Go forward reviews Reddit

What’re your experiences with concierge health care? Did it make any part of going through the doctor less annoying when something unexpected came up?

This doctor's office charges $150 a month and doesn't take insurance — and it could be the future of medicine from Futurology

Does anyone use Forward, the integrated concierge medicine service [goforward.com]? Curious if anyone can share how they like it.

Also if there is a referral benefit/discount feel free to share.

For $149 a Month, the Doctor Will See You as Often as You Want - "Forward combines services—high cholesterol, a pap smear, and vaccine —with data gathered both at the office, and home via wearable gadgets and Forward’s smartphone app". from technology
A new kind of doctor's office charges a monthly fee and doesn't take insurance — and it could be the future of medicine from medicine

I’ve been seeing commercials for goforward.com lately and it seems to me to be a gimmick. It’s supposed to be $149 a month for this service that does genetic testing and other pretty radical things that are supposed to give you an idea of what to watch out for.

Logic would say that if it were truly $149 a month people would go there, get evaluated and then quit. I would imagine that you need to be a long term “customer” in order to start actually seeing anything that resembles what they advertise.

With that said, is there any other services that I could look into that do something similar. I know it’s all likely smoke and mirrors and shiny objects and big words to throw people off but I’m certain the technology exists to do something like this. It’s just not going to help enrich the people who are getting rich off of the health care system in America.

Edit to add: I am in The USA, New York State.

I'm not the best at interpreting privacy statements. In general I prefer to pay for things and have them be private and anonymous. Or at least be googleish and shamelessly upfront about it. It's not always easy for me to tell if a company's true business model is using their consumer's data as the product. In the legalize everything can seem creepy and nefarious.

Goforward's privacy policy is unclear to me. For example it states: "GoForward is not a "covered entity"" of HIPPA, but then goes on to say "the "Medical Group" the Medical Group [as defined in our Terms of Use] may be a "covered entity"". This medical group is defined in a separate document. Brain hurting now.

By contrast, I'm a big fan on Orig3n's TLDR privacy where in big bold caps it reads: WE WILL NOT SHARE YOUR GENETIC INFORMATION WITHOUT YOUR PRIOR CONSENT. I can easily process that information with my simple brain.


Anyone have any insights as to whether Goforward are are privacy creeps?

I've been seeing their advertisements more and more and looked it up randomly. They charge 149 a month for their "membership" fees but compared to how much I'm paying for HMO insurance, it's not much more so it intrigued me. I'm just curious to know if it's a gimmick or legit. This is their website: //goforward.com/

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