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The Russian invasion of Ukraine has sparked fears in the West that China could pull off a similar military stunt against Taiwan, which could also threaten the security of its ally, Japan, and warrant its intervention.

General Kenneth Wilsbach, Commander of the Pacific Air Forces, recently argued that it would be considerably more appropriate to deploy “attritable” unmanned aircraft against China rather than high-end stealth fighter jets such as F-35s or F-22s. He was speaking at an online interaction hosted by the Mitchell Institute of Aerospace Studies.

“Attritable” is a design feature that trades reliability and maintenance for low-cost, reusable, and eventually throw-away weaponry.

Armed forces are looking for advanced unmanned aircraft that can be deployed repeatedly and, ideally, never be shot down. It becomes possible to tolerate losses while preserving combat power by expanding the number of combat aircraft in the fleet, according to European Security and Defence.

Kratos XQ-58 Valkyrie designed for the USAF as an ‘attritable’ UAV – Wikipedia

When asked how the USAF would address the capacity shortage with only a few hundred F-22 Raptors, about 150 F-35s, 10 B-2 Bombers, and a small number of C-17s ready and operational at any given time, General Wilsbach stated that the planning is based on the resources already available, with the assumption that more resources will not be arriving.

He went on to say that China’s ability to defend its nation is very robust. It has a very strong Anti-Access/Area Denial [A2/AD] system in the East and South China Seas.

According to the top military official, the best choice for the US Air Force in the event of a conflict with China would be to amass attritable systems — it could be decoys or inhabited UAVs — to exhaust the Chinese defense since they would have more targets to fight against and no idea what that air-borne asset is.

“It would give you an advantage because they will use up their resources shooting things that you don’t care that they shoot down. So, that would be a capacity that I’m very interested in as we could go into the future being able to amass targets for them to shoot at but the ones that we want them to shoot. The ones that follow that could be airpower or ammunition that creates an effect that we so choose,” said General Wilsbach.

F-22 Raptor

The remarks point to a strategy in which the US Air Force’s fighter jets are not to be used directly in the conflict, but rather to follow inconsequential or less significant UAVs that the General refers to as attritable with the goal of exhausting and breaking down the PLA’s A2/AD capacity and then leading an offensive of choice with airpower that includes F-35s, F-22 Raptors, B-2 Bombers, and other attack aircraft.

The United States has also been strengthening its defense in the Pacific, especially in Guam Island and Australia. China has nuclear-capable ballistic missiles in its inventory, like the formidable DF-26 that could strike the American assets in case of a potential conflict. The US had earlier sent F-35s and F-22 Raptors to Australia, as previously reported by the EurAsian Times.

To discourage prospective Chinese military aggression and threats from North Korea, the US had reportedly decided to send more fighter jets to Australia, including F-22 Raptors, F-35 Lightning II, and B2 stealth bombers in November last year.

The US Army’s ‘Dark Eagle’ hypersonic missile [file photo]

The US Army also recently conducted training with a hypersonic missile that might be sent to Guam to defend Taiwan. It has performed a series of ground maneuvers with the first prototype of the Long Range Hypersonic Weapon [LRHW] system, codenamed ‘Dark Eagle’.

‘Attritable’ UAVs

When asked if the US Air Force should focus more on autonomy, unmanned aircraft, and varied sizes of aircraft in its inventory, the General responded affirmatively, deliberating on the ability to amass various sorts of aircraft.

He explained that losing unmanned aircraft would have far less impact on the Air Force than losing a manned aircraft. However, the decision was to be made based on the nature of these unmanned ‘attritable’ aircraft and how exquisite they may be. They could be built as exquisite as an F-35 or as advanced as an NGAD, but the cost would be prohibitive.

General Wilsbach suggests that the uninhabited aircraft could be produced as less exquisite, slightly more attritable so that the Air Force could have more of them — the more of these that the Air Force can field, the more targets will China be forced to engage with using their resources.

General Atomics Sparrow Hawk UAS

All these assets will have some kind of capability, whether it is a sensor, a weapon, a jammer and they should swarm well so they should communicate with one another and collaborate not just among themselves but also with the manned platform that they are supporting.

Some of them may be stealthy, some of them should be conventional, because if it’s stealthy, and they can’t see them, then they can’t shoot at them,” he says. “So there should be a mix of all of this as we go forward to present many more dilemmas than they can handle at any given time.”

He further stated that as has been observed in exercises, amassing such aircraft against a certain target implies that while some may be shot down as China has really good defenses, they still won’t be able to shoot them all down, and “it’s the weapon that creates the final effect that counts”. All these unmanned assets would be supporting the manned assets.

The US-made F-35 stealth jet and French-manufactured Rafale “omni-role” fighter plane continue to expand their global footprint. Amid the Russia-Ukraine war, Greece signed deals valued at 4 billion euros [$4.4 billion] with France on March 24 for six additional Rafales and three naval frigates.

The deals were signed on the eve of Greece’s National Day celebrations, in the presence of its Defense Minister Nikolaos Panagiotopoulos and his French counterpart Florence Parly. The ceremony was held on a 112-year-old battleship that serves as a floating museum now. 

Athens is beefing up its combat capabilities in response to regional tensions with Turkey.

“It is with solidarity that we address the threats that face our nations and our interests,” Parly said. “This also demonstrates our will to partner with industry over the long term.”

Dassault Aviation will supply the Rafale fighter jets to Greece, with deliveries starting in the summer of 2024, expanding the Hellenic Air Force’s fleet to 24 Rafales, according to a statement from the French warplane manufacturer. 

La Grèce fait l’acquisition de six #Rafale neufs additionnels //t.co/EmTED0Za0k
Greece acquires six additional new Rafale //t.co/zJzeLcsByN pic.twitter.com/PbzViWik1A

— Dassault Aviation [@Dassault_OnAir] March 24, 2022

“With this acquisition of frigates and fighter jets the firepower of Greece’s navy and air force will be strengthened,” Greek Defense Minister Nikos Panagiotopoulos said.

The three French frigates of the FDI class will be built at Lorient, western France, by defense contractor Naval Group, and will be delivered by 2026. An option to purchase a fourth frigate at a later date is included in the agreement.

Meanwhile, the Rafale M, the naval variant of the fighter jet, participated in an annual military parade in Athens to mark Greece’s National Day on March 25. Parly also attended the event. 

French Rafale jets from the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle fly over Athens.

France had supported Athens’ claims during a heated naval standoff with Turkey over oil and gas exploration rights in the eastern Mediterranean Sea in 2020. Last year, the leaders of Greece and France inked a security assistance pact in Paris that will see the two countries’ militaries work more closely together. 

The visit of Parly came at a time when NATO naval troops in the Mediterranean were being spruced up in reaction to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Following the agreement-signing ceremony, the two defense ministers paid a visit to the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle, which is docked near Athens in the port of Piraeus. 

Israel Receives Three F-35s

The Israeli military says three more F-35 fighter jets have arrived at Israel’s Nevatim Air Base from the United States, taking the country’s total fleet to 33. They arrived at Nevatim Airbase in southern Israel, where F-35 squadrons are stationed. 

An additional 17 F-35 planes are expected to arrive in Israel by 2024, bringing the total number of planes to 50.

Israeli Defense Forces [IDF] said in a tweet, “Today [Thursday], three “mighty” F-35I planes landed at the Nevatim base in the south of the country. Two ‘mighty ones’ joined Squadron 116 [Southern Lions] and one Squadron 140 [Golden Eagle].”

קליטת המטוסים מהווה המשך התעצמות מערך מטוסי דור חמש, תהליך שמחזק את יכולתו המבצעית של חיל-האוויר, בהגנה ובהתקפה ובשמירה על ביטחון מדינת ישראל.

— Israeli Air Force [@IAFsite] March 24, 2022

“The absorption of the aircraft is a continuation of the intensification of the fifth-generation of aircraft, a process that strengthens the Air Force’s operational capability, in defense and attack, and in maintaining the security of the State of Israel,” it added.

Israel became the first country to choose the F-35 through the US government’s Foreign Military Sales process in October 2010 by signing an LOA [Letter of Agreement] agreement. The Israeli Air Force acquired the first F-35A Adir on June 22, 2016, during a ceremony in Fort Worth, Texas. 

In December 2017, the IAF certified its F-35 fleet as operationally capable, completing an intensive integration and training exercise at Nevatim AFB in Israel. The F-35 was given the Hebrew nickname Adir by the Israeli Air Force, which means “Mighty One”.

Israeli F-35 [ via Twitter]

Israel’s F-35-I is a significantly modified version of the Lockheed Martin stealth fighter plane. This version is said to have a lot more features than American jets. 

The IAF can modify these jets externally, to incorporate conformal fuel tanks aimed at addressing the aircraft’s critical performance gaps of having a short-range. The range of an aircraft can be greatly increased when drop tanks are used. 

Accessibility to some parts of the F-35’s highly digital architecture, such as mission control hardware and software, communications systems, integration of its own weaponry, and an electronic warfare and surveillance suite, is another prominent aspect that Israel acquired from the Americans.

With its F-35Is, Israel seeks development and operational independence, as well as a challenging proposal to maintain the aircraft in-house for the duration of its service life.

Such an arrangement would also be helpful to keep the Israeli F-35 fleet safer, in the case of a massive cyberattack, which may compromise the advanced computer-based avionics of other F-35s around the globe.

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