Cambridge book 11 test 3 listening answers

The Family Welcome event is the art gallery begins at

The film that is now shown in the Family Welcome event is about

When do most of the free concerts take place?

Where will the 4 pm concert of Latin American music take place?

One of the boat race teams

won a regional competition earlier this year

has represented the region in a national competition

has won several regional competitions

 Ở câu này mình cần nghe thời gian mở cửa của sự kiện ''Family Welcome''

=> Đáp án sẽ tới sau ''The art gallery is holding an event called ''Family Welcome'' that day''

 Về thời gian, Martin trả lời là ''The gallery opens at 10''

=> Bạn không khoanh A do đây là thời gian bắt đầu cả triển lãm, không phải của sự kiện ''Family Welcome''

 Tiếp theo, ''and the 'Family Welcome' event runs from 10.30 until 2 o'clock''

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In Shona’s opinion why do fewer people use buses in Barford these days?

the buses are old and uncomfortable

fares have gone up too much

there are not so many bus routes

What change in the road network is known to have benefitted the town most?

the construction of a bypass

the development of cycle paths

the banning of cars from certain streets

What is the problem affecting shopping in the town centre?

lack of restaurants and cafes

What does Shona say about medical facilities in Barford?

new medical practices are planned

the number of dentists is too low

The largest number of people are employed in

it will move to a new location

it will have its opening hours extended

it will be used for a different purpose

it will have its opening hours reduced

it will have new management

railway station car park

Thank you. First I’ll briefly give you some background information, then I’ll be asking you for your comments on developments in the town. Well, as you don’t need me to tell you, Barford has changed a great deal in the last 50 years. These are some of the main changes.

Fifty years ago, buses linked virtually every part of the town and the neighbouring towns and villages. Most people used them frequently, but not now because the bus companies concentrate on just the routes that attract most passengers. So parts of the town are no longer served by buses

Even replacing old uncomfortable buses with smart new ones has had little impact on passenger numbers. It’s sometimes said that bus fares are too high, but in relation to average incomes, fares are not much higher than they were 50 years ago.

Changes in the road network are affecting the town. The centre was recently closed to traffic on a trial basis, making it much safer to pedestrians. The impact of this is being measured. The new cycle paths separating bikes from cars in most main roads, are being used far more than was expected reducing traffic and improving air quality

And although the council’s attempts to have a bypass constructed have failed, we haven’t given up hope of persuading the government to change its mind. Shopping in the town centre has changed over the years. Many of us can remember when the town was crowded with people going shopping.

Numbers have been falling for several years, despite efforts to attract shoppers, for instance by opening new car parks. some people combine shopping with visits to the town’s restaurants and cafés. Most shops are small independent stores, which is good, but many people prefer to use supermarkets and department stores in nearby large towns, as there are so few well-known chain stores here.

Turning how to medical facilities, the town is served by family doctors in several medical practices – fewer than 50 years ago, but each catering for far more patients. Our hospital closed 15 years ago, which means journeys to other towns are unavoidable.

On the other hand, there are more dentists than there used to be. Employment patterns have changed, along with almost everything else. The number of schools and colleges has increased making that the main employment sector. Services, such as website design and accountancy, have grown in importance, and surprisingly, perhaps, manufacturing hasn’t seen the decline that has affected it in other parts of the country.

Now I’ll very quickly outline current plans for some of the town’s facilities, before asking for your comments.

As you’ll know if you regularly use the car park at the railway station, it’s usually full. The railway company applied for permission to replace it with a multi-storey car park, but that was refused. Instead, the company has bought some adjoining land, and this will be used to increase the number of parking spaces.

The Grand, the old cinema in the high street will close at the end of the year, and reopen on a different site. You’ve probably seen the building under construction. The plan is to have three screens with fewer seats, rather than just the one large auditorium in the old cinema.

I expect many of you shop in the indoor market. It’s become more and more shabby-looking, and because of fears about safety, it was threatened with demolition. The good news is that it will close for sex weeks to be made safe and redecorated, and the improved building will open in July.

Lots of people use the library, including school and college students who go there to study. The council has managed to secure funding to keep the library open later into the evening, twice a week. We would like to enlarge the building in the not-too-distant future, but this is by no means definite.

There’s no limit on access to the nature reserve on the edge of town, and this will continue be the case. What will change, though, is that the council will no longer be in charge of the area. Instead it will become the responsibility of a national body that administers most nature reserves in the country.

 Câu này là về sự thay đổi về số người dùng xe bus

=> Mình biết đáp án sẽ tới khi Shona đề cập về bus, ''Fifty years ago, buses linked virtually every part of the town and the neighbouring towns and villages''

 Sau đó, Shona nói về thực trạng là có ít người dùng hơn, ''Most people used them frequently, but not now'' và đưa ra lý do là ''because the bus companies concentrate on just the routes that attract most passengers''

=> bởi vì các công ty xe bus chỉ tập trung vào tuyến đường mà có nhiều người đi nhất

=> Dẫn đến việc ''parts of the town are no longer served by buses'' [một phần thị trấn không còn xe bus nữa]

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Add Malcolm and a noticing him

People who are outside the forest

Add Malcolm sitting on a tree trunk and

Ice-skaters on covered with ice

neither Helen nor Jeremy

how they planned the project

how they had ideas for their stories

an interpretation of their stories

comments on the illustrations

 Đáp án mình cần điền là một danh từ [một cái gì đó bị bao quanh bởi cây]

 Đầu tiên, Jeremy nhắc đến một cái hang, ''Now, I'm not sure about the drawing of the cave - it's got trees all around it''

=> Cái hang này được bao quanh bởi cây [around = surrounded]

=> Đáp án là cave

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Ethnography: research which explores human cultures

It can be used in business:

  • To investigate customer needs and

  • To help companies develop new designs

Examples of ethnographic research in business

  • Researchers found that cooks could not easily see the in measuring cups

  • In Uganda, customers paid to use the cell phones of entrepreneurs.

  • These customers wanted to check the used.

  • There was a need to develop to improve communication between system administrators and colleagues.

• Nurses needed to access information about in different parts of the hospital.

• Respondents recorded information about their while travelling.

Principles of ethnographic research in business

  • The researched does not start off with a hypothesis.

  • Participants may be selected by criteria such as age, or product used.

  • The participants must fee about taking part in the research.

  • There is usually direct of the participants.

  • The interview is guided by the participant.

  • A lot of time is needed for the  of the data.

  • Researchers look for a meaningful pattern in the data.

So what I’m going to talk about to you today is something called Ethnography. This is a type of research aimed at exploring the way human cultures work. It was first developed for use in anthropology, and it’s also been used in sociology and communication studies. So what’s it got to do with business, you may ask.

Well, businesses are finding that ethnography can offer them deeper insight into the possible needs of customers, either present or future, as well as providing valuable information about their attitudes towards existing products. And ethnography can also help companies to design new products or services that customers really want.

Let’s look at some examples of how ethnographic research works in business. One team of researchers did a project for a company manufacturing kitchen equipment. They watched how cooks used measuring cups to measure out things like sugar and flour.

They saw that the cooks had to check and recheck the contents, because although the measuring cups had numbers inside them, the cooks couldn’t see these easily. So a new design of cup was developed to overcome this problem, and it was a top seller.

Another team of ethnographic researchers looked at how cell phones were used in Uganda, in Africa. They found that people who didn’t have their own phones could pay to use the phones of local entrepreneurs. Because these customers paid in advance for their calls, they were eager to know how much time they’d spent on the call so far

So the phone company designed phones for use globally with this added feature. Ethnographic research has also been carried out in computer companies. In one company, IT systems administrators were observed for several weeks.

It was found that a large amount of their work involved communicating with colleagues in order to solve problems, but that they didn’t have a standard way of exchanging information from spreadsheets and so on. So the team came up with an idea for software that would help them to do this.

In another piece of research, a team observed and talked to nurses working in hospitals. This led to the recognition that the nurses needed to access the computer records of their patients, no matter where they were. This led to the development of a portable computer tablet that allowed the nurses to check records in locations throughout the hospital.

Occasionally, research can be done even in environments where the researchers can’t be present. For example, in one project done for an airline, respondents used their smartphones to record information during airline trips, in a study aiming at tracking the emotions of passengers during a flight.

So what makes studies like these different from ordinary research? Let’s look at some of the general principles behind ethnographic research in business. First of all, the researcher has to be completely open-minded – he or she hasn’t thought up a hypothesis to be tested, as is the case in other types of research. Instead they wait for the participants in the research to inform them.

As far as choosing the participants themselves is concerned, that’s not really all that different from ordinary research – the criteria according to which the participants are chosen may be something as simple as the age bracket they fall into, or the researchers may select them according to their income, or they might try to find a set of people who all use a particular product, for example.

But it’s absolutely crucial to recruit the right people as participants. As well as the criteria I’ve mentioned, they have to be comfortable talking about themselves and being watched as they go about their activities. Actually, most researchers say that people open up pretty easily, maybe because they’re often in their own home of workplace.

So what makes this type of research special is that it’s not just a matter of sending a questionnaire to the participants, instead the research is usually based on first-hand observation of what they are doing at the time. But that doesn’t mean that the researcher never talks to the participants.

However, unlike in traditional research, in this case it’s the participant rather than the researchers who decides what direction the interview will follow. This means that there’s less likelihood of the researcher imposing his or her own ideas on the participant.

But after they’ve said goodbye to their participants and got back to their office, the researchers’ work isn’t finished. Most researchers estimate that 70 to 80 per cent of their time is spent not on the collecting of data but on its analysis – looking at photos listening to recording and transcribing them and so on

The researchers may end up with hundreds of pages of notes. And to determine what’s significant, they don’t focus on the sensational things or the unusual things, instead they try to identify a pattern of some sort in all this data, and to discern the meaning behind it. This can result in some compelling insights that can in turn feed back to the whole design process.

 Đáp án mình cần điền là một danh từ.

=> Theo thứ tự nó sẽ đến sau needs, ''Well, businesses are finding that ethnography can offer them deeper insight into the possible needs of customers''.

 Sau đó người nói có bổ sung thêm là ''as well as providing valuable information about their attitudes towards existing products''

=> Cũng như cung cấp thông tin quí giá về thái độ của họ về sản phẩm hiên tại

=> Đáp án là attitude

 [as well as = and]

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