mras là gì - Nghĩa của từ mras

mras có nghĩa là

Acronym for a group called Men's Rights Activists.

I.E. - A bunch of whiny pedantic morons that think there is some vast Illuminati feminist conspiracy while seemingly ignoring the fact that their own gender runs the majority of the world.


- Hey, you hear about that guy in Marketing that complains about his ex-wife all the time?
-- Yeah, I heard that he just got a raise and tried to take his ex to court to reduce his child support.
- Jeez, what a MRA.

mras có nghĩa là

MRA means "Men's Rights Activist". No seriously. There are actually people who are so stupid they think that men are oppressed anywhere in the world. Just sit and think about the laughably small brain it takes to be an MRA. While research on the feeding habits of MRAs is limited, feminists tend to speculate that they were fed paint in lieu of breast milk as a child. This would explain the intense mental retardation they have as adults. Feminist scholars also have concluded that MRAs are actually crab people who intend to shove womin back into slavery [you might not notice too much of a difference], and then kill all the men and rule the earth themselves. It is thus suggested that you throw all MRAs on a grill and fry them to death. Do not eat them; the MRA carries many fatal illnesses such as stupid, herpes, and Feline AIDS [they are known to fuck their cats, just like New Agers!]


Tabitha: Fire up the grill; we got an MRA coming!
Jessica: Holy shit, would you look at the size of that ego! He must of drank a whole lot of chemicals as a baby!

mras có nghĩa là

‘Men’s rights activists’ - a loosely organised internet collective consisting of insecure, privelidged white males, who didn’t receive enough hugs while growing up.
They will consistently [and predictably] cast the female gender as the cause of all their woes. Often using skewed logic or biased statistics to back up their claims.
Overwhelmingly lacking the ability to be introspective, they would rather blame an entire gender for their inability to befriend, date, have sex, coexist with women.
To these people, feminism is a social construct designed to repress and destroy their lives, and will often use a barrage of buzzwords learned from the most toxic places online.
Similar to the ‘incel movement’ and similarly pathetic.


“Listen to this MRA neck beard keyboard warrior, he’s trying to blame an entire gender for his inability to get laid - what a fuckwit

mras có nghĩa là

Stands for "Men's Rights Advocate", which is sugar coated branding for anti-feminism. Same tactic as calling anti-abortion "pro-life".


His denial of the divorce was some super MRA shit. The MRAs keep pushing for marital rape laws, as if there's some law that could negate the right to say "no". PUAs, gamergaters,'s a regular MRA convention!

mras có nghĩa là

IM speak for a cat noise; what to say when you are angry about something.


Flotus: Hey, my computer is slow, could you write that email again?
Hernando: It took me 30 minutes, mra!

mras có nghĩa là

The men's rights movement [MRM]1 is a branch of men's movement. The MRM in particular consists of a variety of groups and individuals who focus on general social issues and specific government services which adversely impact, or in some cases structurally discriminate against, men and boys. Common topics debated within the men's rights movement include the alleged favor given to women in family law including but not limited to matters such as child custody, alimony and marital property distribution. The movement also concerns itself with parenting, reproduction, suicides, domestic violence against men, circumcision, education, conscription, social safety nets, and health policies. The men's rights movement branched off from the men's liberation movement in the early 1970s, with both groups comprising a part of the larger men's movement.


An MRA always stands by the truth.

mras có nghĩa là

Mens rights activists are men upset by discrimination in society. They don't like always being painted as the villians, how often their issues are ignored, or how privaledged women are in court. Feminists hate it because it doesn't benefit them, and is therefore unworthy. Many of these men are queer or not white, reasonably upset how a white women could think she has more issues than a black man. Some of the people modern feminists hate the most, add them to the list of people who get mad whenever somebody else is treated fairly. They are upset men are treated as slaves whereas women [Not including certain countries] are treated as queens.


"MRA!? Why should men have rights!? They're the oppressers!!"
"But don't you want equality?"
"Kill all men!!"

mras có nghĩa là

Acronym for Mens' Rights Activist: An angry male [typically White, straight, and single] who supports male chauvinism and misogyny under the guise of fighting for "mens' rights". MRAs have been closely tied with the broader alt-Right and White Supremacist movements. Most MRAs are unable to face their own shortcomings and opt for scapegoating anyone who finds their archaic and oft-disturbing attitude towards women unacceptable; especially feminists [whom MRAs consider to be an existential threat to all men]. This scapegoating most often occurs in the form of incoherent, misogynistic online rants containing liberal usage of the words “cuck” and “SJW”. Many extreme cases have been documented, however, in which groups of MRAs have resorted to cyberbullying, harassment, doxxing, and sending rape and death threats against anyone who challenges their views. MRAs routinely deny the existence of sexism, and actually claim that it is men who are victims of oppression by women around the world. They and their supporters have been historically dismissive of issues highly-impacting women such as equal pay, sexual harassment, and assault. Some MRAs have even called for the legalization of rape.


The MRA blamed feminists for all of society's ills.

mras có nghĩa là

Men's rights activist. A person who advocates for the social and legal rights of men equal to those of women. Contrary to the belief of many of the idiots on this site, there are inequalities in favour of women too, such as the, the invulnerability to conscription, the 2 to 1 acceptance rate of women in STEM courses, the right to opt out of parenthood, or to claim child support from an under-age parent or the presumption of innocence in relation to rape.


"Turns out he's an MRA and a WRA, I suppose that makes him an egalitarian, funny how that works, huh?"

mras có nghĩa là

Men's Rights Activist. A pretentious acronym used by a sexist man as a camouflage for his obsolete misogynistic ideas.


«Men used to whip their wives at will until a few decades ago, it's such a shame that this sacred right's been taken away from us. That's why I've become an MRA.»

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