Lỗi install the base system khi cài ubuntu server 12.04 năm 2024

The desktop CD allows you to try Ubuntu without changing your computer at all, and at your option to install it permanently later. This type of CD is what most people will want to use. You will need at least 384MiB of RAM to install from this CD.

The server install CD allows you to install Ubuntu permanently on a computer for use as a server. It will not install a graphical user interface.

The alternate install CD allows you to perform certain specialist installations of Ubuntu. It provides for the following situations:

In the event that you encounter a bug using the alternate installer, please file a bug on the debian-installer package.

This is a filesystem image downloaded by Wubi [a system which installs Ubuntu into disk image files on a Windows filesystem]. You should not normally need to download it separately.

This is my third try, with two different verified-for-integrity multiple-times CDs. The second and third try I checked both CDs for integrity prior to the installation attempt. [I switched to another CD after the second failure]. Results were the same for all three attempts.

The partitioning has a RAID1 and several ext4 and ext2 partitions as well as a swap partition on each of the two drives.

Is ext4 solid?

I've had previous troubles with trying to install this machine, but this is earlier in the process. [Previous trouble was the system's not finding /boot/grub and dumping me to a grub-rescue> prompt. I didn't follow up on the rescue because I couldn't find the /boot partition. Turned out the grub directory was in /. /boot was missing--maybe because I put it at the end of the drive during the install?].

  • Re: Installation fails at 'Install the base system.' Debootstrap error

    Solved. Though not how I would have liked. I re-installed the system, using the whole [RAID] drive, scotching all partitions except / [on RAID] and going back to the ext3 filesystem. The problem seemed to revolve around the /boot partition in the initial installs. Though /boot was defined [separate from RAID], when I used 'ls' inside grub-rescue, no /boot existed. [The grub directory was found directly under root]. I didn't make a separate swap partition, either. Hope it doesn't come back to bite me in performance. Ubuntu 12.04 LTS là bản phát hành hỗ trợ dài hạn của Ubuntu, điều đó có nghĩa là nó được hỗ trợ với các bản cập nhật bảo mật và sửa lỗi trong năm năm.Tuy nhiên, mặc dù Ubuntu là một hệ điều hành ổn định, nhưng vẫn có một số lỗi có thể xảy ra trong quá trình cài đặt. Trong bài viết này, chúng tôi sẽ xem xét một số lỗi phổ biến nhất có thể xảy ra khi cài đặt Ubuntu 12.04 LTS và chúng tôi sẽ cung cấp các giải pháp về cách khắc phục chúng. When the first time i come to Ubuntubuzz, i said that i will write posts about networking in Ubuntu. Especially about how to adminisiter a Server with Ubuntu. Yeah, start from the installation of Ubuntu Server to installation all of services that are needed by a Server. I hope you'll like it and useful for you as well. :] In this first chance, i will guide you about how to install Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS in your PC. Why i still use 12.04 version? It is because the 12.04 version, is a Long Term Support. As you know, LTS version is designed for Server use, because of its realibility and its long support. So, if you consider to use Ubuntu as your Server, use the newest LTS version which now is Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. Okay, now lets begin the main part. 1. The first, prepare your installation CD. If you dont have it, you can download the image file from the Official Ubuntu website. After you finished, burn it to a blank disc with Brasero or Nero or another burning application you like. 2. Now, you already have the installation CD. But, you still have to do something before starting the installation. Go to your PC BIOS setting with pressing F1, F12, or Delete button and go to the boot settings. Set the First Boot to CD Rom as you can see at the picture below.
    3. After that, put the installation CD to your CD/DVD Rom. If your PC success to boot from CD/DVD Rom, you'll see this picture. Choose Install Ubuntu Server.
    4. In this Language Selection Part, just select English.
    5. Next, you'll need to select your Country Location. If you live in Indonesia [same like me :D], choose other > Asia > Indonesia and press Enter.
    6. After that you will be asked to choose your Country Locales base. Almost all of Indonesian PC usually use United States.
    7. If appear Picture like below, just choose No. Because we will choose the Keyboard Layout manually.
    8. Like Locales setting, almost all of Indonesian PC usually use English US as default keyboard layout. Choose English [US] > English US.
    9. Then, this is the Network Configuration part. I use two Network Interface Card, so it will show two configuration like this. Just select one of them, eth0 or eth1.
    If you ask me about the IP Address configuration, i cannot answer it. Because it's depend on your own ISP configuration. Either Dynamic IP or Static IP. In this case, i use Dynamic configuration so when Ubuntu configuring the network with DHCP, it will be succeeded like this.
    But, if your IP configuration is static, in this part you will fail. Dont worry, just select Configure Network Manually and fill in the configuration depend on your ISP configuration that they gave to you.
    Example :
    10. The next part is hostname configuration. Hostname is name of your computer. Just fill it with one name that you want. Note: Dont use space okay!
    11. Then, you need to input your domain name too. Remember, this domain just can be used in local network only. So don't use top level domain which used in the internet like .com, .org, .net or another else. Because i'm afraid your local domain will conflicting with internet domain. Use top level domain that doesn't exist in internet like .handsome, .beautiful, etc. Domain that i use in this post is belajar.cilsy.
    12. Now, you are going to the Setup Username and Password part. The first, you are asked to input your Full Name. So, fill it.
    Input your username too.
    And input your new user password twice. One for the new password itself, and one for confirmation. Remember, do not ever use weak password! Always use words, number, capital words, and special character combination.
    13. Choose No, if it ask you to encrypt your home directory.
    14. After that, you will go to the Setup Clock part. If you're connected to the internet, Ubuntu will configuring your clock automatically like the image shown below. If it is correct, select Yes.
    15. Partition part is the most difficult part of installation Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS i think. Because for almost all beginner user think that Linux partition is definitely different with Windows partition. So be carefull guys! I really recommend you to backup all of your important data before you continue to this step. "Sounds this step is so hard and dangerous, so what i have to do to avoid the worst risk?". Don't worry, if you dont know how to make the partition, just choose Guided - use entire disk. The System will make the best partition for your hard disk automatically.
    But if you thing that you can make your own partition, i recommend you to select Manual.
    After that, select your Hard Disk.
    Finally select Yes to write your changes to the disk.
    16. When the process running, suddenly you see a form that ask you to fill a HTTP Proxy address. Just leave it blank then select Continue.
    17. For the security reasons, in this part i recommend you to choose Install Security Updates Automaticcally because it will make your Ubuntu more safely.
    18. Now, here is the Software Selection part. Ubuntu ask you to choose what softwares you want to install. Dont check anything and just leave it as default. Because with let your Server be a really fresh system is a good thing. You can install any software and service which you want after the installation process finished.

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