Why is discretion important in policing


  • Police Corruption And Discretion In The Criminal Justice System

    Police Corruption and Discretion in the Criminal Justice System Imagine that you are a police officer, and you are working patrol downtown. While you are on patrol, you observe a car speeding and driving wreck-less. You pull the car over and discover it is the Chief of Police. The Chief apologizes and informs you that he had a little too much to drink at an event he attended tonight. He tells you that if you let him go he will see to it that you receive a promotion. What would you do? Would you follow

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  • The Importance Of Discretion In The Canadian Criminal Justice System

    law themselves would be illogical. I am arguing that the discretion given to those who work as criminal justice personnel, such as the police, is necessary in order to entirely exercise the law. In order to argue that discretion is necessary in the Canadian Criminal Justice System, I will discuss the role it plays, the positive effects of it, and how abolishing discretion would take a toll on the justice system. The understanding of discretion and its role in the justice system is important to know

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  • Police Discretion And The Control Mechanisms

    Police discretion is a highly debated topic among many different groups, not only in the United States but internationally. It is imperative to understand police discretion, and the various control mechanisms available such as internal control mechanisms, external control mechanisms, control by the citizens, legislative control, and control by the courts. Each control mechanism plays a vital role in how officers of the law handle various situations. Not only do these mechanisms control police discretion

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  • Police Officers Should Be Legal

    Police officers are charged with enforcing the law and there is a level of permissible expectation that discretion will be used when making an arrest. The use of discretion by police officers aid prosecutors in successfully prosecuting a trial. Police officers are the first ones on the scene of a crime and they are the ones who initiate the case of probable cause. Court systems are bursting at the seams with cases and the police officer’s ability to use discretion will help to alleviate some of

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  • Police Discretion: A Case Study

    Communication is an essential element in how police officers conduct their jobs without resorting to the use of force. [Cordner, 2016] When it comes to the selection process for an applicant with good communication skills, the method I would propose to use is discretion. Police officers deal with tense and dangerous situations on a daily basis, adding to the problems created by discretion. This means decisions often have to be made quickly, which in turn can place citizen's families, reputations

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  • The Main Role Of Police In A Civilized Government

    "The main role of police in any civilized nation is to preserve order. As such, their whole reason for being is to enforce criminal laws, reduce civil disorder, and protect people and property. To accomplish this goal, police are granted certain unique powers that other citizens do not have, like the legitimate use force in preventing crime and the power to impose fines for criminal behavior. Of course, having been granted these privileges, it is important for society to closely monitor those who

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  • Discretion In Policing

    State and territory police play a pivotal role in protecting community safety and protection. ‘Policing’ was a combination of national economic interests, domestic and international security, and represented in time by distinctive organizations [Chapman, 1970; Emsley, 1994]. They have responsibility for peace preservation, and crime prevention as well as upholding the laws, providing assistance in personal emergencies, and coordinating and managing emergency incidents. Since the police can employ the

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  • Policing Is The Primary Component Of The Criminal Justice System

    the primary component of the criminal justice system. The police have a constitutional duty to enforce the law, provide the public with safety and security and maintain order in the society. They are seen as an authority figure who has considerable control over it 's citizens. The police also have a duty to arrest people who break the law or commit an offense and in doing so, they help keep the justice system in a functional state. The police does not determine the guilt or innocence of an individual

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  • Police Discretion And Behavior Since Officers Essay

    I decided to write my research essay on police discretion and behavior since officers often have to alter their power in order to make decisions. Discretion allows the officer the freedom to respond to a situation given by the law procedure. Thus it is vital that the police officer to know how to deal with certain situation when dealing with criminals since they have a substantial decision-making power. When discretion is implemented as a part of the police-public interaction then it must then it

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  • Ethics And Practice Of Law Enforcement

    strategies which will help the police reach their goals of their particular roles they strive to achieve. I have learned about the tactics that the police use in order to achieve their goals. Finally I have gotten a general idea about the current strategies of the police and the effects on society through the tactics used to reach their goals of their roles. The future of policing should focus on the roles of “handling” all situations that arise, use of force, and use of discretion, which can all be accomplished

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