Titik là gì

  • Tiếng Indonesia

Also coud mean like this:

means finished, no further discussion and continuation.

Ex: “Pokoknya pekerjaan ini harus selesai sampai jam 5, titik!”
So...it’s an order, no more negotiation / argument 😁✌🏼

I said it “also” [at the beginning of my answer]
Means this is not the only meaning.
But when we use it in a sentence, when talking, so this is the meaning. So, depends on the sentence.
Regardless of slang or not, because the questions here are not all formal questions 😊

Câu trả lời được đánh giá cao

  • Tiếng Indonesia

What does the word "dot" mean? do you mean about [dot/titik] or dot [point]?

  • Tiếng Indonesia

Titik is dot


That’s titik

  • Tiếng Indonesia

titik may mean dot. which is used at the end of sentence, while titik also can be used to describing a coordinate

  • Tiếng Indonesia

i can't stop laughing looking at this,i mean explaining Dot make me remember about Baby Dot🤣😂

  • Tiếng Indonesia

www[dot] google[dot]com🤔

  • Tiếng Indonesia

well, i don't know about baby dot.

  • Tiếng Indonesia

haha, so sour

  • Tiếng Anh [Mỹ] Tương đối thành thạo
  • Tiếng Indonesia

Titik means dot or point. But it could be also a name of someone..🤔

depends on the context

  • Tiếng Indonesia

it means "dot".

  • Tiếng Indonesia

Also coud mean like this:

means finished, no further discussion and continuation.

Ex: “Pokoknya pekerjaan ini harus selesai sampai jam 5, titik!”
So...it’s an order, no more negotiation / argument 😁✌🏼

I said it “also” [at the beginning of my answer]
Means this is not the only meaning.
But when we use it in a sentence, when talking, so this is the meaning. So, depends on the sentence.
Regardless of slang or not, because the questions here are not all formal questions 😊

0 lượt thích 1 không đồng ý

Câu trả lời được đánh giá cao

  • Tiếng Indonesia

@ende_na you use it as a slang, so it's not formal.

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