metagamer là gì - Nghĩa của từ metagamer

metagamer có nghĩa là

The highest level of strategy in many complex games, metagame refers to any aspect of strategy that involves thinking about what your opponent is thinking you are thinking. Metagame comes into play in any game where no single strategy is dominant and opposing sides are aware of multiple strategies that can succeed dependent upon opponents' actions. In order to perform at the highest level, it then becomes necessary to think about what your opponent thinks you will do [which may depend on what he thinks you think he thinks he will do, etc.] and to make decisions based on clues regarding what level they are thinking on. This term is most commonly used to refer to poker and other complex card games, but is increasingly being used in relation to video games with complicated player vs player elements and even traditional sports.


Normally I would raise the flop with this hand as a semi-bluff, but I've been so aggressive lately that taking metagame into consideration I think he will go all-in with any pair, so instead I'm going to fold. This guy thinks that I'm going to zergling rush which means he will waste resources defending early. Instead I am going to focus on resource development for mid game, and metagame will win me this match.

metagamer có nghĩa là

The act of using outside or previously gained knowledge within a gaming universe for personal gain or advantage.


John was accused of metagaming when he immediately moved his player to the most protected area of the map to snipe the enemy team members, since he had played the map before and knew from experience.

metagamer có nghĩa là

When game information outside of what is available in a game is used to give a player an advantage in-game. Most commonly seen and frowned upon in many forms of role playing especially when consent has not been given.


Example a. A dungeons and dragons adventure team comes across an unknown monster in-game. The metagamer knows this monster through out-of-game information. Using this information, the metagamer's character acts upon the monster's weaknesses and attributes despite the character having never seen the monster before. Example b. In an online pan-fandom RPG, Ryoga from Ranma 1/2 meets Ken from Street Fighter for the first time and they have a fight to the death. Ken finds some water in a random nearby bucket and dumps it on Ryoga, then proceeds to pummel the life out of Ryoga who is now transformed into a tiny black pig because of his water curse. In this case, Ken's role player is metagaming.

metagamer có nghĩa là

Term used for card games. The act of changing your deck around to counter the majority of decks in the local tournament area.


The metagame in my area seems to battle against my type of deck.

metagamer có nghĩa là

Usually, metagamers are considered the elite gamers, who usually have been playing the game for the longest time period, and have the most skill and play the most competitively, the metagame is the environment that these competitive metagamers play in, in any given game, and the strategies used by those top competitive players. The metagame is usually much more narrow then casual gaming, and there is often very little variation in strategy between metagamers because only the best are used. Metagame often involves strategies found or created by players, not just simple tactics designed by the game developers to intentionally be part of the game, while also playing by the standards other metagamers believe to be commonplace. Games such as mario bros or freeze tag usually lack a metagame, because the multiplayer aspect is limited, and/or there is little to no strategy or skill involved in the game, simple games in general usually lack or have a very small metagame, while more complex and competitive games usually have a larger metagame and a larger gap between strong and weak players.


In yugioh, the worlds most popular tcg*, the metagame consists mainly of lightsworn, vayu turbo, gladiator beasts, and several other top tier decks*, players using low tier decks such as Legendary Ocean decks*, usually would lose to the metagame decks within a few turns, due to the abilities, combos, and raw power, of the metagame decks. Person: "Urgh I hate the meta, there is no originality and I always lose to them, everyone uses the exact same strategy" In Metroid Prime Hunters, which was considered the best FPS on the ds for a long time, and still is arguably the best*, almost all metagamers would use the imperialist as a weapon, and sylux or trace as a character, most metagamers consider alt forms to be spammy and noobish, because they don't take much skill to use and allow noobs to beat players who do not use alts but have significantly more skill. *[at the time of this writing]

metagamer có nghĩa là

Used often in the internet for online games, Roleplaying boards, and chatroom's. It is when a person reads what a character is doing, and thus assumes he knows everything what that character has done- without witnessing any of those events at all because A] his character was not there B]The action was in a different area of the rpg 'world' or C] the person is just a tool


How did you know that was me? I was in a disguise and put a disguise spell on- I don't look like my normal character at ALL, you fucking metagamer!

metagamer có nghĩa là

A common term used in Role-Playing game that tells real life details or something that goes beyond the limits or environment set by the game.
Often frowned apon in Role-Playing.


Some Metagaming noob wanted his job as the Mayor back after he stated that he supposedly "lagged out of the server." That Metagamer was banned from the server for calling the police to report a marijuana plant sticking through a wall outside a player owned apartment.

metagamer có nghĩa là

A game within a game. Like Pazaak in Knights of the Old Republic. Or all video games within life.


When will these metagames end? Each completed game only produces the question to the next game!

metagamer có nghĩa là

Predicting an opponent's decision in competitive gaming as a result of analysis of the opponent's past decisions.


There is a special set of moves in chess which allows a player to win in four moves. Competitor A has been watching Competitor B play chess, and the past five games in a row Competitor B has attempted to use this four-move win. When Competitor A sits down to play against Competitor B, Competitor A will be metagaming if he/she plays in a way that will easily thwart the four-move checkmate before Competitor B makes it obvious that this is what he/she is doing.

-from Wikipedia

metagamer có nghĩa là

Metagaming is when someone playing a game is using perception involving content not included with the game, and using it to their advantage. It is also commonly used, and perhaps not correctly, for when someone has died in a game, remembers their last location, and uses that information to go back there and kill them vengefully.


Player #1 kills Player #2
Player #2: Fuck you I know where you are now!
Player #1: Don't be a dick, that's metagaming.

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