cuping là gì - Nghĩa của từ cuping

cuping có nghĩa là

Being screwed over, being destroyed, being ruined.

Refers to the CUPE union at York University.


He cuped me! Help! Police! He stole my purse!

Those jerks cuped my semester.

I was crossing the street and I got cuped. Stupid people who text and drive.

cuping có nghĩa là

The act of patting another [usually on the back or on the "belly"] using a dome shaped hand, this creates a unique sound and in rare cases strong emotional responses


Cuping him is the best, too bad he doesn't allow it

cuping có nghĩa là

Getting recklessly piss-drunk when life circumstances beyond your control render responsibility unnecessary. To destroy one's body with alcohol.


He got pretty cuped last night, but it's OK cause he has no classes.

Man, with nothing to do these past few months I've been pretty much cuped 24/7.

cuping có nghĩa là

A group of hippie socialists who want nothing but to fuck over the entire school system at YorkU.

Not that it matters, y'know, unless they get their 30% pay increase.


student: Fuck yea! There's gonna be a strike!
student 2: You know that it's gonna push our school into summer right?
student: ....fuck CUPE 3903. They're such fags.

cuping có nghĩa là

Pretentious bastards who screw students out of their time and money buy kicking them out of school. They like to extort the not-for-profit york university for millions of dollars during times of economic crisis causing the whole system to shut down.


Father: "Son, how come you have to stay in school for an extra semester before graduating, causing you to miss out on half a years salary of your life?!?"

Son: "CUPE 3903 screwed me out of school so i couldnt take second semester because i had to work to pay tuition"

Father: "Those bastards"

cuping có nghĩa là

CUPE is a large union in Canada that represents civil servants. Civil servants by nature are lazy good for nothing bums that feel they are entitled to extremely generous salaries for doing incredibly simple work. People that get jobs at city hall or for any government are too lazy and incompetent to cut it in the private sector. They spend their paychecks foolishly on trips to resorts in Mexico, electronics and no doubt they kick back half a dozen Tim Horton's every day. CUPE shows complete disregard for the victims of their strikes. In Toronto, they went on strike at York University forcing students to miss a semester of school without being refunded. The municipal workers in Toronto also went on strike in the summer of 2009 creating massive cess pools of trash in city parks. The issue the city workers fought over was to have 17 sick days per year and for those sick days to roll over to the next year if they did not use them. These people are fighting for a tool to cheat the system and receive extra long vacations. In Windsor, the municipal workers went on strike so their future employees would be guaranteed pensions at a time when the auto companies had to give up such benefits to save their companies. The communist civic workers pissed off the public by picketing the local hockey arena during Spitfire games, blocked traffic and city buses throughout town and bullied local businesses to try to stop them from cleaning out the garbage in their own establishments. These slime ball union members think their salary money grows on trees and that they somehow deserve all sorts of benefits for their poor work of bureaucratizing the world. They are the reason that 40 percent of your paycheck goes to the government. Next time you go to the ballot box, think about how inefficient these 9-5 coffee guzzling cockroaches are at using your money and vote for someone that will bring in private contractors who will do a better job for half the cost. Less government is the answer to fighting communism. There is no doubt that the Canadian government is much too big and is full of good for noting CUPE types that suck out way more money than they deserve. Slashing these meaningless jobs would lower taxes and ease restrictions on private enterprise allowing business to flourish.


CUPE... Communist
Eaters CUPE has proven that communism is alive and well in Canada. The world would be a better place without these scumbags.

cuping có nghĩa là

A student union of promiscuous socialists who think they own and control York and women. Comprised predominantly of sexist powertripping manwhores, they coerce and manipulate female unionists into having secret 'relationships' and unprotetected sex with them perpetuating the increasing coincidences of the herpes virus. Everyone has pretty much slept with everyone else. Many of them are playing numerous women at the same time. They destroy their victims lives mentally and emotionally.


Women 1: Hey. Did you hear that Brad coerced and manipulated Jessica into having a secret relationship and sex with him by giving her drugs? Women 2: No I didn't. When did this happen? Isn't that date rape? Women 1: About a year ago. It is indeed date rape. He was seeing other women as well and having unprotected sex. He dumped poor Jessica into the trash when he had his fill. She is mentally and emotionally damaged now. Women 2: wow. Poor thing. She never said anything about it. I hope she survives this. Brad is a fucking manwhore. Those socialist men think they can get away with anything. Talk about having a power trip and screwing over someone. Talk about his morals being different than his politics. Scum dogs cupe 3903 men are.

cuping có nghĩa là

To corrupt, ruin, sabotage, obstruct, destroy, willfully interfere with, damage, or otherwise totally destroy something.

Word Origin: CUPE 3903 labour union at York University in Toronto Ontario Canada. The union went on strike and cuped 50,000 students out of their semester. They lost all their tuition and no one graduated in 2008. The word evolved as a reaction to CUPE's strike. Essentially, York's student were cuped.


"Bro, wtf, you cuped the entire rug! THE BATHROOM IS UPSTAIRS MORON!"

"Yo, my car got CUPED this morning. Some guy keyed the entire right side down to the metal!"

"Idiot, you CUPED all the damn beer? How did you manage to drop the entire 2-4. What a jackass!"

cuping có nghĩa là

To start talking to someone on OkCupid


Joe: Hey I cuped this girl the other day, and she answered. We've been talking ever since!
Mamma: You really need to get off those dating sites

cuping có nghĩa là

The definition of a try hard who goes hard in every gym class sport especially floor hockey. It usually includes playing full contact [including but not limited to slashing to the shins and elbows to the face] and celebrating after every goal.


Mac: Doug is such a try hard.
Chris: Yeah he's Stanley Cuping It

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