your yellow là gì - Nghĩa của từ your yellow

your yellow có nghĩa là

Your yellow isn’t just any regular person, your yellow is a certain person you hold so close to you. They’ve kept you going at times where you’ve felt like giving up, they’ve seen you at your worst, and they may/may not even know it; but they’re the reason you’re still alive and going to this day. This could be your bestfriend, significant other, parent, etc. You can only have one yellow, and if you ever have found, or do have a yellow currently; Xin chúc mừng! They’re YOUR yellow. Your yellow isn’t replaceable, they’re here for life. You would do anything for them in a heartbeat. Your yellow is the type of person that can light up an entire room just with a smile. If someone calls you their Yellow, keep them close to you. They would do anything and everything for you. Not to mention they love you beyond means.

Ví dụ

You: You’re my yellow.
Them: Your yellow? What’s that? You: Look it up, and listen to Yellow my Coldplay and PAY attention to the lyrics. Read the definition on Urban Dictionary.

your yellow có nghĩa là

Your yellow is exactly what you think. The sun to everything thats dark. Your yellow will always be your best friend and your happy place. If you have a yellow then you know its ok. Your yellow is what keeps you sane, we all find our yellows one day

Ví dụ

You: You’re my yellow.

your yellow có nghĩa là

Them: Your yellow? What’s that?

Ví dụ

You: You’re my yellow.
Them: Your yellow? What’s that? You: Look it up, and listen to Yellow my Coldplay and PAY attention to the lyrics. Read the definition on Urban Dictionary. Your yellow is exactly what you think. The sun to everything thats dark. Your yellow will always be your best friend and your happy place. If you have a yellow then you know its ok. Your yellow is what keeps you sane, we all find our yellows one day

your yellow có nghĩa là

Your yellow describes friends in love

Ví dụ

You: You’re my yellow.
Them: Your yellow? What’s that?

your yellow có nghĩa là

Idiom. 1. Accusing someone of doing something you are guilty of. 2. Synonymous with "What's your problem?"

Ví dụ

You: Look it up, and listen to Yellow my Coldplay and PAY attention to the lyrics. Read the definition on Urban Dictionary. Your yellow is exactly what you think. The sun to everything thats dark. Your yellow will always be your best friend and your happy place. If you have a yellow then you know its ok. Your yellow is what keeps you sane, we all find our yellows one day Your yellow describes friends in love

your yellow có nghĩa là

Many people might say “you’re my yellow” to their lover or someone they hold near and dear to their heart who makes them happier than anyone else in the universe. That person has seen you at your worst and best. You would do anything and everything for them in a heartbeat, and they would too. They're everything to you. They're your best friend and your happy place. The one that brightens all your days and keeps you sane. Whenever you find your yellow you should tell them. It lets then know that you love them beyond all means and beyond what words can tell and anything you could do to show your love and gratitude for them.

Ví dụ

you - hey, youre my yellow.

your yellow có nghĩa là

this is ANY action taken for one to release obscure things such as tension, stress, everyday odsticales that can bring a one down.

Ví dụ

the - whats that?

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