Powerpoint Tiếng Anh lớp 3 Unit 9

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh lớp 3

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 3 Unit 9: What color is it - Lesson 1 được VnDoc sưu tầm và giới thiệu để có thể chuẩn bị giáo án và bài giảng hiệu quả, giúp quý thầy cô tiết kiệm thời gian và công sức làm việc. Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh 3 này được soạn phù hợp quy định Bộ Giáo dục và nội dung súc tích giúp học sinh dễ dàng hiểu bài học hơn.

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 3 Unit 8: This is my pen - Lesson 5

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 3 Unit 8: This is my pen - Lesson 6

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 3 Unit 9: What color is it - Lesson 2

I. Objectives:

  • By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to: ask and answer questions about school things.
  • Develop Ss speaking and listening skills

Language focus:

  • Sentence Partners: Is this your school bag? – Yes, it is/ No, it isn’t
  • Vocabulary:

II. Teaching aids:

  1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.
  2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.

III. Teaching processes:

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

Warm up [5’]:

- Read the chant

1.Look, listen and repeat. [10’]

- Ask Ss to identify the characters in the picture on page 58 and what they are saying.

- Set the scene “you are going to listen to Mai and Nam ask and answer question about school things.

- Play the recording and asks Ss to listen to the tape.

- Asks Ss to listen and repeat in chorus two times.

- Call on one pair. One repeats Mai’s part, the other repeats Nam’s part.

- Have whole class repeat all the phrases a few times to reinforce their pronunciation.

2. Point and say [10’]

- Have pupils look at pictures on Page 58. Elicit the characters in the pictures and their names.

Model sentence:

Is this your school bag? – Yes, it is.

Is that your pen? – No, it isn’t.

- Ask pupils to guess and complete the speech bubbles.

- Model: Call on some Ss. Allocate the parts of the characters Mai, Quan and Nam to the pupils. Ask them to point the pictures and act out the dialogues. Using the pictures in their books. Monitor the activity and offer help. Correct pronunciation errors [stress, assimilation of sounds, intonation] when necessary.

- Call on some Ss to perform their task in front of the class. The rest of the class observe and give comments.

- Have the whole class repeat all the phrases in chorus to reinforce their pronunciation.

3 Let’s talk [10’]

- Ask students to look at the pictures in the book. Ask them to identify the characters in the pictures.

- Ask Ss work in pairs. Call some pairs to act out

- Correct their pronunciation

- Whole class.

- Look at the pictures in the book

- Listen and repeat

- Look and find out the model sentences

- Point the pictures and practice

- Practice in pairs

IV. Consolidation [2]

  • Asking Ps to focus on the structure once again.
  • Repeat the content of the lesson.

V. Homework [2’]

  • Do exercises in the workbook.
  • Learn by heart the new words and structures.

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh lớp 3

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 3 Unit 9: What color is it - Lesson 3 được VnDoc sưu tầm và giới thiệu để có thể chuẩn bị giáo án và bài giảng hiệu quả, giúp quý thầy cô tiết kiệm thời gian và công sức làm việc. Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh 3 này được soạn phù hợp quy định Bộ Giáo dục và nội dung súc tích giúp học sinh dễ dàng hiểu bài học hơn.

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 3 Unit 9: What color is it - Lesson 1

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 3 Unit 9: What color is it - Lesson 2

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 3 Unit 9: What color is it - Lesson 4

I. Objectives:

  • By the end of this lesson, Students will be able to ask and answer questions about colours.
  • Develop Ss speaking and listening skills.

Language focus:

  • Sentence Partners: What colour is your box? – It’s red
  • What colour are your pencils? – They’re green.
  • Vocabulary: colour, red, green, blue, white, yellow, brown, orange

II. Teaching aids:

  1. Teacher’s: Student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette, puppets.
  2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.

III. Teaching processes:

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

Warm up [5’]

- Talk about school things

1. Look, listen and repeat [10’]

- Have Ss to look at the book at page 60.

- Elicit the character and have Ss guess what they are saying.

- Set the scene: we are going to learn new phrases

- Have Ss listen to the recording as they read the lines in the speech bubbles

- Play the recording again for Ss to repeat the lines in the speech bubbles two times.

- Divide the class into two groups. One repeat Mai’s part and the other repeat Nam’ part.

- Play the recording again for the whole class to repeat each line in the speech bubbles to reinforce their pronunciation.

2. Point and say [10’]

- Have Ss look at the pictures on page 60

- Teach vocabulary:

colour white

Red yellow

Green brown

Blue orange

Elicits the structures

What colour is your box? – It’s red

What colour are your pencils?

– They’re green

- Elicit the characters in the pictures and their names. Ask Ss to guess and complete the speech bubbles.

- Models/ allocates the parts of characters Mai and Nam to Ss

- Ask them to act out the dialogue1. Repeat the step with some other pairs for pictures

- Have Ss practice acting out the dialogue in pairs, using the pictures.

- Have the whole class repeat all the phrases in chorus to reinforce their pronunciation.

3 - Let’s talk: [10’]

- Show picture and give task.

- Have Ps work in pair.

- Display in class, others comment

- Listen and correct.

- Have Ps practice

- Practice

- Look at the pictures in the book

- Listen and repeat

- Read in pairs

- Look at 4 pictures

- Point to the pictures and practice

- Play role and speak out.

- Work in pair practice talking:

IV. Consolidation [2’]

  • Ask Ps to focus on the structure once again.
  • Retell the content of the lesson.

V. Homework[2’]

Do exercises in the workbook. Learn by heart the new words and structures.

2. Point and say

What colour is your

+ Đồ dùng học tập?

[số ít]

What colour are your

+ Đồ dùng học tập?

[số nhiều]

1. Blue

2. White

3. Yellow

4. Brown

5. Green

6. Orange

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Welcome to our classTeacher: Luong Thanh LamVu Xuan Thieu Primary SchoolEnglish 3School bagrulerPencil casepennotebookbookpencilrubberPencil caseClick me!Your School ThingsrubberbookPencil caserulerpenpencilnotebookSchool bagpencilClick me!Your School ThingsPencil casepenSchool bagrulernotebookbookrubberpencilpenClick me!Your School ThingsrubberPencil caserulernotebookbookpenpencilSchool bagnotebookClick me!Your School ThingsrubberpencilPencil caserulerSchool bagbookpennotebookSchool bagClick me!Your School Thingsblueyelloworangewhite safbrown greenUNIT 9 : WHAT COLOUR IS IT ?LESSON 21. Look, listen and repeat.1. blue2. white3. yellow4. brown5. green6. orange7.ColourWhat colour is your It’s ++ Đồ dùng học tập?[số ít]colour.What colour are your + Đồ dùng học tập?[số nhiều]They’re +colour.It’s = It isThey’re = They are2. Point and say3. LET’S TALK. A1. Blue2. White3. Yellow4. Brown5. Green6. Orange B Matching3241ConsolidationThank you! Goodbye!

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  • bai_giang_mon_tieng_anh_lop_3_unit_9_what_colour_is_it_lesso.pptx

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