Preview Visual Studio Code

Announcing the public preview of Visual Studio Code for the Web, a new web-based code editor that runs entirely in your browser with no install. Everyone can use VS Code for the Web for free at // to quickly open and browse source code on your local machine, or hosted on GitHub or Azure Repos, and make and commit lightweight changes.

VS Code for the Web does not have access to compute resources, so you won't be able to build, run, or debug your application, nor you will be able to use the integrated terminal.

VS Code for the Web can be "upgraded" to a GitHub Codespaces instance in those cases when you need to leverage a more complete VS Code experience, including the ability to build and debug your code, use all VS Code extensions, or access the integrated terminal. Additionally, you can start working on the Web and continue your work on a VS Code desktop app.

Launch VS Code for the Web

Read the announcement

Our 64-bit upgrade

Take advantage of all your computer’s resources to scale Visual Studio to the largest of projects and complex workloads without running out of memory. You can continue to run and debug your 32-bit apps.

Comes with .NET 6

Develop cross-platform apps with C# and .NET MAUI. Build responsive Web UIs with Blazor. Build, debug, and test .NET apps in Linux environments. Use hot reload capabilities across .NET apps. Edit ASP.NET Web pages with Web Live Preview.

C++20 Support

Visual Studio 2022 comes with our latest toolchain for targeting C++20 and is binary-compatible with 2022. Develop cross-platform C++ projects from Windows and leverage the best the ecosystem has to offer.

Best IntelliCode yet

IntelliCode now automatically completes larger chunks of code, up to a whole line at a time, by understanding your coding context better, and leveraging the wisdom of nearly half a million open source repos’ code patterns.

IDE built for you

Visual Studio 2022 has a refreshed look with new icons and theme that’s improves clarity and consistency, while keeping familiarity. More than what comes out of the box Visual Studio has 100s of options for you to customize to make Visual Studio truly yours.

Enhanced Debugging

Unlock your potential as a developer with debugging tools that empower you to quickly diagnose issues. Use async visualizations, automatic analyzers, time travel debugging, and a dozens of others tools.

Did you know you can view a live-reloading browser preview right inside of Visual Studio Code? Well, with the Browser Preview extension, you can do just that. Setting up your Visual Studio Code browser preview is just a few clicks away. Let's see how to do it.

Why The Browser Preview Extension

As someone who records lots of videos, I'm constantly searching for the best way to display both my browser and my VS Code window at the same time. Most often, I end up switching between the two applications with shortcuts. This works fine but it can be a bit hard to follow for a user.

Want to learn everything you need to know about VS Code? Check out the Learn Visual Studio Code course

Alternatively, I've also tried setting VS Code and Google Chrome to take up 50% of my screen so they can sit side by side. This is fine too, but with the Browser Preview, you can get the same type of view right inside of your editor.

Install the Extension

Start by opening the extensions tab inside of VS Code. Then search for Browser Preview and click install.

Use the Extension

Now that you have the extension installed, let's see how to use it. This extension basically opens a [headless] browser window inside of VS Code. So, you'll need to start your application locally with a live-reloading server. If you're using react, angular, vue, etc. they come pre-packaged with a live-reloading server.

If you are using vanilla JavaScript, you can use the Live Server extension to serve your site from a live-reloading server.

Learn more about how to set up the Live Server extension in VS Code!

With your application and server running, now you can open the browser preview. Open the command palette [control + shift + p on Windows and command + shift + p on Mac] and search for Browser Preview: Open Preview.

Now, you can type in the url of your app in the browser. Here's my Quick Quiz demo running at localhost:5500.

Check out this FREE course if you're interested in learning to build a Quiz App with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Wrap Up

So that's it. Now you have a live-reloading browser preview of your app right inside of VS Code. I'm curious, are you using the Browser Preview or Live Server extension? Let me know on twitter, @jamesqquick.


This extension provide preview of HTML which execute on web server. When you save files, this extension automatically reload browser or side panel [live preview feature]. You can call these features from the context menu or editor menu. The main features are as follows.

  • Preview on side panel [ctrl+shift+v]: Open preview of HTML on side panel. With this feature, you can easely check the operation of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
  • Launch on browser [ctrl+shift+l]: Open Web Page on default browser. You can check all operation with web page.
  • Stop the web server [ctrl+shift+s]: Stop the web server. This feature can be used only from command palette.
  • Resume the web server [ctrl+shift+r]: Resume the web server. This feature can be used only from command palette.
  • show UI Page [ctrl+shift+u]: Show UI Page. You can change options at UI page.

Extension Settings


This extension contributes the following settings:

  • previewServer.browsers: Browsers to launch. Even if you do not set this option, default browser launch if the ignoreDefaultBrowser is false. Default setting is null.
  • previewServer.ignoreDefaultBrowser: Controls whether launch default browser or not. Default setting is false.
  • previewServer.isWatchConfiguration: Controls whether resume the Web Server or not, when change settings. Default setting is true.
  • previewServer.port: Port number of the Web Server. If you set null, vscode-preview-server generate random number, and set port as random number. Default setting is 8080.
  • previewServer.proxy: Set proxy. This is usefull when execute web app on another web server. Default setting is "".
  • previewServer.sync: Controls whether synchronized or not. Default setting is true.
  • previewServer.ui: Port number of UI Page. Default setting is 3001.
  • startupProject: Name of startup project. This setting is meaningful only when in the workspace. This value is the name of the folder. When using this workspace and omitting this value, the first folder becomes the startup project Default setting is null.

Simple example

{ "previewServer.browsers": ["firefox", "chrome"], "previewServer.ignoreDefaultBroswer": true, "previewServer.port": 9999, "previewServer.ui": { "port": 3001, "weinrePort": 8081 } }

Settings with workspace

{ "previewServer.startupProject": "Product" } { "folders": [ { "name": "Product", "path": "foo" }, { "name": "Test", "path": "bar" } ], "settings": { "previewServer.startupProject": "Product" } }

How to build locally

  1. Ensure that you have gulp-cli installed globally using npm i -g gulp-cli.
  2. Run npm install to bring in the dependencies.
  3. Run gulp build to produce i18n files.
  4. Press F5 key to launch extension.

Known Issues

Preview on side panel somethimes don't work with CDN, Link etc.


This extension use browsersync. I would like to thank browsersync team for useful work.



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