nora là gì - Nghĩa của từ nora

nora có nghĩa là

Nora is a strong young lady. She loves to eat food. She’s such a fan girl. Friendship is one of the most important things for her even if something is wrong with her best friends she is always there or is worried.Nora’s parents can be very strict and expect a lot from her.Nora is has one thing that makes herself different from everyone else but she doesn’t like people to point it out.When she loves something like a friend or even a Bracelet it’s hard for her to let go but with just talking it out she will get over it and then always be ready to hear her friends problems not matter what they are even if it’s the most stupidest thing she will listen and give u her opinion and try to give you the right choice to make. But she doesn’t just help you before she says anything she pictures herself in your place and how your feeling and what she would do.she is also very strong and not just in her muscles but her emotions you would be surprised how much is in there locked up a ways and she’s been through a lot but she keep herself together and worry’s about everyone else and try’s to never cry because she knows if she does she will break and feel like she is letting everyone down.Nora is one of a kind person and is that one person that you want in your life and if your having a bad day she will do something stupid just to cheer you up or talk about her fan girl stuff, she’s that one person that brings you joy into your life.


Nora is my one friend I can’t live without no matter what happens I always want her into my life .

nora có nghĩa là

Nora, from Eleanor, meaning light, is exactly what Nora is. She shines a light on every person she knows. She weighs very little but can win a fight with her massive amounts of Kung fu skills. Nora is a little shy, but the people who know her love her. She is beautiful inside and out. Nora is always there for you and is very patient and understanding. She doesn't give herself enough credit for how amazing of a person she is. Nora is almost a dream girl. She understands what it means to be a true friend. Nora's family is one that has helped make her who she is. Her mother and father may seem strict, but it's only because they love her. Her siblings are exactly like she is. Nora is very athletic and seems to always be in tip top physical shape. She is smart, beautiful, has a great sense of humor, she is religious, a little crazy, unpredictable, and daring. She knows what rules to follow and what rules to break. Nora is exactly what a boy looks for if he wants a reliable, loving, friendly, smart, beautiful, daring, fun, exciting girlfriend. Nora is a music genius. She has a massive effect on people's lives even if she doesn't realize it. She is always the first to forgive. Nora makes everyone happy. Nora is happiness.


This Nora seems like a dream.

nora có nghĩa là

Nora is a name, a name for a beautiful girl, both inside and out. Never underestimate her capability in school, in sports, and in life. Nora is a very down to earth person, and appreciates nature, and all it has to offer. She doesn't discriminate and accepts everyone from all walks of life. Nora might not know what crowd she fits in with yet, because she is still finding herself, but has an idea of who she wants to be and spend her time with. She is talented, supportive, and empathetic. Nora is always there for you when you need to vent, you need comfort, or just someone to be with you. She not only has a beautiful personality, but she is a gorgeous person on the outside. Nora is hot and sexy, but doesn't present herself as a stripper. No matter what she is wearing she can look flawless in it. She knows how to rock a runway and pose for a camera. And most of all, Nora is a friend. Never pass up a chance to become friends with a Nora.


Luke: "who's that girl over there? She's hot."
Ryan: "I don't know. But I saw her at the homeless shelter last weekend volunteering."
Luke: "She's such a Nora"

nora có nghĩa là

Nora, a known person wherever she is. Whoever meets her, will remember her name and personality. Nora is a very athletic person, who tries hard to please anyone. Very cautious of what others think of her, Nora keeps a reputation to be friends with everyone. This name most likely represents a creative standard, either musically, or artistically. Without loved ones, Nora is very alone, and hopeful. She needs to be surrounded by close friends, family, or lovers to feel safe. Nora is an attractive girl, but doesn’t show her awareness of that fact. She beats males in many sports, to leave their jaws dropping. She gives off an unforgettable sense of humor, and continues to make random jokes or gestures that would make anyone around her laugh. Nora is especially a kind person. No matter what, she puts others before herself. She would take a bullet for a random neighbor, knowing she did something right. Without a Nora in your life, your life isn’t complete.


“Hey Jacob! I saw Nora at the grocery store yesterday.”

nora có nghĩa là

tha bestest person to eva existttttttttt


OMG i wish i was nora

nora có nghĩa là

a luscious hottie that is attractive to every girl/boy, and has a great ass and giant boobs and very crazy and wild


ohh wow look at nora and at her butt and how attractive she’s is

nora có nghĩa là

the swaggiest person on this planet


nora is so SWAG

nora có nghĩa là

she got a flat ass.


wow she has a flat ass, she must be a nora!

nora có nghĩa là



Nora Nora Norais have inf a nora night

nora có nghĩa là

the most spoiled rich person you know. kinda bratty but is really funny. you only hang out with her because of her pool and big house. she is addicted to outer banks and is on a strict diet even though she doesn’t need it. she’ll be nice in front of adults and act all innocent when she’s around important people.


oh look! there’s nora, no wonder she is holding a lululemon bag!

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