arash là gì - Nghĩa của từ arash

arash có nghĩa là

A persian guy who finds himself in a parking lot almost every night without actually trying to get there. Usually he has a cigarette in one hand and sunflower seeds in his other hand. He has the general characteristics of a stereotypical sleazy mechanic who gives you shitty parts for prices that are higher then expected... He gets a new car almost every six months although in the years of 2008-2009 he has gone against his natural instincts and has kept a car that he calls a SRT-4. This was a breakthrough for the Arash and was exceptionally noticed by his friends who needed to come up with new definitions to explain the phenomenon that Arash not only keept thea car for more then 6 months but also spent more money on the car then he has spent on college. The Arash leaves his nest at approximately 8 PM and can be found in the following regions on the following days:
Safeway Parking Lot: Any time of the week
Starbucks Parking Lot: Any Time Of the Week
Ernies Liquor Store Parking Lot: Any Time of the Week
Taco Bell Parking Lot on Capital Expressway: Thursdays God Bless the Mutherfucker.


Arash, where are you?
Arash: SPL, you comin?
Hmm, let me debate it.

arash có nghĩa là

The word Arash means: Derakhshandeh, Derakhshân. In english it means: Bright, Brilliant, Shining, Luminous.
"Ârash e Kamângîr" (Arash the Archer) was the name of an Iranian national hero who sacrificed his life to preserve the territorial integrity of Iran.

Ârash e Kamângîr (Arash the Archer) story:
At the end of war between Iran and Turan, Turan has advanced to near Damâvand mountain area. Turanian wanted to destroy the Iranians' spirit, so they ordered Iranian to shoot an arrow towards Turan. Wherever the arrow lands, that would be the new border between Iran and Turan. An Iranian super hero, Arash by name volunteered to shoot the arrow. The location: peak of the Damâvand (Iran's highest mountain, 30 kilometer northeast of Tehrân, the Irânian capital; height 5671 meter). On the bright morning of Tîrgân, Arash stripped naked, faced north, strained his bow as never before, let the arrow fly and exhausted, turned into energy and ride with the arrow. The arrow flew the entire morning and fell at noon -- 2250 kilometer on the bank of the Oxus River in what is now Central Asia. And the river remained the boundary between Iran and Turan for centuries until Mongoloid hordes poured in to push the Iranians southward in the 10th century A.D.
Arash body was never Found. There are still stories from travelers who were lost in the mountain, that how they heard Arash Kamangir voice. And the voice helped them find the road and saved their lives.


Arssh is the most beautiful name there is.

arash có nghĩa là

Biggest G of all time, a very friendly and romantic guy. Arash is always seen with a hot girl on his arm, and a posse of followers. Arash has a very large, hard cock


Nicole- did you see that extremely hot guy? Hannah- yeah, he was a total Arash!

arash có nghĩa là

An Arash is someone who dresses nice, is very funny, usually friendly, but after getting to know this person they turn out to be a douche bag. In short, someone who is all talk and no follow through. Could also be known as a paper gangsta.


Lady 1: Hey how is everything going with Jake? Lady 2: Ugh, don't ask. He is always flirting and saying we'll get together soon, but then he never calls. He's turning out to be a total Arash!!

arash có nghĩa là

A big harry Persian who thinks he can wear a chain correctly. His predominant feature is a ginormous nose. If he is even lucky enough to get a girl in his pants, she will notice that he has the smallest cock in the world. He is always getting in trouble, even if it wasn't his fault. Arash is the kind of guy that is always the one to get hurt, mostly by his friends. When he is, he is able to reacts in a funny way. He can also be a very good and supportive friend.


Bad luck Arash Life is like Arash

arash có nghĩa là

Arash is a persian name and one of the most popular names for men in Iran
Usually Arash is the hottest and the funniest guy you may know
He has a big heart and he is very supportive
If you had a friend who's name is Arash you are so lucky
Everybody need a man who's name is Arash


Life without Arash is meaningless

arash có nghĩa là

double fister of the century. can drink anyone under the table. shotguns beers faster than the accela train. very tall and handsome. holds a special place in his heart for taco bell only 2 negatives: ugly shoes. he and dairy have a love-hate relationship.


did you see that beer? it made me want to arash the crap out of it. paul: what do you want for dinner?
sara: arash.

arash có nghĩa là

An adjective used to describe someone or something with extreme difficulty to process directions or sense of direction


Person 1: So for the fourth time, what you want to do is go straight after you cross the road, then take the first left Person 2 : Wait, what? Person 1: Ok honestly you are such an arash

arash có nghĩa là

Arash is also the name of a mythical character in the epic Persian book of legends, the Shah Nameh (Letter Of The Kings). Arash was an archer who in a time of great need sacrificed his life for the glory of his nation.


Arash was a great man.
i would never be like arash

arash có nghĩa là

When you are beaten-up so badly, you become autistic.


He got arashed last night!