_____ is a hostile environment that often presents complex emotional and ethical dilemmas.


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SEJPME Post Test

  1. By 1986, the Marine prepositioning strategy had in place 13 ships: one squadron in the eastern Atlantic, a second squadron in the Indian Ocean at Diego Garcia, and a third in the western Pacific at Guam.
  2. Capt. Van Boskerck wrote the words to Semper Paratus while serving on board the Yamacraw in 1922.
  3. The primary responsibilities of the Air Force Reserve Components, the Air Force Reserve, and the Air National Guard include airlift and air refueling.
  4. The _____ is the principal forum to advise the President with respect to the integration of domestic, foreign, and military policies relating to national security and for coordinating these policies among various government agencies.
  5. As ratified, the U.S. Constitution provided for a small professional army supplemented a militia of all able-bodied males under strict civilian control.   
  6. What is the role of the U.S. Armed Forces today? [Select all that apply.]
  7. Which of the following are keys to success in joint assignments? [Select all that apply.]
  8. In the Chairman’s White Paper, “America’s Military – A Profession of Arms,” this distinguishes our profession from others in society.  
  9. Which of the following is NOT one of the major levels of reserve mobilization?  
  10. There are eight distinct domains within the Total Force Fitness [TFF] Program. Which one of the following IS NOT one of the eight domains?
  11. Which of the following examples embodies Navy traditions and core values of honor, courage, and commitment?
  12. The abilities of the Coast Guard to operate in severe weather conditions, 24 hours a day, year round, are called?
  13. Delegating execution authority to responsible and capable lower-level commanders is essential to which of the following roles of Air Force commander or command groups?
  14. When employing local national support, appropriate security measures should be taken to _____.
  15. _____ is key to successful employment, readiness, and use of Reserve Component forces
  16. Military members are expected to maintain a higher standard of conduct than might be accepted in the larger society and are subject to the rules and regulations of the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
  17. While it is appropriate and strongly recommended to greet a person by name and grade, if you are unsure of an enlisted Marine’s name or grade, “Marine” is as appropriate as, “Good morning, Sir,” in the case of an officer.  
  18. Which of the following are roles of the Marine Corps according to Title 10 US Code?   
  19. Service members contribute to force readiness by being focused, alert, and prepared for new tasks, behaving responsibly and ethically, and _____.
  20. Which of the following is NOT one of the Special Operations Forces Truths?
  21. The Joint Staff is under exclusive authority, direction, and control of the _____.
  22. Risk assessment, risk management, and recommending mitigating measures to the commander or others, are all steps that must be taken in order to properly mitigate risk.
  23. These capabilities comprise the core of U.S. maritime power and reflect an increase in emphasis on those activities that prevent war and build partnerships:
  24. _____ is a hostile environment that often presents complex emotional and ethical dilemmas.
  25. _____ warfare is a violent struggle among state and non-state actors for legitimacy and influence over the relevant population[s]. It favors indirect and asymmetric approaches, though it may employ the full range of military and other capacities, in order to erode an adversary’s power, influence, and will.
  26. The cornerstone of ARSOAC, the _____, is organized into four like battalions and provides nighttime, all-weather, medium range insertion, extraction, and resupply capability in hostile or denied areas.
  27. The most recent time the Coast Guard was called into service and deployed in wartime was?
  28. Upon a declaration of war the Coast Guard may be transferred to and operate as a service of the U.S. Navy?
  29. Which organization monitors suspected drug trafficking aircraft and maritime vessels? 30] Joint _____ is the component of joint force development that entails collecting observations, analyzing them, and taking the necessary steps to turn them into changes in behavior that improve the mission ready capabilities of the joint force.
  30. The commander can decide if the Dining-In is voluntary or mandatory.  
  31. To accomplish U.S. objectives, the national security strategy guides the coordination of the instruments of national power which include _____. [Select all that apply.]  
  32. The country team provides for rapid interagency consultation and action on recommendations from the field. The Department of Defense is normally represented on the country team by the _____ and the _____.
  33. A unified or specified command with a broad continuing mission under a single commander established and so designated by the President,
  34. through the Secretary of Defense and with the advice and assistance of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is called a _____.
  35. The offering of ceremonial toasts is a traditional Army custom at a formal Dining-In, which includes passing the wine, “over the water,” an historical reference to King James I, who was exiled by Oliver Cromwell.
  36. What is the Army’s primary role?  
  37. “The Noncommissioned Officer and Petty Officer: Backbone of the Armed Forces [2013]” states that, “To be successful in building and sustaining [a solid and trustworthy] relationship with officers, NCOs/POs must be _____.”  
  38. To the greatest extent possible coalition members should _____. 
  39. There are a total of how many Reserve Components in the Armed Forces of the United States?
  40. Special operations involve the use of small units of specially trained personnel using specialized tactics and equipment to achieve _____ objectives.
  41. The Joint Task Force [JTF] commander cannot dictate cooperation among other governmental agencies, intergovernmental organizations, and nongovernmental organizations. In the absence of a formal command structure, JTFs are required to build consensus to achieve _____.
  42. Joint force commanders must perform an analysis of the adversary, known as a _____, to know what actions will be an effective deterrent. This continuous analytical process is used by joint intelligence organizations to produce intelligence estimates and other intelligence products in support of the commander’s decision-making process.   
  43. Which of the lessons learned during the Mexican War did the Union Navy use? [Select all that apply.]
  44. Successful teamwork in the joint environment requires trust, confidence and _____.  
  45. The difficulty some units face adapting their mindset to vastly changed conditions on their third or fourth deployment to the same location is known as _____ challenges. 
  46. What WWII conference established the Joint Chief of Staff?   
  47. Receiving realistic training, understanding the types of situations encountered in war, eating well, getting enough rest, and having meaningful relationships and friendships are all helpful in building _____ to the challenges and strains of military service.  
  48. Which of the following problems faced the newly created Air Force in 1947? [Select all that apply.]   
  49. Commonly used terms under the multinational rubric include all of the following terms, except:
  50. The principle of joint operations designed to ensure the commitment necessary to attain the national strategic end state is _____.  

What is a hostile environment that often presents complex emotional and ethical dilemmas?

Term One of the characteristics of citizens that strengthens the U.S. is _____.
Definition - diversity
Term _____ is a hostile environment that often presents complex emotional and ethical dilemmas.
Definition - Irregular warfare environment
SEJPME I Mod 9 - Joint Force Leadership Flashcardswww.flashcardmachine.com › ...null

What are the eight distinct domains within the total force fitness TFF program?

These domains, shown in Figure 1.1 are medical, nutritional, environmental, physical, social, spiritual, behavioral, and psychological.

What is the purposeful reliance by one service on another service's capabilities to maximize the complementary and reinforcing efforts of both?

Interdependence is the purposeful reliance by one Service on another Service's capabilities to maximize the complementary and reinforcing effects of both—that is, synergy. 12 Joint interdependence is essential for joint effectiveness.

What is the product of joint force development quizlet?

Term Recognizing concussions/traumatic brain injuries, family impact and operational environment conditions are some of the many inherent military ____________ that impact psychological health.
Definition Stressors
Term What is the product of joint force development?
Definition a trained and capable joint force
SEJPME I - Module 10 Flashcardswww.flashcardmachine.com › sejpme-imodule10null

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