melani là gì - Nghĩa của từ melani

melani có nghĩa là

Melanie -
A person who will always get to the point and hates too many details. It wont interest her - AT ALL. Will listen and hear things that you wont even have to say out loud. She naturally understands people and accepts them. Even the weird and different. Has extreamly high ambition and morality but wont force any on anyone else.
Loves to flirt. Is Beautiful. Gets lots of attention. Good to bring to any party.
Loves cartoon characters and she will ALWAYS be a big kid herself !
Very girly/ good at fashion but will still play video games and play wrestle now and again. Has a million followers.
DONT EVER EVER argue with a Melanie.
Shes right. YOUR wrong. End of story.
It doesnt matter if you had a point , she has ten reasons why your one reason doesnt work. AND even if its not logical - comming from HER its the most Intelligent and believable thing you have EVER heard in your life! She is lawyer material.
Just shutup.
Shes right.
Your wrong.
Everyones happy.
Or at least you will be...shes very loving and forgiving and fun to be around. So DONT waste time argueing! Go to that party or that mall. Where theres a Mel theres a new adventure!


Melanie sure knows what shes talking about!

melani có nghĩa là

She is the type of girl that you would not expect to be the "different" cool girl. She has her unique style. Might be shy at first and later talks her arm off. She can be needy at times but mostly she is a giving person. If you meet her or are good friends with her, do not betray her. She will do anything to get back at you. However, if you love her and give her the love she needs she will do anything in return to return the favor.


Melanie is awesome probably the best girl out there.

melani có nghĩa là

An amazing girl you don't want to loose, she could be a little devil sometimes and might look like Dora. But she's one of those friends you don't wanna loose.💞💓~banana


Melanie is beautiful.

melani có nghĩa là

Melanie is a weird girl, kind of awkward, shy at first but as you get to know her she'll get you in tears of laughter, cute but not cocky , loves art and has an obsession with her cats, she's loyal,loving and honest. Usually gets betrayed by guys and they later regret it but they're too late. Once you hurt her she won't trust you again. Has random moments of hyperness and laughter, and is a smart girl who gets A-B's in her classes she also loves singing but is too shy to sing in front of others , short with a short temper as well .she'll do anything for you if you're her friend or her lover , if you're her lover she'll love you endlessly and will always support you , Melanie can be awkward at flirting like really awkward .


You dumped her?! Dude!! She was a Melanie you dumbass! I miss Melanie You're such a Melanie at times!

melani có nghĩa là

Really good person will help and listen to anyone even if they don’t get along she will always help the needed ones.
She is very nice but don’t want to get on her bad side cause you will loss, and she will win. Short person, if your nice to her she’ll be nice but if you give her attitude she’ll give it back. If she has a problem or she hears someone talk bad about her she WONT stay quite she also very smart mostly at math so you can beat her at that. She’ll NEVER hurt them she’ll be loya but wild, when it comes to relationships she’ll be good and be loyal, good to bring at party’s. She likes sport she would mind being
On a team.Over all she will be nice,funny,sportyish, smart


I would really love to have a Melani in my life or In a relationship

melani có nghĩa là

Melany: she is known for her kindness she likes to make people smile and she likes to help out when sad comes around she is funny she is a weird person to in a good way


Melany: is so kind

melani có nghĩa là

She's just the person who might be misunderstood a lot, her mood must vary at times, her physique is unique. I guess a Melanie really hides their feelings and says she's okay, most of the time she's not okay. People with the name Melanie are very kind at heart, might get a little jealous at times and always has good intentions, her flirting style is awkward and she might not be the most outgoing at times. She might rather be in her favorite space and do her own thing. If you have a friend whose name is Melanie, you should never lie to her, just tell her the truth, in a friend group she's the one to give advice and gives the sweetest hugs in the world. If she breaks down at anytime, give her a hug and give her some TLC from all the holding back she's done within her, and might be the artsy one within your friend group and your big sister because she is your guard and wants you to feel safe and comfortable at all times. If you have a family member or sibling whose name is Melanie, she might be just the one to give you a good greeting in anytime of day with a great big hug. She might express herself through any activities she does, she's never the one to break the rules and rather be in her home. She loves family and it's her number one priority.


You can be such a Melanie at times and I care for you a lot.

melani có nghĩa là

the act of tickling a man's balls whilst licking his nipple.


Last night I got me some fine melani action from this babe down the street. Weird man.

melani có nghĩa là

The most beautiful and talented most God driven girl there is. She makes your heart melt everytime and the butterflies in your stomach will go crazy. She is the absolute best and is the cutest ever.


Wow, Melany is a Squiggie

melani có nghĩa là

is girl who is in madly in LOVE joel she is married to him and has 5 kids


"i am a melani i am in love with joel

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