Bài tập Tiếng Anh lớp 8 Unit 3 At home

1. Complete the following sentences with have to or must


Oh! It’s late. I have to [must] go home now.

a] Many children in Britain_______ wear uniíorm when they go to school.

b] You really_____ work harder and harder for the coming examinations.

c] Many boys and girls in my school_________ wear glasses because they are


d] ĩm aíraid I can’t come tomorrow. I______ work late to íinish my project.

e] I________ do my homework every day.

f] Sorry. We________ go or we’ll miss the last train.

g] – Why _____ he  get up early?

– Because he_________ deliver milk to every house in the neighborhood.

h] You________ put knives out of children’s reach.

i] We haven’t got much time. We_________ hurry. 

2. You are giving advice to a friend. Use ought to or ought not to.


Your friend is always getting bad marks because he plays Computer games too much. Advise him to stop playing Computer games.

You ought to stop playing Computer games.

a] Your friend has a bad toothache. Advise him to go to the dentist.

b] Your friend is going to visit China. Advise him to leam a few Chinese words before he goes.

c] Your friend is riding a bicycle so fast. You think this is dangerous. Advise him not to do it.

d] It’s very cold, but your friend is usually wearing a T-shirt and jeans. Advise him to put on warm clothes.

e] Your friend has a bad cold. He has to go to the English Speaking Club this evening. Advise him to stay at home.

f] Your friend is always watching TV. He’s going to have final exams. Advise him not to do it.

g] Your friend begins smoking. Advise him to stop smoking.

h] Your friend is going to study in the USA, but his English is poor. Advise him to improve his English beíore he leaves.

3. Complete the following sentences, using myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, themselves with the verbs in the box.

look after look at hurt enjoy
draw make clean repair


John was lucky when he fell off his bike.

He didn’t hurt himself.

a] – Who repaired the bicycle for you? – Nobody.  I ________ it ________.

b] Don’t worry about us. We can .________________________

c] The birthday party was great. They____________________ very much.

d] – Can you clean the windows for me?

– Why don’t you__________ them___________ ?

e] Did you help your brother draw the paintịng? – No, he _____ it _____.                .

f] The dog was in front of the mirror and___________________________ .

g] Who made this skirt for her? Nobody. She ________ it ________.

3. Write complete sentences with the verbs in the box. Use reflexive pronouns only where necessary.

dry control feel enjoy shave
concentrate meet wash teach


*     This morning Tom got up late and went straight to work. He didn’t………..

This morning Tom got up late and went straight to work. He didn’t shave.

*     Don’t get angry………

Don’t get angry. Control yourself.

a] I really ……… well today – much better than yesterday.

b] He climbed out of the swimming-pool, picked up a towel and …………..

c] Lan and I first …….. in Ho Chi Minh City 5 years ago.

d] It was a lovely holiday and we really ……………. very much.

e] I tried to study for my exams but I just couldn’t ……………

f] I’m trying to …………….. French but I’m not making much progress.

g] Nam overslept this mooring. He didn’t have time to …………………….. or have breakfast.

5. Match the question in [I] with the appropriate answer in [II] using Why – Because.

a] Why is Nam absent today ?  ____D____
b] Why does Miss Huong want to be a teacher ? _________
c] Why did Lan get good marks ? _________
d] Why did Mr. Long get upset ?  _________
e] Why couldn’t Hai answer all the questions ?  _________
f] Why didn’t Mr. Quang attend the coníerence ?  _________
g] Why can Hoa speak English fluently ?  _________
h] Why does Mr. Quang have to get up so early ?  _________
A. Because he missed his flight.
B. Because she practices speaking English all the time.
C. Because she worked very hard for the fínal exams.
D. Because he is sick.
E. Because he has to deliver milk to the people in the neighborhood.
F. Because his son was too lazy. He never did his homework.
G. Because she loves children.
H. Because some of them were too hard.

6. Read the folỉowing situations and then make up questions and answer them.


Ba didn’t work hard so he failed the exam.

A: why did Baỷail the exam?

B: Because he didn’t work hard.

a] The shops were closed so Mrs. Brown didn’t get any milk.

A: ____________________________________________________ ?

B: ____________________________________________________.

b] The headmaster was ill so David went in his place.

A: ____________________________________________________ ?

B: ____________________________________________________.

c] It rained all day and night so they didn’t go to the beach. 

A: ____________________________________________________ ?

B: ____________________________________________________.

d] His car broke down on the way to the railway station so Mr. Brown missed the train to Leeds.

A: ____________________________________________________ ?

B: ____________________________________________________.

e] Bob didn’t have a city map so he got lost.

A: ____________________________________________________ ?

B: ____________________________________________________.

7. Crossword 

All the answers are prepositions [on, next to, ìn front of, between, in, under, behind]. The passage below will help you.

[Chú thích: A = across; D = down]

There are some nice things [D3] ______ the living-room. There’s a small table [A1] _____ two armchairs. There’s a sofa [D2] ________ the window. The telephone is [Dl]________ the sofa. There’s a clock [A4]________ the wall and there’s a big picture [A3]______ it. [A2]______________ the doơr, there are some plants.

8. Complete the sentences using must, mustn’t, have to, not have to [in the correct form].

a] You _________ forget what the teacher has told you. It is very important for your leaming.

b] I got up early this morning because I _________ go to a meeting.

c] I _________ get to the shop before it closes.

d] We couldn’t repair the motorcycle ourselves. We ___________  take it to a motorcycle repair Service.

d] In many parts of the city, office workers ____________________ work on Saturday.

f] You _________ step on that edge. It is very dangerous.

9. Fill in each gap with one word from the box. There are more words than you need to fill in all the gaps.

iron blanket vacuum cleaner microwave oven
water heater DVD player washing machine kitchen sink
cupboard hairdryer shower bathtub

a] A ___________ is a device that uses an air pump to suck up dust and dirt, usually from tloors. You can use this device to clean the floor, and your camera too.

b] Last week her ________________ was out of order and Quyen had to wash her family’s clothes with her hands.

c] There are many considerations to choose a right _________________ for your bathroom decoration. The most important things to consider are the color, along with the shape and size.

d] If you need a ___________________ , you should select one that will comfortably fill the space; you don’t want one that is too big or too small. Don’t íorget that you will have to open and close the drawers. Also think if you need a miưor or not.

e] I can’t imagine not having a__________________ in my kitchen. You can cook any food in it. You can boil water, scramble eggs, cook pasta and even roast a chicken if it is a large one.

f] Before you make your decision to buy a_________________ , consider your hot water needs. What capacity will you need? What’s the most efficient unit for you? How much will it cost to buy and operate?

g] A good ________________ breaks down the water into much smaller droplets, which means that your hair is much easier and quicker to dry, and so less subject to heat damage. 

10. Read the passage and answer the multiple-choice questions.

People have always needed ways to get fresh water for drinking and washing. They have also needed ways to get rid of waste water. That is why the first plumbing systems were built thousand years ago. Crete is an island in the Mediterranean Sea. In 1600 B.C., a great palace stood on the Grete. The palace had fresh water, toilets, baths, drains, and sewers. It may also have had a hot- water system. The Cretans used well-fitted clay pipes to bring fresh water to the palace rooms frọm faraway springs. Stone drains carried away rainwater from the roof and open courts into deep sewers. These sewers were so large that a person could walk inside them. The palace even had stone toilets. They were flushed by rainwater that flowed through the pipes or by water poured in.

The Queen of Crete had her own apartment in the palace with her own bathroom. Her clay bathtub looked much like bathtubs do today. It was painted inside with pictures of tall water grasses. The tub was filled with water brought from a nearby room. The bath water was then emptied into a drạin in the floor near the tub. Nowadays, visitors can see the ancient plumbing system that was not equaled until modem time.

a] Water was brought to the palace by__________ .

A. many people

B. natural streams

C. clay pipes

D. stone tubes

b] The Queen’s bathtub _________ .

A. had a drain in the center

B. was large and square

C. had pictures painted inside

c] Why did the Cretans build drains?

A. The drains brought in fresh water.

B. The drains carried away rain and waste water.

C. They needed some work to do.

d] The toilets in the palace were cleaned by rainwater.

A. True  B. False C. Not mentioned       

e] On the whole, the passage is about __________ .

A. plumbing in ancient Crete

B. painting pictures in bathtubs

C. the Mediterranean Sea

Xem thêm Unit 4: Our Past tại đây.

Đáp án

1. Complete the following sentences with have to or must. [Trang 25 sách Bài tập Tiếng Anh 8]

a. have to/ must

b. have to/ must

c. have to

d. have to

e. have to/ must

f. have to/ must

g. does have to

h. must

i. has to

j. must

2. You are giving advice to a friend. Use ought to or ought not to. [Trang 25-26 sách Bài tập Tiếng Anh 8]

a. You ought to go to the dentist.

b. You ought to learn a few Chinese words before you go.

c. You ought not to ride a bicycle so fast because it is dangerous.

d. You ought to put on warm clothes.

e. You ought to stay at home this evening.

f. You ought not to watch TV too much because you are going to have final exams.

g. You ought to stop smoking.

h. You ought to improve your English before you go to the USA.

3. Complete the following sentences, using myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, themselves with the verbs in the box. [Trang 26-27 sách Bài tập Tiếng Anh 8]

a. repaired myself

b. look after ourselves

c. enjoyed themselves

d. clean yourself

e. drew himself

f. looked at herself

g. made herself

4. Write complete sentences with the verbs in the box. Use reflexive pronouns only where necessary. [Trang 27-28 sách Bài tập Tiếng Anh 8]

a. feel

d. enjoyed ourselves

b. dried himself

e. concentrate

c. met

f. teach

g. wash

5. Match the question in [I] with the appropriate answer in [II] using Why – Because. [Trang 28-29 sách Bài tập Tiếng Anh 8]

a. D b. G c. C d. F
e. H f. A g. B h. E

6. Read the following situation and then make up questions and answer them. [Trang 29-30 sách Bài tập Tiếng Anh 8]


A: Why didn’t Mrs. Brown get any milk?

B: Because the shops were closed.


A: Why did David go in his place?

B: Because the headmaster was ill.


A: Why didn’t they go to the beach?

B: Because it rained all day and night.


A: Why did Mr. Brown miss the train to Leeds?

B: Because his car broke down on the way to the railway station.


A: Why did Bob get lost?

B: Because he didn’t have a city map.

7. Crossword. [Trang 30-31 sách Bài tập Tiếng Anh 8]

All the answers are prepositions [on, next to, in front of, between, in, under, behind]. The passage will help you. [Trang 30-31 sách Bài tập Tiếng Anh 8]

8. Complete the sentences using must, mustn’t, have to, not have to [in the correct form.] [Trang 31 sách Bài tập Tiếng Anh 8]

a. mustn‘t

b. have to

c. must

d. had to

e. don’t have to

f. mustn‘t

9. Fill in each gap with one word from the box. There are more words than you need to fill in all the gaps. [Trang 31-32 sách Bài tập Tiếng Anh 8]

a. vacuum cleaner

b. washing machine

c. bathtub

d. cupboard

e. microware oven

f. water heater

g. hairdryer

10. Read the passage and answer the multiple – choice questions. [Trang 32-33 sách Bài tập Tiếng Anh 8]


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