Windows 10 Public Desktop vs default desktop

  • I would love to know the secret to success here too, I used to be able to use a program called Enabler that would copy All Profiles to the Default one and all the magic was done when someone logged in... and now you have to do a few things for the customization unlike before....

    Someone please lead me to the yellow brick road of the pixie dust!

  • Sysprep just affects a master or base or golden image so it can be deployed on the network / domain, without problems. It changes unique identifiers [SIDs, normally] that are specific to a software and hardware installation of the Windows operating system, and the hardware that the master image was built on, so that you can go on and use that 'image' or copy to deploy to lots of other machines quickly, rather than doing all the manual work you say you are doing now. Without sysprepping you will most likely run into problems.

     A lot of the things that you have mentioned would normally be done with Group Policy [control what users see on their start menu, desktop, etc].

    'Sysprepping' a machine is not necessarily the same as creating an Image with Acronis, although [newer versions of] Acronis does have in built functionality to reset the unique identifiers.

    You would normally get to the beginning of the Windows setup and then hold left shift and then tap F3, this will reboot the machine into 'audit mode'. Here you can install whatever software you like without muddling up the system with all sorts of other nonsense [such as unnecessary user accounts and settings]. You will notice that in audit mode the sysprep GUI launches each time Windows boots, giving you the opportunity to 'seal' it and go back to OoBE [Out of Box Experience]. You can continue to use the system in audit mode until you have all the software you want installed on the base image [minus Windows updates, this is not possible anymore in audit mode] and then 'seal' your master image again by choosing to reboot or shutdown in OoBE mode, normally ticking 'Generalize' [which prepares the system for hardware other than what the master image was built on]. Then when the system is shutdown, you want to boot to whatever media you are using to capture the image, which in your case is Acronis [whether that be a PXE / network image you are booting to, or an attached .iso image file to boot to].

    Acronis is primarily an imaging tool. Which means that its job is to copy an image [backup copy of a machine/computer which you have previously prepared] to the storage on other computers and make them boot. The job of Sysprep is to ensure that once other machines have been imaged with your copy, the network / domain knows they are not the same machine and does not get confused.

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  • To answer one part of your question, desktop icons are easy. You simply place them in c:\users\public\desktop.

    This will allow the shortcuts to be seen across all profiles. 

    EDIT: This could have been done prior to capture so they would have been included in the image.

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  • PPC has your answer. GPO is where you will set your start menu, desktop items, and any other customizations you want to apply to all the profiles [printers / mapped drives / shares / etc]

  • +1 to what PPC said above. Also note, that you can run custom batch files after deployment is over.

  • Thanks so much for everyone's reply. How would I do this if we don't have a domain controller?

  • I'm not sure how Acronis works but you can either customize your image before capturing or script the changes after your image gets applied.

    Start Menu Tiles:

    Export your StartLayout and then copy the XML file to  C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Shell”

    Shortcuts on the Desktop:

    Copy shortcuts to C:\Users\Default\Desktop

    Bookmarks?  Every browser is different so we would need to know which one you are configuring.

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  • Then you would make all the configurations in the base image using local group policies as already mentioned 

  • joseespitia mentioned putting the shortcuts in C:\users\default\desktop while I said c:\users\public\desktop. This brings up a good point. Both are valid locations but it depends on your use case.

    If you put them on the public desktop, everyone sees them and if one is ever removed, it's gone for everyone.Typically non admins do not have the ability to remove them though.

    If you put them on the default desktop, everyone gets a copy of the shortcuts during their profile creation[first sign-in] but then they are free to delete them if they want and it won't affect other users shortcuts.

    So you see it just depends on what you want. If you want to give each user the ability to delete the shortcuts, the default desktop is the better option. If you don't want people removing them, the public desktop is the better option.

  • Libraries are disabled by default in the Navigation Pane in Windows 10


  • Try this:

    In Windows 10 Login as Administrator [Local Admin].

    Go to Control Panel > File Explorer Options > click on the View tab > under Advanced settings: look for hidden files and folders > choose "Show hidden files, folders, and drives" and click "OK".

    Go to C drive [C:] > Users > Public > Public Desktop

    The "public desktop" folder is normally a hidden folder.

    Now you can put your shortcuts in: C:\Users\Public\Desktop

    Hope this helps?


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  • Davidr4- So I guess I was incorrect in thinking that the desktop shortcut in the "Quick access" section is a shortcut to a desktop library. The desktop shortcut on the "Quick Access" menu in Windows 10 seems to be just a shortcut to the users desktop so it does not include any public desktop items. It appears to be something completely different in Windows 7. The desktop shortcut on the Favorites menu in WIndows 7 includes the users desktop and the public desktop items. 

  • Julie- It doesn't appear to be a hidden file issue since I can create a new desktop library and include both desktops without an issue. I'm not sure why the desktop shortcut on the Windows 10 "Quick access" menu would not contain the public desktop items like the Windows 7 desktop shortcut does on the Favorites menu.

  • Zeldarnet wrote:

    Julie- It doesn't appear to be a hidden file issue since I can create a new desktop library and include both desktops without an issue. I'm not sure why the desktop shortcut on the Windows 10 "Quick access" menu would not contain the public desktop items like the Windows 7 desktop shortcut does on the Favorites menu.

    If you go to This PC > OS[C]:> Users > Public then right click, you can pin the public folder to  Pin to Quick Access, Pin to Start, send to desktop.  Would any of those help you?   I await your reply.


  • Julie- Yes those solutions would work but you would then have 2 desktop shortcuts and also I would have to do that individually for all users. I'm not sure why Microsoft would make the Desktop shortcut on the Quick Access menu not equal to your actual Desktop. At this point I may just create a script that deletes the Desktop shortcuts on the Quick Access for all users. I'm surprised my searches have only found a couple posts about this same issue. // -Felix

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