Had at the tips of their fingers là gì

A: Ah okay! So because she was gripping the stone, her fingertip skin turned white from having a tight grip.

Q: I noticed that the fingertips on my right hand had gotten something black paint, but I don't know how they got it. cái này nghe có tự nhiên không?

A: × I noticed that the fingertips on my right hand had gotten something black paint, but I don't know how they got it. ✓ I noticed that the fingertips on my right hand had gotten some black paint on them, but I don't know how it got there.

Q: I noticed that the fingertips on my right hand had turned black, but I don't know how they got that color. cái này nghe có tự nhiên không?

A: @Veestah No, no, it’s something like ink or paint. I washed my hands and they’re all gone now. How should I describe it in that case?

Q: Put your fingertips together, separate your palms widely like a shape of a bowl, and put your thumbs at the bases of your index fingers. cái này nghe có tự nhiên không?

A: @micarie Put your fingertips together, separate your palms wide like the shape of a bowl, and rest your thumbs at the base of your index fingers.

1. Be able to count someone/something on [the fingers of] one hand: used to say that the total number of someone or something is very small [ số lượng ai/ cái gì đếm trên đầu ngón tay; rất ít] Ex: She could count on the fingers of one hand the people she actually enjoyed being with. [Có rất ít người mà cô ấy thật sự thích ở cùng] 2. Burn your fingers/ get your fingers burned: to suffer as a result of doing something without realizing the possible bad results, especially in business [ Bị thất thế; bị thua thiệt] Ex: He really got his fingers burned dabbling in the stock market. [Anh ta tự chuốt vạ vào thân chơi thị trường chứng khoáng] 3. Cross your fingers: to hope that your plans will be successful [sometimes putting one finger across another as a sign of hoping for good luck] [hy vọng] Ex: I'm crossing my fingers that my proposal will be accepted. Keep your fingers crossed! [Tôi hy vọng lời cầu hôn của tôi sẽ được chấp nhận. Chắp tay cầu nguyện đi! 4. The finger of suspicion at sb: if the finger of suspicion points or is pointed at someone, they are suspected of having committed a crime, being responsible for something, etc. [Bị nghi ngờ phạm tội; chỉ ai phải chịu trách nhiệm ai gì; buộc tội kết tội] 5. Give someone the finger: [American very informal] [informal] to raise your middle finger in the air with the back part of your hand facing someone, done to be rude to someone or to show them that you are angry. [Hành vi công kích bằng cách giơ ngón tay giữa lên, xoay mu bàn tay về phía mặt đối phương] Ex: When the kids were told to leave the store, they gave the manager the finger and ran off. 6. Have a finger in every pie: [informal] to be involved in a lot of different activities and have influence over them, especially when other people think that this is annoying [Có liên can; dính líu] 7. Have/keep your finger on the pulse [of something]: to always be aware of the most recent developments in a particular situation [ Bắt mạch được] 8. Have sticky fingers: [informal] to be likely to steal something [ có tật ăn cắp] 9. Lay a finger on someone: [usually used in negative sentences] to touch someone with the intention of hurting them physically[ động tay vào ai/ cái gì]. Ex: If you lay a finger on me, I'll call the police. [Nếu mày chạm tay vào tao, tao sẽ gọi cảnh sát] 10. Let something slip [through your fingers]: to miss or fail to use an opportunity [ bỏ lỡ hay đánh mất cơ hội/ tuột khỏi tay; buông lỏng cái gì] Ex: Don't let the chance to work abroad slip through your fingers. [Đừng để cơ hội làm việc nước ngoài tuột khỏi tay] 11. Not lift a finger [to do something]: [informal] to do nothing to help someone [Không làm gì để giúp ai] Ex: The kids never lift a finger to help around the house. [Bọn trẻ không bao giờ động ngón tay giúp đỡ việc nhà] 12. Not put your finger on something: to not be able to identify what is wrong or different about a particular situation [ không vạch đúng [ những điều sai trái]] Ex: There was something odd about him but I couldn't put my finger on it. [Có gì đó lạ lắm về ông ta nhưng tôi không tìm được ra được khác biệt] 13. Point the/a finger [at someone]: to accuse someone of doing something [Kết tội/ buộc tôi ai về cái gì; chỉ ngón tay vào ai] Ex: We often point the finger at someone else when things go wrong. [Chúng tôi thường đổ tội cho người khác khi tình hình không ổn] 14. Snap your fingers: to make a sharp noise by moving your second or third finger quickly against your thumb, to attract someone's attention, or to mark the beat of music, for example [ Hành động búng tay [thứ 2 và thứ 3], tạo ra tiếng động để thu hút sự chú ý của ai; ra dấu hiệu bằng cách búng tay] Ex: He snapped his fingers for the waiter to bring more wine. [Anh ta búng tay ra hiệu người bồi bàn mang thêm rươu.] 15. Work your fingers to the bone: to work very hard [ cật lực làm việc] Ex: Now look at the way you treat me! I spent the day working my fingers to the bone, and now I want to relax. [Giờ nhìn xem cách bạn đối xử với tôi kìa! Tôi đã cật lực làm việc cả ngày, giờ tôi muốn nghỉ ngơi]

Idiom Focus:

LAY A FINGER ON SOMEONE: [usually used in negative sentences] to touch someone with the intention of hurting them physically[ động tay vào ai/ cái gì]. Ex: If you lay a finger on me, I'll call the police. [Nếu mày chạm tay vào tao, tao sẽ gọi cảnh sát] WORK YOUR FINGERS TO THE BONE: to work very hard [ cật lực làm việc] Ex: Now look at the way you treat me! I spent the day working my fingers to the bone, and now I want to relax. [Giờ nhìn xem cách bạn đối xử với tôi kìa! Tôi đã cật lực làm việc cả ngày, giờ tôi muốn nghỉ ngơi]

~ To make something out of nothing ~

~ Ăn không nói có ~

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