Python list comprehension converter

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  1. Program to convert a list to string in Python
  2. Using join[] method
  3. Using List Comprehension
  4. Iterating using for loop
  5. Using map[] method

There are various scenarios where you would need to convert a list in python to a string.We will look into each of these scenarios in depth.

Lists are one of the four built-in data types in Python. A list is a data type in Python and is a collection of items that contain elements of multiple data types.

The elements of the list can be converted to a string by either of the following methods:

  • Using join[] method
  • Using List Comprehension
  • Iterating using for loop
  • Using map[] method

Program to convert a list to string in Python

Using join[] method

Thejoin[] method takes all items in aniterableand joins each element of aniterable[such as list,string, and tuple] into one concatenatedstring.

If the iterable contains any non-string values, it raises a TypeError exception.


# Python convert list to string using join[] method # Function to convert def listToString[items]: # initialize an empty string str1 = "" return [str1.join[s]] # Main code s= ['Life', 'is', 'Beautiful'] print[listToString[s]] # Output LifeisBeautiful

Using List Comprehension

List comprehensionsprovide a concise way to create lists and will traverse the elements, and with the join[] method, we can concatenate the elements of the list in python into a new string.

# Python convert list to string using list comprehension s = ['Its', 4, 'am', 'in', 'america'] # using list comprehension listToStr = ' '.join[[str[elem] for elem in s]] print[listToStr] # Output Its 4 am in america

Iterating using for loop

Iterating using for loop is a simple technique used in many programming languages to iterate over the elements in the list and concatenate each item to a new empty string.

# Python program to convert a list to string # Function to convert def listToString[s]: # initialize an empty string str1 = # traverse in the string for ele in s: str1 += ele # return string return str1 # Main code str= ['Life', 'is', 'Beautiful'] print[listToString[str]]# Output LifeisBeautiful

Using map[] method

Pythons map[] is a built-in function that allows you to process and transform all the items in an iterable without using an explicit for loop.

# Python program to convert a list to string using list comprehension s= ['Life', 'is', 'Beautiful'] # using list comprehension listToStr = ' '.join[map[str, s]] print[listToStr] # Output Life is Beautiful

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