Conveyor belt là gì

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "conveyor belt", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ conveyor belt, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ conveyor belt trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Anh - Việt

1. To a Waterman... it's a conveyor belt.

Đối với 1 người chuyên đi biển đó là 1 cái băng chuyền.

2. All the boxes are still on the conveyor belt.

Tất cả các hộp đều đang trên băng tải.

3. It's all conveyor belt, and it makes a book.

Nó là một băng chuyền, và nó có thể làm ra một cuốn sách.

4. Some restaurants have automated food delivery to customers tables using a Conveyor belt system.

Một số nhà hàng đã tự động phân phối thực phẩm cho khách hàng bảng sử dụng một hệ thống băng tải.

5. The global conveyor belt is the longest current in the world, snaking all around the globe.

Vành đai băng tải toàn cầu hiện là dòng hải lưu dài nhất thế giới, uốn lượn khắp nơi trên Trái Đất.

6. As these double-edged “knives” chip or drop out, a dental ‘conveyor belt’ nudges replacements forward.

Khi những “con dao” hai lưỡi này mẻ hay rụng đi, thì hàm răng giống như ‘băng tải’ đẩy các răng khác ra ngoài để thay thế.

7. This one tree could provide him with all he will ever need... a conveyor belt of food.

Cái cây này có thể mang lại những điều nó cần... một băng chuyền thức ăn.

8. The sting jet is distinct from the usual strong-wind region associated with the warm conveyor belt and main cold front.

Sting jet này khác với khu vực gió mạnh thông thường liên quan đến băng tải ấm và frông lạnh chính.

9. Thermohaline circulation of deep water and wind-driven surface currents combine to form a winding loop called the Global Conveyor Belt.

Vòng tuần hoàn nhiệt và gió kết hợp tạo thành một vòng lặp được gọi là vành đai băng tải toàn cầu.

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "conveyor belt", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ conveyor belt, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ conveyor belt trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. Abrasion resistant conveyor belt

2. Conveyor belt is used widely in every walk of life; therefore, the quality of conveyor belt joint directly affects the service life of conveyor belt.

3. Conveyor belt with combined air nozzles

4. Fluted conveyor belt cleaner scraper blade

5. Conveyor belt. Flotation machine impeller. Decking.

6. Lift it out of the conveyor belt.

7. The conveyor belt was divided into compartments.

8. - Get it out of the conveyor belt.

9. To a Waterman... it's a conveyor belt.

10. The conveyor belt feeds boxes into the machine.

11. We lifted our baggage from the conveyor belt.

12. Automatic labelling machine and instrument with conveyor belt

13. Would you please place your bags on conveyor belt?

14. By improving slack adjuster, this paper adjusts the runing working condition of conveyor belt tension, reduces running trouble of conveyor belt, satisfieds manufacture require.

15. All the boxes are still on the conveyor belt.

16. It's all conveyor belt, and it makes a book.

17. This paper introduces a updated flame resistant conveyor belt.

18. It was taken right there on a conveyor belt.

19. When the conveyor belt stops, out come the text books.

20. On to one conveyor belt go cans and plastic bottles.

21. Part of a three-mile [5 km]-long conveyor belt

22. As they work together, they serve as a human conveyor belt.

23. Conveyor is a conveyor belt for traction and load-bearing components, bearing materials through the movement of the conveyor belt of the continuous conveyor material handling equipment.

24. Jean began to load her food on to the conveyor belt.

25. Aircraft ground support equipment — Specific requirements — Part 3: Conveyor belt vehicles

26. 17 Net chain. Net chain chain. sprocket. conveyors. Food conveyor belt.

27. The police begin removing the other crew locked on a conveyor belt.

28. 8] Conveyor is a conveyor belt for traction and load-bearing components, bearing materials through the movement of the conveyor belt of the continuous conveyor material handling equipment.

29. Abrasion-resistant two-material hinge pin in a modular plastic conveyor belt

30. Her friend began to load her shopping on to the conveyor belt.

31. To understand this concept, think of your fretboard as a conveyor belt.

32. Finished photodetector: place finished product on the conveyor belt to prevent collision.

33. By conveyor belt the wetted substance then is transported to the ashpit.

34. The damp bricks went along a conveyor belt into another shed to dry.

35. Baggage is placed on the conveyor belt to go through the X-ray machine.

36. Conveyor belt plays a very important role in bucket wheel excavator continuous excavating system.

37. Series electric belt vulcanizer, mechanical conveyor belt is the vulcanization bonding of specialized equipment.

38. Jet wash room for the bodies into a conveyor belt, all indoor laying rubber.

39. Sludge dehydrator, concentrater oil water separator, solid fluidsplitter and conveyor belt and so on.

40. Some restaurants have automated food delivery to customers tables using a Conveyor belt system.

41. They then fall on to a conveyor belt which tips them into a wooden box.

42. The shopper only needs to place all the items on the conveyor belt at checkout counter.

43. The global conveyor belt is the longest current in the world, snaking all around the globe.

44. Please send us minimum prices of rubber V belt, timing belt endless belt and conveyor belt.

45. As these double-edged “knives” chip or drop out, a dental ‘conveyor belt’ nudges replacements forward.

46. Other series are: Screw conveyor, Belt conveying machine, Cement silo , and transferring truck and so on.

47. As a further measure to reduce dust emissions, Lucchini installed a humidification system on the conveyor belt

48. Shanghai Mechanical Technology Limited - TU, professional supply all kinds of machinery and steel conveyor belt transmission network.

49. This one tree could provide him with all he will ever need... a conveyor belt of food.

50. A conveyor belt brings you the latest catch, which you then gut, clean and pack for freezing.

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