Which personality disorder is most often treated within the inpatient psychiatric setting?

What Is Cluster B Personality Disorder?

To understand what Cluster B personality disorder includes, a list of the behaviors associated with the diagnosis is found below.

Cluster B personality disorder is comprised of the following behaviors:

1. Antisocial Behavior
A person with antisocial personality disorder traits will often show a disregard for authority. Risk taking behaviors are also common, as well as drug abuse. These individuals will often benefit from additional counseling and coaching support during their recovery.

2. Histrionic Personality Disorder
Someone who suffers with histrionic personality disorder may seem very “theatrical” or dramatic, always striving to be in the limelight of attention. This behavior of over-dramatization can affect an individual’s close relationships and essentially lead to rejection, following with depression.

3. Borderline Personality Disorder
An individual with borderline personality disorder lives their life on the edge, with an addictive biochemistry prone to impulsiveness and reckless behavior. Someone suffering from borderline personality disorder could suffer from behaviors such as gambling, spending sprees, unsafe sex and reckless driving. Seemingly ordinary events can trigger destructive behavioral patterns that are hard to recover from. In a safe therapeutic environment, these individuals can learn how to more effectively deal with triggers, life events, and break their typical patterns.
4. Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Another contributing factor of Cluster B personality disorder is traits of narcissism. These behaviors entail a sense of superiority, a need for constant approval and social isolation. A narcissistic personality will likely put themselves and their wants ahead of everyone else, and will frequently struggle with addictive behavior patterns.

People with this type of disorder may also seem dramatic or erratic. Contributing factors within this diagnosis can include emotional instability, acts of violence, suicidal threats and self-harm, lack of self-worth, and, at times, be self-absorbed and controlling.

  More about Personality Disorders

Inpatient Treatment Planning for Cluster B Personality Disorder

When this disorder causes an individual to experience a crisis moment in life, or involves extreme symptoms, inpatient treatment will likely be a wise choice. However, a person going through a traditional psychiatric approach may find themselves being recommended acute care facilities, which typically include medication treatment. If able to, it is wise for these people to seek treatment with a facility like Alternative to Meds Center, which doesn’t just treat the diagnosis, but looks to other potential triggers in an effort to provide a full healing to the body, mind, and spirit.

For an individual with this type of disorder, being in a therapeutic and soothing treatment facility is always preferred. Providing the best stage for recovery, and looking in depth at the individual’s real issues, the team at Alternative to Meds Center truly provides a well rounded approach to recovery from Cluster B personality disorder.

Major Life Issues Caused by Cluster B Personality Disorder

Sometimes, those with this type of disorder will find themselves unable to function in normal society without leaving behind a trail of wreckage. Persistent behavioral problems and slip ups will often lead to legal problems, trouble keeping employment, and family dysfunction. If this is the case, inpatient treatment will help to keep the individual safe while they can be monitored and assessed for ongoing care.

Common Life Troubles Associated with Cluster B Personality Disorder


Not only is gambling a bad idea for someone with a mental health condition, but it can also lead to very difficult financial troubles, and additional stressors in life. Someone with a personality disorder may find themselves trapped in a vicious cycle of addictive gambling behavior that leads to further downfall. For this individual, an inpatient treatment center can help the addictive cycle end by offering a supportive and trigger-free environment. Typically, a person with a gambling addiction would benefit by time away from gambling, games, or even electronics, in an effort to focus on their own healing, rather than continuing unhealthy behaviors.

Spending Sprees

Spending sprees and excessive shopping online could be a major problem for someone. This repetitive thought process is similar to binging on alcohol or other drugs. It’s a behavioral defect which would be improved given the proper oversight and guidance. People with an addictive biochemistry will often splurge repetitively on items they don’t need. Whether using their own funds, a credit card, or even other people’s funds, this behavior acts as a tool to avoid their own life and the road to healing. When suffering from a personality disorder, these types of money habits will often become the focus of one’s life and lead to avoidance of more important aspects such as family, friends, and career advancement. When compulsive spending becomes a major issue, inpatient care may be the best solution to have an immediate impact on the behavior.

Reckless Driving

Reckless driving

can result in major injury to yourself and others, and is often accompanied with road rage. Being an impatient driver may lead to car accidents and becomes an expensive problem if not addressed promptly. Some people may not realize their level of anger when they drive, and it can make the passengers with them uncomfortable. It can also lead to arguments with strangers on the road, which can quickly turn deadly. For someone with a personality disorder that includes violent behaviors, reckless behaviors, or life threatening behaviors, inpatient treatment could be the best hope for recovery. Before winding up in prison, or with other serious consequences, please contact us for additional help and support.

Emotional Instability

Rapid changes in mood, or frequent up and down emotional trends is often displayed in individuals with Cluster B. Extreme cases may also experience problems like depression, anxiety, manic behavior, or even suicidal thoughts. For someone suffering with emotional disorders, a healing and therapeutic environment will be the best setting to get the support needed during the recovery process. Typically, while attending a healing center in a new environment, away from home and the everyday stressors or triggers, an emotionally unstable individual can begin to work on the inner beliefs and traumas they have taken on throughout their lifetime. We frequently see cases where symptoms of emotional instability will be triggered by an unhealthy environment, with problems such as neurotoxicity, heavy metals toxicity, or even genetics contributing to the individual’s mental state.

Medication Withdrawal

Unfortunately, many people with Cluster B personality disorder also have a hard time sticking to their medication regimen. Many individuals will also believe the medication is not working for them and attempt to stop taking the medications abruptly or cold turkey on their own.

This process can lead to additional imbalances in the neurochemistry and actually make symptoms worse, or cause new intense symptoms to arise. An in depth look at the entire health picture will often help discover ways a person can tweak their lifestyle and personal care in a manner which will enhance their chances of overcoming medication withdrawal symptoms. The safest way to deal with medication withdrawal is under the care of a medical professional using a medication tapering process, or titration. Cold turkey quitting medications is very dangerous. Always seek the assistance of a professional. For cases of unwanted physical or mental symptoms that appear from stopping medication, please contact our team for advice and assistance on attending the Alternative to Meds Center.

Medication Side Effects and Cluster B Personality Disorder

When a person is given medication to assist with a personality disorder, the medication recommendation is typically for life. Some individuals will have side effects from psychiatric drugs and will need an alternative to their meds in order to treat their symptoms. Medication side effects can be very serious, and even require hospitalization. If you or a loved one is having unwanted effects from taking these drugs, the neurotransmitter rehab at Alternative to Meds Center is very beneficial to help the brain and body heal after going thru difficulties.

What is the most common personality disorder seen in clinical setting?

According to a major study, the most prevalent personality disorder is obsessive-compulsive personality disorder. The second most common is narcissistic personality disorder, followed by borderline personality disorder.

What is the most commonly diagnosed personality disorder in both inpatient and outpatient settings?

BPD appears to be the most common personality disorder among patients treated at both inpatient and outpatient mental health facilities; averaged across studies, evidence suggests that it is found among slightly more than 30% of all patients receiving mental health treatment [Zimmerman et al. 2005].

What personality disorder is most responsive to treatment?

Histrionic personality disorder. Individuals with histrionic personality disorder are more likely to seek out treatment than other personality disorder patients.

What is a common reason for the hospitalization of people with borderline personality disorder?

Other common problems that affect people with BPD include getting other mood disorders such as anxiety, depression, bipolar, substance abuse, eating disorders, and other psychiatric conditions. The person may have repeated hospitalizations due to repeated suicide attempts, self-mutilation, and disruptive behaviors.

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