Tìm tập nghiệm S của bất phương trình 4x 16 0

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Tìm tập nghiệm S của bất phương trình −4x+16≤0?

A. S=4; +∞.

B. S=4; +∞.

C. S=−∞; 4.

D. S=−∞; −4.

Đáp án và lời giải

Đáp án:A

Lời giải: Li gii
Ta có −4x+16≤0 ⇔−4x≤−16 ⇔x≥4.
Vậy tập nghiệm của bất phương trình −4x+16≤0 là S=4; +∞.

Câu hỏi thuộc đề thi sau. Bạn có muốn thi thử?

Bài tập trắc nghiệm 15 phút Giải bất phương trình, hệ bất phương trình bậc nhất - Toán Học 10 - Đề số 4

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  • Tìm tập nghiệm S của bất phương trình 4x 16 0

  • Tìm tập nghiệm S của bất phương trình 4x 16 0

Một số câu hỏi khác có thể bạn quan tâm.

  • Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase thet best fits each of the numbered blanks from 24 to 28:

    Although it may come as a surprise to many people, postal services have existed in some parts of the world for thousands of years. There is ample evidence that a postal services existed among the Assyrians and Babylonians. In China a regular postal service was established in the seventh century BC, and over the centuries attained sucha high level of efficiency that some 2000 years after its (24) _______ it won the admiration of travelers like MarcoPolo. Efficient and highly developed postal services were also established in the Persia and Roman Empires. In ancient times, these services were mainly confined to the use of representative of the state; private citizens madeuse of slaves, merchants and the (25) _______ to send their messages and documents. In Medieval Europe, postalservices were organized by emperors and by the papacy, (26) _______ private citizens continued to entrust theircorrespondence to various travelers. Later around the 13th century, universities and towns came to have the own messengers. However, it was not until the 14th century when merchants, the private citizens who had the greatestneed for a speedy and regular exchange of correspondence, began to set (27) _______ regular courier services. Theneeds of business (28) _______ to the development of the postal services as we know it today.

    Question 25:

  • Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase thet best fits each of the numbered blanks from 24 to 28:

    Although it may come as a surprise to many people, postal services have existed in some parts of the world for thousands of years. There is ample evidence that a postal services existed among the Assyrians and Babylonians. In China a regular postal service was established in the seventh century BC, and over the centuries attained sucha high level of efficiency that some 2000 years after its (24) _______ it won the admiration of travelers like MarcoPolo. Efficient and highly developed postal services were also established in the Persia and Roman Empires. In ancient times, these services were mainly confined to the use of representative of the state; private citizens madeuse of slaves, merchants and the (25) _______ to send their messages and documents. In Medieval Europe, postalservices were organized by emperors and by the papacy, (26) _______ private citizens continued to entrust theircorrespondence to various travelers. Later around the 13th century, universities and towns came to have the own messengers. However, it was not until the 14th century when merchants, the private citizens who had the greatestneed for a speedy and regular exchange of correspondence, began to set (27) _______ regular courier services. Theneeds of business (28) _______ to the development of the postal services as we know it today.

    Question 28:

  • Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase thet best fits each of the numbered blanks from 24 to 28:

    Although it may come as a surprise to many people, postal services have existed in some parts of the world for thousands of years. There is ample evidence that a postal services existed among the Assyrians and Babylonians. In China a regular postal service was established in the seventh century BC, and over the centuries attained sucha high level of efficiency that some 2000 years after its (24) _______ it won the admiration of travelers like MarcoPolo. Efficient and highly developed postal services were also established in the Persia and Roman Empires. In ancient times, these services were mainly confined to the use of representative of the state; private citizens madeuse of slaves, merchants and the (25) _______ to send their messages and documents. In Medieval Europe, postalservices were organized by emperors and by the papacy, (26) _______ private citizens continued to entrust theircorrespondence to various travelers. Later around the 13th century, universities and towns came to have the own messengers. However, it was not until the 14th century when merchants, the private citizens who had the greatestneed for a speedy and regular exchange of correspondence, began to set (27) _______ regular courier services. Theneeds of business (28) _______ to the development of the postal services as we know it today.

    Question 27:

  • Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage:


    I had never been to Denmark before, and when I set out to catch the ferry in early May, I little (31) _______ that by the end of the trip I'd have made such lasting friendships.

    I wanted to use my time well, so I had planned a route which would (32) _______ several small islands and various parts of the countryside. I arrived at Esbjerg, a convenient port for a cyclist’s arrival, where tourist information can be obtained and money changed. A cycle track (33) _______ out of town and down to Ribe, where I spent my first night.

    In my experience, a person travelling alone sometimes meets with unexpected hospitality, and this trip was no exception. In Ribe, I got into conversation with a cheerful man who turned (34) _______ to be the local baker. He insisted that I should join his family for lunch, and, while we were eating, he contacted his daughter in Odense. Within minutes, he had (35) _______ for me to visit her and her family. Then I was sent on my way with a fresh loaf of bread to keep me going, and the feeling that this would turn out to be a wonderful holiday.

    Question 32:

  • Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage:


    I had never been to Denmark before, and when I set out to catch the ferry in early May, I little (31) _______ that by the end of the trip I'd have made such lasting friendships.

    I wanted to use my time well, so I had planned a route which would (32) _______ several small islands and various parts of the countryside. I arrived at Esbjerg, a convenient port for a cyclist’s arrival, where tourist information can be obtained and money changed. A cycle track (33) _______ out of town and down to Ribe, where I spent my first night.

    In my experience, a person travelling alone sometimes meets with unexpected hospitality, and this trip was no exception. In Ribe, I got into conversation with a cheerful man who turned (34) _______ to be the local baker. He insisted that I should join his family for lunch, and, while we were eating, he contacted his daughter in Odense. Within minutes, he had (35) _______ for me to visit her and her family. Then I was sent on my way with a fresh loaf of bread to keep me going, and the feeling that this would turn out to be a wonderful holiday.

    Question 31:

  • Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage:


    I had never been to Denmark before, and when I set out to catch the ferry in early May, I little (31) _______ that by the end of the trip I'd have made such lasting friendships.

    I wanted to use my time well, so I had planned a route which would (32) _______ several small islands and various parts of the countryside. I arrived at Esbjerg, a convenient port for a cyclist’s arrival, where tourist information can be obtained and money changed. A cycle track (33) _______ out of town and down to Ribe, where I spent my first night.

    In my experience, a person travelling alone sometimes meets with unexpected hospitality, and this trip was no exception. In Ribe, I got into conversation with a cheerful man who turned (34) _______ to be the local baker. He insisted that I should join his family for lunch, and, while we were eating, he contacted his daughter in Odense. Within minutes, he had (35) _______ for me to visit her and her family. Then I was sent on my way with a fresh loaf of bread to keep me going, and the feeling that this would turn out to be a wonderful holiday.

    Question 34:

  • Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage:


    I had never been to Denmark before, and when I set out to catch the ferry in early May, I little (31) _______ that by the end of the trip I'd have made such lasting friendships.

    I wanted to use my time well, so I had planned a route which would (32) _______ several small islands and various parts of the countryside. I arrived at Esbjerg, a convenient port for a cyclist’s arrival, where tourist information can be obtained and money changed. A cycle track (33) _______ out of town and down to Ribe, where I spent my first night.

    In my experience, a person travelling alone sometimes meets with unexpected hospitality, and this trip was no exception. In Ribe, I got into conversation with a cheerful man who turned (34) _______ to be the local baker. He insisted that I should join his family for lunch, and, while we were eating, he contacted his daughter in Odense. Within minutes, he had (35) _______ for me to visit her and her family. Then I was sent on my way with a fresh loaf of bread to keep me going, and the feeling that this would turn out to be a wonderful holiday.

    Question 33:

  • Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35:

    In Germany, it's important to be serious in a work situation. They don't mix work and play so you shouldn't make jokes (31) _______ you do in the UK and USA when you first meet people. They work in a very organized way and prefer to do one thing at a time. They don't like interruptions or (32)_______ changes of schedule. Punctuality is very important so you should arrive on time for appointments. At meeting, it's important to follow the agenda and not interrupt (33) _______ speaker. If you give a presentation, you should focus (34) _______ facts and technical information and the quality of your company's products. You should also prepare well, as they may ask a lot of questions. Colleagues normally use the family names, and title - for example "Doctor" or "Professor", so you shouldn't use first names (35) _______ a person asks you to.

    Question 33:

  • Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35:

    In Germany, it's important to be serious in a work situation. They don't mix work and play so you shouldn't make jokes (31) _______ you do in the UK and USA when you first meet people. They work in a very organized way and prefer to do one thing at a time. They don't like interruptions or (32)_______ changes of schedule. Punctuality is very important so you should arrive on time for appointments. At meeting, it's important to follow the agenda and not interrupt (33) _______ speaker. If you give a presentation, you should focus (34) _______ facts and technical information and the quality of your company's products. You should also prepare well, as they may ask a lot of questions. Colleagues normally use the family names, and title - for example "Doctor" or "Professor", so you shouldn't use first names (35) _______ a person asks you to.

    Question 34:

  • Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35:

    In Germany, it's important to be serious in a work situation. They don't mix work and play so you shouldn't make jokes (31) _______ you do in the UK and USA when you first meet people. They work in a very organized way and prefer to do one thing at a time. They don't like interruptions or (32)_______ changes of schedule. Punctuality is very important so you should arrive on time for appointments. At meeting, it's important to follow the agenda and not interrupt (33) _______ speaker. If you give a presentation, you should focus (34) _______ facts and technical information and the quality of your company's products. You should also prepare well, as they may ask a lot of questions. Colleagues normally use the family names, and title - for example "Doctor" or "Professor", so you shouldn't use first names (35) _______ a person asks you to.

    Question 35: