Catch off guard nghĩa là gì

catch off guard Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

catch off guard

catch off guard
see under off guard.

catch off guard|catch|guard

v. phr. To challenge or confront a person at a time of lack of preparedness or sufficient care. The suspect was caught off guard by the detective and confessed where he had hidden the stolen car.

catch [one] off [one's] guard

To engage, take advantage of, or seize upon one when one is not especially careful, vigilant, or prepared for danger or surprises. He's got a lot of tricky moves, so make sure he doesn't catch you off your guard! The soldiers moved in quickly, hoping to catch the enemy troops off their guard. I think I caught him off his guard when I told him I was resigning.Learn more: catch, guard, off

catch [one] off guard

To engage, take advantage of, or seize upon one when one is not especially careful, vigilant, or prepared for danger or surprises. He's got a lot of tricky moves, so make sure he doesn't catch you off guard! The soldiers moved in quickly, hoping to catch the enemy troops off guard. I think I caught him off guard when I told him I was resigning.Learn more: catch, guard, off

catch someone off guard

andcatch one off [one's] guardFig. to catch a person at a time of carelessness. Tom caught Ann off guard and frightened her. She caught me off my guard, and my hesitation told her I was lying.Learn more: catch, guard, off

catch off guard

Learn more off guard. Learn more: catch, guard, off
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catch someone off guard Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

As much use as a chocolate fire-guard

A fire-guard is used in front of a fireplace for safety. A chocolate fire-guard is of no use. An alternative to 'As much use as a chocolate teapot'.

catch off guard

catch off guard
see under off guard.

catch off guard|catch|guard

v. phr. To challenge or confront a person at a time of lack of preparedness or sufficient care. The suspect was caught off guard by the detective and confessed where he had hidden the stolen car.

catch one off one's guard

Idiom[s]: catch someone off guard AND catch one off one's guard


to catch a person at a time of carelessness.
• Tom caught Ann off guard and frightened her.
• She caught me off my guard, and I told the location of the jewels.

catch sb off guard

Idiom[s]: catch someone off guard AND catch one off one's guard


to catch a person at a time of carelessness.
• Tom caught Ann off guard and frightened her.
• She caught me off my guard, and I told the location of the jewels.

catch you off guard

surprise you, say what you do not expect Did my comment about dog poop catch you off guard?

color guard|color|guard

n. A military guard of honor for the flag of a country; also: a guard of honor to carry and protect a flag or banner [as of a club]. There were four Marines in the color guard in the parade. Bob was picked to be a color guard and to carry the banner of the drum corps at the football game.


see off guard; stand guard.

guard against

Idiom[s]: guard against sb or sth


to take care to avoid someone or something.
• Try to guard against getting a cold.
• You should guard against pickpockets.

guard is down

not ready for a fight, not protecting yourself I wasn't ready for her criticism. My guard was down.

Let your guard down

If you let your guard down, you relax and stop looking out for danger.

off guard

not alert to the unexpected It caught me off guard when she suddenly asked me to lend her $800.

off guard|guard|off

adj. In a careless attitude; not alert to coming danger; not watching. In the second that the boxer was off guard, his opponent landed a knockout punch. Timmy s question caught Jean off guard, and she told him the secret before she knew it.
Antonym: ON GUARD.

off one's guard

off one's guard
see off guard.

old guard|guard|old

n. phr. People whose ideas may be out of date, but who have been in power for a long time. There will not be any change in policy at the company, as long as the old guard still works here.

on guard

careful, wary He has been keeping on guard since the accident last month.

on guard|guard|on

adj. phr. Watchful; watching. The police warned people to he on guard for pickpockets during the Christmas rush. Two men are on guard at the door.
Antonym: OFF GUARD.

on one's guard

Idiom[s]: on [one's] guard


cautious; watchful.
• Be on guard. There are pickpockets around here.
• You had better be on your guard.

on your guard

careful, cautious Be on your guard when you buy a used car - don't buy a lemon.

stand guard

stand guard
Watch over, act as a lookout, as in We'll climb the tree and get the apples if Josh will stand guard, or There's a parking space; stand guard while I make a U-turn and get to it. This term alludes to the military defense of posting guards to watch for the enemy.

bắt [một] mất cảnh giác

Tham gia, lợi dụng hoặc nắm bắt một khi một người không đặc biệt cẩn thận, cảnh giác hoặc chuẩn bị cho nguy hiểm hoặc bất ngờ. Anh ta có rất nhiều pha di chuyển khôn ngoan, vì vậy hãy đảm bảo rằng anh ta không làm bạn mất cảnh giác! Những người lính nhanh chóng di chuyển đến, hy vọng sẽ bắt được quân địch mất cảnh giác. Tôi nghĩ rằng tôi đã mất cảnh giác với anh ấy khi tôi nói với anh ấy rằng tôi sẽ từ chức .. Xem thêm: bắt, đề phòng, mất cảnh giác

bắt ai đó mất cảnh giác


khiến ai đó mất cảnh giác

THÔNG THƯỜNG Nếu điều gì đó khiến bạn mất cảnh giác hoặc mất cảnh giác, nó xảy ra bất ngờ và bạn không chuẩn bị để ứng phó với nó. Lưu ý: Bảo vệ của bạn là vị trí mà bạn có được khi bạn sẵn sàng tự vệ trong các môn thể thao như quyền anh hoặc đấu kiếm. Tôi không biết phải trả lời anh ấy như thế nào. Câu hỏi làm tôi mất cảnh giác. Tôi không ngờ anh ấy lại chuyền bóng cho tôi và điều đó khiến tôi mất cảnh giác .. Xem thêm: bắt, bảo vệ, cản phá, ai đó. Xem thêm:

Idiom[s]: catch someone off guard AND catch one off one's guard


to catch a person at a time of carelessness.• Tom caught Ann off guard and frightened her.• She caught me off my guard, and I told the location of the jewels. Idiom[s]: catch someone off guard AND catch one off one's guard


to catch a person at a time of carelessness.• Tom caught Ann off guard and frightened her.• She caught me off my guard, and I told the location of the jewels.

catch you off guard Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

catch you off guard

surprise you, say what you do not expect Did my comment about dog poop catch you off guard?

catch [one] off guard

To engage, take advantage of, or seize upon one when one is not especially careful, vigilant, or prepared for danger or surprises. He's got a lot of tricky moves, so make sure he doesn't catch you off guard! The soldiers moved in quickly, hoping to catch the enemy troops off guard. I think I caught him off guard when I told him I was resigning.Learn more: catch, guard, off

catch someone off guard

andcatch one off [one's] guardFig. to catch a person at a time of carelessness. Tom caught Ann off guard and frightened her. She caught me off my guard, and my hesitation told her I was lying.Learn more: catch, guard, off

catch one off

[one's] guard Go to catch someone off guard.Learn more: catch, off, one

catch off guard

Learn more off guard. Learn more: catch, guard, off

catch someone off guard


take someone off guard

COMMON If something catches you off guard or takes you off guard, it happens unexpectedly and you are not prepared to respond to it. Note: Your guard is the position that you get in when you are ready to defend yourself in sports such as boxing or fencing. I didn't know how to answer him. The question caught me off guard. I wasn't expecting him to pass the ball to me and it took me off guard.Learn more: catch, guard, off, someone

catch somebody off [their] ˈguard

happen when somebody is not prepared: The question caught him off his guard and he couldn’t answer.Businesses were caught off guard by the sudden rise in interest rates.Learn more: catch, guard, off, somebody
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Mục đích của cuộc sống là sống có mục đích.Sưu tầm
Tôi không hóa giải các bất ổn mà hóa giải cách suy nghĩ của mình. Sau đó, các bất ổn sẽ tự chúng được hóa giải. [I do not fix problems. I fix my thinking. Then problems fix themselves.]Louise Hay
Người cầu đạo ví như kẻ mặc áo bằng cỏ khô, khi lửa đến gần phải lo tránh. Người học đạo thấy sự tham dục phải lo tránh xa.Kinh Bốn mươi hai chương
Sự thành công thật đơn giản. Hãy thực hiện những điều đúng đắn theo phương cách đúng đắn và vào đúng thời điểm thích hợp. [Success is simple. Do what's right, the right way, at the right time.]Arnold H. Glasow
Nếu muốn tỏa sáng trong tương lai, bạn phải lấp lánh từ hôm nay.Sưu tầm
Nhẫn nhục có nhiều sức mạnh vì chẳng mang lòng hung dữ, lại thêm được an lành, khỏe mạnh.Kinh Bốn mươi hai chương
Từ bi và độ lượng không phải là dấu hiệu của yếu đuối, mà thực sự là biểu hiện của sức mạnh.Đức Đạt-lai Lạt-ma XIV
Tài năng là do bẩm sinh, hãy khiêm tốn. Danh vọng là do xã hội ban cho, hãy biết ơn. Kiêu căng là do ta tự tạo, hãy cẩn thận. [Talent is God-given. Be humble. Fame is man-given. Be grateful. Conceit is self-given. Be careful.]John Wooden
Hương hoa thơm chỉ bay theo chiều gió, tiếng thơm người hiền lan tỏa khắp nơi nơi. Kinh Pháp cú [Kệ số 54]
Khi ý thức được rằng giá trị của cuộc sống nằm ở chỗ là chúng ta đang sống, ta sẽ thấy tất cả những điều khác đều trở nên nhỏ nhặt, vụn vặt không đáng kể.Tủ sách Rộng Mở Tâm Hồn

  • catch sb off guard

    : catch sb off guard thực hiện điều gì vào lúc ai đó không có sự chuẩn bị, không thận trọng đề phòng - Mrs. Maynard's invitation had caught me off guard. I didn't want to go to the party, but I had no good excuse. * Lời mời của bà Maynard đến với tôi hoàn toàn bất ngờ. Tôi không muốn đến dự bữa tiệc, nhưng không kịp có lý do nào hợp lý để từ chối. - Why on earth did you tell him that? He caught me off guard! * Quái, tại sao anh lại nói với hắn điều đó? Hắn hỏi tôi bất ngờ quá. - The lawyer's apparently innocent question was designed to catch the witness off his guard.

    * Câu hỏi có vẻ như vô tình của ông luật sư là đã tính toán để người làm chứng bị bất ngờ không kịp phòng bị gì. [để người ấy phải nói ra sự thật]

  • Nếu muốn duyệt qua từng vần trong từ điển,
    xin nhập vào ô dưới đây vần tương ứng. Ví dụ: A, B, C...



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