Bài tập Tiếng Anh 10 thí điểm Unit 9

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  1. UNIT 9-PRESERVING THE ENVIRONMENT Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others 1.A. energy B. finally C. hospital D. denial 2.A. beautiful B. consumption C. offensive D. aquatic 3.A. orginize B. picturesque C. engineer D. afternoon 4.A. article B. chemical C. etiquette D. Japanese 5.A. employee B. committee C. referee D. absentee 6.A. confusion B. degraded C. editor D.pollutant 7.A. pestiside B. habital C. important D. adventure 8.A. dangerous B. harmony C. natural D. mountaineer 9.A. animal B. destruction C. unfriendly D. solution 10.A. government B. understand C. mystery D. tropical Answer keys: 1. D 2.A 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.C 7.D 8.D 9.A 10.B Choose the best answers to complete the sentences : 1. There is a water because it hasn’t rained for a long time. A. shortage B. short C. shortest D. shorter 2.One of the aims of Greenpeace is to of the environmental problems facing our planet. A. take responsibility B. arouse interest C. raise concern D. raise awareness 3. The creation of nature reserves will help to ensure the of many endangered species A. extinction B. survival C. elimination D. disappearance 4. are very anxious about the falling rhino population. A. Environmentalists B. Environmental activities C. Conservationists D. Naturalists 5. Earth day was started by John McConnell in 1970 as a way to make people the problems of the environment A. attention to B. responsible with C. aware of D. attentive to 6. The heavily polluted water near the factory the safety of the local people. A. endangers B. preserves C. contaminates D. is threatened 7. The huge oil slick is moving slowly towards Ireland, and several miles of coastline are under A. threat B. stake C. pressure D. damage 8.Tornadoes are very dangerous because there is , and people do not have much time to find a safe place A. small warning B. a lot of warning C. little warning D. few warning 9. We admire Lucy for her intelligence, cheerful disposition and A. honest B. honesty C. honestly D. honested 10. Several are known to cause cancer to develop. A. chemist B. chemistry C. chemical D. chemicals 11. “Thank you so much for your support” - A. Welcome! It’s very nice of you B. Well done C. There is nothing I can do about it D. It. s my pleasure 12. Farmers can enrich the soil by using A. fertile B. fertility C. fertilizers D. fertilize 13. Sugar is the of healthy teeth.
  2. A. destruction B. destructively C. destroying D. destroyer 14. The river has been polluted with toxic waste from factories. A. local B. locate C. locally D. locality 15. Why aren’t you coming with us ? - A. That’s why I don’t like going out B. I have too much assignments to do. I’m sorry C. I was very tired. That’s why D. I don’t agree. I’m afraid 16. Hello, Jim. I didn’t expect to see you today. Sonia said you ill. A. are B. were C. was D. should be 17. The man that he had done this before and that he had some experience in the field. A. told B. said me C. talked D. said 18. A nuclear reactor releases radiation which is to the environment. A. dangerous B. endangered C. in danger D. danger 19. Human have not shown their intention to live in harmony with the nature. A. race B. beings C. being D. kind 20. The poor people in the city terrible suffering as a result of disaster A. have experienced B. had experienced C. experience D. have been experienced Answer keys: 1.A 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.C 6.A 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.D 11.D 12.C 13.D 14.A 15.B 16.B 17.D 18.A 19.B 20.A Choose the best answers to complete the sentences : 1. Overusing chemical sprays and fertilizers makes land arid and vegetation harmful to human health. A. very dry B. very wet C. stormy D. rainy 2. How can we deal with environmental pollution? – “ ” A. Environmental pollution can be dealt with B. We should deal with environmental pollution C. We should strictly ban the disposals of chemical rubbish D. Environmental pollution is unclean 3. Alice to her husband that she would work for that firm. A. say B. said C. tell D. told 4. Tom me that his picture had been sold the day before A. say B. said C. tell D. told 5. “Jim is more popular than any other painters in this district ” has the closest meaning to A. Another painter is more popular than Jim B. Jim is more popular than no other painter in this district C. Jim is the more popular than any other painter in this district D. Jim is the most popular painter in this district 6. He his new friend that he had worked as a coordinator for more than 4 years A. told B. insisted C. thought D. agreed 7. Her boss wanted to know where 2 years before. A. did she work B. had she worked C. she has worked D. she had worked 8. They the foreigner where he came from A. asked B. said C. informed D. stated 9. He appologized late
  3. A. for coming B. came C. has come D. had come 10. One of the main area of this organization is the sustainable use of natural resources. A. maintainable B. forgetable C. visible D. vegetable 11. For the of environment and for the people who live in it, we must eliminate poluttion immediately. A. sick B. rich C. sake D. harmful 12. The reporter said that factory down the day before. A. had burned B. has been burned C. burns D. has burned 13. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others. A. attention B. agreement C. protector D. chemical 14. He his employees that the schedule has been changed. A. informed B. agreed C. said D. thought 15. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others. A. animal B. appointment C. designer D. erosion 16. He promised his assignment on time A. submit B. to submit C. submitted D. submitting 17. Choose the answer which needs correcting: He asked his father when would he deal with the problem A B C D 18. Choose the answer which needs correcting: They announced that he has met a number of key figures the day before A B C D 19. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others. A. extinction B. detergent C. newsletter D. appointment 20. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others. A. consumption B. pesticide C. destruction D. disposal Answer keys: 1.A 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.D 6.A 7.D 8.A 9.A 10.A 11.C 12.A 13.D 14.A 15.A 16.B 17.C 18.B 19.C 20.B Choose the best answers to complete the sentences : 1. In the age of technology, you can take of new applications which are very used for your learning. A. advantage B. use C. effect D. function 2. There are more and more species that are in danger of A. extinct B. extinction C. death D. dead 3. Internet shopping has begun to have a serious on the traditional bookshops A. impact B. act C. attack D. significance 4. Peter, everyone suspected , turn out to be innocent. A. whom B.  C. that D. A or C 5. I I could meet you this evening, I’m really busy A. told B. said C. asked D. wondered 6. Only 40  of 5 year-olds have access pre-school education A. with B. for C. to D. in
  4. 7. David told me my letter the day before A. arrived B. would arrived C. has arrived D. had arrived 8. “ “ in the sentence below is not corrcect: Students can now study at home instead of at the library because the Internet A B C D 9. One prepared this report must have a real talent for writing A. which B. who C.  D. whose 10. Seoul, is the capital city of Korea, is well-known for its shopping malls A. which B. that C. where D. A or B 11. consummers have been encouraged to use products. A. which B. who C.  D. whose A. environment friendly B. environmental friendly C. environmentally friend D. environment ally friendly 12. Water are things such as detergents, pesticides, oil and other chemicals and rubbish blockages in rivers that make the water unclean or contaminated. A. pollution B. pollutants C. polluted D. polluting 13. Choose the answer which needs correcting: The new computer made easier for the students to finish the project A B C D 14. Choose the answer which needs correcting: Works writing by Shakespear often have an unhappy ending A B C D 15. James often asks himself in the next 10 years A. where will he be B. where he would be C. where he will be D. where is he Answer keys: 1.A 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.D 8.D 9.B 10.A 11.D 12.B 13.B 14.B 15.C 13.B made easier made it easier 14. writing by written by Read the following passage and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D. Earth is the only place we know of in the universe that can support human life. [1] ___ human activities are making the planet less fit to live on. As the western world carries on consuming two-thirds of the world's resources while half of the world's population do so just to stay alive we are rapidly destroying the [2] ___ resource we have by which all people can survive and prosper. Everywhere fertile soil is either built on or washed into the sea. Renewable resources are exploited so much that they will never be able to recover completely. We discharge pollutants into the atmosphere without any thought of the consequences. As a [3] ___ the planet's ability to support people is being reduced at the very time when rising human numbers and consumption are [4] ___ increasingly heavy demands on it. The Earth's natural resources are there for us to use. We need food, water, air, energy, medicines, warmth, shelter and minerals to [5] ___ us fed, comfortable, healthy and active. If we are sensible in how we use the resources, they will [6] ___ indefinitely. But if we use them wastefully and excessively, they will soon run out and everyone will suffer. 1. A. Although B. Still C. However D. Eventually 2. A. alone B. individual C. lone D. only 3. A. development B. result C. reaction D. product 4. A. doing B. having C. taking D. making 5. A. hold B. maintain C. keep D. stay 6. A. last B.stand C. go D. remain
  5. Answer keys: 1.C 2.D 3.B 4.D 5.C 6.A Read the following passage and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D. In many ways, the increasingly rapid pace of climate change is a direct result of the growth of the human population. In the last 100 years, the world population has more than tripled. Obviously, this has meant that the world has needed to produce three times as much food, energy, and other natural resources. In addition, the average person uses more energy and natural resources than the average person one hundred years ago, meaning that the rates of consumption are actually much higher than just the increase in population would imply. All of these activities: food production, energy usage, and the use of natural resources, contribute to climate change in some way. The greater amounts of oil and other fuels burned to create energy release chemicals which add to global warming. In order to produce more food, farmers cut down trees to gain more land for their fields. In addition, we cut down trees to build the houses needed for a larger population. Those trees are an essential part of controlling global warming. In addition to a growing population, the world also has a population that desires a higher standard of living than in the past, and a higher standard of living requires the use of even more natural resources. For example, China is the world’s most populous nation, with 1.3 billion people. Currently, the standard of living for most of those people is far below that of people in first world nations. Therefore, the average Chinese citizen uses far fewer natural resources and less energy than the average citizen of the US or Japan. If every Chinese person attains a first world lifestyle, the amount of energy and natural resources needed in the world will double, even if the standard of living in every other nation on Earth remains the same as it is today. 1. The word “pace” in the passage is closest in meaning to ___. A. growth B. speed C. problem D. pollution 2. The word “consumption” in the passage is closest in meaning to ___. A. development B. usage C. population D. increase 3. According to the passage, how does food production contribute to global warming? A. Food production requires that the forests be cleared to create farmland. B. Food production uses many chemicals which add to global warming. C. Producing more food leads to growth in the world population. D. Food production decreases the ability of the air to release heat. 4. According to the passage, how does the standard of living affect global warming? A. Higher standards of living are better for the environment.
  6. B. First world nations create less population than developing nations. C. The use of natural resources is directly related to the standard of living. D. High standards of living lead to increases in world population. 5. Why does the author discuss China, Japan and the United States? A. To compare the standards of their citizens. B. To explain why China will not be able to become a first world nation. C. To explain why the world’s use of energy will need to double soon. D. To better illustrate the effects of an increase in standards of living. Answer keys: 1.B 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.D Read the following passage and fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word. [10 points] Many species are now in [1] ___ of being extinct. Among the threats to endangered species are businesses that buy and [2] ___ animals for their skin and other [3] ___. Unfortunately, the people who run these businesses are not discouraged by fines, which they see as just another business expense. A [4] ___way to control the problem would be to force whoever [5] ___ caught buying or selling products made from endangered species [6]___ do community service. Their community service should require work that helps [7] ___ the animals they are harming. Such a law should be quite effective. If people trafficking in [8] ___ animal products were forced to help endangered species, they might understand [9] ___destructive their business is. Also, their community service tasks turn them into helpers rather [10] ___ destroyers . Answer keys: 1. danger 2. sell 3. parts 4. better 5. is 6. to 7. protect 8. illegal 9. how 10. than Provide the correct form of the words in capital letters to complete the sentences. [10 points] 1. In winter it is important for farmers to provide food and ___ for their animals. [WARM] 2. He said “Good morning” in a most ___ way. [FRIEND] 3. The police are interested in the sudden ___ of the valuable paintings. [APPEAR] 4. Could you ___ the picture over the sofa? [STRAIGHT] 5. It was ___, so they had to drive very slowly. [FOG] 6. Playing for the national team for the first time was an ___ experience for him. [FORGET] 7. I found the visit most ___. [EDUCATION] 8. Traditional ___are a good source of fun and entertainment. [CELEBRATE] 9. The public were angry with the Minister’s ___ to tell the truth about the bribery. [REFUSE] 10. Our house is ___ by several burglar alarms. [PROTECTION] Answer keys: 1. warmth 2. friendly 3. disappearance 4. straighten 5. foggy 6. unforgettable 7. educational 8. celebrations 9. refusal 10. protected Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it. 1. “Would you like to go to the concert with us tonight?” they said to me. They invited ___
  7. 2. The story of their sufferings was painful to listen to. It was___ 3. The last time James met Tom was in 2008. James hasn’t ___ 4. Mrs. Green is proud of her son’s contribution to the play. Mrs. Green is proud of what ___. 5. I had to cancel the birthday party because my closest friend is seriously ill. I had to cancel ___. 1. They invited me to go to the concert with them that night. 2. It was painful to listen to the story of their sufferings. 3. James hasn’t met Tom since 2008. 4. Mrs. Green is proud of what her son can contribute to the play. OR: Mrs. Green is proud of what her son contributes /contributed to the play 5. I had to cancel the birthday party because of my closest friend’s serious illness. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it. 1. “I haven’t been home this evening, Stephen” said Bill [ told ] Bill 2. I haven’t seen my brother for 14 years [ since ] It’s 3. Her book was published last year. It became a best seller [ that ] Her book 4. “I’ll definitely be at your house before 8:00, Sue” said Mike [ promised ] Mike 5. The bag was found later. The robbers put the money in it [ in ] The bag Answer keys: 1. Bill told Stephen he hadn’t been home that evening 2. It’s 14 years since I last saw my brother 3. Her book which was publised last year became a best seller 4. Mike promised Sue he would be at her house before 8:00 5. The bag in which the robbers put the money was found later Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet People began to keep animals in zoos over 3,000 years ago, when the rulers of China opened an enormous zoo called the Gardens of Intelligence. In many of the early zoos, animals [1] taught to perform for the visitors. This no longer [2] and it is accepted that the purpose of zoos is for people to see animals behaving naturally. Today, most cities have a zoo or a wildlife park. However, not everybody approves [3] zoos. People [4] think that zoos are a good idea say they provide us with the opportunity to learn about the natural world and be close to wild animals. Both of these would not be possible [5] zoos. On the other hand, some people disapprove of zoos [6] they believe it is wrong to put animals in cages, and argue that in zoos which are not [7] properly, animals live in dirty conditions and eat unsuitable food. 1. A. are B. have C. were D. had 2. A. appears B. becomes C. develops D. happens 3. A. in B. of C. for D. with 4. A. who B. which C. whose D. whom 5. A. instead B. unless C. except D. without 6. A. if B. when C. because D. though 7. A. ordered B. managed C. decided D. aimed Answer keys: 1.C 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.D 6.C 7.B Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet People began to keep animals in zoos [1] 3,000 years ago, when the rulers of China opened an enormous zoo called Gardens of Intelligence. In many of the early zoos, animals [2] taught to perform for the visitors. This no longer [3] and it is accepted that the purpose of zoos is for people to see animals behaving naturally.
  8. Today, most cities have a zoo or wildlife park. However, not [4] approves of zoos. People who think that zoos are a good idea say they [5] us with the opportunity to [6] about the natural world and be close to wild animals. Both of [7] would not be possible [8] zoos. On the other hand, some people disapprove of zoos because they [9] it is wrong to put animals in cages, and argue that in zoos which are not [10] properly, animals live in dirty conditions and eat unsuitable food. 1. A. above B. over C. more D. beyond 2. A. are B. have C. were D. had 3. A. appears B. becomes C. develops D. happens 4. A. somebody B. everybody C. nobody D. anybody 5. A. produce B. bring C. provide D. make 6. A. discover B. learn C. find D. realize 7. A. that B. what C. whose D. these 8. A. without B. instead C. except D. unless 9. A. hope B. expect C. imagine D. believe 10.A. ordered B. managed C. decided D. aimed Answer keys: 1.B 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.C 6.B 7.D 8.A 9.D 10.B Read the following passage and choose the best option to fill in each blank: Nowadays, people are more aware that wildlife all over the world is in [1]___ .Many [2]___ of animals are threatened, and could easily become [3]___ if we do not make an effort to [4]___ them . There are many reasons for this. In some cases, animals are [5]___ for their fur or for other valuable parts of their bodies. Some birds, [6]___ as parrots, are caught alive and sold as pets. For many animals and birds, the problem is that their habitat - the [7]___ where they live - is [8]___ . More and more land is used for farms, for houses and for industry. All the Earth is being polluted seriously. If we do not control our action, there will be only one successful animals on the Earth - human beings. 1. A. problem B. vanishing C. threat D. danger 2. A. forms B. species C. more D. marks 3. A. disappeared B. empty C. vanished D. extinct 4. A. safe B. serve C. harm D. protect 5. A. game B. chased C. hunted D. extinct 6. A. like B. such C. or D. where 7. A. spot B. point C. place D. site 8. A. disappearing B. disappears C. being disappeared D. disappeared Answer keys: 1.D 2.B 3.D 4.D 5.C 6.B 7.C 8.A Read the following passage and choose the best option to fill in each blank: Nowadays people are more aware that wildlife all over the world is in [1] . Many species of animals are threatened, and could easily become [2] if we do not make an effort to [3] them. There are many reasons for this. In some cases, animals are hunted for their fur or for other valuable parts of their bodies. Some birds, [4] as parrots, are caught alive , and sold as pets. For many animals and birds, the problem is that their habitat - the place where they live - is [5] . More [6] is used for farms, for houses and industry, and there are fewer open spaces than there once were. Farmers use powerful chemicals to help them grow better [7] , but these chemicals pollute the environment and [8] wildlife. The most successful animals on earth - human beings - will soon be the only one [9] , unless we can [10] this problem. 1. A. danger B. threat C. problem D. risk 2. A. disappeared B. vanished C. empty D. extinct 3. A. harm B. safe C. protect D. serve
  9. 4. A. or B. like C. Where D. such 5. A. exhausting B. departing C. escaping D. disappearing 6. A land B earth C area D soil 7. A. products B. fields C. herbs D. crops 8. A. spoil B. harm C. wound D. wrong 9. A. left B. missed C. retained D. survived 10. A explain B. solve C. calculate D. answer Answer keys: 1.A 2.D 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.A 7.D 8.B 9.D 10.B Read the following passage and choose the best option to fill in each blank: As computers have become powerful tools for the rapid and economic production of pictures, computer graphics has emerged as one of the most rapidly growing fields in computer science. It is used routinely in such diverse areas as business, industry, art, government, education, research, training, and medicine. One of the initial uses of computer graphics, and ultimately its greatest use, has been as an aid to design, generally to referred to as computer-aided design [CAD]. One of its greatest advantages is that designers can see how an object will look after construction and make changes freely and much more quickly than with hand drafting. For three-dimensional rendering of machine parts, engineers now rely heavily on CAD. Automobile, spacecraft, aerospace, and ship designers use CAD techniques to design vehicles and test their performance. Building designs are also created with computer graphics system. Architects can design a building layout, create a three-dimensional model, and even go for a simulated ‘walk’ through the rooms or around the outside of the building. Business graphics is another rapidly growing area of computer graphics, where it is used to create graphs, charts, and cost models to summarize financial, statistical, mathematical, scientific, and economic data. As an educational aid, computer graphics can be used to create weather maps and cartographic materials. Computer art also has creative and commercial art applications, where it is used in advertising, publishing, and film productions, particularly for computer animation, which is achieved by a sequential process. 1. What does the passage mainly discuss? A. Routine uses of computers B. Computer graphic applications C. The rapidly growing field of computer science D. Computers as the architects of the future 2. The word “it” in line 2 refers to A. computer graphics B. computer science C. field D. computer 3. According to the passage, engineers use CAD to A. inspect building B. create graphs C. make cartographic materials D. create three-dimensional models 4. According to the passage, engineers use CAD for A. A simulated “walk” through modal rooms B. Rendering machine parts C. Making cost models D. Advertising products 5. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a use of computer graphic in business? A. charts B. cost models C. graphs D. maps Answer keys: 1.B 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.D Give the correct form of the words in brackets: 1. When people understand clearly the impacts, they will be more aware of conserving forests
  10. [ environment ] 2. Because of , there may be no place for wild animals in the near future [ deforest ] 3. warning is said to be one of the reasons for polar ice melting [ globe ] 4. Because non-renewable resources are being consumed at the rapid rate, human beings are likely to face fossil fuel [ deplete ] 5. Working as a volunteer provides you with opportunities to know more about cultural [ diverse ] 6. Air can cause acid rain which damages water, soil and vegetation [ pollute ] 7. The overuse of chemical fertilizers can lead to the decrease of soil [ fertilize ] 8. Oil is also considered to be one of the which make the water unclean [ pollute ] 9. The of ecosystem of lakes, rivers, seas and forests must be prevented [ destroy ] 10. The threat of contaminated environment is becoming serious [ increase ] Answer keys: 1. environmental 2. deforestation 3.global 4. depletion 5. diversity 6. pollution 7. fertility 8. pollutants 9. destruction 10. increasingly Rearrange the words / phrases to make meaningful sentences: 1. me / Jim / that / he / told / was / most / polite / the / man / the / team / in 2. said / that / the / Alan / third / best / was / in / competition / the / they 3. active / that / was / she / less / her / than / classmates / admitted / Mary 4. advised / my / parents / me / prepare / carefully / to / the / for / contest 5. following / they /that / device / that / would / announced / be / produced / the / year Answer keys: 1. Jim told me that he was the most polite man in the tam 2. They said that Alan was the third best in the competition 3. Mary admitted that she was less active than her classmates 4. My parents advised me to prepare carefully for the contest 5. They announced that that device would be produced the following year Còn rất nhiều tài liệu, đề thi và sách Tiếng Anh file word có key – Giá rẻ, đầy đủ LIÊN HỆ ZALO O982.352.156 Combo lớp 10 mới [100K] 1 BT Tiếng Anh 10 của Hoàng Thị Xuân Hoa 2 BT kiến thức trọng tâm 10 của Nguyễn Thị Chi 3 BT Tiếng Anh 10 của Lưu Hoằng Trí 4 BT Tiếng Anh 10 của Đại Lợi Combo lớp 11 mới [200K]
  11. 1 Luyện chuyên sâu NP và BTTA 11 – Dương Hương 2 Giáo án TA 11 [sưu tầm] 3 BT trọng tâm TA 11 4 BT Trắc nghiệm TA 11 _ Hoàng Thị Xuân Hoa 5 BT TA 11 cơ bản và nâng cao – Nguyễn Ngọc Châu 6 BTTA 11 – Lưu Hoằng Trí 7 BT TA 11 – Trần Ái Thanh 8 BT Trắc nghiệm TA 11 – Nguyễn Thị Chi 9 Từ vựng TA 11 – Lê Công Đức Bộ 3 sách BT của Hoàng Thị Xuân Hoa dành cho lớp 10, 11, 12 mới [100k] Bộ 3 sách bài tập của Bùi Văn Vinh dành cho lớp 10, 11, 12 mới [100K] Bộ tài liệu ôn thi THPT [150K] 1 15 chuyên đề ôn THPT [sưu tầm] 2 Ngữ pháp ôn tập THPT [sưu tầm] 3 Giải thích ngữ pháp [Mai Lan Hương] 4 Bứt phá điểm thi THPTQG [ Vũ Thị Mai Phương] 5 Tự học đột phá ngữ pháp tiếng Anh [Dương Hương] 6 Công phá đề thi THPTQG 2019 [love book] Combo lớp 9 [mới và cũ] [200k] có thể mua lẻ [50K/1 quyển] STT TÊN TÀI LIỆU ĐỊNH DẠNG Ghi chú 1 Giáo án Tiếng anh 9 WORD 2 Từ vựng Tiếng anh 9 trọng tâm - st PDF 3 Bài tập Tiếng anh 9 theo từng bài [tự soạn + sưu tầm] WORD WORD + 4 Bài tập bổ trợ và nâng cao Tiếng anh 9 PDF WORD + 5 Bài tập Tiếng anh 9 - Bùi Văn Vinh PDF WORD + 6 Bài tập tiếng anh 9 - Lưu Hoằng Trí PDF 7 Bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi Tiếng anh 9 theo chuyên đề PDF 8 Bộ đề kiểm tra Tiếng anh 9 - Tập 1&2 PDF Kèm 9 Em học giỏi Tiếng anh 9 - The Langmaster - Tập 1&2 PDF CD 10 Chinh phục ngữ pháp và bài tập Tiếng anh 9 - tập 1 PDF 11 Bài tập cuối tuần Tiếng anh 9 - tập 1 - Đại Lợi PDF 12 Bài tập Tiếng anh 9 - tập 1 - Mai Lan Hương [Chương trình mới] PDF Diễn giải Ngữ pháp và ôn luyện trọng tâm kiến thức theo chuyên đề Tiếng 13 Anh 9 PDF 14 Các đề luyện thi Tiếng anh nâng cao Tiếng anh 9 PDF 15 Tài liệu kiến thức Tiếng Anh 9 - Hoàng Minh PDF 16 Bồi dưỡng Học sinh giỏi theo chuyên đề Tiếng anh lớp 9 PDF
  12. WORD + 17 Luyện chuyên sâu ngữ pháp và bài tập Tiếng anh 9 PDF WORD + 18 Chuyên đề Bồi dưỡng Học sinh giỏi Tiếng anh 9 PDF Kèm 19 Luyện nghe Tiếng anh THCS và THPT - CD - KEY Tập 1&2 WORD CD Bộ 4 sách BT của Lưu Hoằng Trí dành cho lớp 6,7,8,9 mới [100k] Bộ sách ôn thi vào 10 [120k] COMBO ôn vào 10 - 200k 1 Công phá 8+ của Bùi Văn Vinh 2 Ôn thi vào 10 của Nguyễn Thị Chi 3 25 đề thi vào 10 [sưu tầm] 4 Ôn thi vào 10 của Bùi Ánh Dương 5 Chinh phục đề vào 10 của Dương Hương 6 Luyện chuyên sâu Tiếng Anh 9 của Tống Ngọc Huyền 7 Tuyển tập đề vào 10 [Đại Lợi - Hương Giang] Bộ sách BT và tài liệu dành cho lớp 7 mới [200k] có thể mua lẻ [50K/1 quyển] STT TÊN TÀI LIỆU ĐỊNH DẠNG 1 Giáo án Tiếng anh 7 thí điểm WORD 2 Tapescript bài nghe tiếng anh 7 thí điểm PDF 3 Từ vựng Tiếng anh 7 trọng tâm - Hoàng Thạch PDF 4 Từ vựng Tiếng anh 7 - Lê Công Đức PDF TÀI LIỆU + SÁCH BÀI TẬP THAM KHẢO 5 Bài tập Tiếng anh 7 theo unit [tự soạn] WORD 6 Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 - Bùi Văn Vinh WORD+PDF 7 Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 - Lưu Hoằng Trí WORD+PDF 8 Bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 - Vũ Thị Phượng WORD+PDF 9 Bài Tập Tiếng Anh 7-Tập 1 [Mai Lan Hương - Hà Thanh Uyên] WORD 10 Hướng dẫn ôn tập và kiểm tra Tiếng Anh 7 - Đại Lợi [2 tập] PDF 11 Luyện chuyên sâu ngữ pháp và bài tập Tiếng Anh 7 [tự soạn] WORD 12 Bài tập bổ trợ và nâng cao Tiếng anh 7 thí điểm - Nguyễn Thị Chi PDF 13 Bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi Tiếng anh 7 theo chuyên đề - Đại Lợi PDF 14 Luyện nghe nói đọc viết tiếng anh 7 thí điểm - Đại Lợi - tập 2 PDF 15 Bài tập các chuyên đề ngữ pháp Tiếng anh WORD ĐỀ THI - KIỂM TRA 16 Bộ đề kiểm tra tiếng anh 7 thí điểm - Đại Lợi & Hương Giang [2 tập] PDF 17 Bộ đề thi- kiểm tra Tiếng Anh [st: 12 đề 1 tiết, 4 đề HKI, 2 đề HKII] WORD 18 Tuyển tập đề thi HSG Tiếng anh 7 [6 đề] WORD 19 Bộ 1000 câu ôn thi HSG chuyên đề Viết lại câu WORD
  13. BỘ SÁCH VÀ TÀI LIỆU LỚP 6 MỚI - CHỈ 200K [có thể mua lẻ 50K/1 quyển] Giáo án Tiếng anh 6 WORD Full Từ vựng Tiếng anh 6 trọng tâm - st PDF Full Bài tập Tiếng anh 6 theo từng bài - Kim Hiền WORD Full Sách Big 4 - Tự kiểm tra 4 kĩ năng lớp 6 WORD + PDF Có Full Sách luyện nghe nói đọc viết tiếng anh 6 PDF Có Full 121 bài tập Tiếng anh 6 thí điểm PDF Full Bài tập bổ trợ và nâng cao Tiếng anh 6 thí điểm PDF Full Bài tập Tiếng anh 6 - Bùi Văn Vinh WORD + PDF Full Bài tập tiếng anh 6 - Lưu Hoằng Trí WORD + PDF Full Bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi Tiếng anh 6 theo chuyên đề PDF Full Em học giỏi Tiếng anh 6 PDF Có tập 1 & 2 Luyện chuyên sâu ngữ pháp và bài tập Tiếng anh 6 WORD + PDF tập 1 & 2 Bài tập Tiếng anh 6 - Vũ Thị Phượng [có đáp án] WORD + PDF Full Từ vựng Tiếng anh 6 - Lê Công Đức PDF Full Bài tập Tiếng anh 6 - Mai Lan Hương - Hà Thanh Uyên [Có đáp án] WORD + PDF tập 1 & 2 Luyện nghe Tiếng anh THCS và THPT - CD - KEY WORD Có CD Tập 1, 2 Bộ đề Bồi dưỡng HS giỏi Tiếng anh Toàn diện Lớp 6 - Linh Đan WORD + PDF 25 đề + Keys LISTENING ACTIVITIES Tiếng Anh 6 - Tập 1 - With CD - LÊ ĐỨC PDF Đẹp Có CD Tập 1 BỘ SÁCH VÀ TÀI LIỆU LỚP 8 MỚI - CHỈ 200K [có thể mua lẻ 50K/1 quyển] Giáo án Tiếng anh 8 WORD Tapescript bài nghe tiếng anh 8 PDF Có CD Từ vựng Tiếng anh 8 trọng tâm - st PDF Bài tập Tiếng anh 8 theo từng bài WORD Bài tập bổ trợ và nâng cao Tiếng anh 8 PDF Bài tập Tiếng anh 8 - Bùi Văn Vinh WORD + PDF Bài tập tiếng anh 8 - Lưu Hoằng Trí WORD + PDF Bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi Tiếng anh 8 theo chuyên đề PDF Bộ đề kiểm tra Tiếng anh 8 PDF Hướng dẫn ôn tập và kiểm tra đánh giá Tiếng anh 8 PDF Em học giỏi Tiếng anh 8 - The Langmaster PDF Có CD Bài tập trắc nghiệm Tiếng anh 8 PDF Luyện chuyên sâu ngữ pháp và bài tập Tiếng anh 8 WORD Bài tập Tiếng anh 8 - Đại Lợi - có đáp án WORD Từ vựng Tiếng anh 8 - Lê Công Đức PDF Bài Tập Tiếng Anh 8 - Tập 1 [Mai Lan Hương - Hà Thanh Uyên] - Có đáp án WORD Bộ đề kiểm tra HK1 Tiếng anh 8 - WORD - CD WORD Có CD

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