Add tripadvisor reviews to facebook page

It's well known that TripAdvisor sees social media network Facebook as a valuable partner, given that the company has long experimented with Facebook apps such as Trip Friends (friend-sourcing reviews and recommendations) and Local Picks (restaurant recommendations).

Today the user-reviews giant unveils The TripAdvisor App for Facebook, a way for hotel owners to pad their Facebook Pages with reviews, ratings, photos, and other content.

Owners can add a TripAdvisor tab to their property's Facebook Page with the option to display their TripAdvisor ratings, recent reviews, awards, photos and ranking on the site. There’s no coding skill required. The free tool works like a simple Facebook widget.

The app is available through the TripAdvisor Widget Centre. Log into the Management Centre homepage, and navigate to “Free marketing tools." Then, select the “TripAdvisor App for Facebook."

Oddly, TripAdvisor's brochure that explains the app uses a mock-up of a Waldorf Astoria Chicago page, even though the real Waldorf Astoria Chicago isn't participating so far.

Here are five simple ways to get reviews on TripAdvisor for your business. [Note: It is against TripAdvisor’s review policy to give your customers any incentives that involve discounts, or coupons to leave you reviews. You can read about it here.]

1 – Ask Your Customers

The best and easiest way to improve your star rating and get more TripAdvisor reviews: just ask! According to a study reported by Marketing Land, 70% of consumers will leave a business review when they are requested to. So, don’t shy away from asking them to leave you a review at your counter, when you are concluding your sales with a customer. This is the foundation of generating reviews (let alone TripAdvisor), no doubt. But how you ask your customers to leave you a review can make all the difference. Just remember: you don’t want to make it cumbersome for your customers to leave reviews for your business. Seems like too much? Worry not! The rest of this article has got you covered.

2 – Collect your customer’s contact information and get in touch with them!

This is quite straightforward and simple. At the time of sales, ask your customers to leave you with their name, phone number, and email ID. And you can send them out emails and/or SMSs with a link to your TripAdvisor business page, and ask them to rate your business. You can use a service like Synup to help you automate this whole process. Learn more about what we can to help you get more TripAdvisor reviews here.

3 – Posters and Review Handouts

Add posters to your store location to let your customers know that you have a thriving TripAdvisor business page and ask them to leave you a review. Make sure that your posters are well-designed and carry a link to your TripAdvisor page. Additionally, you can also give out review handouts to your customers when they’re at your store. A review handout is an instructional printout that will direct your customers to leave your business a review on TripAdvisor. Use our free review handout generator to create your own review handouts.

4 – Generate Reviews from Your Facebook Page

You can add a TripAdvisor extension to your Facebook business page, and get more reviews on TripAdvisor. On installing the TripAdvisor Facebook App, existing TripAdvisor content will appear on your business’ Facebook Page. You can leverage the visibility your Facebook business Page receives to build TripAdvisor Reviews. Read more about how you can add TripAdvisor to your Facebook business page here.

5 – Leverage Social Incentives to Provide a Better Customer Experience

Finding ways to better your customer’s experience with your business is a great way to build more Tripadvisor Reviews. If you’re familiar with the mind-blowing page-turner by Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner, Freakonomics (2005), you’ll know that incentives play a huge role in determining participation among consumers. In Freakonomics, they make an interesting point that we live in an “incentives economy” where people will produce a certain outcome when they provided with the right incentives. But these incentives needn’t always be monetary in nature. Even though TripAdvisor discourages incentives based on their policy, there is one specific incentive you can leverage. Freakonomics talks about ‘social incentives’, which is basically offering your customers incentives to be accepted socially. You can leverage this quality by asking your customers to participate in giving back to your local community when they are making purchases at your store. For example, you can ask your customers to donate clothes to your initiative for a local homeless shelter, or sponsor a meal for an individual who lacks that very privilege. And more importantly, give your customers a tangible reminder of their contributions like a badge or a certificate along with a receipt. Not only will this measure complement your other review generation methods, but it will also help your business as a brand. (You can read about stories where small business owners give back to the community on USA Today.) So, there you have it. Getting more reviews for your business on TripAdvisor is a great way to expand your online presence. By keeping in mind TripAdvisor’s regulations and policies and actively trying to generate reviews on Tripadvisor, your business is likely to build a good online reputation. Spend More Time Running Your Business

How do I share a TripAdvisor review on Facebook?

To share on Facebook, you need to connect your Tripadvisor Account with your Facebook Account. On the top right corner of your screen, click on the F icon. Note that once you connect your accounts, you'll see your real name under your avatar. Only you and your FB friends will see that.

How do I add a review to my Facebook page?

How to write a review on Facebook.

Go to the Facebook page of the business you want to review..

Click the Reviews tab..

Underneath Do you recommend [Business Name]? click Yes or No..

Write your review about the business. ... .

In the Sharing section, select who will be able to see your review..

Why can't I see reviews on my Facebook page?

If you can't find a review, check your Page's recommendations (you can filter by most recent recommendations to help you find it). If you still can't find a review or recommendation, it may have been removed because it didn't follow our Community Standards.

Why can't I leave a review on Facebook?

Why can I not leave a review on Facebook? When you create a Page on Facebook, by default, the reviews feature is automatically turned on. You can manually enable it in the Manage Page area on the left side of the page if it isn't already enabled when the Page is created for any reason.