ron pauls là gì - Nghĩa của từ ron pauls

ron pauls có nghĩa là

Sitting Texas Congressman and one time Libertarian Party presidential candidate. The only honest man left in Washington.


I bet Ron Paul's speeches on the floor of congress are a real annoyance to all the theiving, lying, murdering, slime-dripping scumbags there.

ron pauls có nghĩa là

A politician who has the ability to purge washington.


I sure hope that I can inherit the legacy left behind for me by the Ron Paul administration.

ron pauls có nghĩa là

Ronald Ernest Paul [born August 20, 1935] is a 10th-term Congressman, obstetrician [M.D.], and a 2008 presidential candidate from the U.S. state of Texas, seeking the nomination of the Republican Party.

As a Republican, he has represented Texas's 14th congressional district in the U.S. House of Representatives since 1997, and represented Texas's 22nd district in 1976 and from 1979 to 1985.

Paul advocates a limited role for the federal government, low taxes, free markets, a non-interventionist foreign policy, and a return to monetary policies based on commodity-backed currency. He has earned the nickname "Dr. No" because he is a medical doctor who votes against the bills that he believes conflict with the Constitution.1 In the words of former Treasury Secretary William Simon, Paul is the "one exception to the Gang of 535" on Capitol Hill.2 He has never voted to raise taxes or congressional pay, and refuses to participate in the congressional pension system.3 He has consistently voted against the USA PATRIOT Act, the Military Commissions Act of 2006, and the Iraq War.


Person 1: "Here's a tough question: name a person currently in our government who actually upholds the constitution, is incredibly intelligent, and listens to the wisdom of the founding fathers."

Person 2: "HAHAHA!! Everyone knows no such person exists anymore, they all died with our freedoms and liberties."

Person 1: "Actually, there is one person left who represents those characteristics-- his name is Ron Paul, and he's running for president."

ron pauls có nghĩa là

The only politician able to earn Chuck Norris' respect. Here are some facts about Dr. Paul.

1. Ron Paul doesn't go the gym. He stays fit by exercising his civil rights.
2. Ron Paul delivers babies without his hands. He simply reads them the Bill of Rights and they crawl out in anticipation of freedom.
3. Ron Paul doesn't cut taxes. He kills them with his bare hands.
4. Jesus wears a wrist band that says "What Would Ron Paul Do?"
5. When Ron Paul takes a shower, he doesn't get wet...the water gets Ron Paul.
6. Ron Paul could lead a horse to water AND convince it to drink, but he doesn't believe the government has the right to so he refuses.
7. Ron Paul's midi-chlorian level is off the chart.
8. When Chuck Norris gets scared, he goes to Ron Paul.
9. Studies by the World Health Organization show that Ron Paul is the leading cause of freedom among men.
10. Ron Paul makes the U.S. dollar want to be a better currency.


The moral and constitutional obligations of our representatives in Washington are to protect our liberty, not coddle the world, precipitating no-win wars, while bringing bankruptcy and economic turmoil to our people.
--Ron Paul

Capitalism should not be condemned, since we haven't had capitalism.
--Ron Paul

Our country's founders cherished liberty, not democracy.
--Ron Paul

You wanna get rid of drug crime in this country? Fine, let's just get rid of all the drug laws.
--Ron Paul

ron pauls có nghĩa là

A very simple minded man who knows very little about how the actual world works, but some how gains followers that share his simple minded ways.


Did you see Ron Paul during the Republican debate? Yes, he seemed really smart! You think that because you could hardly pass the 9th grade.

ron pauls có nghĩa là

Ron Paul, in addition to being a 2008 presidential candidate, is also slang for percocet, usually in the context of recreational use.


Oh shit, I just snorted some Ron Paul and I'm high as fuck!

ron pauls có nghĩa là

Republican candidate that gon legalize medical marijuana


Boy 1: I'm finna vote for Ron paul
Boy 2: what for Jimmy
Boy 1: He gon get us that pot!
Boy 2: Ron gettin faded!!

ron pauls có nghĩa là

A verb describing one shooting something [whether it be a lunchsack, basketball, ECT.] and missing its desired target..


Person 1:"Watch me Ron Paul this mug."
Person 2:"Ok then, lets see it."
Person 1: *shoots and misses while looking like a grummet*

ron pauls có nghĩa là

verb. To get a mob agitated and lead them with promises revolution only to duck out and run.


"I started a riot this weekend, told these people we were going to take city hall, but then I said fuck it and left. I just wasn't feeling it anymore. I totally Ron Paul'd those people."

ron pauls có nghĩa là

Described as when a seemingly weaker opponent, with whom few people seem to agree with, expresses a valid argument which cannot be easily disagreed with.

To be Ron Pauled or to Ron Paul another.

Bearing similarities to Rick Rolled.


I got Ron Pauled hard after I said that we need to keep our fiat money system the way it is.

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