Compulsory second language là gì

Compulsory second language là gì
[TẶNG BẠN] TRỌN BỘ Bí kíp học tốt 08 môn
Compulsory second language là gì
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ĐĂNG BÀI NGAY để cùng trao đổi với các thành viên siêu nhiệt tình & dễ thương trên diễn đàn.

1) Maryam and Lan have been penpals for over 2 years (*) -> Maryan and Lan have written... 2) Lan took Maryam to Ben Thanh Market yesterday %%- ->Maryam... 3) No other city in Malaysia is larger than Kuala Lumpur @};- ->Kuala Lumpur is... 4) He learned to drive when he was eighteen ~:> ->He has... 5) My hometown doesn't have any lakes ~O) ->There...

6) Who does this hat belong to

Compulsory second language là gì

->Whose... 7) "Lan, would you like to come and visit me next summer" Maryam asked o-+ ->Maryam invited Lan

8) Lan and Maryam went out. They wanted to have a drink

->Lan and Maryam went out...

9) I spent 2 hours doing my homework |)

->It took... 10) English is a compulsory second language in all secondary school in Malaysia

-> Students have to study English as

Reactions: kido lộc

1) Maryam and Lan have been penpals for over 2 years (*) -> Maryan and Lan have written to each other for over 2 years. 2) Lan took Maryam to Ben Thanh Market yesterday %%- ->Maryam was taken to Ben Thanh Market by Lan yesterday. 3) No other city in Malaysia is larger than Kuala Lumpur @};- ->Kuala Lumpur is the largest city in Malaysia. 4) He learned to drive when he was eighteen ~:> ->He has driven since he was eighteen. 5) My hometown doesn't have any lakes ~O) ->There aren't any lakes in my hometown.

6) Who does this hat belong to 3

->Whose is this hat? 7) "Lan, would you like to come and visit me next summer" Maryam asked o-+ ->Maryam invited Lan to come and visit her the following summer

8) Lan and Maryam went out. They wanted to have a drink

->Lan and Maryam went out in order to have a drink.

9) I spent 2 hours doing my homework |)

->It took me 2 hours to do my homework 10) English is a compulsory second language in all secondary school in Malaysia

-> Students have to study English as their second language in all secondary school in Malaysia

Reactions: kido lộc

) Maryam and Lan have been penpals for over 2 years -> Maryam and Lan have written to each other for 2 years. 2) Lan took Maryam to Ben Thanh Market yesterday. -> Maryam was taken to Ben Thanh Market by Lan yesterday. 3) No other city in Malaysia is larger than Kuala Lumpur -> Kuala Lumpur is the largest city in Malaysia. 4) He learned to drive when he was eighteen -> He has been learning to drive since he was eighteen. 5) My hometown doesn't have any lakes ->There aren't any lakes in my hometown. 6) Who does this hat belong to? -> Whose hat is this? 7) "Lan, would you like to come and visit me next summer" Maryam asked -> Maryam invited Lan to come and visit her the next summer. 8) Lan and Maryam went out. They wanted to have a drink ->Lan and Maryam went out to/in order to/so as to have a drink. 9) I spent 2 hours doing my homework -> It took me 2 hours to do my homework. 10) English is a compulsory second language in all secondary school in Malaysia

-> Students have to study English as a compulsory second language in all secondary school in Malaysia.

1) Maryam and Lan have been penpals for over 2 years (*) -> Maryan and Lan have written... 2) Lan took Maryam to Ben Thanh Market yesterday %%- ->Maryam... 3) No other city in Malaysia is larger than Kuala Lumpur @};- ->Kuala Lumpur is... 4) He learned to drive when he was eighteen ~:> ->He has... 5) My hometown doesn't have any lakes ~O) ->There...

6) Who does this hat belong to 3

->Whose... 7) "Lan, would you like to come and visit me next summer" Maryam asked o-+ ->Maryam invited Lan

8) Lan and Maryam went out. They wanted to have a drink

->Lan and Maryam went out...

9) I spent 2 hours doing my homework |)

->It took... 10) English is a compulsory second language in all secondary school in Malaysia

-> Students have to study English as

Theo mình thì cả 2 bạn buban_2702 và nhatvy 2606 đều có cùng câu trả lời trừ câu 6 và 7. Theo mình đáp án của câu 6 và 7 là 6, Whose hat is this?

7, Maryam invinted Lan to come and visit her the following summer

Gia sư QANDA - Phuong4XBI

Gia sư QANDA - Phuong4XBI

Chị gửi em nhé, hài lòng thì đánh giá 5 sao và tặng thêm xu cho chị nhaa, chị cảm ơn ❤❤❤

Compulsory second language là gì



(Class: n.)

Compulsory second language là gì

Hiệp hội các nước Đông Nam Á

Vietnam joined ASEAN in 1995.



(Class: n.)

Compulsory second language là gì

đạo Phật

Buddhism is the dominant religion in Thailand.



(Class: n.)

Compulsory second language là gì

khí hậu

Viet Nam has a tropical climate.



(Class: adj.)

Compulsory second language là gì

bắt buộc

English is a compulsory second language in Malaysia.



(Class: v.)

Compulsory second language là gì

trao đổi thư từ

How often do you correspond?



(Class: n.)

Compulsory second language là gì

tiền, hệ thống tiền tệ

The unit of currency in the USA is the Dollar.



(Class: v.)

Compulsory second language là gì

dựa vào, tùy thuộc vào

I might not go. It depends on how tired I am.



(Class: v.)

Compulsory second language là gì

chia ra, chia

The English Channel divides England from France.



(Class: adj.)

Compulsory second language là gì

thuộc về dân tộc

Vietnam has 54 ethnic groups with a population of 86 million people.



(Class: n.)

Compulsory second language là gì

liên đoàn, liên bang, hiệp hội

The United States is a federation of 50 individual states.



(Class: n.)

Compulsory second language là gì

ma quỷ, con ma, bóng ma

She was afraid of ghosts when she was a child.



(Class: n.)

Compulsory second language là gì

đạo Hin-đu, Ấn Độ giáo

Hinduism is one of the religions in Malaysia.

in addition (to smt)

/i:n əˈdɪʃ(ə)n/

(Class: prep.)

Compulsory second language là gì

ngoài ra, thêm vào

In addition to beautiful sightseeing, Hanoi is famous for its food.



(Class: v.)

Compulsory second language là gì

gây ấn tượng, để lại ấn tượng

She was really impressed by the beauty of the city at night.



(Class: n.)

Compulsory second language là gì

đạo Hồi

Islam was created by Muhammad.

keep in touch

/kiːp ɪn tʌtʃ/

(Class: v. phr.)

Compulsory second language là gì

giữ liên lạc

We have kept in touch for a long time.



(Class: n.)

Compulsory second language là gì

Tiếng Ma-lai-xi-a

Malay is widely spoken in this country.



(Class: n.)

Compulsory second language là gì

lăng, lăng tẩm, lăng mộ

Uncle Ho's mausoleum was built in the 1960s.



(Class: n.)

Compulsory second language là gì

quái vật, yêu quái

The man said that he saw a giant monster yesterday.



(Class: n.)

Compulsory second language là gì

nhà thờ Hồi giáo

We don't see any mosque in this area.



(Class: adj.)

Compulsory second language là gì

chính thức

English is the official language of the Philippines.



(Class: adj.)

Compulsory second language là gì

tùy ý lựa chọn, không bắt buộc

This exercise is optional; you don't have to do it.



(Class: n.)

Compulsory second language là gì

đề cương, dàn bài

You'd better write down the outline of the essay.



(Class: n.)

Compulsory second language là gì

cộng sự, bạn cùng học (làm, chơi)

The teacher asked us to work with our partners on this task.

pen pal

/pen pæl/

(Class: n.)

Compulsory second language là gì

bạn qua thư

Next week, I am going to visit my pen pal in England.



(Class: n.)

Compulsory second language là gì

người tiên phong

They are the pioneers in applying this technology.



(Class: n.)

Compulsory second language là gì

dân số, dân cư

What is the population of your country?



(Class: v.)

Compulsory second language là gì

cầu nguyện

I pray for peace all over the world.

prehistoric monsters

/priːhɪˈstɒrɪk 'mɒnstəz/

(Class: n.)

Compulsory second language là gì

những quái vật thời tiền sử

I am curious about the prehistoric monsters.

primary school

/ˈpraɪmeri skuːl/

(Class: n.)

Compulsory second language là gì

trường tiểu học

Children at primary schools have to study English as a compulsory subject.



(Class: n.)

Compulsory second language là gì

con rối, bù nhìn

Water puppets are very famous around the world.



(Class: n.)

Compulsory second language là gì

vùng, miền

She comes from a mountainous region.


/ rɪˈlɪdʒən/

(Class: n.)

Compulsory second language là gì

tôn giáo

Christianity, Islam and Judaism are known as Abrahamic religions.



(Class: n.)

Compulsory second language là gì

ring-git (đơn vị tiền tệ của Ma-lai-xi-a)

The ringgit is the basic monetary unit of Malaysia.

secondary school

/ˈsekənderi skuːl/

(Class: n.)

Compulsory second language là gì

trường trung học

Mary met many new friends on her first day of secondary school.



(Class: v.)

Compulsory second language là gì

chia, tách

The school is separated into 2 buildings.



(Class: n.)

Compulsory second language là gì

môn bóng đá

Most Americans do not like soccer very much.

soccer hooligan

/ˈsɒkə ˈhuːlɪg(ə)n/

(Class: n.)

Compulsory second language là gì

côn đồ bóng đá

Soccer hooligans have ruined a lot of matches.

soccer violence

/ˈsɒkə ˈvaɪəl(ə)ns/

(Class: n.)

Compulsory second language là gì

bạo lực trong bóng đá

We are faced with spreading soccer violence.



(Class: n.)

Compulsory second language là gì

tiếng Ta-min

Tamil is spoken in Southern India.

take turns

/teɪk tɜːnz/

(Class: v. phr.)

Compulsory second language là gì

luân phiên

We took turns driving home.


/ ˈtrɑːpɪkl/

(Class: adj.)

Compulsory second language là gì

có tính chất nhiệt đới, thuộc vùng nhiệt đới

Vietnam has a tropical climate with four seasons in a year.

vs (= versus)


(Class: prep.)

Compulsory second language là gì

chống lại, đấu với

Today there is a Manchester versus Liverpool match.