Why does my laptop stop charging at 79?

When my laptop charges, it only reach to 79%. How to fix it? My type of laptop is ASUS VivoBook 14.

Hello Aurelius. This is Wil an independent advisor. I would love to help you with your concern about your laptop battery. I had the same problem. my laptop was charging only till 79% and then stop charging. After 79% it showed => [plugged in, not charging].
Now follow the steps to know how I resolved my issue:

1]click on the start menu

2]If you are using an ASUS laptop, there is a preinstalled software named ASUS BATTERY HEALTH CHARGING. Search on the start menu [ASUS BATTERY HEALTH CHARGING].

3]Now open it.

4]It shows three modes: a]Full Capacity Mode, b] balance mode, c]maximum lifespan mode.

5]You can read all the details about it there.

6]According to your question, you may be using BALANCE MODE that maintains your battery level only up-to 80%

7]If you want to charge your laptop up-to 100% then select FULL CAPACITY MODE.

I hope my suggestions help you. If you need further assistance please do reply back and I will respond as quickly as possible. Have a nice day.


Wilfred P.

Independent Advisor
Why is my laptop battery charge topping at 79%?

This pertains to a 2 1/2 year old HP laptop.

I run it plugged in most of the time, but once a week I'll start the day unplugging it, and leaving it unplugged until it gets down below 10%, which usually takes about 5-6 hours.

Late last week, I got a Windows notification I'd never seen before, which I now can't quote verbatim, but it suggested using "battery optimizer" - I think that's what it was called - to "optimize" my battery. Hey, why not?

Except that
  1. The next time I ran the computer unplugged, the battery drained to my needing to plug it in, in about four hours. Much faster than usual.
  2. Then today I noticed that my battery was only 79% charged, though plugged in.

Below is a shot of my battery graphic:

Having been plugged in more than a day ago, it should be at, and holding at, 100%.

So how do I get the battery back to 100% charged? Is doing so advisable or not? What's a true "optimum" setting for the battery?

In asking the "optimum" question, I've never had a performance problem/issue with the computer; my main goal is that, when it is running on battery, it runs for as long as possible.

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