investor là gì - Nghĩa của từ investor

investor có nghĩa là

An individual who invests in a company during its start-up phase; a financial supporter in the early stages of a corporation's existence.

An 'angel' is a winged creature from heaven who is supposed to help you when you are in danger. An 'angel investor' is someone who provides money for young businesses that really need it. The phrase was first used to describe wealthy patrons who kept Broadway plays on stage despite a lack of profits.

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The company never would have survived without the backing of its angel investors.

investor có nghĩa là

A leach. A liar. A manipulator

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The company never would have survived without the backing of its angel investors.

investor có nghĩa là

A leach. A liar. A manipulator

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The company never would have survived without the backing of its angel investors.

investor có nghĩa là

A leach. A liar. A manipulator

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The company never would have survived without the backing of its angel investors.

investor có nghĩa là

A leach. A liar. A manipulator Andy is an investor . Hes a bitcj Guy who gets up about 11 and settles on the patio overlooking the ocean, with his laptop, (in his terry-cloth robe). His 19-year-old assistant brings him a bloody Mary. He says "thanks" in a tone of benign abstraction while he scrolls through his portfolio.

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I talked to my bathrobe investors and they had never heard of this guy so I figure he must be a fake. Group of investors that are linked through social media such as Reddit, who invest capital in trolling matter to hurt the rich people’s investments. Reddittail-investors bought GameStop stock in large amounts which short squeezed the stock price into record high to hurt hedge funds investors. An investor who trades shares on an exchange through a third party, typically a brokerage firm with direct access to the market(s) ECN networks. This term is often used in a derogatory sense to describe various middle-of-the-road people who attempt to amass great wealth with little to no research beforehand, often resulting in the complete loss of their "invested" money.

investor có nghĩa là

Being a retail investor is not a sign of incompetence, however; there are many who are quite able and consistently beat indices and funds with their returns. Noob trader: "Hey! This stock just fell 50%; there's gotta be a short squeeze soon! I'm buying!"

Experienced trader: "Don't be a retail investor, man!"

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Experienced retail investor: "Bag holder would be a better phrase for that, buddy!" Most domain investors are fucking idiots. They rely on registering a popular (and not so popular) words and dream to resell the name later to some enterprise for millions dollars, inspired by success of previous investors. They forget that a language offers unlimited number of possible letter and word combinations which is impossible to register.

investor có nghĩa là

The really valuable domain names consist of one word, perfectly describe the content of website, very memorable and can be used commercially. Examples: They ARE worth millions. All valuable domains were registered until 2000 (except for upcoming social events, brand names, movies, books etc).

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Anything like,, or even is NOT really valuable. Even if abbreviation of a company name consists of wcqz they will find a way to register it by expanding one word moving to another domain extension etc, and will get better search rank in Google for "wcqz".

investor có nghĩa là

Lots of domain investors only loose their money over time paying the registration fees.

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There're about 17k+ of and over 450k+ of and all registered. Some dumbasses pay $500+ for domain name like that and think it will go up in value. Well, that happens if they find someone more stupid. A code term for having to take a shit. Can be used in public because people that overhear will think your are a sophisticated businessperson that has a lot of money, but in reality you just need to take a shit.

investor có nghĩa là

Guy 1: Yo, let's go see that new Twilight movie, I hear it's banging.

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Guy 2: Gimme a minute, I gotta have a meeting with the investors, and as we all know, they are not known for their patience.

investor có nghĩa là

A being who spends most of their time investing in stonks. These peoples all look up to meme man and dont like getting their spaghet touched. a commonly used word of theirs is "yee"

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" Hey Investor Kairan, have you invested in any stonks recently"