Is Google Chrome Remote Desktop safe?

Are you using Google Chromes Remote Desktop app for support? This competitive document details key differences that make Bomgar a better solution for enterprise remote support.

Is Chrome Remote Desktop Built for Remote Support?

We know, its hard to pass up free stuff. But using Chrome Remote Desktop to support your company may be costing you more in productivity than it saves in purchase price. While Chrome is suitable for consumer remote access [e.g., accessing your home computer, helping Grandma set up her email], it is not designed for support within global organizations with advanced technology needs.

In addition, Chrome is not built to deal with the ever present threat of data breach. No centralized management or auditing is possible, and connecting across the internet requires punching holes in the company firewall. Enterprise support centers cant afford the risk that entails. According to Trustwave Spiderlabs, Remote access remained the most widely used method of infiltration in 2012. Unfortunately for victim organizations, the front door is still open. [2013 Global Security Report]

We compare BeyondTrust with Google Chrome by looking at the following:

  • Architecture & Technology: How well does each product handle advanced support processes?
  • Security: What security measures are in place? Does the solution architecture enable security and compliance best practices?
  • Platform Support: How well does the solution operate across multiple operating systems?
  • Management: Does the solution enable efficient management of end users, reps, and external vendors?
  • Integration: Does the solution enable a seamless workflow by integrating with ITSM and CRM tools?

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