How to create Remote Desktop server

Remote Desktop, by default, is disabled in Windows Server 2018. To enable this feature, you need to do it manually. In this guide, we’ll show you how to enable Remote Desktop on Windows Server:

Steps How to Windows Server Enable Remote Desktop [RDP]

  1. Launch the Start menu and open Server Manager. You can also type in Server Manager if it doesn’t simply show up on the Start window. It is important to note, however, that Server Manager automatically opens up when you log in to the GUI.

  2. Click on the Local Server on the left hand side of the Server Manager window. Here, you’ll see Remote Desktop is categorized as default.

  3. Select the Disabled text. This will open up the System Properties window in the Remote tab.

  4. Click on Allow remote desktop connections to this Computer on the System Properties window. You can also search for the System Properties through a Command Prompt or PowerShell terminal. Simply type in SystemPropertiesRemote.

  5. Once the Allow remote connections to this computer is selected, a warning message will show up. This will advise you to accomplish the given firewall rules in Windows firewall.

  6. Click on OK to proceed.

  7. Click on Select Users to define those who can access your system via Remote Desktop.

  8. Click on the OK button to close out the System Properties menu.

  9. It is important to note that in the Server Manager, Remote Desktop might still appear disabled. You can try to refresh the Server Manager window by pressing F5 on the keyboard until it is listed as enabled.

There you have it. Once you’ve completed these steps, you’ll be able to use Remote Desktop on Windows Server. You can now enjoy wider connectivity and access to your files, data, and apps.


Related Resources:

What is Remote Access?

How Can I Control Remote Computer?

How can I access my computer from anywhere?

Related Product Resources:

Instant Remote Access

Free Remote Access Software

Remote Desktop Connection Manager

Remote Desktop Connection

Remote Computer Access

Remote Desktop Connection

Category:  Remote Access

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When you order a Windows Server 2012 or 2016 VPS, you can always access it via the console in the control panel. Because the resolution of the console is limited, and it is nice of course to not always first log into the TransIP control panel, you can also use a Remote Desktop Protocol [RDP] connection. You can also use this, for example, to move files from and to the server.

The 'RDP' feature is not enabled by default for new Windows Server 2012 or 2016 installations [due to security reasons], but can be enabled via the Server Manager. How you can do this is described step by step below.

Step 1

Go to 'BladeVPS' in your TransIP control panel. You will see the top of the console on that page. Click it to activate the 'noVNC' connection and open the OS.

Step 2

Open the Server Manager and select Local Server on the left. On the right, you will now see a large number of options and their status.

Step 3

One of the options which are visible is Remote Desktop, whose status is Disabled by default. Click it to enable Remote Desktop.

Step 4

You will now see the System Properties, change the selected option from Don’t allow remote connections to this computer to the option below, Allow remote connections to this computer.

A prompt will appear immediately about the Windows Firewall. It is best to directly click Windows Firewall with Advanced Security to go to the firewall settings [you can also do this later].

Step 5

Click the Inbound Rules in the upper left corner to adjust the firewall rules for inbound traffic. Scroll down to the rules for 'Remote Desktop'.

Then click all three different rules and click Enable Rule on the right:

  • Remote Desktop - Shadow [TCP-In]
  • Remote Desktop - User Mode [TCP-In]
  • Remote Desktop - User Mode [UDP-In]

Step 6

Close the Windows Firewall screen and the window to enable RDP is shown again. Click 'Apply' to enable the RDP connection to the server.

It may then take a few seconds, but thereafter, the status in the Server Manager should jump to Enabled.

Step 7

You can now test whether making a connection is successful from your own Windows computer.

Open 'Remote Desktop Connection' - the application is called mstsc.exe.

Step 8

In the application that you have now opened, the IP address [this can also be a hostname if you have connected via DNS] of the VPS will be requested, enter it and click 'Connect'.

If you click 'Show options' and next the 'Local Resources' tab, you can also add your local disks where you can then move / copy files from and to within Remote Desktop.

Step 9

You will now see a prompt asking for the log-in credentials of a user account. The first time you connect to your server in Windows 10 you're shown a screen with the option to connect to your VPS with your Windows 10 user account.

It's the user credentials for your VPS [or Active Directory if you use it] you need here and not the Windows 10 credentials. So click 'More choices' > 'Use a different account' and provide the correct user name and password and click 'OK'.

Henceforthyou'll be shown the following screen when using MSTSC to connect to this server.

Step 10

You will now see a warning because the VPS has a self-signed certificate by default. However, this is not a problem and you can click 'Yes' without a worry.

The RDP application on your computer has now been started and you will see a 'full-screen' view of the Windows Server 2012 VPS desktop on your screen!

Possible issues:

If you follow the above steps, you will enable RDP for the user you are logged in with. In this case 'Administrator', but if you have created an extra user you will have to add it via Remote Desktop Users.

Should you have any questions left regarding this article, do not hesitate to contact our support department. You can reach us via the ‘Contact Us’ button at the bottom of this page.

If you want to discuss this article with other users, please leave a message under 'Comments'.

Create a remote desktop protocol [RDP] application and configure it with settings that define how end users interact with the remote application environment.

Complete these steps as they apply to your remote application configuration:

  • On the remote desktop server, publish or distribute the remote application for end users to access the application remotely. For example, on a Windows server, you must publish an application as a RemoteApp program to ensure that it’s accessible.
  • If you want the remote desktop to start a program that is not listed as a published remote application, on a Windows server, you can modify the remote desktop connection settings of the Group Policy to allow remote users to start any application that is not published or listed as a published remote application.
  • If you plan to enable remote printing, you must configure printer redirection to allow end users to access their local printer in the remote desktop session. On a Windows server, you can configure this setting in the Group Policy or in the client settings of the remote desktop session host configuration.
  • If you plan to enable remote file sharing, you must configure a drive redirection to allow end users to access their local computer in the remote desktop environment. On a Windows server, you can configure this setting in the Group Policy or in the client settings of the remote desktop session host configuration.
  • If you plan to enable copy and paste functionality to and from the remote desktop, you must configure clipboard redirection. On a Windows server, you can configure this setting in the Group Policy or in the client settings of the remote desktop session host configuration.

In Enterprise Application Access [EAA], you can create a remote desktop application and configure the RDP application with settings that define how end users interact with the remote application environment.

After you deploy a remote desktop application, end users can access the deployed application with the specified external hostname.

  1. Add an RDP application. For instructions on creating an application, see Add an application to EAA. When you complete the step for selecting the application type, ensure that you select RDP.
  2. In the Application Server IP/FQDN field, specify the IP address or fully qualified domain [FQDN] of the remote desktop application server and the port number. If necessary, you can click Add More to add another application server. You will see a DRAFT VERSION next to the application name, till you deploy the application.
  3. If you want the EAA connector to validate the authenticity of the origin server within the data center perform these steps:
  4. Disable clipboard functionality. Use this option to prevent users from copying information from a RDP session. Otherwise you can copy the information from the session window.
  5. Select an External Host Name Field domain type, then enter the hostname for the application. Do one of the following:
  6. Associate a connector with the application. Click Add/Remove connector.
  7. Click Done.
  8. Click Save and go to Authentication. The Authentication tab opens.
  9. Configure Authentication settings. You can Assign identity providers to an application, after adding directories, users and groups.
  10. Configure Save and go to Services The Service tab opens. If you want to configure these optional services, see Set up services for an application.
  11. Click Advanced Settings.
  12. Configure the Remote Desktop Configuration settings:
  13. In the Application-facing Authentication Mechanism menu, select one of the following:
  14. Click Save and go to Deployment.
  15. After the deployment is complete, click Done.
If you are using a Microsoft Windows server, Connect a Microsoft Windows server to an RDP application. Then, Access the remote desktop application in the remote desktop portal.

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