All in one seo pack review

All in One SEO (AIOSEO) is the most popular SEO plugin that can improve your search engine rankings and drive more visitors to your site. With advanced features, it allows you to optimize for the search engines without hiring a SEO specialist.

In this AIOSEO review, we’ll see whether it really is the best SEO plugin for WordPress.

All in one seo pack review

What is All in One SEO (AIOSO)?

AIOSEO is the best WordPress SEO plugin that allows you to optimize your WordPress website for search engines and social media platforms. This will help you rank higher in search engines and get more free traffic from social platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

By default, WordPress is an SEO-friendly website builder, but there are still many things you can do to improve your website’s SEO rankings. Many of these things are difficult to achieve using the built-in WordPress features and tools.

AIOSEO integrates seamlessly with the WordPress dashboard, so you can perform these tasks without having to code or hide a WordPress developer.

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It also integrates with the WordPress content editor, so you can simply type in the keywords that you want the content to rank for.

AIOSEO will then show a TruSEO score for the page or post.

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This allows you to see how well the content is optimized for the exact words or phrases you want to target.

AIOSEO also creates an actionable, easy-to-understand SEO checklist showing the exact steps you should take, in order to improve your score.

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Simply work your way through the list, and your content will stand a good chance of appearing high in the search results for your target keywords.

There’s a free version of AIOSEO that allows you to optimize your content’s meta description, page title, and how the content looks when people share it on social media. You can also enter a single target keyword for each page and post.

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However, if you want to target multiple keywords or unlock powerful features such as unlimited schema markup, suggestions on how to optimize your internal linking, a content decay analyzer, SEO keyword rank tracking, and more, then you’ll need to upgrade to the premium AIOSEO plugin.

AIOSEO Review: Is It Really Good?

Most websites get the majority of their traffic from search engines, so an SEO plugin is a must-have for all kinds of sites.

With that in mind, let’s look at what AIOSEO has to offer, to decide whether it really is the best SEO plugin for your WordPress website.

1. Easy to Setup and Use

AIOSEO is easy to setup, even if you have no previous SEO experience.

You can install AIOSEO just like any other SEO plugin. For more details, see our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, the plugin will automatically launch the setup wizard, so you just need to click on ‘Let’s Get Started.’

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AIOSEO will then guide you through the setup process.

For example, you can add an SEO title and description to your homepage, add the social profile URLs associated with your website, and add a business logo.

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After that, you can decide what SEO features you want to use.

If you are unsure, then you can use the default options as they work well for most WordPress blogs and websites.

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Finally, you can customize how your site will look in the search results.

By default, the plugin will use the smart tags to display your site title, separator, and site tagline. However, it’s easy to change these if you want to use something else.

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When you’re happy with the AIOSEO settings, simply click on ‘Save and Continue.’ After that, you just need to enter your AIOSEO license key and the plugin is ready to use.

For more detailed instructions, please see our guide on how to setup All in One SEO for WordPress correctly.

2. TruSEO On-Page Analysis

Optimizing your blog posts for SEO can improve your search engine rankings and drive more people to your site.

To help you with this important task, AIOSEO adds an area where you can can type in the focus keyword you want the content to rank for.

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AIOSEO also seamlessly integrates with Semrush, so it’s easy to do keyword research and find additional long tail keywords.

AIOSEO even shows the search volume and trends for each related word or phrase.

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When you find a keyphrase you want to use, simply click on the ‘Add Keyphrase’ button.

After doing this keyword research, AIOSEO will give your content a clear score out of 100. This makes it easy to see how well the content is optimized.

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AIOSEO also creates an actionable, easy-to-understand SEO checklist showing the exact steps you should take, in order to improve your score.

Simply work your way through the list, and your content will stand a good chance of appearing high in the search results.

The on-page SEO checklist includes a smart meta tag generator where you can use dynamic values in your SEO title and meta descriptions, such as the current year, author information, and custom fields.

This means you don’t need to update a post just to change SEO titles.

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3. Rich Snippets Schema

Schema markup gives the search engines important information about your content, so they can index it correctly and show it to people who are looking for this kind of content.

For example, you can tell search engines that a page is a recipe by adding the recipe schema. Some search engines may even use this information to create rich snippets, which stand out in the search results and often get more clicks.

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AIOSEO allows you to add a growing number of schema types to your pages, posts, custom post types, categories, tags, custom taxonomies, and more.

For example, you can add FAQ schema in WordPress, add ISBN schema, and more.

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3. Local SEO

Many business websites sites serve a specific town or region, such as a restaurant website.

Local business SEO allows you to optimize your website to appear more prominently in local search results. For example, if someone searches for an ‘Italian restaurant’, then your site will show up in the results.

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With AIOSEO, you can easily add local business SEO schema markup to your site. This will help you appear in local search results, and drive targeted customers to your business.

In AIOSEO, simply add your business’s information such as its name, custom logo, location, area served, and opening hours.

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You can even add a map of your location to help customers find your office, physical store, or some other venue.

For step-by-step instructions, see our guide on how to add a Google Maps store locator.

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4. Smart XML Sitemaps

An XML sitemap helps search engines discover and index your pages and posts, by listing all your content in an XML format. This may sound complicated, but AIOSEO can automatically set up sitemaps for you.

AIOSEO’s default sitemap settings work well for all kinds of websites, blogs, and online stores, but you can easily customize the sitemap if you need to. For example, you can exclude content that you don’t want to appear in the search results, such as premium pages from your membership website or content that you keep behind a paywall.

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You can also add extra pages to the sitemap, which is useful if you have content like a contact form, a landing page, or Shopify store pages that are not part of WordPress.

Simply type in the URL of the page you want to include and then set a priority where 0.0 is the lowest and 1.0 is the highest.

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For more information, please see our guide on how to create a sitemap in WordPress.

If you regularly embed videos in your blog posts or pages, then AIOSEO can also create a video sitemap. This will allow search engines to show these posts in video search results, along with the video thumbnail.

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For more information, please see our guide on how to properly setup video SEO in WordPress.

You can also create a news sitemap and submit your WordPress website to Google News.

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5. Social Media Integration

AIOSEO lets you control how your posts will look when people share them on social media. This can get you more clicks and engagement across the major social platforms, and can increase your blog traffic.

In the WordPress content editor, simply scroll to the AIOSEO settings and then switch to the ‘Social’ tab.

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Here, you can upload a custom title and description as well as an image for Facebook and Twitter shares. This ensures that your social media images are not broken, and you can choose the perfect image to appear with your links.

As you make changes, AIOSEO will show a preview of how your post will look like when it’s shared on social media.

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6. Link Assistant

Internal URLs are links between posts on your own website. They help search engines like Google crawl your site and discover new content to index and rank.

Generally, the more links a page has pointing to it, the more likely it is to rank highly. This means you can use internal links to highlight the most important pages on your site.

If you’re not sure which posts you should link to, then you can use AIOSEO’s link assistant. This tool will crawl every link on your website and then create a comprehensive link report.

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This report shows an overview of your URLs with total counts for internal, external, and affiliate links.

It will also show any orphaned posts that you haven’t linked to from any other post or page. It’s difficult for search engines to discover orphaned content, so it’s smart to add links and fix this issue wherever possible.

After that, you can switch to the Links Report tab to see detailed information on all your links.

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Link Assistant also helps you discover more internal linking opportunities by suggesting pages and posts you may want to link to.

Simply click the ‘Add Link’ button and AIOSEO will insert the URL, without you even having to visit the page or post.

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7. WooCommerce SEO

If you run an online store, then AIOSEO has everything you need to optimize your WooCommerce SEO.

Simply open any WooCommerce product for editing and you’ll see some new AIOSEO settings where you can change the product’s SEO title and description. You can use a product short description smart tag, or write a custom description.

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You can also control how the product will look when it’s shared on social media platforms.

You can even set a different product image to get more clicks and engagement.

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As already mentioned, AIOSEO comes with a built-in schema library. AIOSEO will automatically add the Product schema to WooCommerce products.

It will also add the data from your WooCommerce product listing, such as the pricing, availability of stock, and more.

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If you want, then you can easily add other important information such as brand, material, color, and pattern.

AIOSEO also automatically generates WooCommerce XML sitemaps, including product and product category sitemaps.

8. Redirection Manager

A redirect automatically sends users to a new address when the page they tried to visit isn’t available. If you don’t set up redirection, then visitors will see a 404 error instead.

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This is a bad user experience that can also hurt your search engine rankings. You may even lose valuable backlinks if there are lots of broken links on your site. This can affect your domain authority and keyword rankings.

Thankfully, AIOSEO has a powerful redirection manager that makes it easy to find broken links and set up 301 redirects to fix them.

To start, AIOSEO creates a 404 log where it will track broken links and show a list of all the URLs that have a 404 error. In the ‘Hits’ column, you can see how many times people tried to visit the link, and the ‘Last Accessed’ column shows the date when the link was last visited.

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After identifying the pages with broken links, you can set up a redirect by clicking the ‘Add Redirect’ button.

Then, simply type in the URL you want to use instead, and select the redirection type from the dropdown menu. For example, you can move a page permanently by selecting the ‘301 Moved Permanently’ option.

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For more on this topic, please see our guide on how to find and fix broken links in WordPress.

9. Robots.txt Editor

Robots.txt is a text file that tells search engine bots how to crawl and index your site’s content. For example, you might want the search engine bots to ignore your WordPress admin pages, plugin files, and themes folder.

This can save your crawl quote, so the search engines index your site’s most important content faster.

AIOSEO has a file generator that allows you to create and customize the robots.txt file.

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AIOSEO will show a preview of your site’s robots.txt file, along with some easy settings.

To optimize your WordPress robots.txt for SEO, just type into the ‘User Agent’ field. You can then select whether you want to ‘Allow’ or ‘Disallow’ the search engine bots.

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10. Search Statistics

With AIOSEO, you can track your keywords, discover top-performing content, see your click-through rate (CTR), and more directly in the WordPress dashboard.

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This means you don’t have to waste time switching between different tabs to find the data you need.

You can also use the Keyword Performance report to check that your posts are ranking for the right keywords.

By clicking on the ‘Top Winning’ and ‘Top Losing’ tabs, you can see what keywords have seen the biggest position changes without having to pay for an expensive 3rd-party tool.

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AIOSEO’s search statistics also include a powerful Content Rankings report.

This shows the date each URL was last updated, the rate at which your content is decaying, detailed SEO data about each URL, and more.

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This lets you easily identify content decay and posts that are dropping in traffic. You can then update them to regain your traffic.

11. Breadcrumbs

Breadcrumbs help visitors see where they are on your website or online marketplace.

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For example, if you add breadcrumbs to your WooCommerce store, then the breadcrumb menu could look something like this: Home » Men’s Fashion » Shirts & Polo » Formal Shirts.

Breadcrumb navigation helps search engines understand the structure and hierarchy of links on a web page. Some search engines even include breadcrumbs in their search results, which can help your content stand out and get more clicks.

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AIOSEO comes with an easy-to-use breadcrumbs feature, and will automatically add the breadcrumbs schema markup to your website’s code.

If you want to show breadcrumb navigation links to your visitors, then you can simply click the ‘Enable Breadcrumbs’ option.

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You can then choose whether to add the breadcrumbs to your site using a block, shortcode, widget, or PHP code.

In this way, you can control exactly where the breadcrumbs appear on your site.

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12. SEO Custom User Rules

It’s smart to use roles and permissions to control the actions people can perform on your website. This can improve your WordPress security, while also helping users to complete their work by removing unnecessary settings.

AIOSEO has an ‘Access Controls’ area where you can control who has access to your site’s SEO settings.

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It also adds two new custom user roles:

  • SEO Manager. Managers can access AIOSEO’s General Settings, Sitemaps, Link Assistant, Redirects, and Local SEO, plus the settings for individual pages and posts.
  • SEO Editor. By default, editors can access SEO settings for individual pages and posts.
    All in one seo pack review

These roles are customizable, so you can add and remove permissions to perfectly suit your WordPress website.

For more information, please see our guide on how to add an SEO editor role in WordPress.

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13. RSS Content

By default, there’s no way to customize your WordPress RSS feed.

Thankfully, AIOSEO has everything you need to optimize the RSS feed for SEO.

To start, you can add content that you want to display before or after each RSS feed item. For example, you might add a link to your site to prevent blog content scraping.

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You can also format this content using basic HTML. In this way, you can make the feed’s most important content stand out, which can get you more clicks and engagement.

With AIOSEO, you can also add an RSS sitemap to your site without having to code.

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For example, you can change how many posts WordPress includes in the RSS sitemap.

You can also include all post types, or exclude certain posts types from the RSS feed.

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Are you building a headless WordPress website and don’t want to compromise on SEO?

AIOSEO can enable the REST API for headless WordPress development.

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This allows you to fetch data from WordPress and then use it to create a custom website using apps or other front-end technologies like React.js, Angular.js, or Faust.js.

15. Professional and Community Support

AIOSEO makes it easy to optimize your site and achieve SEO success. However, sometimes you may still need some extra help.

If you prefer to research yourself, then AIOSEO has detailed online documentation and a blog where you’ll find step-by-step guides covering everything from how to use the plugin’s specific features, right through to general advice on how to optimize your blog posts for SEO.

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Even better, you can access all these resources no matter whether you’re using the free AIOSEO plugin or the premium version.

If you upgrade to the premium plugin, then you’ll get access to professional support. Simply submit a ticket in your AIOSEO account, and an SEO expert will get back to you.

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AIOSEO Pricing and Plans

If you’re just getting started, then you may want to try a free SEO plugin before investing in a premium SEO toolkit. With that in mind, you’ll find a free version of AIOSEO over at the official WordPress repository.

However, you’ll get access to more features by upgrading to an AIOSEO premium license. This includes cutting-edge SEO features such as ChatGPT AI tools, content decay tracking, network-level database management, and more.

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There are four AIOSEO plans that you can choose from:

  • Basic. For $49.60 per year, you can perform an unlimited number of SEO audits, and track as many keywords as you want. You can also see Semrush data directly in the WordPress dashboard, use the headline analyzer, get content suggestions for ChatGPT, and more. This is an affordable option for websites and blogs that want to unlock some of AIOSEO’s more powerful features.
  • Plus. Priced at $99.50 per year, Plus allows you to use AIOSEO on up to 3 websites. You’ll also get tools to optimize your local and image SEO, and can track your performance over time with SEO revisions. This is perfect for businesses, or anyone who runs more than one website.
  • Pro. For $199.60 per year, you can use Pro on up to 10 websites. Pro adds a powerful redirection manager and internal link assistant, along with event schema. With its advanced tools and powerful features, AIOSEO Pro is perfect for businesses that want to improve their SEO rankings and outpace the competition, fast.
  • Elite. Do you manage multiple WordPress websites or run an agency? For $299.60, your can use AIOSEO Elite on up to 100 websites. To help you maintain multiple websites, Elite comes with a client management dashboard, WordPress multisite support, and network-level database management.

How WPBeginner Uses AIOSEO

When we launched WPBeginner in 2009, we used AIOSEO because it was the original and best WordPress SEO plugin. Then, after a few years we switched to Yoast SEO because it had newer and more exciting features.

However, as WPBeginner grew we needed more advanced features such as better control over XML sitemaps, powerful tools, and more. We also felt that Yoast SEO had stopped innovating.

After looking at a few different options, our parent company Awesome Motive acquired the All in One SEO plugin in 2020.

Following this move, we worked closely with the AIOSEO team to completely overhaul the plugin and add the powerful, cutting-edge SEO features WPBeginner needed such as the content decay analyzer, automatic link assistant, AI tools, and more.

To learn more about the journey, please see our post on why we switched from Yoast to All in One SEO.

Today, every single article we publish on WPBeginner has been optimized using AIOSEO. We also make full use of its advanced keyword tracking, social media integrations, and on-page analysis to keep our status as the most popular free WordPress resource site for beginners.

Conclusion: Is AIOSEO the Best WordPress SEO Plugin?

We believe that AIOSEO is the best SEO plugin for WordPress. It has everything you need to optimize your blog, website, or online store for the search engines and get more visitors.

The Basic plan is an affordable option for business or website owners who want to unlock powerful SEO features and track multiple keywords.

If you need to focus on improving your local or image SEO, then AIOSEO Plus is a great option. It also allows you to use AIOSEO on up to 3 websites.

Do you run a news website or regularly embed videos in WordPress? Then AIOSEO Pro can create specialized sitemaps for this kind of content. It also comes with the redirection manager and internal link assistant, which are must-have tools for business websites and affiliate marketers.

Finally, if you manage client websites or run a marketing agency, then AIOSEO Elite allows you to use AIOSEO on up to 100 websites. It also has tools that are designed to help you manage a big portfolio of websites, including network-wide SEO tools.

We hope this AIOSEO review helped you decide whether it’s the best SEO plugin for WordPress. You can also check out our guide on how to track website visitors, or see our expert pick of the best analytics solutions for WordPress users.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

Is All in One SEO premium worth it?

Yes, there's a free version of All in One SEO! For a hobby site, the free version will work just fine. If you need advanced features, like local SEO, it's well worth upgrading to the paid version of All in One SEO.

Does all in one SEO work?

Get the

1 Most Powerful WordPress SEO Plugin Today Join over 3 million smart website owners who use AIOSEO to improve their website search rankings. All-in-One SEO is a great product. I have been using it on all my WP sites for several years. I highly recommend it.

What does all in one SEO pack do?

Just like WordPress SEO, All in One SEO Pack can set up your XML sitemap instantly; however it offers a lot more settings for those of you who do want to customize your sitemap. In addition to excluding post types and taxonomies, All in One SEO Pack also allows you to include date archives and author pages.

How much does Aioseo cost?

Pro. For $199.60 per year, you can use Pro on up to 10 websites. Pro adds a powerful redirection manager and internal link assistant, along with event schema. With its advanced tools and powerful features, AIOSEO Pro is perfect for businesses that want to improve their SEO rankings and outpace the competition, fast.