Giải Sách bài tập tiếng Anh 9 Test yourself 1

1. Look at the sentences below. Put the underlined words into the correct column according to whether they are stressed or unstressed. [1 p]
Nhìn các câu dưới đây. Xếp các từ gạch chân vào đúng cột.

1. A: They didn't embroider this picture by hand.

2. A: She's still doing her homework.

B: Is she?

3. A: Who broke the window?

B: He did!

4. A: Are you angry?

B: Yes, I am.

 Key - Đáp án:



Didn’t, picture



She[A], her

Who, he



2. Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D to complete the sentences. [1 p]

Chọn đáp án đúng nhất A, B, C hoặc D để hoàn thành các câu sau.

1. Nam didn't know__________to find more information about the course.

A. what                      B. why              C. Where              D. while

2. He asked_______it was too early to apply for the course.

A. if                           B for                  C. while                D. that

3. I couldn't sleep last night____________ the bar nearby played music so loudly.

A. although                      B. so that                                C. while                                    D. because

4. _____they moved to the city five years ago, they still remember living in a small town.

A. Although                      B. Whereas                             C. While                             D. In order that

5. The students didn't know to do to deal with the problem.

A. where                          B. when                                   C.why                             D. what

6. Lots of people choose to buy houses in the suburbs in the city.

A. although                      B. when                                   C. so that                       D. so as

7. Minh is_______ the most successful student in my class.

A. so long                        B. by how                                C. by far                           D. so now

8. My grandfather is the ................ oldest artisan in the village; Ngoc's grandfather is the oldest.

A. first                              B. second                               C. most                                    D. one

9. ________was talking to my teacher, my friends were waiting outside the classroom.

A. In order that             B. While                                   C. Although                         D. So that

10. Lan couldn't decide_________ to work with on the project.

A who                               B. what                                C. how                                D. when

Key - Đáp án:

1C; 2A; 3D; 4A; 5D; 6C; 7C; 8.B; 9B; 10.A

3. Complete each sentence using a verb from A in the correct form and a particle from B. You can use any particle more than once. [2 p]

Hoàn thành các câu sau sử dụng động từ ở cột A kết hợp với giới từ ở cột B, có thể sử dụng một giới từ nhiều lần.


Turn, bring, deal, live, break,

Set, keep, go, give, run


Out, down, with,

up, on, off

1. Don't ............... practising. You're making good progress.

2. Mai_________ her stress by taking up yoga.

3. Hoang was sad because he failed to________ to his parents'expectations.

4. If they _______  cutting down trees, the city will lose its beauty.

5. Our band has just_________ our second album.

6. We missed the beginning of the film since our motorbike_____________ on the way to the cinema.

7. She wanted to knit a scarf, but she________ of wool before she was finished.

8. If you don't_________ with your regular exercise, you'll gain more weight.

9. Their proposal to build another skyscraper in the city has been _______ as it may be dangerous.

10. What time do you want to_________ for Hai Duong?

Key - Đáp án:
1. give up              2. dealt with               3. live up                   4. go on

5. brought out             6. broke down          7. ran out              8. keep up

9. turned down           10. set off

4. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word in brackets. [1 p]

Hoàn thành các câu sau với dạng đúng của động từ cho trong ngoặc.

1. One of the_____in my hometown is the traditional market, which is open every Sunday. [attract]

2. What are the differences between Dong Ho________ and Sinh ones? [paint]

3. This is a very beautiful piece of______ . [embroider]

4. _____is one of the biggest problems in this city. [employ]

5. Photography is strictly ___  in this museum. [forbid]

6. Do you know what is the most________ town in this region? [population]

7. Remember to visit the Ancient Tower as it's the only________building in our area, [history]

8. I feel so________ because I can't run as fast as my friends, [embarrass]

9. _______can help you succeed in many fields, [confident]

10. Find out more about the job so that you can make an_________ choice. [inform]

 Key - Đáp án:

1. attractions             2. paintings                3. embroidery                4. Unemployment

5. forbiden                 6. populous/populated               7. historic             8. embarrassed

9. Confidence             10. informed

5. Identify a mistake in each sentence and correct it. [1 p]

Tìm ra lỗi sai trong mỗi câu sau và sửa chúng.

1. Mai went to the Student Support Office although she wanted to get some advice.

2. I don't know which one is most ancient: Bat Trang pottery village or Bau True pottery village?

3. Are you sure you can get on your new classmates?

4. If you don't know what to operate the machine, you should read the instruction manual.

5. Ngoc is stressful because she's sitting an important exam tomorrow.

 Key - Đáp án:

1. although -> because/since/as            2. most -> more           

3. get on-> get on with                         4. what -> how                    5. stressful -> stressed

6. Read some students'opinions about whether a city should preserve its old, historic buildings or destroy them and replace them with modern buildings. Do the following exercises. [1 p]


Preserving some of our old and historic buildings for future generation is necessary. We can build modern buildings anytime. However, once old buildings are destroyed, we can bring them back again. We may find these buildings unnecessary at the moment, but in the distant future, they may become very important to our descendants.They may to see those buildings with their own eyes, not just look at pictures, or read descriptions of them.


We should preserve historic sites because they are of educational value. To be specific, historic buildings are popular spots for field trips for various schools, ranging from schools to high schools. In fact, my class was taken to the Temple of Literature, the first university in Viet Nam, was in grade five. It was an interesting experience as it help me and my friends understand more about our educational system in the past.


Old and historic buildings can be interesting tourist attractions. We may be astonished by, and admire, their unusual and distinctive beauty. Local people enjoy experience their country's history, but foreign visitors also want to see those buildings. They come from other and want to enjoy something different.

a. Match the words in A with their definition in B.

b. Which student Nga, Trang, or Long mentions the following points? Tick [] the appropriate boxes.

Nga, Trang hoặc Long đề cập đến những điểm nào? Tích vào trong cột tương ứng.

Which student




1. visited a historic site?

2. says foreign tourists may like seeing historic buildings?

3. thinks future generations may be interested in historic buildings?

4. mentions the educational aspect of these buildings?

5. mentions the special beauty of historic buildings?

Key - Đáp án:

a. 1B; 2D; 3E; 4A; 5C

b. 1. Trang; 2. Long; 3. Nga; 4. Trang; 5. Long

7. Put an appropriate word in each gap in the following passage. [2 p]

Điền từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống trong đoạn văn sau.

I've [1]____________ working with teenagers for five years. I've spent time talking to them besides teaching them English. I remember once asked them [2]______ their parents or classmates had influence on their success at school. Some said their parents had [3]__________ influence on their achievement. The [4] _____________ given was that parents usually loved their [5]____________ unconditionally, and they definitely would do their best to help and support their children. For [6]___ parents could do all housework so that their children could have[7]_______for studying.

However, some students revealed that their parents were [8] busy to spend time with them. Therefore, it was difficult for parents help their children. In this case, classmates or friends affected their success [9]...................... because they talked to them more and they helped each other to deal [10]____________ any difficulty in studying.

Key - Đáp án:

1. been                  2. if/whether                    3. most/biggest/greatest              4. reason

5. children              6. example                       7. time/opportunity

8. too                    9. most                             10. with

8. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, using the given. [1 p]

1. I have no idea when I should take that English test, [to]

-> I_______________

2. The prospect of moving to a new flat on the outskirts of Ha Noi made me much happier. [cheered]

-> The_____________

3. Why did you put on smart clothes yesterday? [dress]

-> Why____________

4. Despite the bad weather, we went out for a picnic, [although]

-> We____________

5. His parents haven't decided who they should seek advice from to deal with their son's problem. [consult]

-> His___________

Key - Đáp án:

1. I have no idea when to take that English test.

2. The prospect of moving to a new flat on the outskirts of Ha Noi cheered me up.       

3. Why did you dress up yesterday?

4. We went out for a picnic although the weather was bad.

5. His parents haven't  decided who to consult to deal with their son's problem.

Page 2

1. Circle the underlined auxiliary verbs if they are stressed. Then practise saying the conversations with a partner.
Khoanh tròn các động từ khuyết thiếu sau nếu chúng được nhấn mạnh. Luyện nói với bạn bè.

1. -  Don't you see the sign?

-  Yes, I do, but what does it mean?

-  It means you mustn't walk on the grass.

2. -  You don't have the key, do you?

-  No, I don't. I'm going to climb through the window.

-  Are you really?

- Just kidding. I'm using the back door. It isn't locked.

3. - I've just come back from Scotland.

-  Wow... Did you visit Edinburgh?

-  Yes, I did, and I spent a whole day on the Royal Mile.

-  I do wish I could visit it one day.

Key - Đáp án:

Page 3

1. Use the verbs below in their correct forms to complete the sentences.
Sử dụng dạng đúng của các động từ dưới đây để hoàn thành các câu sau.

transport           light              act out               change            

preserve            worry            communicate           pass down

1. My grandparents used____________their house with oil lamps.

2. -   I wonder how the farmers used_________their crops home in the past.

    -   They used buffalo-drawn carts.

3. We are making a great effort to___________our valuable customs for the future.

4. Children love _______________the stories as they tell them.

5. Today teenagers have__________a lot in comparison with teens in the past, especially in the way they spend their free time.

6. Women in the past did not have to_____________-too much about their weight, diets, or obesity.

7. Customs and traditions are ___________from generation to generation.

8. ______________by instant messaging has become an essential feature of teens'social life.

Key - Đáp án:

1. to light                      2. to transport                       3. preserve

4. to act out/acting out                    5. changed                    6. worry

7. used to be                                  8. Communicating/Communication

2. Match the words/phrases with their definitions.

Key - Đáp án:

1. d          2. f           3. h          4. g           5. c           6. a           7. e             8. b

3. Choose suitable words/phrases from 2 to complete the conversation.

Chọn từ thích hợp từ bài 2 để hoàn thành đoạn hội thoại dưới đây.

A: What's your favourite [1]____________ ?

B: I have many pastimes, but I love reading the most.

A: You can easily do that at home, so I suppose you don't often go out.

B: I live in an [2]___________ where there are many [3]___________ living

together. So the house is usually crowded and noisy, and I can hardly concentrate on my reading. That's why I usually go to the library to read.

A:  Is there any type of [4]___________ that you can enjoy at home?

B:  Of course there is. For example, I can play with my pets, watch TV, or...

A:  What happens if your grandparents like watching different programmes from yours?

B:  I will compromise. It's [5]___________ that we have respect for [6]

A:  Wow... You must be a very tolerant person!

Key - Đáp án:

1. pastime                              2. extended family                         3. generations 

4. entertainment                    5. a family tradition                       6. seniority

4. Use ‘used to’ or ‘didn't use to’ with the right form of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences.

Sử dụng ‘used to’ hoặc ‘didn't use to’ với dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc để hoàn thành các câu sau.

1. My brother_____________interested in Geography when he was at school [not/be]

2. It might surprise you to know that he_________a wild life, [lead]

3. Paper money___________on these Pacific islands, [not/be used]

4. When David was young, he __________of becoming a magician [dream]

5. Our school_________elective subjects, [not/have]

6. This was my favourite bicycle. I____________-everywhere on it. [ride]

7. Entertainment for the children in my village__________as simple playing hide-and-seek, or going swimming in the river [be]

8. Houses______in light yellow only. They were not as diverse colour as they are now. [be painted]

Key - Đáp án:

1. didn't use to be                     2. used to lead                          3. didn't use to be used 

4. used to dream                      5. didn't use to have                  6. used to ride

7. used to be                            8. used to be painted

5. For each group choose the correct sentense A or B.

Chọn đáp án đúng ở mỗi nhóm A hoặc B.

1. A. She wishes she could have a longer summer vacation.

B. She wishes she can have a longer summer vacation.

2. A. It is getting dark and they wish they will soon find a motel.

B. It is getting dark and they wish they would soon find a mote:

3. A. Did you use write with a fountain pen? I can see an ink stain here.

B. Did you use to write with a fountain pen? I can see an ink stain here.

4. A. I wish I had a laptop to replace this old-fashioned computer.

B. I wish I have a laptop to replace this old-fashioned computer

5. A. Trees use to fully cover this bare hill.

B. Trees used to fully cover this bare hill.

6. A. They are building a new airport in my area. I wish they aren't B. They are building a new airport in my area. I wish they werent't 

7. A. This method didn't use to work as effectively as it does no*.

B. This method didn't use to work effectively as it does now.

8. A. I wish I was travelling on an express train, not this slow one

B. I wish I am travelling on an express train, not this slow one.

Key - Đáp án:
1. A          2. B               3. B                 4. A             5. B                  6. B 

7. A         8. A

6. Choose the one underlined word/phrase which is grammatically incorrect.

Key - Đáp án:

1. A              2. A                   3. B                  4. B                       5. C                     6. B

7. C             8. D                     9. B                  10. D

Page 4

1. Use one of the expressions [A-H] to respond to each of the statements [1-8]. Then practise the short conversations with a friend.
Sử dụng các đáp án từ A-H để hoàn thành mỗi đoạn hội thoại. Thực hành với bạn bè.

Key - Đáp án:

1. C                2. F             3. A                 4. D                 5. E                    6. B                     7. H                      8. G

2. Rearrange the sentences to make a complete conversation. Then practise it with a friend. The firs one has been marked for you.

Sắp xếp lại các câu sau thành đoạn hội thoại hoàn chỉnh. Luyện tập với bạn bè. Câu đầu tiên đã được làm mẫu.

______ A. Your grandmother taught me. Cooking used to be one of the criteria for being a good wife.

______ B. I'm happy that life has changed.

______ C. Why so many ‘shoulds’, mum? Didn't a wife have any rights in the family?

___1__ D.  Mum, how can you cook these traditional dishes?

______ E. There are many. You should know how to sew and how to embroider. You should take care of every member in your husband's family. You should be obedient and submissive. When you talk, you should...

______ F. What are some of the other criteria?

______ G. Very few, dear. When you were married to a man, you had to obey the man as well as his family. You didn't have a voice in the decision making.

______ H. I am too.

--> The right order is:_______________

Key - Đáp án:

Thứ tự đúng là: D-A-F-E-C-G-B-H

Page 5

1. What are these people doing?
Những người này đang làm gì?

a. Match the headlines [A-D] with the situations [1-4].

Nối các đáp án A-D với các vị trí 1-4.

1. B           2. A                3. D                  4. C

b. Which answer [A, B, or C] is closest in meaning to the phrases taken from the passages above?

Đáp án nào sau đây mang nghĩa gần nhất với câu đã cho trong đoạn văn trên.

1. ' to discover and follow the tracks of a game.’ [passage 1]

A. how to find and follow an animal

B. howto play the game of hunting

C. how to discover the rules of the game

2. those of cultural or historic value.’[passage 2]

A. things which costa lot of money

B. things which show people the history and culture of a place

C. the price of culture and history

3. some research on an aspect of life, or events, in the past.’ [passage 3]

B. search for objects relating to the past

4. ‘Not every traditional activity at a festival is appreciated.’ {passage 4]

A. Some activities at a festival are not traditional.

B. People do not appreciate festivals.

C. Some activities are no longer approp in modern times.

Key - Đáp án:

1. A              2. B           3. A                 4. C

2. Read the passage and choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D.

Đọc đoạn văn sau và chọn đáp án đúng A, B, C hoặc D.


Good manners are a treasure to the people who possess them, as well as to the community they live Manners are taught, learnt, and passed from generation to generation.

Even hundreds of years ago, children were taught to behave responsibly. They learnt to respect senio When they passed an object to another person, they had to use both hands. When they entered a room, they had to bow and greet the oldest person first. Boys learnt to work hard to support their families, learnt to do housework, and to take care of others. Loyalty and honesty were highly appreciated. When they made a mistake, they would not let another person be punished for it.That would be cowardly a mean. They were taught that families were strong, and everybody should stick together in adversity. Fortunately, many of these values have been well preserved. They have contributed to making unique Vietnamese culture, and strengthening our society.

1. Good manners are_____________________.

A. of great value                 B. of the community                   C. traditional                   D. only for the old

2. What was seen as a boy's main duty?

A. to respect seniority                     B. to support his family

C. to do housework                         D. to share good things

3. The sentence: ‘When they made a mistake, they would not let another person be punished for it means they would_____.

A. deny their mistake                     B. admit their mistake

C. keep it a secret                          D. be punished

4. The underlined word ‘they’ refers to______________.

A. tradition                      B. generations             C. children              D. seniority

5. ‘... cowardly and mean’ is used to describe_________behaviour.

A. acceptable                 B. good                          C. proper                 D. unacceptable

6. This passage is about________.

A. people who possess good manners              B. what bad manners children in the past had

C. the preservation of bad values                    D. good 

Key - Đáp án:

1. A           2. B              3. B               4. C           5. D            6. D

3. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to complete the passage.

Chọn đáp án đúng A, B, C hoặc D để hoàn thành đoạn văn sau.

As child, Phong always dreamt of going [1]______to study, he graduated from high school, his parents sent him over to New Zealand to attend college. Phong was very happy that his dream finally [3]_____true.

When he first arrived in the country, Phong's English was not very good and sometimes he did not [4]___ what other people said. He also had difficulties in class because he was not familiar with the new teaching and learning method. He felt [5]_______ in this new place,and missed all his buddies in Viet Nam. The food there was so different [6] ____what his mum used to cook for him. And for the time in his life, Phong had to think about his finances, and to plan his spending [7]________ . But Phong was young and enthusiastic . He leamt to [8]___ to this new environment. After two years, Phong is now very [9]_______ in English and has achieved the top academic award n his school. He has a lot of friends from different countries. He is even good [10]_____ being able to earn money for his daily needs from his part-time job at a restaurant.

A. come

B. become

C. turned

D. came

A. understand

B. like

C. care

D. consider

A. happy

B. interested

C. desperate

D. lonely

A. to

B. for

C. share

D. about

A. freely

B. careful

C. carefully

D. carelessly

A. discover

B. explore

C. adapt

D. adjust

A. bad

B. good

C. smooth

D. fluent

A. at

B. than

C. of

D. that

Key - Đáp án:

1. B              2. C            3. D                 4. A           5. D             6. A            7. C              8. C          9. D

10. A

Page 6

1. a. Make notes of some facts about your school.
Ghi lại một số điểm đáng chú ý ở trường bạn.


-     Size:......

-     Number of students in a class:

-     Subjects taught at school:

-     School facilities:

-     Uniform:

-     Extracurricular activities:

b. Write down five things you would change about your school if you could.

Viết 5 điều bạn muốn thay đổi ở trường bạn.


I wish I studied/were studying in a smaller school, with fewer students.

1. _____________________________

2. _____________________________

3. ____________________________

4. _____________________________

5. ____________________________

2. Write short comments giving your opinion on the traditional practices listed below.

Trình bày ý kiến của bạn về những điều dưới đây.

1. Children used to obey their parents and elders unconditionally.


2. Girls were not encouraged to participate in intensive activities like sports.


3. Children used to spend a lot of time playing outdoors.


4. Holidays used to be spent on housework.


5. We used to communicate mainly through letters and visits.


6. Personal things didn't use to be posted in public.


Key - Đáp án gợi ý:

1. I don't like that. I don't think that adults are always right.

2. I love intensive activities. I can't imagine a life without them.

3. I wish I could return to that time. Most children now spend a lot of time outdoors playing games on the computer.

4. I suppose that's because travelling was not as cheap and convenient as it is now.

5. It was probably very slow and inconvenient.

6. I don't like the way young people nowadays post all their feeings in public.

3. Think of a pastime associated with the past. Make notes and write a short description of it. Your writing, you should include:

Nghĩ về các cách giao tiếp trong quá khứ. Viết một đoạn văn ngắn mô tả điều đó. Đoạn văn của bạn có thể bao gồm các ý sau:

- what pastime it is                                                                                                                  

-  how it was practised                                      

-  why people enjoyed it                                               

- what you think about it                                    

- why is/isn't it still popular in the modern age                       

Page 7

1. Practise reading the short conversations, paying attention to the difference in the underlined short words.
Luyện đọc đoạn hội thoại ngắn, tập trung vào sự khác nhau giữa những từ được gạch chân.

1. A.: What are you looking for?

B: I'm looking for my new pen.

2. A: Who do you live with?

B: I live with my little brother.

3. A: How can we use the word 'but'?

B: We can use it at the beginning of a sentence, or in the middle, but we can't use it at the end.

4. A: Would you like to go to the cinema tonight?

B: Yes, I'd love to.

5. A: Was this cake made by your mother?

B: No, it was made for her, not by her.

Key - Đáp án:

1. A.: What are you looking for?[for: strong]

B: I'm looking for my new pen. [for:weak]

2. A: Who do you live with? [with: strong]

B: I live with my little brother. [with: weak]

3. A: How can we use the word 'but'? [but: strong]

B: We can use it at the beginning of a sentence, or in the middle, but we can't use it at the end.[ but: weak]

4. A: Would you like to go to the cinema tonight? [to: weak]

B: Yes, I'd love to. [to: strong]

5. A: Was this cake made by your mother? [by: weak]

B: No, it was made for her, not by her. [for, by: strong]

2. Look at the sentences. Put the underlined words into the correct column according to whether they are normally stressed or unstressed in a sentence.

Nhìn vào các câu sau, xếp các từ được gạch chân vào cột thích hợp.

1. This is a way to achieve our target, but not the only way.

2. I'm fond of bananas and oranges.

3. It is not law or order, but law and order.

4. It's cheap, but very bad.

5. Attempts to find a solution have failed.

6. Listening to music is what I'm fond of.

7. I need Peter and Mary to solve the problem.

8. The conjunction "but’’ shouldn't be put at the end of the sentence.











Key - Đáp án:




 a, achieve, the

to, but 


 fond, bananas, oranges

of, and 


 or, order, law, and



 cheap, bad



 Attempts, solution, failed

 to, a


 Listening, what, of



 need, problem

 and , to


 conjuntion, but, sentence

 at, the.

Page 8

1. Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D to complete the sentences.
Chọn đáp án đúng nhất A, B, C hoặc D để hoàn thành các câu sau.

1. All the best theatres and restaurants are____ within a few minutes' walk of each other.

A. laid                           B. situated                      C. seated                        D. stood

2. Would you like to live in a modern house or a[n]____ cottage?

A. picturesque               B. awful                          C. terrible                        D. bad

3. A_____ is a solid figure or object, made by carving or shaping wood, stone, clay, etc.

A. painting                    B. sculpture                     C. medal                         D. picture

4. Ho Chi Minh City has been divided into twenty-four____ divisions since December 2003.

A. administer                 B. administration             C. administrative             D. administrator

5. A _______is a castle on high ground in or near a city, where people could go when the city was being attacked.

A. cathedral                  B. monument                 C. centre                          D. citadel 

6. The station building used to be a high wooden.

A. facility                      B. carriage                      C. complex                        D. structure

7. The new sports_____ has six tennis courts.

A. complex                          B. match                      C. medium           D. game

8. The local government is introducing tougher_____ to preserve historical sites.

A. measures                       B. actions                      C. plans               D. steps

9. The pagoda is in a beautiful_____ , close to the sea.

A. spaces                           B. setting                         C. tower              D. set

10. There is general__________that Vietnamese students lack knowledge of the natural, or man-made,

wonders of Viet Nam.

A. accepting                   B. saying                         C. recognition                  D. undertaking

Key - Đáp án:

1. B            2. A               3. B                    4. C                      5. D

6. D            7. A               8. A                   9. B                      10. C

2. Match words [1-5] to their definitions [A-E].

Nối các từ từ 1-5 với nghĩa tương ứng từ A-E.

Key - Đáp án:

1. E                2. C                   3. D                      4. B                     5. A

3. Read the two paragraphs below, and fill in each blank with a suitable word from the boxes.

Đọc hai đoạn văn dưới đây và điền vào chỗ trống với từ thích hợp cho trước.

structures            ride               culture              surrounded              former

The Ancient Town of Hoi An

Listed as a World Heritage Site 1999, Hoi An is the [1]______ main port of Viet Nam dating back to the 16th century. Today, most of its historic [2]_______have been preserved as landmarks. There are many things you can do there. For example, you can walk down the streets, [3]_____ by the atmosphere of times gone by. You should visit me during the full moon, when the shop owners turn off the lights and decorate the streets with candle lanterns. You can also take a sampan [4]______ down the Song Do River, hunting traces of foreign traders such as the Japanese, Chinese and Dutch who made Hoi An a centre of [5] ______in old Viet Nam.

base                  history                beauty                      destination                  archaeological

Ly Son Island

Although it isn't well-known to most people planning their Viet Nam trips, Ly Son Island is a terrific beach[6] ________ the

centre of the Vietnamese East Sea. Beside its natural beauty, Ly Son has its own rich [7]_____ . Researchers hug found a

lot of [8]_______ evidence there of the presence of people from the ancient Sa Huynh culture dating thousands of years. The Cham empire also once used Ly Son as a transshipment [9]______ Being a former volcanic field, Ly Son has a pristine [10]______ that not many other islands in Viet Nam can match.

Key - Đáp án:

1. former                    2. structures                 3. surrounded                            4. ride

5. culture                   6. destination                7. history                                   8. archeaological

9. base                       10. beauty

4. Rewrite the sentences below in the impersonal form of the passive.

Viết lại các câu dưới đây dưới dạng câu kể bị động.

1. People expect that the report will suggest some major reforms.

-> It is expected______________________

2. They say that he invented the digital camera.

—>   It is said________________________

3. Scientists have discovered that there is water on Mars.

—   It has been_______________________

4. We expect the professor to arrive this morning.

—>   It is expected____________________

5. Many employers consider computer skills to be more important than work experience.

—>  It is considered____________________

Key - Đáp án:

1. It is expected that some major reforms will be suggested by the report.

2. It is said that the digital camera was invented by him.

3. It has been discovered by scientists that there is water on Mars.

4. It is expected that the professor will be arriving this morning.

5. It is considered by many employers that computer skills are more important than work experience.

5. Read the passage and put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive tense.

It [1. announce]_____ by the police last night that three men [2. arrest]_____ in relation to the robbery at a jeweller's on Hang Bai Street. It [3. report]____ that jewellery costing more than 500,000,00[VND] [4. steal]_____ from the shop last Tuesday afternoon. It [5. know]_____ that at least four people involved in the dawn raid. Three armed men stormed into the jeweller's, and ordered the customer the shop owner to lie down on the floor. They filled up two big bags with valuable pieces of jewellry. It [6. say]_____ that the three men then ran outside and [7. drive]_______ away in a red car by a fourth man. It [8. widely rumour]_____ that the three suspects [9. hold]_____ in the city centre police station. Members of the general public who may have information about the crime [10. ask]_______ to contact the police on 0483456789.

Key - Đáp án:

1. was announced 

2. were/have been arrested

3. is/was reported

4. was/had been stolen

5. is known

6. is said

7. were driven

8. is widely rumoured

9. are being held

10. are asked/are being asked

Page 9

1. Put the following sentences in the correct order to make a dialogue. Then practise it with friend.
Sắp xếp các câu sau thành đoạn hội thoại hoàn chỉnh. Luyện tập với bạn bè.

Key - Đáp án:

1. C            2. F                3. D                  4. G                5. J                6. I

7. E            8. A                9. H                  10. B

2. Fill in the gaps with the words in the boxes.

Điền vào chỗ trống với các từ cho trước.

a. Asking for recommendations

good             visiting            tips                about             best

1. What's the_____ way to get around?                  

2. Do you know any____ places to stay?                     

3. Is there anything else worth_____ ?                      

4. What_____ the places outside Hue City?                                   

5. Have you got any other____?

b. Recommending things

must                   best                   definitely               worth                  recommend

1. It's probadly _______to use rickshaws to get around.

2. I'd_______using the trains.

3. You should ___________ see the Perfume Pagoda.

4. That's well ___________ seeing.

5. Yoy really ____ go to Ho Chi Minh City.

c. Not recommend things

bother                    don't                 wouldn't            worth

1. Don't _________going to the museums.

2. It isn't really _____visiting here.

3. ___________drink the water.

4. I _____eat anything that's sold in the street.

d. Responding to the recommendations.

useful                heard             know                 sounds

1. That's good to ________.

2. That ______good.

3. Thanks, that's really ______.

4. Yes, that's what I've ______before.

Key - Đáp án:

a. 1. best            2. good                     3. visting                     4. about              5. tips

b. 1. best             2. recommend          3. definitely                 4. worth             5. must

c. 1. bother          2. worth                   3. Don't                      4. would'nt

d. 1. know            2. sounds                3. useful                      4. heard 

Page 10

1. Read the paragraph and choose the correct answer A, B, or C for each gap.
Đọc đoạn văn sau và chọn đáp án đúng cho mỗi chỗ trống.

1. A. Historical

B. historic

C. history

2. A. emperor

B. imperial

C. empire

3. A. contribution

B. grouping

C. Collection

4. A. In

B. on

C. At

5. A. special

B. Spectacular

C. Particular

6. A. stun

B. stunning

C. Stunned

7. A. residence

B. resident

C. Residential

8. A. renovations

B. renovating

C. admissible

9. A. allowable

B. Accessible

C. Admissible

10. A. stroll

B. trek

C. hike

Key - Đáp án:

1. B        2. B             3. C                   4. C                  5. B                    6. B

7. A         8. A               9. B               10. A

2. Read the text and choose the best answer [A, B, C, or D] to each of the following questions.

Đọc đoạn văn sau và chọn đáp án đúng cho mỗi câu hỏi.

Being overshadowed by Ha Long Bay to the north, Cat Ba Island is often left out of xri itineraries of the majority of travellers coming to Viet Nam. Neverthelea Cat Ba Island is one of the most underrated destinations in Viet Nam.

The massive island of Cat Ba is a fantastic destination ecotourism and adventure activities in Northern Viet Nam. Cat Ba National Park, which was established on 31st March 1986 i one of the most ecologically diverse national parks in Viet Nam The park possesses seven different ecosystems, both underway and inland. It is home to thirty-two types of mammals, along wit seventy bird species, and more than a thousand species of plants, hundred of which can be used as medicines.

There are several different hiking and trekking routes through rugged and forested mountain within Cat Ba National Park. These routes are also divided by different levels of difficulty, so travellers don't have to worried if their fitness is not very good. In addition, travel can take a side visit to explore the exquisite Trung Trang cave, or discover the traditional village of Viet Hai.

1. Many travellers choose not to visit Cat Ba Island because____ .

A. they think Ha Long Bay is much better

B. it is not a good destination for tourism

C. there is too much rain there

D. it is too far from Ha Long Bay

2. Cat Ba Island is suitable for____ .

A. scientific research and exploration

B. ecotourism and adventure activities in Northern Viet Nam

C. experiencing urban life

D many indoor activities

3. Which of the following is NOT true about Cat Ba National Park according to the passage?

A. Hiking and trekking in Cat Ba National Park requires a high level of fitness.

B.It is one of the most diverse national parks in Viet Nam.

C.There are seven different ecosystems in Cat Ba National Park.

D. It was established in 1986.

4. The word 'rugged’ in the passage is closest in meaning to_____ .

A. even                               C. smooth

B. flat                                  D. uneven

5. The word 'exquisite’ in the passage is closest in meaning to_____ .

A. quiet                               C. plain

B. ugly                                 D. beautiful

Key - Đáp án:

1. A          2. B                 3. A               4. D                 5. D

3. Read the text and answer the questions that follow.

Đọc đoạn văn và trả lời các câu hỏi dưới đây.

Ke Ga Cape, which is about twenty-five kilometres from the city of Phan Thiet, is often overlooked by the majority of travellers coming to Viet Nam. Therefore, the peacefulness of this coastal area has been preserved. If you want to experience the 'real', unspoiled side of Viet Nam, we highly recommend that joj add Ke Ga Cape to your 'places to visit’ list.

Once you've arrived at Ke Ga Cape, its attractions are immediately obvious. Most travellers are attracted the sight of its untouched cliffs spreading out along the coast and the sound of the casuarina trees rusling in the breeze.

On sunny days, you will be enthralled by the harmonious tones of the sea and sky, and the sight of cloud embracing the mountain peaks. You can aiso admire the splendid sunrise, and later go for a walk to enjoy the mesmerising sunset. The red-yellow rays of the rejectee in the waves paint an enchanting picture of the pristine Ke Ga Cape. Sometimes it may be hard for you to distinguish where the sky ends and the sea begins.

What are the locals in Ke Ga Lighthouse like?If you want to get to Ke Ga Lighthouse, taking a canoe is highly recommended because it is quick, convenient, and safe. Ke Ga Lighthouse is worth a visit during your Viet Nam tour, if you want to experience daily life in a fishing village. The locals are very friendly, warm-hearted, and sincere. Not surprisingly, they will often invite you to join them for a meal of their freshly caught seafood, which will definitely awaken your taste buds.

1. Why has the peacefulness of Ke Ga Cape been preserved?

2. To whom is Ke Ga Cape highly recommended?

3. What attracts most travellers to Ke Ga Cape?

4. Why is taking a canoe highly recommended if you want to get to Ke Ga Lighthouse?

5. What are the locals in Ke Ga Lighthouse like?

Key - Đáp án:

1. Because it is overlooked by the majoriry of travellers coming to Viet Nam.

2. It is highly recommended to those who want to experience the 'real’, unspoiled side of Viet Nam.

3. It is the sight of Ke Ga Cape's untouched cliffs speading out along the coast and the sound of the casuarina trees rustling in the breeze.

4. Because it is quick, convenient, and safe.

5. They are very friendly, warm-hearted, and sincere.

4. Read this itinerary of a trip to Lao Cai, and decide whether the statements are true [T] or false [F].

Dưới đây là chuyến đi Lào Cai, đọc và quyết định câu nào là đúng, câu nào là sai.

Night 1: Ha Noi night train to Lao Cai

At 20:00 you are collected and driven to the railway station for the 21:10 train to Lao Cai. Stay overnight on train.

Day 1: Lao Cai - Sa Pa - Sin Chai - Cat Cat - Y Linh Ho

When you arrive at Lao Cai station, you will be met by a local guide and a driver. Have breakfast at a local restaurant, then start your journey to Sa Pa. You will be transported down the hill to Sin Chai village, home of the Black Hmong people. Here you can start the journey up the Hoang Lien mountains. Once you reach the summit, you will trek along a small trail with spectacular views, and then gradually descend to Cat Cat village. In the afternoon, you take a trail sneaking through the Hoang Lien mountains. You will enjoy spectacular scenery while walking along a narrow river eventually arriving in Y Linh Ho village. There you can rest in a scenic spot near the beautiful river. You will stay overnight in Y Linh Ho, either in a local house, or camping in a tent depending on the season.

Day 2: Y Linh Ho - Lao Chai - Ta Van

Today's trek will continue along the Hoang Lien mountain range. You will have many opportunities to enjoy views over the huge rice paddy terraces in Muong Hoa valley. Have lunch at a scenic spot, then descend into the bottom of the valley. You will pass through Lao Chai, a Black Hmong village, and then Ta Van village, where Giay people live. You will spend the night in a traditional house of the Giay people. There, you can take a walk to enjoy the scenery of the valley as well as swim in the river nearby.

Day 3: Ha Noi arrival

Arrive in Ha Noi at 05:00. Return to your hotel on your own. End of the tour.




1. When arriving at Lao Cai station, you will be met and transferred to a local restaurant for breakfast.

2. Cat Cat village is on the top of the Hoang Lien mountains.

3. You will stay overnight in Y Linh Ho in a local hostel.

4. Sin Chai is a village of Black Hmong people.

5. You can enjoy views over the huge rice paddy terraces in Muong Hoa valley.

6. You will have lunch in the Muong Hoa valley.

7. Ta Van is a village populated by Giay people.

8. When arriving in Ha Noi at 05:00, you will be taken back to your hotel by a driver.

Key - Đáp án:

1. T              2. F                 3. F                    4. T                 5. T                   6. F

7. T              8. F

Page 11

1. Write secntences in the passive voice, using the suggested words. You can change the order of the words.
Viết các câu sau dưới dạng bị động, sử dụng từ gợi ý. Bạn có thể thay đổi vị trí các từ.

1. We/sugggest/that/the government/limit/the number/visitors/daily

2. I/suggest/that/control/the deforestation

3. I/suggest/that/reduce/smoke/exhaust fumes

4. I/suggest/that/raise/money/charity

5. I/suggest/that/put/valuable/things/high-security/places

Key - Đáp án:

1. We suggest that the number of daily visitors should be limited by the government.

2.  I suggest that the deforestation should be controlled.

3. I suggest that the amount of smoke and exhaust fumes should be reduced.

4. I suggest that money should be raised for charity.

5. I suggest that valuable things should be put in places of high-security.

2a. Image you are going on a journey touring some of the natural or man-made wonders in your area. Fill in the information in the table below.

Wonders you will visit

Date and time you will be there

What you will do there

b. Now write an itinerary of your journey touring some of the natural or man-made wonders in your [about 100 -120 words]. Use the ideas in 2a, WRITING and 3, READING, to help you.

Viết về chuyến du lịch đầu tiên của bạn mà một vài cảnh quan thiên nhiên làm bạn thích thú [khoảng 100-200 từ]. Có thể sử dụng gợi ý ở bài 2a và phần đọc hiểu.

Page 12

1. Write the words from the box in the correct part of the table according to the stress pattern, tt read them aloud.
Xếp các từ cho trước vào ô tương ứng với cách nhấn mạnh của từ đó. Đọc to, rõ ràng.

Go away!

Keep working!

Straight ahead!

Don't move!

Try it on!

Think twice!

Watch out!

Turn it off!

Don't forget!

Put it down!

Come closer!

Key - Đáp án:

2. What would you say in each situation shown in the pictures? Write an imperative sentence under each picture, then practise reading the sentences aloud.

Bạn sẽ nói gì nếu ở trong các tình huống dưới đây? Viết một câu mệnh lệnh dưới mỗi bức tranh và sau đó đọc to.

 Key - Đáp án:

1. Keep silent!                       Keep working! OOo

2. Go ahead!                         Straightahead! OoO

3. Turn it off! OOO

4. Come here! 00                  Come closer! Ooo

5. Finish it! Ooo

6. Try it on! 000

Page 13

1. Complete the following sentences with the right form of the words/phrases from the box.
Hoàn thành các câu sau với dạng đúng của động từ cho trước.

straw hat                              tiled roof                        facility

trench                      uniform                        thatched house

1. Fifty years ago, we had very few schools and the rows of classrooms looked like________.

2. During wartime, all around the rows of classrooms there were_______so that children could shelter from bombs.

3. Modern classrooms are well equipped with various_____including bookshelves, cassette players, or computers.

4. In the past, school children didn't often wear__________ like they do today.

5. The only things that made school children in the past look alike were their_____and rubber sandals.

6. In the past, many classrooms in Viet Nam were made of mud and straw and few had______.

Key - Đáp án:

1. thatched houses                              2. trenches                            3. facilities

4. uniforms                                            5. straw hats                         6. tiled roofs

2. Rewrite the following sentences using adjectives or adverbs showing degree of change.

Viết lại các câu sau, sử dụng tính từ hoặc trạng từ để thể hiện cấp độ thay đổi.

1. The school facilities have been improved a lot within the last three years.

-> There have been_________ .

2. There is a minor increase in the number of children going to school this year.

-> The number ______________ .

3. The number of nuclear families in the countryside has risen little by little.

-> The number___________ .

4. There has been quite a large reduction in the number of poor families in the countryside.

-> There has been___________.

5. The number of students attending university in Viet Nam has grown very much in recent years.

-> There has been a____________ .

6. Though the pace of life in the countryside has not changed as rapidly as in the city, the changes seem significant.

-> In spite of _____________ .

Key - Đáp án:

1. There have been dramatic improvements in the school facilities in the last three years.

2. The number of children going to school this year has slightly increased.

3. The number of nuclear families in the countryside has risen gradually.

4. There has been a considerable reduction in the number of poor families in the countryside.

5. There has been a significant increase in the number of students attending university in Viet Nam, in recent years.

6. In spite of slower changes to the pace of life in the countryside compared to the city, the changes seem significant.

3. Complete the word webs for the different modes of transportation.

Hoàn thành sơ đồ sau bằng các dạng phương tiện giao thông.

Key - Đáp án:

Suggested answers:

Ways for pedestrians: underpass, elevated walkway, sidewalk, pavement, footpath

Ways for trams or trains: railway, railroad, underground, tube, overground railroad, skytrain

Ways for motorbikes or cars: road, highway, flyover, tunnel

4. Fill each blank with a suitable word from the box to complete the passage. 

disobedient                cooperation                nuclear               privacy

tolerant                annoying                patient

I wish I were living in a [1]_____ family, with just my parents. At the moment my grandparents, my parents, my uncle's family, and my two siblings all together in the same house. I feel that I don't have much [2]______. I have share almost everything with so many people, and the most [3]______thing the television time. Everyone has different ideas about what to watch. more, there is no [4]____ when it comes to decision making. Most of the the elders make the decisions, and the younger family members just have to go along with it. If I raise my voice, people consider me [5]______ , but if to be [6]_____ of the situation, I feel that I'm not myself. Because of my living situation, I've learnt to be [7]___and easy-going.

Key - Đáp án:

1. nuclear                                  2. privacy                               3. annoying         4. cooperation

2. disobedient                       6. tolerant                              7. patient

5. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one.

Hoàn thành các câu sau sao cho nghĩa không đổi.

1. She was so unprofessional that she didn't prepare for the presentation.

->It was _______________________.        

2. It was confident of her to say that she would win first prize.

-> She was____________________.

3. Our teacher was relieved when he heard that all of his students had made progress.

-> Our teacher_________________.         

4. It was surprising for me to learn that he is the only child in his family.

-> I was_________________________.        

5. They know very well that physical education is an important school subject.

-> They are _________________________.   

6. The mother was happy when she learned that her daughter had enjoyed herself at the party.

-> The mother _______________________.

Key - Đáp áp:

Suggested answers:

1. It was unprofessional of her not to prepare for the presentation.

2. She was confident that she would win first prize.

3. Our teacher was relieved to hear that all of his students had made progress.

4. I was surprised to learn that he is the only child in his family.

5. They are fully aware that physical education is an important school subject.

6. The mother was happy to know that her daughter had enjoyed the party.

6. Each of the following sentences has a mistake in it. Underline the mistake and correct it.

Mỗi câu sau có một lỗi sai. Gạch chân lỗi sai và sửa lại cho đúng.

1. It was kind to her to consider other people's interests when making decisions.

2. It is hard for a country that develop its economy with poor resources.

3. The students are conscious that they be closely monitored.

4 . They are annoyed that considered the slowest group.

5. Visitors were surprised that find dramatic changes in the country within a very short time.

6. Passers-by are delighted to the new underpass is being built.

Key - Đáp án:

1. to her => of her

2. that develop => to develop

3. be closely monitored => are closely monitored

4. that considered => to be considered

5. that find => to find

6. to the => that the

7. Finish the sentences using your own ideas.

Hoàn thành các câu sau theo ý của bạn.

1. Motorists are happy that ______________.

2. It was courageous of him to __________ .

3. They were delighted that_______________ .

4. We are glad to_________________ .

5. The residents were annoyed that__________________ .

6. I will certainly_______________.

Key - Đáp án:

Suggested answers:

1. Motorists are happy that they are driving on the new flyover.

2. It was courageous of him to jump down to rescue the boy.

3. They were delighted that the traffic system has been improved considerably.

4. We are glad to have much better working conditions.

5. The residents were annoyed that a new railway track was being built through the village.

6. I will certainly tell you if I need help with my homework.

Page 14

1. Rearrange the statements to make a complete conversation. The first and last statements have been completed for you.
Sắp xếp lại các câu sau để thành đoạn hội thoại hoàn chỉnh. Câu đầu và câu cuối đã được điền sẵn.

A - So has the school system in your country changed a lot recently?

   -   The school curriculum, for example. More emphasis is put on developing students' skills, rather than just academic knowledge.

  -   Classrooms with tiled roofs are no longer only seen in big cities, and each classroom has a good blackboard, much better tables, and proper school desks. In many schools, they even have air conditioning. Many more schools also have good libraries and laboratories.

  -   That sounds great! Are there any other changes you find significant?

  -   Sure. Now they pay more attention to physical education, arts, and music. Students also have the chance to work in groups on assigned projects.

  -   How much better are they?

  -     In general, they are better-qualified. Moreover, they can enjoy more on-the-job training.       - Can you give me an example of that?

  -   What about the quality of the teachers?

  -   I think there are considerable changes, the most obvious being the number of better- equipped schools.

K - Wow.That is an amazing change!

Key - Đáp án:

2. Imagine you are going to give a presentation about the changes in the ways Vietnamese people: spend their holidays, and the reasons for those changes. Look at the suggestions, and work with your partner to prepare for the presentation.

Tưởng tượng rằng bạn sẽ thuyết trình về sự thay đổi trong cách nghỉ lễ của người Việt và đưa ra lý do của sự thay đổi đó. Nhìn vào các gợi ý sau và làm việc nhóm.

Page 15

1. The two letters mainly discuss _______.              

A Duong and Nhi's pets

B Duong and Nhi's hobbies

C.Duong and Nhi's favourite sports

D. Duong and Nhi's feelings about their recent life changes

2. All of the following are true about Duong EXCEPT     .

A. he used to live in a nuclear family

B.he used to live in an extended family

C.he didn't have enough privacy

D. he now lives in a high-rise building

3. What Duong likes most about his new apartment is_______ .

A. the convenient lift

B. a shared room, with a computer and a bookshelf

C. a private room, with his own computer and bookshelf

D. a room with a view of the city

The word 'granted’ in Nhi's letter is close?: meaning to              .

A. taken



5. The word 'hunting’ in Nhi's letter mostly means

A. ignoring

B. applying

C. searching

D. dropping

6. It can be understood from Nhi's letter that______.

A. she is unwilling to go abroad

B. the scholarship will not pay for her studies

C. her parents are worried about Nhi living abroad

D. Nhi has been accepted by a school close to home.

Key - Đáp án:

1. D          2. A                 3.. C            4. D

5. C            6. C

Page 16

1. Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets.
Viết lại các câu sau sử dụng từ trong ngoặc.

1. There are many benefits of building a skytrain system in the city, [beneficial]

2. It is advantageous to invest more in education, [advantages]

3. The number of well-equipped schools has increased sharply, [sharp

4. The traffic system in the country has gradually been upgraded in the last decade, [gradual]

5. The quality of life of people in the countryside has also been improved significantly. [significant]

6. Recently there has been a considerable rise in investment in school facilities, [considerably]

Key - Đáp án:

1. It would be beneficial to build a skytrain system in the city.

2. There are many advantages of investing more in education.

3. There has been a sharp increase in the number of well-equipped schools.

4. There have been gradual upgrades to the traffic system in the country in the last decade.

5. There has been a significant improvement in the quality of life of people in the countryside.

6. Recently investment in school facilities has risen considerably.

2. Write about three benefits that children in your country can enjoy as a result of the changes to the school system over the last ten years. Use the ideas in , SPEAKING and the suggestions below for your writing. Remember to give examples.

Viết về 3 lợi ích của cải cách giáo dụng mà trẻ em nước bạn được hưởng trong vòng 10 năm qua. Sử dụng gợi ý dưới đây và cho ví dụ.

  • If more children go to school, illiteracy can be reduced.
  • Better facilities make students more motivated to learn.
  • The improvement in teaching means that students learn more.
  • Children are allowed to develop both their knowledge and their skills.
  • Parents don't need to be worried when their children are at school.

Page 17

Chu Van An High School is one of the oldest and most prestigious state schools in Viet Nam Established in 1908 by the French, the school was located beside the West Lake, and was origir named after the location it was in. It is a very pleasant, spacious school with great views of the lake 1 the classroom windows.

In 1943, the school was moved to Ninh Binh, and was not moved back to Ha Noi until 1945. In year, the school was renamed Chu Van An, after a famous Vietnamese Confucianism teacher of the Tran Dynasty. Professor Nguyen Gia Tuong became the first Vietnamese principal of the school. Many famous people like ex-Prime Minister Pham Van Dong, Doctor Ton That Ti and poet Xuan Dieu used to be the school's students.

Today the school is still located in the same area, and hi maintained its prestige, as well as its reputation as one the top schools in Ha Noi. It is very difficult to be admr to the school. Every year, there are around three thou applicants but only about five hundred are admitted applicants have to take an entrance examination conducted by the Department of Education and Training of Ha Noi.

a. Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D to each question below.

Chọnđáp án đúng.

1. The passage mainly discusses________ .

A. Chu Van An, the teacher

B. Chu Van An School in the future

C. Chu Van An School over time

D. The difficulty of being admitted to Chu Van An School

2. All of the following are true about the school EXCEPT____________ .

A. the school was originally named after the location it is in

B. the school admits three thousand students every year

C. the school has a view of the West Lake

D. the school is large

3. The word 'principal’ is closest in meaning to___________ .

A. teacher

B. head teacher

C. founder

D. supporter

4. The word 'prestige’ in the passage mostly means_________

A. respect

B. fame

C. status

D. position

5. It can be understood from the passage that___________.

A. students of the school are very smart

B. the school fees are very high

C. only children from prestigious families can enter the school

D. the teachers at the school earn a lot of money

b. Answer the following questions.

Trả lời các câu hỏi sau.

1. When was the school established?

2. How is the school described?

3. Who was Chu Van An?

4. Why is the school prestigious?

5. Why do you think the school is named after Chu Van An?

Key - Đáp án:

 6a. 1. C               2. B                  3. B              4. C                5. A

b. 1. It was established in 1908.

2. It is a very nice, spacious school with great views of the lake from the class windows.

3. He was a famous Vietnamese Confucianism teacher during the Tran Dynasty.

4. Because it is one of the top schools in Ha Noi. Moreover, many famous people like ex-Prime Minister Pham Van Dong, Doctor Ton That Tung, or poet Xuan Dieu used to be the school's students.

5. I think it is because he used to be a famous and dedicated teacher.

7. Put the following statements in the correct order [A-J] to make a dialogue. [1p].

A: Well, they are taught to be responsible.

B: They tell us again and again that the family is the nucleus of society, so we are supposed to keep it strong.

C: How are children in your village taught to behave?

D: That's a great value!

E: That sounds great! And what are girls supposed to do?

F: To be responsible for what we do, and to care for our loved ones.

G: Yeah. And you are supposed to work harder if you are a boy.

H: What do you mean by responsible?

I: Girls are taught to do the cooking and housework.

J: Really? And what about the value of family?

Key - Đáp án:

The right order: C-A-H-F-D-G-E-I-J-B

8. Complete the second sentences so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, using the words in brackets.

1. It's not a good idea to use the village's land to build new road. [wouldn't]

-> I

2. You should visit the historical places of the area. [worth]

-> It is

3. He suggested seeing Trang An, a natural wonder of our area.[ visit]

-> What about

4. The sleepy villages are expected to mushroom into crowded towns within two years.[supposed].

-> The sleepy villages

5. It is important to educate children to preserve traditional values.[nescessary].

-> It is

Key - Đáp án:

1. I wouldn't use the village’s land to build new roads.

2.  It is worth visiting the historical places of the area.

3. What about visiting Trang An, a natural wonder of our area?

4. The sleepy villages are supposed to mushroom into crowded towns within two years.

5. It is necessary to educate children to preserve traditional values.

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