What are the new moons in 2023?

March New Moon is celebrated with the appearance of a New Moon in March, and takes place on March 23. The New Moon happens when the Sun and Moon align, and the Sun and Earth are on opposite sides of the Moon. Astronomically, the New Moon signifies the start of a new lunar cycle. It is also symbolic of new beginnings. The New Moon is an important day in several different contexts, and we’re going to talk about them.

History of March New Moon

Approximately 4.5 billion years ago, a Mars-sized body collided with the Earth. The debris from this collision went on to form the Moon. It was initially in a molten state, but over 100 million years, most of the “magma ocean” crystallized, and the lunar crust was formed. The majority of the Moon is covered by a pile of charcoal-gray dust and rocky debris called the lunar regolith.

The Moon does not have its own natural light. The Sun illuminates part of the moon and the reflection determines what we see of it. Half the moon is illuminated at a certain point, while the other half remains in the dark. However, we see different portions of the illuminated half, depending on the Moon’s position through its orbit. These positions can be categorized into eight types — New Moon, Waxing Crescent, First Quarter, Waxing Gibbous, Full Moon, Waning Gibbous, Last Quarter, and Waning Crescent.

The New Moon is an invisible phase of the Moon. During this phase, the Moon’s illuminated side faces the Sun while the dark side faces the Earth. Even outside of the astronomical context, the New Moon is quite significant. It is associated with the beginning of a new month in many calendars such as the Chinese calendar, Hebrew calendar, and Hindu calendar. For believers of astrology, the New Moon is a great time for new beginnings, new projects, and setting powerful new intentions.

The period from one New Moon to the next is called a lunation. This occurs monthly. The New Moon in March 2022 is predicted to occur on March 2.

March New Moon timeline

4.5 Billion Years Ago

The Moon is Born

Earth and another entity collide and result in the formation of the moon.


The Moon is Seen

Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei makes the first telescopic observation of the moon.


The Moon is Captured

NASA’s Ranger 7 gets the first close-up pictures of the moon's surface.


The Moon is Visited

Apollo 11 makes the first landing on the moon.

How far is the Moon?

The Moon is approximately 238,855 miles away from the Earth.

Have humans gone to the Moon?

So far, twelve humans have walked on the Moon. There are plans to send many more.

How often do New Moons occur?

On average, there is one New Moon per month. However, it has a 29.5-day cycle, to be exact.

March New Moon Activities

  1. Try to spot the Moon

    Although this is the invisible phase of the lunar cycle, there is a slender crescent illuminated by the Sun. This can be seen at a specific time and depending on the observer’s location, so go out and try your luck!

  2. Learn about the Moon

    There is so much information out there about the moon — its origin, its makeup, its characteristics, its role, its exploration, and lots more. Read up about it or watch a film or documentary. You could even try to find what it means in your culture.

  3. Begin something new

    If you’ve been waiting to launch a new project, this is the day to do it. Even if you don’t have something ready to go, this day is great to set clear intentions about something new and use this new energy to guide you through it.

5 Facts About The New Moon You Probably Didn’t Know

  1. The bridesmaid, not the bride

    Since the Moon is dark, the New Moon is a good night to observe other stars and planets.

  2. It affects the tide

    The Moon and Sun’s gravitational pull results in higher tides on this day.

  3. It causes solar eclipses

    A few times a year, the Moon covers the Sun and appears on Earth as a silhouette.

  4. It aligns with the Sun

    The New Moon rises and sets with the Sun, invisible to the naked eye.

  5. The Black Moon

    Some years have 13 New Moons, out of which one is a Black Moon.

Why We Love March New Moon

  1. It is a new beginning

    Sometimes all we need is a fresh start. The New Moon brings exactly that. Whether it is astrologically, culturally, or even literally, as the beginning of the lunar cycle, the New Moon is significant to beginnings.

  2. It is an opportunity to learn more

    The March New Moon ignites curiosity about the lunar cycle, the different phases, and even the moon in general. It is a great time to learn and research deeper about the Earth’s natural satellite.

  3. It opens up a new world

    The New Moon is a chance to discover and observe other celestial objects. The world of planets and space is so vast and full of interesting information. The New Moon prompts us to discover more.

March New Moon dates

2022 March 2 Wednesday
2023 March 23 Thursday
2024 March 10 Sunday
2025 March 29 Saturday
2026 March 19 Thursday

What are the dates of the full moons in 2023?

Here are the dates of the 2023 Full Moons:.
January 6, 2023 (Full Wolf Moon) ... .
February 5, 2023 (Full Snow Moon) ... .
March 7, 2023 (Full Worm Moon) ... .
April 6, 2023 (Full Pink Moon) ... .
May 5, 2023 (Full Flower Moon) ... .
June 3, 2023 (Full Strawberry Moon) ... .
July 3, 2023 (Full Buck Moon) ... .
August 1, 2023 (Full Sturgeon Moon).

Does 2023 have blue moon?

When Is the Next Blue Moon? The next monthly Blue Moon is on August 30/31, 2023. The next seasonal Blue Moon takes place on August 19/20, 2024.

What day is the Harvest Moon 2023?

When is the Next Full Moon?.

What moon is in January 2023?

The full Wolf Moon rises on Friday, January 6, 2023. Learn more about when and where to howl at the January full Moon!

What moon phase is best for a wedding?

Marriage and the Moon The ancient Greeks believed that marriages consummated during the full Moon were the most prosperous and happiest, but a waning Moon boded ill for wedded bliss. The full Moon is also considered to be an ideal time to accept a marriage proposal.

How many new moons will occur this year?

With thirteen New Moons on the calendar, 2022 is bound to be a magical year. To help you prepare, here's a list of every 2022 New Moon on the roster, plus some tips on working with New Moon energy. Cultures worldwide understand the differing intensities of both Full Moons and New Moons.