Bài tập hiện tại đơn và hiện tại tiếp diễn Online

Trong hôm nay, chúng ta cùng làm bài tập ngữ pháp trộn giữa hai thì Hiện Tại Đơn và Hiện Tại Tiếp Diễn. Nếu bạn chưa rõ về hai thì này thì xem tại mục Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Anh nhé.

Qua Bài Tập Hiện Tại Đơn và Hiện Tại Tiếp Diễn sẽ giúp bạn hiểu được sự khác biệt giữa hai thì này trong tiếng anh để dùng tốt hơn.

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1 Are the bold verbs OK? Correct them where necessary.

1 Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius. OK
2 How ofen are you going to the cinema? do you go
3 Ben tries to find a job, but he hasn’t had any luck yet.
4 Martina is phoning her mother every day.
5 The moon goes round the earth in about 27 days.
6 Can you hear those people? What do they talk about?
7 What do you do in your spare time?
8 Sarah is a vegetarian. She doesn’t eat meat.
9 I must go now. It gets late.
10 ‘Come on! It’s time to leave.’ ‘OK, I come.’
11 Paul is never late. He’s always starting work on time.
12 They don’t get on well. They’re always arguing.

2 Put the verb into the correct form, present continuous or present simple.


a I usually get [I / usually / get] hungry in the afernoon.
b I’m getting [I / get] hungry. Let’s go and eat something.

a ‘ ___________[you / listen] to the radio?’ ‘No, you can turn it of.’b ‘ ___________[you / listen] to the radio a lot?’ ‘No, not very ofen.’

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Thì hiện tại đơn và hiện tại tiếp diễn là 2 thì cơ bản trong ngữ pháp tiếng anh. Tuy nhiên giữa chúng có một số điều dễ nhầm lẫn. Để nắm chắc cấu trúc cũng như cách dùng của hai thì này, Chăm học bài đã tổng hợp một số bài tập về thì hiện tại đơn và thì hiện tại tiếp diễn để bạn học ôn tập. Bài viết gồm bài tập hiện tại đơn và hiện tại tiếp diễn, bài tập phân biệt hiện tại đơn và hiện tại tiếp diễn, bài tập kết hợp thì hiện tại đơn và hiện tại tiếp diễn có đáp án.

Bài tập thì hiện tại đơn và hiện tại tiếp diễn 1:

  1. Where ___________you [live]____________?

I [live]______________in Hai Duong town.

  1. What _______________he [do] ______________now?

He [water]_________________flowers in the garden.

  1. What _______________she [do]_____________?

She [be]______________a teacher.

  1. Where _________________you [be] from?
  2. At the moment, my sisters [play] ____________ volleyball and my brother [play] ______________soccer.
  3. It is 9.00; my family [watch]___________________TV.
  4. In the summer, I usually [go] ______________ to the park with my friends, and in the spring, we [have] ___________Tet Holiday; I [be] ________ happy because I always [visit] ______________ my granparents.
  5. ____________your father [go]_____________to work by bus?
  6. How ___________your sister [go]___________to school?
  7. What time _____________they [get up]_________________?
  8. What ____________they [do]________________in the winter?
  9. Today, we [have]______________English class.
  10. Her favourite subject [be]__________________English.
  11. Now, my brother [like]_________________eating bananas.
  12. Look! Aman [call]_________________you.
  13. Keep silent ! I [listen]____________________to the radio.
  14. ______________ you [play]_________________badminton now?
  15. Everyday, my father [get up]_________________ at 5.00 a.m, but today, he [get up] __________________ at 6.00 am.
  16. Every morning , I [watch]_________________tv at 10.00, but today I [Listen] ________________ to music at 10.00.
  17. Everyday , I [go] __________to school by bike but today I go to school by motorbike.
  18. Every morning, my father [have] ______________a cup of coffe but today he [drink]____________milk.
  19. At the moment, I[read]_______________a book and my brother [watch]_______ TV.
  20. Hoa [live]________________in Hanoi, and Ha [live]________________in HCM City.
  21. Hung and his friend [play]_______________badminton now
  22. They usually [get up]___________________at 6.oo in the morning.
  23. Ha never [go]______________fishing in the winter but she always [do]_____________ it in the summer.
  24. My teacher [tell]__________________Hoa about Math.
  25. There [be]____________________ animals in the circus.
  26. _______________he [watch]______________TV at 7.00 every morning?
  27. What _____________she [do] _________________at 7.00 am?
  28. How old _________she [be]?
  29. How ___________she [be]?
  30. My children [Go]________________to school by bike.
  31. We [go]_______________to supermarket to buy some food.
  32. Mr. Hien [go]________________on business to Hanoi every month.
  33. Ha [like]______________coffee very much, but I [not like]______________it.
  34. She [like]________________Tea, but she [not like]____________________coffee.
  35. I [love]_______________ cats, but I [not love]__________________dogs.
  36. Everyday ,I [go]______________to school on foot, but today I [go]________________to school by bike.
  37. Who you _________________[wait] for Nam?

– No, I _______________________[wait] for Mr. Hai.

Bài tập về hiện tại đơn và hiện tại tiếp diễn 2:

  1. My sister [get]______________ dressed and [brush]_______________her teeth herself at 6.30 everyday.
  2. Mrs. Smith [not live]____________in downtown. She [rent]___________in an appartment in the suburb.
  3. How _________your children [go]_________________to school everyday?
  4. It’s 9 o’clock in the morning. Lien [be]________in her room. She [listen] _______________to music.
  5. We_______________________[play] soccer in the yard now.
  6. My father [go]___________ to work by bike. Sometimes he[walk]______________.
  7. _________You [live]________near a market? _ It [be]____________noisy?
  8. Now I [do]_____________the cooking while Hoa [listen]_______________to music.
  9. At the moment, Nam and his friends [go]_______________________shopping at the mall.
  10. In the autumn, I rarely [go]______________sailing and [go]__________to school.
  11. I [write]_____________________________ a letter to my friend now.
  12. At 12 a.m every day, I [have]______________lunch and [go]____________to bed.
  13. On Monday, I [have]________________________ math and Art.
  14. On Friday, I [have]______________________English.
  15. At the moment, I [eat]______________an orange, and My sisters [Play]_______ Tennis.
  16. _______her bag [be]? – No, they[not be]______________.
  17. What time _____________your children [go]____________ to school?
  18. He [live]________________in HCM City.
  19. What time___________your brother usually [get]___________up?
  20. My house [be]_________in the city and it [be]_________small.
  21. Every morning , we [have]__________breakfast at 7.00 am.
  22. This [be]________a book and there [be]_________pens.
  23. Mr. Quang [live]____________in the countryside. He [have]__________a big garden.
  24. John [not have]______________Literature lesson on Friday.
  25. What time _________you [start]___________your class?
  26. ___________you [be] in class 12A3?
  27. Mrs. Ha [learn]__________________in Hanoi, but she [not live]__________________ there.
  28. My brother [not live]____________________in London; he [live]_______________ in Manchester.
  29. Now Mr. Long [design] ____________________his dream house.
  30. He [like]_____________APPLES, but he [not like]_____________________bananas.
  31. __________________she [like]______________apples?
  32. Usually, I [have]_________________lunch at 12.00. -__________________you [have] ___________________lunch at 11.00?
  33. He can [swim]_______________but I can’t[swim]_____________________.
  34. At the moment, my sister [read]___________________ a comic book.
  35. I [like]__________________ice-cream.

Bài tập thì hiện tại đơn và hiện tại tiếp diễn 3:

  1. What ___________________Mr. Ha [live]_______________?
  2. Monkeys can [climb]_________________ the tree.
  3. Hang [go]__________________to the bookshop now because she [want] ___________to buy some books.
  4. We [go] ______________to market and [buy]_________________some fruits.
  5. Now, Lan [study]________________English and Lien [listen]______________to music.
  6. Everynight , she [have]____________________dinner at 7.00 p.m.
  7. Every year, I usually [go]______________________Vietnam.
  8. In the summer, I sometimes [go]____________________swimming.
  9. Every everning, my mother [like]___________ watching television.
  10. Lan [have]_______________breakfast and [go]___________to school at 6.30 a.m.
  11. We [not read]___________________after lunch.
  12. Tom [be]___________my friend. He [play]______________sports everyday.
  13. ______________your students [play]__________soccer every afternoon?
  14. He [go]_____________to bed at 11.30 p.m.
  15. They [go]___________home and [have]___________lunch.
  16. ___________he [play]__________sports?
  17. He [teach]_______________English in a big school in town.
  18. Everyday she [go]____________to work by bike.
  19. We usually [read]_________books, [listen]_________to music or [watch]_______TV.
  20. Sometimes, I [play]__________badminton.
  21. Ann [like]____________her job very much.
  22. ___________your mother [walk]_________to the market?
  23. Look! They [run]_________________________together.
  24. Where’s John? He ________[listen] to a new CD in his room.
  25. Don’t forget to take your umbrella with you to London. You know it always ________ [rain] in England.

Đáp án bài tập thì hiện tại đơn và hiện tại tiếp diễn 1

  1. do/live/live
  2. is/doing/is watering
  3. does/do/is
  4. are
  5. is playing/ is playing
  6. is watching. Ở câu này,’family’ là danh từ tập hợp nên được sử dụng như danh từ số ít.
  7. go/have/am/visit
  8. does/go
  9. does/go
  10. do/get up
  11. do/do
  12. have
  13. is
  15. is calling
  16. am listening
  17. are/playing
  18. gets up/ is getting up
  19. watch/am listening
  20. go
  21. has/ is drinking
  22. am reading/is watching
  23. lives/lives
  24. are playing
  25. get up
  26. goes
  27. is telling
  28. are
  29. does/ watch
  30. does/ do
  31. is
  32. is
  33. go
  34. are going
  35. goes
  36. likes/ don’t like
  37. likes/ doesn’t like
  38. love/don’t love
  39. go/am going
  40. are/waiting/ am waiting

Đáp án bài tập thì hiện tại đơn và hiện tại tiếp diễn 2

  1. gets/ brushes
  2. doesn’t live/ rents
  3. do/go
  4. is/ is listening
  5. are playing
  6. goes/ walks
  7. goes/ is
  8. am doing/ is listening
  9. are going
  10. go/go
  11. am writing
  12. have/ go
  13. have
  14. have
  15. am eating/ is playing
  16. is/aren’t
  17. do/go
  18. lives
  19. does/get
  20. is/is
  21. have
  22. are
  23. lives/has
  24. doesn’t have
  25. do/start
  26. are
  27. is learning/ doesn’t live
  28. doesn’t live/ lives
  29. is designing
  30. likes/ doesn’t like
  31. does/like
  32. have/do/have
  33. swim/swim
  34. is reading
  35. like

Đáp án bài tập phân biệt hiện tại đơn và hiện tại tiếp diễn 3

  1. does/ live
  2. climb
  3. is going/ wants
  4. are going/buying
  5. is studying/ is listening
  6. has
  7. go to
  8. go
  10. has/goes
  11. don’t read
  12. is/ plays
  13. do/play
  14. goes
  15. go/have
  16. does/ play
  17. teaches
  18. goes
  19. read
  20. play
  22. are walking
  23. are running
  24. is listening
  25. is raining

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