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emachines có nghĩa là

1.A computer manufacturer who usually makes cheap computers.
2.A computer manufacturer hated by gamers [mainly because fo their week processors, video cards etc.]
3. A shitty computer.


1. Me and my whife just baught an Emachines computer.
2. Haha your pc is almost as shitty as an emachines!
3. That shit looks like an emachines.

emachines có nghĩa là

The cheapest ratshit computer ever built. Bought out by Gateway now, so there is no support either.

White trash computer purchased by those who are to tarded to know that you get what you pay for.


I took a dump on that eMachine and doubled its value.

emachines có nghĩa là

computers that have specs that look good to an unprofessional. prices are low because manufacturers put in slow hard drives, cheap motherboards, crappy fans and cases with poor airflow which will eventually kill your processor.


my emachines was lookin good for the first year, now i have to completely replace the heatsink and fan on the processor, replace the hard drive and power supply.

emachines có nghĩa là

Cheap and shitty computers that the
salesman always points to when helping newbs.


Fuck... My mom got a emachines...

emachines có nghĩa là

A brand of computers that seem to have fast processors, big hard drives, lots of RAM, the newest operating systems, and yet somehow manage to cost really cheap. The secret lies in the fact that the entire computer is made out of cheap, low-quality components, and the entire computer often dies within a year after buying it.

The term "Emachines" can also mean any low-quality and cheap system that seems to have the latest components, even if it is not actually made by the Emachines company.

True, some Emachines owners have had their computers for over 6 years and they have never failed them. These people are just lucky.


Person A: Hey, look, Ive got a new Emachines computer! It has a Core 2 Duo, 3 gigs of RAM, a 320-gig hard drive, an Nvidia GeForce 8600, and Windows Vista Ultimate! And I only paid like $500 for it!

Person B: Emachines are total crap. Yours will break within a week, I guarantee it.

Person A: Yeah, like I'm gonna believe that! This computer will beat your crappy one that you built yourself for $3000! Now I can play all the latest games on max settings!

One week later:
Person A: That fucking Emachines is like so fucking junk, I tried to overclock the fucking CPU and the fucking BIOS didnt fucking let me adjust the fucking frequency and voltage, so I had to fucking play Crysis on fucking medium. Then I turned it on this morning and the fucking motherboard just fucking fried and then fucking smoke came out of the fucking back of it and the fucking screen looked like some fucking modern art and all my data was fucking gone...

Person B: See, I told you!

Person A: I'm so fucking mad, I will never buy a fucking Emachines again! And I'm gonna have a fucking good time smashing that fucking piece of junk to bits, that's about the best thing I can do with this computer!

emachines có nghĩa là

A shitty computer that is owned by a retard that wears cheap ass clothes.


My emachine is great. I have a Pentium 4 and 256 MB of RAM.

emachines có nghĩa là

A computer company that gets made fun off because people talk crap about it. Well ive had 2 emachines that have been nothing but good. I have a 1998 emachines thats lasted with no problems. And now i have the one I'm on now that i use for gaming. Whoever said that its shit for gaming is stupid all i had to do is buy a bigger video card and its like any other gaming computer.


Dell guy: Dude your getting a DELL!!
me: No I'm not i'm getting a emachines and it has better specs and you pay $500 less.

emachines có nghĩa là

the best comptr manufacturar eva!!!!!!!!!!!!
ive had mine for 2 yers nd it never crashed.
So any 1 hoo ses there crap can get screwed!


Ted:Hi,Bill, i got a new eMachines PC
Bill:they're shit
Ted:That's it ill fuck you up
Bill:Bring it,ho!

emachines có nghĩa là

Cheap as bread computer manufacturer, they do still in 2008 making these computer out of hardware from years ago for saving alot, exemple of this is, they still use pentium 4 because emachines hits the market of computer unknowledged people. Most of the hardware come from Taiwan or poor countrys so they save millions for that. I hate also when people say vista go faster than XP.

-Synonym of Cheapest
-Antonym of Gaming PC


-Me : Hey dude, you are buying a new PC?

-else : yea, im getting an Emachines

-Me : Mhh .. you should let me build your, it will be way more powerful .. like so MUCH

-else : What? build a computer? are you crazy maniac? there is conpanys that build computer, and you are not dell or hp so you can't build this!

-Me : Yes you can, and no vista will not make your computer go faster

-Else : Shut up, you don't know anything about computer!

emachines có nghĩa là

A budget computer for the average home user that was made from 1998-2013. Many elitist PC gamers hate on eMachines PC's because they are "crappy" and not meant for gaming even though it's a BUDGET COMPUTER.


PC Gamer: LOL! Your emachines sucks! It's built with cheap parts! eMachines user: It's from the year 2005 and it's still running, how are the parts "cheap"? Your shitty custom built desktop died 2 years ago. PC Gamer: ...

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