scottish là gì - Nghĩa của từ scottish

scottish có nghĩa là

1] term used to describe someone from scotland. [note: not every1 there rolls their R's and says occh I jimmy al the time]
2] a type of dialect. the scottish language was originally a form of gaelic, from when the irish settled in scotland. That language is rapidly going away and so a form of english is more commonly used in scotland.

the collective noun the "scottish" are a group of people who are born in scotland and face many prejudices from narrow-minded idiots.


seriously, wot is with all the other definitions??? they are completely steriotyped, the people should either get a life or at least VISIT SCOTLAND and see for themselves that the scottish arent all whiskey-drinking, sheep-shagging, kilt-wearing, aggresive pigs.

scottish có nghĩa là

"A nation of racism towards England.
I have visited and lived in Scotland, so I know what I'm talking about.
They are obsessed with The Broons and Oor Wullie.
Like to wear kilts with nowt underneath them so they can expose their 2 inch penises.Kilted Klowns In Scotland"
Fuck Off! Well I am Scottish and I know that's naw true and I KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!

"People who have back grounds and ancesters who are Scottish" I'm sorry but as someone who was born in and still lives in Scotland, I would say that people who are Scottish are only people who were actually BORN here. Other people can say that their ancestors were scottish.......but that doesn't make them scottish.

To be Scottish, you must be able to agree to both of these:

1. Born in Scotland
2. Lived in Scotland

There are different dialects of accents in Scotland. On the West Coast, our accent has been influenced by irish settlers yeeeeeeeeeeeears ago. We say words like "Aye .... naw .... wit ..... aye right ..... eejit ..... pure .... nae bother .... dae ..... hing ......... hingmay ..."and usually miss out the 'g' at the end of -ing words "daein' ....... talkin' .....drivin' ...... eatin'"

Main football teams are Celtic and Ranger. Celtic supporters are known as Tims and Rangers are Huns.


I was born in Glasgow and brought up here in Scotland and have a scottish accent......therefore I am Scottish!

scottish có nghĩa là

" Also Negroes turned inside out." The Scottish are a cultured and intelligent people who have been discriminated against in both England and America. Believe me, those WASPs weren't always holding parades for us. They used to burn our churchs, lynch us, fire us first, hire us last. Plus, since we were all poor, did all that jigging, and drank a lot they didn't consider us white. They used to call us "negroes turned inside out." So don't take your heritage for granted, my fellow Scottsmen. We've been through a lot. Thats probably why Scottish women are some of the most strong-willed, brave women in the world, a long with black, italian, irish and jewish women. The same goes for our hard-working men, who gave their lives on the assembly lines. Never forget.

Know your roots, my fellow Scottsmen. Scottish pride


The coolest guys you will ever meet. Scottish

scottish có nghĩa là

A people who think they are cool and popular like the Irish are but in reality are nowhere near as popular and admired as the Irish.

It is commonly thought that they may have invented the myth about a mythical sea dragon named "Nessie" that lives in as lake called "Loch Ness" to attract tourism to Scotland


The Scottish accent is harsh and unpleasing to some people.
Unlike lush green Ireland, Scotland is much colder and mountainous.
Latch onto the popularity of the Irish claiming "Celtic Brotherhood" when in reality, Where was all the "brotherly love" throughout History? when the Irish were being oppressed and persecuted by the British?
Are a member of the United Kingdom but have a minority political party promoting independance as they see how much Ireland is thriving as an independant country.
Have a ridiculously expensive parliament built with British taxpayers money.

scottish có nghĩa là

Proud nation who generally like to hate the English and hold onto past events- easily influenced by Mel Gibson films.


Scottishman- Brave heart was insane. Mel Gibson dipicted the Scottish struggle against the wankers of England just perfectly; seeing those heads severed really made my day.
Englishman- Yeah that was pretty cool! sorry about all that by the way, we were jerks back then.
scottish man- FRRRRRREEEEEDOMMM *hacks englishman's head off with a make-shift sword*

scottish có nghĩa là

the language of scotland



scottish có nghĩa là

Typically a tight arsed robbing bastard who would steal the steam off of his mother piss!!


As tight as a scottish nuns fanny!!

scottish có nghĩa là

The Scottish culture is one of the Three Best Cultures, which are the [not uptight part of the] English culture, the Flemish culture and this one.


Scottish, the language, rules!

scottish có nghĩa là


The exact opposite to welsh. Boring, idle and dammed right ugly.


Get uff ya fat arse and stop bein' so Scottish!

scottish có nghĩa là

dumb big headed ugly assholes that stink like whiskey mixed with shit


This drunk dumb ass with big head must be scottish.

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