mercer island là gì - Nghĩa của từ mercer island

mercer island có nghĩa là

Although people from Mercer Island, mainly teenagers, are known as stuck up, rich, white people most are not. In fact they are some of the nicest people I have ever met and they get a great education. Although the football team sucks, they pwn everyone at every other sport, except baseball and basketball. state champs in Golf, Swimming, Water Polo [mens and womens], lacrosse [mens and womens], and runner up in gymnastics. who can have 6 champion teams in one year, not bellevue. Also, there are many great bands that are from Mercer Island like Oceans in Oblivion, Left at the Castle, Left Lane, Mercury and used to be I-90. One more thing, not everybody is rich.


Mercer Island pwns Bellevue.

mercer island có nghĩa là

A very stereotyped place with a lot of rich people, but a lot of them are still really nice. Not all who live on Mercer Island are rich and not all are spoiled.


Me: Hey-
Crazy Woman: Ykno mercer island sux!
Me: Uh-
Crazy Woman: They're all weird stuk-up rich people!
Me: Wut? I-
Crazy Woman: They selfish br-
Me: LISTEN 2 ME WOMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mercer island có nghĩa là

Island next to Seattle full of rich mother fuckers who think they're better than everyone else. Their football team sucks.


mercer island sucks ass.

mercer island có nghĩa là

An Island in Lake Washington that can be compared to Bellevue with its large population of extremely spoiled, naive, rich, pussy guys as well as [usually] hot, extremely spoiled, naive, rich, bitchy, stuck-up girls. [can be used as an adjective is some cases]


Noun, I would hate to live on Mercer Island [or in Bellevue] because everyone is fake and are extremely superficial.

Adjective, 'His response to seeing an African American man at the cash register at the restaurant was extremely Mercer Island as his hands started to sweat and walked quickly past the restaurant with his hand covering his wallet.

mercer island có nghĩa là

An astonishing and fairly plentiful city filled with beautiful, educated WHITE people, and good grammar.


Mercer Island residents know how to spell, unlike the clearly uneducated nigger that wrote the definition above this. Let me put this in terms you will understand. If you do not like Mercer Island, "then keep its name out of your mouth and we can keep it the same." - Dr. Dre

mercer island có nghĩa là

A surburb of Seattle once known for it's affluent inhabitants. The island now is home to mostly middle to upper middle class elitists who continue to believe, and tell everyone they meet, that MI is full of rich people. Students at MIHS are typically sheltered and rarely leave the eastside unless completely necessary [aka going to the airpot or on occasion to downtown seattle] for fear of getting shot by the rough, inner city youth of seattle. The downtown consists of Starbucks, and one bad restaurant after another. Unfortunately, Islanders won't support local businesses and so instead of becoming a charming community within a city, like Madison Park or Queen Anne, Mercer Island becomes a generic and gross suburb similar to the likes of Factoria.


I'm glad that I don't live on Mercer island because then I would suck.

mercer island có nghĩa là

A horribly stereotyped place with a nice enviroment and usually rich people.
Myth 1: Everyone of Mercer Island r stuck-up:
The truth: Yeah so sum of us r rich; Just cuz sumone's rich doesn't mean they can't be nice people!
Myth 2: Mercer Island hates Bellevue:
The truth: CUMMON! Y HATE BELLEVUE? HECK I LUV BELLEVUE! THE MALL'S IN BELLEVUE! Y shuld we compare ourselves? We prefer 2 spend time doing more productive things.
Myth 3: Mercer Island people r RICH:
The truth: Uh yeah we aren't poor but we aren't all, omigosh i like TOTALLY hafta have this... I don't go 2 like the expensive stores. Not even expensive grocery stores. Shop at Fred Meyer's so wut?
Myth 4:Islanders won't support local businesses.
The truth: EXCUSE ME? We have fundraisers and donate A LOT! We really care about our community and enviroment. It's not like we're gonna IGNORE IT!
Myth 5: Islanders r naive and stupid.
The truth: Lyke YA RITE! I'm in 9th grade math and I'm a 6th grader! IS THAT A PROBLEM? DO I NEEDA REPEAT MISELF? There are dum people as well as smart!
Myth 6: Islanders think they're better than every1 else.
The truth: *yawn* PUHLEASE! Y can't people accept that we're normal...well sure, again we aren't poor...but u get the point.
Suggestion: Tri getting 2 KNOW us before labeling us.


Stereotyping person 1: Mercer Island is a generic and gross suburb similar to the likes of Factoria.
Stereotyping person 2: Their a large population of extremely spoiled, naive, rich, pussy guys as well as [usually] hot, extremely spoiled, naive, rich, bitchy, stuck-up girls.
Stereotyping person 3: Island next to Seattle full of rich mother fuckers who think they're better than everyone else. Their football team sucks.
Stereotyping person 4: they grow depressed and eventually kill themselves...i would like mercer island if everyone stopped being stupid and pretending like they're cool because they do shit all the time.
Stereotyping person 5:oThe biggest groupl of faggots in the world. Act tough upfront when they are bunch of pussy ass white boyz. Their parents get em whateva they want n the always try n compare them selves to bellevue. funny how ur whole island got da shit kicked out of em dis summer. Faggots the whole state laughs at ur amazingly large egos. Andwhatever happend to ur AMAZING basketball team? Not doin to well dis year. Have fun in football next year playin Bellevue.Mercer Island is the home of a bunch of cockblocks all of the guys there are so unbelievably gay and wanna act tough but will never do shit. Hope ur gay ass island sinks tonight.
Me: CHILL! R guys ok? Both PHYSICALLY AND METALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mercer island có nghĩa là

an island in lake washington


go to mercer island for the weekend

mercer island có nghĩa là

A city of west-central Washington, coextensive with Mercer Island in Lake Washington near Seattle. It is primarily residential. Population: 22,300. Larken Yackulic is its most wealthy, beautiful, and talented citizen.


Mercer Island? Oh that's where Larken lives! I love that girl!

mercer island có nghĩa là

a very beautiful island in the middle of lake washington. it is about 13 miles in circumference and would happily coexist with its surrounding areas, bellevue, renton, seattle, etc. but we're not given the chance. although mercer island has a bunch of rich snobby ass kids. there are some who are very nice. i do not see any reasons for the hate to keep spreading, i don't see why mercer island and bellevue won't kiss and make up. both places have their ups and downs.


Mercer Island: beautiful island, hot girls, nice people, high social status, more hot girls, good swim team, decent basketball, good soccer.

Bellevue: lots of various malls that everyone loves, a much better football team, lots of nice and kind people,

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