Play to là gì

Trẻ trâu một thời. Photo bySophie Dale

"Give [something] full play" = Chơi thả ga -> Phát triển cái gì một cách hoàn toàn hoặc dùng hết ý tưởng hoặc cảm xúc của mình cho điều gì.

Ví dụ
When Dan Quinn decided to give full play calling duties to Jeff Ulbrich and Raheem Morris, most people didn't think much of it.

The company will give full play to the functions of risk management, technology advancement and financing in the scope of life reinsurance [tái bảo hiểm], as well as the "Belt and Road Initiative", and the construction of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, so as to contribute to the prosperity [sự thịnh vượng] and development of the insurance industry in Hong Kong and Mainland China.

According to the Greater Bay Area's plan, the SAR is set to develop into a global tourism and leisure center, as well as an economic and trade cooperation platform [nền tảng về việc hợp tác kinh tế và thương mại] between the Chinese mainland and Portuguese-speaking countries. So Macao has to give full play to its advantages, including its role as a bridge connecting the mainland with Portuguese-speaking countries, to facilitate [tạo điều kiện thuận lợi] the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

Bin Kuan

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