hellooooo!” I was trying to hide something that is impossible to conceal. And, my cardigan-come-comfort-blanket was making me hot and uncomfortable.

I would like to say that in that very moment I stripped off my cardigan and liberated myself from the chains of cardigans and shrugs, but it wasn’t that easy. Even though I considered going sleeveless and letting my arms flap in the wind, I still had stretch marks to consider. I had been hiding those since the 7th grade! My tangled web of body image issues needed to be unraveled slowly. Was the world ready for my arm jelly? Even worse, was I prepared to show my stretch marks in all their striped glory?

Over time, I’ve realized that no matter how many crochet “summer sweaters” and flowy tops I buy, the truth is: You can’t hide the fat. I’m a big girl with big arms and stretch marks. I can waste 39 minutes every morning trying to shield the world from the horror of my arms, or I can throw on the cute summer dress in one minute and save those 39 minutes for something more productive.

It took me about a year to get comfy with sleeveless clothes, but since then, I’ve felt pretty liberated. I no longer ruin beautifully made formal dresses with intrusive shawls and boxy taffeta shrugs. I wear tank tops to the gym. And, I even went sleeveless on a first date once — a huge accomplishment for me.


Of course, I still do my favorite fitness workouts that strengthen my arms. But, even if I never have Michelle Obama guns, I’ve liberated myself by refusing to hide my body.

13 Tips for How to Wear a Sleeveless Dress with Big Arms | Bigger arms, Big girl dresses, Sleevless dress

How to Make Your Upper Arms Look Good in A Sleeveless Dress

If you’re wondering how to wear a sleeveless dress with fat arms, we’ve compiled some expert-backed tips and tricks that’ll give your arms a slimming effect and make you look and feel your absolute best! Tips for women over 40 and plus size tips for wearing sleeveless arms and dresses. Sleeveless dresses can easily become part of your summer style. Get the skinny on hiding armpit fat in a sleeveless dress.

Dear girls, are you super conscious of your arms when sporting sleeveless tops and dresses? Well, it’s high time you did justice to all those poor, pretty sleeveless clothes that have been lying in your cupboard for ages. We have 10 amazing tips and tricks to look slimmer in sleeveless outfits, just for you!

1. Wear the right fitting bra!

An ill fitting bra has the potential to cause more damage to your overall look than anything else. Not only will a wrong size bra cause side bulges and fat spills under your arms, but will also make you feel uncomfortable all the time. So, in order to avoid these situations, you should definitely consider getting fitted [every 6 months, to be safe!] and buying the right size bra!

Also Read: How To Reduce Arm Fat

2. Thin accessories help!

Avoid wearing accessories on your wrists that have thicker straps as they give can make your arms look broader by cutting down their length – chunky cuffs and heavy bracelets are a big no-no! Instead opt for delicate, slinky accessories as they will make your arms look sleeker and slender by creating a gap between them and your skin.

Also Read Types Of Shrugs To Wear With Sleeveless Outfits

3. The right strap is important

If your arms are your problem area, you must strictly stay away from thin straps. Spaghetti and noodle strap tops will make your arms look heavier, crediting to large area of exposed skin. Look for broader straps as those won’t accentuate your problem areas as much. If you are really keen on wearing thin straps, you can layer them with a thin shrug or a shirt! It will have the same effect!

4. V necks to the rescue!

Deeper necklines create an illusion of a longer neck, calling for attention to your collar bones, while drawing it away from your arms. Since your arms and your neckline fall in the same horizontal line, the whole effect will ensure people’s’ gaze falls on your neckline and not your arms.

5. Stay away from tight armholes

This one goes without saying. If your arm holes are tight, side bulges and spills would be a common phenomenon. Instead opt for something that has comfortable armholes that give enough breathing space and don’t restrict your movement.

6. Boxy shapes help too!

Yes ladies, you read that right! Because of their overall broad and structured silhouette, boxy shapes create an illusion of smaller arms. There are a lot of boxy printed tees and shirts available, you must definitely give them a shot!

7. In-cut styles are better!

Instead of going for a usual sleeveless cut, opt for a deeper cut that shows off your shoulders a little bit more. Regular sleeveless tops cut your arms at a distinctive point where they stand out, making them look bigger. Hence, always go for in-cut styles when choosing something sleeveless to wear!

8. Give butterfly sleeves a chance!

Butterfly cuts are very short sleeves that can totally pass off as sleeveless. Their little flaps cover the broadest part of your shoulder, making your arms look slimmer and awesome!

9. Say no to strapless dresses!

Strapless dresses are known to push everything up, including the skin under your arms. It might even make your arms look bulkier than they really are! It’s best to stay away from strapless styles as they only accentuate arm fat!

10. Last minute workout

Okay ladies, as much as you hate working out, this trick definitely helps. Doing a few push ups right before you step out will increase blood flow to your muscles, giving them a more refined, toned look. Get going now!

Can you wear sleeveless if you have fat arms?

Wide straps: Sleeveless tops are not a no-go if you have large upper arms. After all, very tight sleeves are often more conspicuous than none at all - and you don't want to have to sweat in the summer just to hide your upper arms.

How do you wear sleeveless tops without showing your arms?

Drape a heavy shawl over your shoulders for an elegant addition. A thick, wool shawl is a great pick for a fancy dinner or a night out on the town. Let it hang over your shoulders and drape down your arms to keep them warm. Look for a style and color that complements the dress you're wearing.

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