Write a sentence using each word nghĩa là gì

Bài học hôm nay chúng ta sẽ tìm hiểu về trọng âm của câu trong tiếng Anh. Như bạn đã học bài trước, nếu như trọng âm của từ là trọng âm nhấn vào một âm tiết trong một từ, thì trọng âm của câu lại nhấn vào một số từ trong một câu.

Trọng âm câu rất quan trọng vì trong khi nói tiếng Anh, từ mà bạn nhấn trọng âm cũng như cách bạn đánh trọng âm vào cùng một từ có thể làm thay đổi hoàn toàn nghĩa hàm chứa trong câu nói.

Chúng ta hãy cùng xem 1 ví dụ:

I LOVE you.
[Tôi yêu em - chứ không phải là thích]

I love you.
[Tôi - chứ không phải ai khác - yêu em]

I love YOU.
[Người tôi yêu là em - chứ không phải ai khác]

Hầu hết các từ trong câu được chia làm 2 loại :

- Từ nội dung [Content words].

- Từ cấu trúc [Function words].

Vậy từ nội dung là gì và từ cấu trúc là gì? Bây giờ chúng ta hãy cùng tìm hiểu về 2 loại từ này nhé!

I. Từ nội dung [Content words]

Từ nội dung ở đây là từ khóa [key words] của một câu. Nó là những từ quan trọng mang ý nghĩa hay cảm giác. Vì vậy các từ nội dung thường được đánh trọng âm trong một câu.
Dưới đây là các từ đóng vai trò là từ nội dung thường gặp:

Những từ mang nghĩa

Động từ chính
Ví dụ : go, talk, writing

Danh từ
Ví dụ : student, desk

Tính từ
Ví dụ : big, clever

Trạng từ
Ví dụ : quickly, loudly

Trợ động từ
Ví dụ : can’t, don’t, aren’t

Đại từ chỉ định
Ví dụ : this, that, those

Từ để hỏi
Ví dụ : who, which, where

Các bạn hãy nhìn một số ví dụ sau đây để hiểu rõ hơn về vấn đề trên nhé. Những từ in đậm trong câu là những từ nội dung.

I am talking to the clever students.

You’re sitting on the desk, but you aren’t listening to me.

He’s writing quickly, so it’s difficult for him to hear me.

Để hiểu rõ hơn về từ nội dung, các bạn hãy tham khảo thêm bài giảng sau đây:

Nghe bản Mp3

Words that are usually stressed in a sentence are called content words. Words that are not usually stressed, sometimes reduced, are called function words. This video today will focus on content words, or, the words that are stressed. There are four categories: nouns, verbs, adverbs, and adjectives. We'll go over each one with an example. A noun is a person, place, or thing. For example, Rachel, sister, glass, phone, beach, school. In the sample sentence given earlier, Dad's at the bank, both Dad and bank are nouns. A verb is the part of speech that depicts the action: to drive, to eat, to say. In the sentence "She went to the store," went is the verb, and you will notice that it is stressed. It is higher in pitch. She went to the store. Store is also higher in pitch, also stressed. It is a noun, which is also a content word. An adverb is a word that describes a verb. It often though not always ends in -ly. Examples: quietly, quickly, often, usually. In the sample sentence "He'll be here soon", 'soon' is the adverb. He'll be here soon. It is stressed, higher in pitch. He'll be here soon. An adjective is a word that describes a noun. For example: boring, smart, funny. In the sample sentence "She took the red car," red is the adjective. It is stressed, higher in pitch. She took the red car. So these are the four categories of content words, content words being what are usually stressed in a sentence. Let's look at some example sentences. Sometimes it's hard to walk in a single woman's shoes. The sentence was, Sometimes it's hard to walk in a single woman's shoes. Which words did you hear as being stressed, higher in pitch? Sometimes it's hard to walk in a single woman's shoes. I heard three: hard, single, and shoes. So, two adjectives and one noun. Now, those were not the only content words in the sentence. 'Sometimes' is an adverb, that's a content word. Sometimes it's hard. But 'hard' was stressed at a higher level. Sometimes it's hard to walk. Walk is a verb, again a content word, but it wasn't brought out as high as the other ones. The word 'to' was reduced: tuh, tuh, to walk. Sometimes it's hard to walk. In a, those words were also reduced, in a, in a, single woman's. Woman, again, this is a noun, but it wasn't stressed as much as 'single' or 'shoes'. Single woman's shoes. So you can see in this sentence, all of the stressed words were content words, but not every one of the content words was stressed. Sometimes it's hard to walk in a single woman's shoes. Bob and I finally received our wedding gift from Michael. The sentence was: "Bob and I finally received our wedding give from Michael." Bob and I, Bob is stressed more than 'and I' Bob and I finally.'Finally' is given the most stress here. It's an adverb. Bob and I finally received. Received is a verb, but it's not as high as 'finally'. The stress is on 'finally', as if they've been waiting for it. Bob and I finally received our wedding gift, our wedding gift, wedding gift being a noun, from Michael, Michael also being a noun. Bob and I finally received our wedding gift from Michael. Bob and I finally received our wedding gift from Michael. These content words are just to give you an idea of what might be stressed in a sentence. There are always exceptions, for example, in the following sentence. Now let the world come to you. The word 'you' was stressed in this sentence. Now let the world come to you. You is a pronoun, which is a function word, not a content word. So it is normally not stressed in a sentence, but they did stress it here for emphasis. And you will find that sometimes words that are not content words are stressed within a sentence, usually do draw attention and emphasis to that idea. Now that you know what content words are, go out and stress them!

II. Từ cấu trúc [Function words]

Từ cấu trúc không phải là những từ quá quan trọng. Nó là những từ ngắn, đơn giản làm cho câu đúng về mặt ngữ pháp. Nó tạo cho các câu đúng về dạng câu hay cấu trúc.

Từ cấu trúc thường được đọc yếu hơn hoặc bị nuốt âm hoàn toàn. Chẳng hạn, từ “can” được phát âm là /kən/, “have” được đọc là /həv/.

Dưới đây là bảng các từ mang nghĩa cấu trúc:

Từ đúng về mặt cấu trúc

Đại từ
Ví dụ : I, you, he ,they

Giới từ
Ví dụ : on, at, into

Mạo từ
Ví dụ : a, an, the

Liên từ
Ví dụ : and, but, because

Trợ động từ
Ví dụ : can, should, must

Động từ “to be”
Ví dụ : is, was, am

Để hiểu rõ hơn về từ cấu trúc, các bạn hãy tham khảo thêm đoạn video với các ví dụ giải thích chi tiết sau nhé.

Nghe bản Mp3

Understanding the pitch patterns of American English, that's an important part to being understood. So how do you know which words should be stressed, higher in pitch, and which should be unstressed, lower in pitch?
  Well, content words are the words that will generally be stressed, and function words will generally be unstressed. There are several categories and subcategories of function words. This video is just an overview. Later videos will cover more specifically categories with examples.
Articles are function words.  For example, a and the. In the sentence Do you have the time?, do you have the, the time? Do you see how the word 'the' is low in pitch? Do you have the, do you have the, do you have the time? Auxiliary verbs are function words. Auxiliary verbs are also called helping verbs, and in English grammar they are paired with main verbs. There are several kinds. First, the kind of auxiliary verb that helps to make the passive voice. For example, the sentence:  The wall was painted yesterday.  The wall was painted, it didn't paint anything. Passive. The wall was painted yesterday. In this sentence, the word 'was' is the auxiliary verb. The wall was painted, was, was, was painted. Do you see how it is lower in pitch? The wall was painted yesterday. 
We also need an auxiliary verb to help make the -ing, or, progressive form. For example in the sentence:  You are speaking too fast. The word 'are' here is the auxiliary verb. You are speaking too fast. Do you see how it is lower in pitch than the word speaking? You are speaking too fast. These cases are often written as contractions. You're speaking too fast. Another kind of auxiliary verb is the one that helps to make the perfect tense. For example, in the sentence:  She has given up.  The word 'has' is our helping verb here. She has given up. She has, she has. Do you see how the word 'has' is very low in pitch? It's actually been reduced and I've dropped the H. She has, she has, she has given up.
[/dich]Modal verbs are also auxiliary, or helping, verbs.*Động từ khuyết thiếu cũng là trợ động từ hay còn gọi là động từ trợ giúp.[/dich] For example, might, could, and can. Take for example the sentence:  I can go tomorrow.  I can go tomorrow. Do you see how it is lower in pitch? It's unstressed. I can, can. It's actually even reduced, kn, kn, from can to kn. I can, I can, I can go tomorrow. I can go tomorrow. Prepositions are also function words. For example with, on, beside. And so are pronouns. For example our, she.  In the sentence "He came with his friends," the word 'with', a preposition, low in pitch, unstressed. He came with his friends.  Also, the word 'his', a possessive pronoun. He came with his, with his, just like 'with', very low in pitch, unstressed. He came with his friends. Conjunctions are also function words. For example and, but, if. In the example sentence I'll come if you want, I'll come if you want. You can see that 'if' is one of the words that is not stressed, it is lower in pitch. I'll come if you want.  To review, function words are the words that will generally be unstressed in a sentence. So this means they will be lower in pitch, sometimes lower in volume, often very, very fast. Sometimes they will even reduce, which means, a sound will change or will get dropped. They are the opposite of content words, which will generally be stressed within a sentence. This contrast of stressed and unstressed is very important in American English. So now that you know a bit more about it, do try to use it while speaking.

III. Một số chú ý khi học về trọng âm của câu

Trong một câu, nếu bạn bỏ qua những từ mang nghĩa cấu trúc, thì bạn có lẽ vẫn hiểu câu đó người nói đang muốn truyền tải thông tin gì. Nhưng nếu bạn bỏ qua những từ mang nghĩa nội dung, thì bạn sẽ không hiểu được câu đó. Trong câu, chúng ta đặt trọng âm vào một âm tiết của những từ quan trọng nhất. Tuy nhiên trong một số trường hợp, đặc biệt là các trường hợp khẩn cấp thì tất cả các từ đều được coi là quan trọng. Trong trường hợp này, ta nhấn trọng âm vào tất cả các từ trong câu [đôi khi câu chỉ có 1 từ].

Ví dụ

Các bạn đã hiểu được tầm quan trọng và cách đánh trọng âm trong câu chưa? Hãy thử tưởng tượng nếu chúng ta không phát âm trọng âm khi giao tiếp bằng tiếng Anh thì sẽ phiền toái thế nào trong việc hiểu người khác và làm cho người khác hiểu mình? Chính vì thế hãy bắt tay vào thực hành ngay từ hôm nay các bạn nhé!

IV. Phần bài luyện tập



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